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1、. TEST41. When a statement is negated, its presupposition is _.当一个语句的否定,其前提是A. still true B. false C. also negated D. neither true nor false (正确答案: A ) 2. Pragmatic failure may occur _.语用失误可能发生A. among learners of a foreign language only B. in cross-cultural communication only C. in both cross-cultu

2、ral and intra-cultural communication D. among speakers of the same language only (正确答案: C )在跨文化和文化交流中3. Which of the following is a pair of relational antonyms? 关系反义词A. dead/alive B. large/small C. male/female D. husband/wife (正确答案: D )4. The sentence “John bought a Ford” _ “John bought a car.”A. pr

3、esupposes B. entails C. is synonymous with D. is consistent with (正确答案: B )需要5. The inference of conventional implicature depends on _.常规含意的推导 A. the context of communication B. the hearers knowledge of the language C. the shared knowledge of the speaker and the hearer D. the hearers knowledge of th

4、e CP. (正确答案: B )6. The relation between the words “animal” and “monkey” is that of _.A. synonymy B. polysemy C. antonymy D. hyponymy (正确答案: D )上下义关系7. According to Searles classification of speech acts, the act of “advising” belongs to the category of _.A. directives B. commissives C. expressives D.

5、 assertives (正确答案: A )指令8. Which of the following utterances can serve as an example of the type of speech acts called “declarations”?A. Im awfully sorry for stepping on your toes. B. You are fired! C. Will you sit down please? D. The earth is a globe. (正确答案: B ) 9. The exchange below can be used as

6、 an illustration of _. A: Your new skirt is really nice!B: No, no. It is very cheap.A. a grammatical mistake B. flouting of the maxim of manne C. a pragmatic failure D. the violation of CP (正确答案: C )语用失误10. In the exchange below the second speaker has flouting the maxim违反准则of _. A: The movie we saw

7、last night was fantastic, dont you think?B: The sound effect was good.A. quality B. relation C. quantity D. manner (正确答案: C )11.The relation between “Christopher realized that Winnie was gone” and “Winnie was gone” is _.A. synonymy B. entailment C. presupposition D. inconsistency (正确答案: C )预设12. “ca

8、reful” in the phrase “a very careful girl” is _.A. specifier B. modifier C. head D. complement (正确答案: B )修饰语13. The sentence “ C ?” _ “ C .”A. entails B. contradicts C. presupposes D. inlcudes (正确答案: C )预设14. Predication analysis预测分析is a way proposed by the structural semanticists结构语义学to analyze the

9、 meaning of a _.A. morpheme B. word C. phrase D. sentence (正确答案: D )15. The function of the utterance “ Nice weather, isnt it?” is _.A. referential B. directive C. phatic D. descriptive (正确答案: C )16. Transformational rules do not change the basic _ of sentences.A. form B. structure C. meaning D. sou

10、nd pattern (正确答案: C )17. “Lift” and “elevator” are used respectively in British English and American English, but they refer to the same thing. The words are _ synonyms.A. collocational B. dialectal C. complete D. stylistic (正确答案: B )方言18. According to Searle, those illocutionary acts言外行为whose point

11、 is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called_.A. commissives B. directives C. expressives D. declaratives (正确答案: A )承诺19. In the phrase structure rule “S NP VP”, the arrow can be read as _.A. is equal to B. consists of C. has D. generates (正确答案: B ) 20. Transformational rules

12、 do not change the basic _ of sentences.A. form B. structure C. meaning D. sound pattern (正确答案: C )1. Utterance meaning话语意义is richer than sentence meaning; it is identical with the purpose for which the speaker utters the sentence. 2. A locutionary is the act of saying something in the full sense of

13、 “say”. 3. Specific acts that fall into each type share the same illocutionary言外point, but differ in their strength. 4.Every act of ostensive communication明示交际communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance. 最佳 关联性5. Reference参照 is what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical wor

14、ld; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience. 6.An argument is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal elements in a sentence. 三、True or False (每小题2.0分,总共20.0分) 1.The same semantic feature occurs in on

15、e part of speech only. For example, female occurs only in nouns such as mother, woman girl tigress and so on but not in other parts of speech.(正确答案:错误) 2.According to Searles classification of illocutionary acts, inviting, ordering, advising, promising and apologizing all fall into the category of d

