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1、邳州市邢楼中学八年级英语学科导学案第 14 周 第 1 课时 主备人: 吴传海 学生姓名 班级 教学内容Grammer课时6-4学习目标To understand the differences between Its + adj. +to-infinitive, Its + adj.+ for.+to-infinitive and Its + adj. +of.+to-infinitive .To use these sentence structures to make sentences.重难点 Its + adj.+ for.+to-infinitive and Its + adj.

2、+of.+to-infinitive .学法小组合作自主探究导 学 过 程一、预习先学:A)通过预习,了解本课时的单词、短语和句型。1、 donate vt._ 2、慈善机构_2、 组织、机构n. _ 4、血 n._5、过马路 _ 6、给老人让座_7、没有帮助_ 8、做某事有麻烦_9、Do you have any trouble talking to people with intellectual disabilities?_B)自主探究,请带着下面问题阅读教材:1、Its + adj. +to do sth用来描述什么?2、Its + adj.+ for.+to-infinitive a

3、nd Its + adj. +of.+to-infinitive 有什么区别?二、新课导学:1、阅读教材回答:(1)We use It is + adjective + to-infinitive to express what _(2)Its + adj.+ for.+to-infinitive” to specify who _. “for”前面的形容词主要描述_.(3) We can use It is + adjective + of. + to-infinitive to express what we _“of”前面的形容词主要描述_2、Present the table on P

4、age 84、85、86.3、 Finish the exercises on Page 84、85、86.4、Language points(1)donate . to . 捐给donate money to charities 给慈善机构捐钱(2)experience 经验,经历 表示经验时是不可数名词,表示经历时是可数名词。e.g. The greatest teacher is experience. 经验是最好的老师。Please tell us your experiences in America.请你告诉我们你在美洲的经历。(3). have trouble (in) doin

5、g sth. 做某事有麻烦e.g. Do you have trouble _(学习)English? 你在学英语上有困难吗? 相关短语:have no trouble in doing sth 做某事没困难 have some trouble in doing sth 在做方面有困难三、当堂检测:A)按要求改写句子:1、To hand in homework on time is necessary.(同义句转换)_ _ necessary._ hand in homework on time2、He is helpful. He often helps me with my English

6、.(合为一句)_ helpful _ _ to help me with my English.3、The problem is easy,. We can work it out. (合为一句)_ easy _ _ to work out the problem.B) 单项选择:( ) 1. It is important _ people _ learn team spirit. A. of; of B. of; to C. for; to D. to; to( ) 2. _ is really kind _ him to help the blind people cross the r

7、oad. A. This; of B. It; of C. This; for D. It; for( ) 3. -What do you think of tomorrows football match? -_ difficult for us _ the match. A. Were; to win B. Were; winning C. Its; to win D. Its; winning( ) 4. Its so brave _ the soldier to save the boys life. A. to B. of C. for D. at( ) 5. The boy is

8、too young. Its impossible _ him to look after _. A. for; he B. for; him C. for; himself D. of; himself【总结反馈】 邢楼中学教务处监制 2014-4-10邳州市邢楼中学八年级英语学科导学案第 14 周 第 2 课时 主备人: 吴传海 学生姓名 班级 教学内容Grammer课时6-5学习目标To grasp some basic skills of Listening.To talk with partners about the topic in Speak up.重难点.Listening

9、pactice.学法小组合作自主探究导 学 过 程一、复习旧知:翻译1. 钓鱼真有趣。_2. 对我来说帮助他是必须的。_3. 他真聪明,解决了这个难题。_4. 他们这样做真是愚蠢(foolish)。_二、预习先学:A)通过预习,了解本课时的单词、短语和句型。1、西南_ 2、西北_3、project_ 4、环境_5、日常生活_ 6、在山区_7、储存零花钱_ 8、保持联系_9、通过写电子邮件_ 10、中国的西北部_11、How can we help people in our daily life?_12、We can save our pocket money and donate it to

10、 those in need._B)自主探究,请带着下面问题阅读教材:1、介词“in”、“on”、“to”和表示方位的名词连用时有何区别?2、介词“by”的用法?二、新课导学:A)表示方位介词的用法:内“_”、外“_”、相邻“_”。(1)Japan is _ the east of Asia. (2) Japan is _ the east of China.(3) Shangdong is _ the north of Jiangsu.B)by 是通过、依靠的意思 I like making friends _ _(通过聊天).C)Listen to the recorder and fin

11、ish A1、A2、A3D) listen to the conversation about Speak up.回答问题:How many ways are mentioned (提到)in the dialogue?_How can we help homeless people?_Act the dialogue out!三、当堂训练:A)根据首字母或中文提示填空。1. She is going the _ (西北方) of China.2. The local people hope to _ (提高) their lives.3. We should help those peopl

12、e in need in our d_ life.4. Simon d_ his pocket money to the disabled person yesterday5. These _(组织) need plenty of volunteers.B) 单项选择:( ) 1. They often greet each other _ sending emails. A. by B. to C. of D. with( ) 2. _ is necessary for us _ our own dreams. A. That; have B. It; have C. That; havin