16、irectives.(正确答案:错误) 3.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations while linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense.。(正确答案:错误) 4.An important difference between presupposition and entailment is that presupposition, unlike entai

17、lment, is not vulnerable to negation. That is to say, if a sentence is negated, the original presupposition is still true.。(正确答案:正确) 预设和蕴涵的重要区别是,预设不像蕴涵,是不容易的否定。也就是说,如果一个句子是否定的,原先的前提仍然是真实的 5.Of the views concerning the study of semantics语义, the contextual view, which places the study of meaning in th

18、e context in which language is used, is often considered as the initial effort to study meaning in a pragmatic sense. 语用意识。(正确答案:正确) 6.When performing an illocutionary act of representative, the speaker is making a statement or giving a description which he himself believes to be true.。(正确答案:正确) 7.U

19、tterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication or simply in context.。 (正确答案:正确) 8.“above” and “below” are a pair of complementary antonyms.。(正确答案:错误)9. Dialectal synonyms can often be found in different regional

20、 dialects such as British English and American English but cannot be found within the variety itself, for example, within British English or American English.。 (正确答案:错误) 10.Only when a maxim under Cooperative Principle合作原则下的一条准则is blatantly violated公然违反and the hearer knows that it is being violated

21、do conversational implicatures arise.。(正确答案:正确) TEST 51. The children know the taboo words禁忌词, the polite forms of adress, during _. A. atypical development B. grammatical development C. pragmatic development D. vocabulary development 您的答案:C语用发展2. _ theorized that acquisition of language is an innat

22、e process与生俱来的过程determined by biological factors which limit the important period for acquisition of a language from roughly two years of age to pubery. A. Input Hypothesis B. Critical Period Hypothesis C. Interaction Hypothesis D. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis 您的答案:B临界周期假说3. In first language acquisition,

23、 imitation plays _. A. a minor role B. a significant role C. a basic role D. no role 您的答案:A小角色4. Linguists have found that for the vast majority of children, language development occurs _. A. with little conscious instruction B. with much imitation C. with much correction from their parents D. with

24、little linguistic input 您的答案:A5. In the following statements about motivation, which one is NOT true? A. It is defined as the learners attitudes and affective state or learning drive. B. It has a strong impact on a learners efforts in learning a second language. C. It occurs only when learners learn

25、 a second language for external purpose. D. It plays an important role in learners use of learning strategies. 您的答案:C6.The meaning that can be found in the dictionary is the _ meaning of a word. A. connotative B. iconic C. culture D. denotative 您的答案:D外延7. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is about _.萨丕尔-沃尔

26、夫假说A. language and thought B. language and translation C. cultural structure D. second language acquisition 您的答案:A8. The fact that a lexical item 一个词项may undergo a shift in meaning is called _ in linguistics. A. widening of meaning B. narrowing of meaning C. meaning-shift D. losing of meaning 您的答案:C

27、 meaning-shift 9. Language change is _. A. continuous, regular, systematic, but not universal B. universal, continuous, but not regular and systematic C. always regular and systematic, but not universal and continuous D. universal, continuous and, to a large extent, regular and systematic 您的答案:D普遍的,

28、连续的,在很大程度上,定期和系统的10.Around the age of two, children begin to produce two-word utterances such as “mommy sock”, which of the following statements describes its feature? A. This kind of speech is called caretaker talk. B. This kind of speech is called telegraphic speech. C. There are content words in

29、the speech. D. There are not function elements in the speech. 您的答案:A11. The language characteristic of people of the same social background is called _. A. idolect B. gender speech C. sociolect D. local dialect 您的答案:C方言12. The most striking difference between the language of the old and that of the

30、young is found _. A. in the words they use B. in their pronunciation C. in the way they construct sentences D. in the way they use body language 您的答案:A13. According to Fergusons investigation, the high form of a language is used in all the following situations in a diglossic country EXCEPT _. A. uni

31、versity lectures B. news broadcast C. caption on political cartoon D. sermon in Church 您的答案:C政治漫画标题14.According to Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, which of the following is NOT true? A. Different languages offer people different ways of expressing the world around. B. Language structure people habitually us

32、e shows no influence on peoples behavior. C. Language filters peoples perception and the way they categorize experiences. D. Language patterns determine or influence peoples thinking and behavior. 您的答案:B人们习惯性地使用语言结构对人们的行为没有影响。15.Which of the following about the relationship between language and cult