13、g D. It; to have( ) 3. Dont _ the disabled people! Its not polite. A. look up B. look for C. look after D. look down on( )4. Many children didnt go to school the heavy rain. A. as B. for C. because D. because of( )5. -How about this dress? -Its to my sisters. A. same B. similar C. different D. like(

14、 )6. The government provided house and food the homeless. A. of B. to C. with D. for( ) 7. -Do you mind carrying some books for me? - . Im glad to help you. A. Of course B. Of course not C. Yes, please D. Sorry, I wont【总结反馈】 邢楼中学教务处监制 2014-4-10邳州市邢楼中学八年级英语学科导学案第 15 周 第 1 课时 主备人: 吴传海 学生姓名 班级 教学内容Welc

15、ome to the unit课时7-1学习目标1、 理解记忆新的单词和短语。2、 理解不同慈善机构的机能。3、 初步了解被动语态的句子。重难点Farther和further的用法区别学法小组合作自主探究导 学 过 程一、预习先知:1、特别、尤其_ 2、基础教育_3、平等权利_ 4、全世界_5、然后_ 6、快点_7、为贫困地区的孩子提供基本教育 _8、阻止一些严重疾病的扩散_9、该到吃午饭的时候了。_10、我剩一些零花钱。_11、我太累了,不能再走了。_二、新课导学:1、Match the logos with the charities.2、Have a discussion: How do

16、es UNICEF help people?3、Fill in the blanks: A: Do you know about any international charities,class? B: Yes. I know about a charity c_ UNICEF?A: How does UNICEF help people?B:It helps builds a b_ world for everyone,e_ children a_ the world.A:It p _ basic education for children in poor areas.B:It work

17、s for the e_ right of the girls and women too.A:It also works to p_ the spread of some serious diseases,like AIDS, a_ young people.A:P_. You have d_ a good job.4、Dilogues between Hobo and Eddie.(1)left 的用法:_(2) farther 和 further 的用法区别;_Eg: ( 1 ) I am sorry, I _ my pen at home. A、forgot B、left C、had

18、D、made( 2 )She goes abroad for _ study.(far)(3)His home is _ to our school than mine. (far)三、当堂训练:1、完成预学案上的题目。2、用方框中动词的适当形式填空。protect be hurt work write1). I to you soon and let you know more about the show.2). We should do everything we can the environment.3). Since last winter, the old lady ill in

19、 hospital.4). May I speak to Mr. Morgan? Sorry. He on the farm.5). Tom was so careless that he his right arm when he was riding to school.3、单项选择:( ) 1. How is your brother going these days? Oh, sorry. Hes been _ for a whole week. He has a serious heart _.A. sick; diseaseB.ill;sickness C. illness;dis

20、ease D. sickness; illness( ) 2. Our holiday was _. Yes. I have never had _. A. such great; the better oneB. greatly; a good one C. so great; a better oneD. very good; the best one( ) 3. Some people offer to help without paid for events. A. getting B. to get C. get D. to getting( ) 4. There is_ much

21、traffic on the road. Dont be in_ a hurry. A. such; such B. such; so C. so; so D. so; such【总结反馈】 邢楼中学教务处监制 2014-4-10邳州市邢楼中学八年级英语学科导学案第 15 周 第 2 课时 主备人: 吴传海 学生姓名 班级 教学内容Reading I课时7-2学习目标1.通过上下文语境猜测生词词义。 2.读懂文章,了解奥比斯医生的基本工作情况。3.学会用正确的语言介绍奥比斯医生的工作。4理解采访中使用的开放性问题。重难点掌握采访类的阅读文章学法小组合作自主探究导 学 过 程一、预习先知:1、采

22、访者_ 2、blind(名词形式) 3、主要地、大部分_ 4、 vt. 治愈5、 n. 读者 6、 n. 病人 7、operate(名词形式) 8、treat(名词形式)_ 9、医学的、医疗的_10、 vt. 买得起,能做 11、发展、加强_12、 负担得起做某事 13、 给做手术14、 继续开展;继续下去15、在飞机上_ 16、去看病_二、新课导学1、Finish B12、阅读教材,回答问题1). What does Dr. Ma do? 2). How many people around the world are blind? 3). What is the plane also us

23、ed as? 4). What does ORBIS need to carry on with the work? 3、Finish B2、B3、B4三、当堂训练:一、单项选择:( )1. Do you have to say about your topic today? No more, sir. A. special something B. special anythingC. anything special D. something special( )2. I want to have a computer, but I cant to buy one.A. offer B.

24、provide C. consider D. afford( )4. people come to our country for a visit every year.A. Millions of B. Millions( )5. The top star has lots of fans, are young people.A. many B. most C. much D. mostly( )6. I like my close friend, Tom, very much. When I am unhappy, he always a joke to make me happy.A. says B. tells C. speaks D. talks.( )7. I feel it hard to catch up with my classmates. But whenever I want to give up, my teacher always encourages me to .A. carry on B. go on withC. give back D. run away二、根据汉语提示,完成句子他们大多数人如此贫穷,付不起出国留学的钱。Most of them are poor that they


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