33、ure is NOT true? A. Language use is tinted with its culture. B. The relationship is analogous to that of structures and processes. C. Language expresses cultural reality. D. The relationship of language to culture is that of part to whole. 您的答案:B这种关系类似于结构和过程的关系。16.The culture that is abstract, ambig

34、uous and hidden refers to _. A. spiritual culture B. folk culture C. the products of nature D. what is born and grows 您的答案:A17. “Radar” is a/an _. A. blending B. acronym C. clipping D. coinage 您的答案:D货币制度18. The study of how language is learned is called _. A. applied linguistics B. language acquisit

35、ion C. psycholinguistics D. pragmatics 您的答案:B19.Among the following theories, which has nothing to do with child language acquisition? A. The contextualist views. B. The behaviorist views. C. The innatist views. D. The interationist views. 您的答案:A20. According to some investigations, all the followin

36、g characterize women speakers speech EXCEPT _. A. they tend to use such words as awfully, terrible more often than men B. they tend to be more correct in their usage than men C. they tend to speak more quickly than men D. they tend to use question tags more often than men 您的答案:C21. What description

37、is TRUE with standard dialect? A. It is related to some particular group of language users in China.B. It is a socially prestigious dialect of a language, hence a sociolect. C. It is a superimposed form above over the range of regional dialect. D. It is most correct in linguistic forms among all the

38、 language varieties to linguists. 您的答案:C这是一个叠加的形式以上的区域方言的范围。22.The famous line “My love is a red, red rose” stirs up the imagination of a beautiful young lady. This is the _ meaning. A. denotative B. iconic C. connotative D. cultural 您的答案:B标志性的23. The following is the language used by two speakers A

39、 and B.A:I did it yesterday. B: I done it yesterday.He hasnt got it. A It was she that said it It was her what said it. From this we can infer that _.A. A and Bs relative social status can roughly be estimated B. And B have come from different regions C. A and B display different linguistic skills a

40、nd linguistic competence D. A and B have learned different languages at school 您的答案:A,B方的相对社会地位可以粗略估计24.It is true that words may shift in meaning, i.e. semantic change. The semantic change of the word tail belong to _. A. narrowing of meaning B. meaning shift C. widening of meaning D. loss of meani

41、ng 您的答案:C意义扩大25. As late as the fifteen and sixteenth centuries, one could merely add not at the end of an affirmative sentence to negate it, as in I Love thee not. However, in modern English, people will say “I do not love you.” This shows change in _. A. vocabulary B. agreement rule C. syntactic r

42、elations D. negation rule 您的答案:D否定规则26._ is defined as any regionally or socially definable human group identified by shared linguistic system. A. A speech community B. A race C. A society D. A country 您的答案:A言语社区27. Variation in language use is also associated with the sex of individual speakers. Wh

43、ich of the following term does this definition fit for? A. Register Variation B. Gender Variation C. Education Variation D. Age Variation 您的答案:B28.Which sociolinguistic concept does this following saying belong to? If we dont begin studying for the final, a whole semesters work is going down the tub

44、es. A. Slang B. Euphemism C. Taboo D. Ethnic dialect 您的答案:A俚语29.Which of the following statements is NOT true about Black English? A. Black English has its own features at the sound, word, and sentence level. B. Black English is spoken by a small sector of privileged blacks. C. Black English tends t

45、o impress people as uneducated and inferior. D. Black English is just another non-standard variety of English. 您的答案:B黑人英语是由一个小部门的特权黑人所说的。30. Among the following terms for the types of language, which is considered a more neutral terms中立项? A. Standard language B. non-standard language C. Dialects D.

46、Speech variety 您的答案:D言语变体31. In Hallidays terms register refers to _. A. the language used for a certain occupation B. the type of language selected as appropriate to a type of situation C. the area of operation of the language activity D. the channel of communication selected as appropriate for a c

47、ertain situation 您的答案:B选定的语言类型为适当的一种情况32. _ variety refers to speech variation according to the particular area where a speaker comes from. A. Regional B. Social C. Stylistic D. Idiolectal 您的答案:A区域33. _ in a persons speech, or writing, usually ranges on a continuum from casual to formal according to the type of communicative context.A. Regional variation B. Social variation C. Stylistic variation D. Idiolectal variation 您的答案:C语体二、True or False (每小题2.0分,总共18.0分)1.The reason for French to use cheval and for English t


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