



1、小学六年级英语测试学校 班级 姓名 听力部分(20)一、听音选出你所听到的单词。(听一遍) (6) ( )1、A、work B、walk ( )2、A、tree B、train ( )3、A、this B、 these ( )4、A、rain B、ring ( )5、A、fly B、fall ( )6、A、and B、under二、根据问句,选择答句。(听两遍)(4)1、()A、 Noodles . B、 A cup of tea . C、 Some rice .2、()A、H es going to swim . B、H es playing football . C、H e walked

2、to school .3、()A、 There is one . B、 There are fifty . C、 Its fourteen yuan .4、()A、Daming is having a birthday party . B、Im making Damings birthday card . C、The oranges are falling 三、听音连线。(听两遍)(6) 四、听音判断,对的写T ,错的写F。(4)()1、 A woman is sweeping the floor .()2、 The woman in the office is cleaning the ro

3、om .()3、 The teacher is bringing food to the school . ()4、 The students are walking after the teacher . 笔试部分(80)一、选择。(8)( )、My parents and I Shanghai next Saturday . A、am going to B、are going to C、go to ( )、When are we going to go ? - . A、To the park B、At seven C、At home ( )、Its going to in Beijing

4、. A、hot B、raining C、snow( )、Is he going to flowers ? A、watered B、watering C、water( )、Look ! Miss Li . A、singing B、is singing C、sings ( )、What does Daming want to eat ?- . A、He want a hamburger . B、He wants a hambueger . C、He wants two hamburger .( )、Simon is buying things Damings birthday . A、to B、f

5、or C、at( ) 8 、They have bread . A、 some B、 a C、 any 二、根据所给单词的首字母填空。(8)1、How much is it ? Its one d .2、Your delicious food , please . E your meal !3、The apples are f down the s . 4、I am l out o the window .5、Be c . A car is coming .6、F kites is my hobby .三、根据图片提示,完成句子。(8)1 How much is it ? 2 When are

6、 we going to eat ? 3 ? I cant carry everything . 4 Daming is , but 四、用所给动词的正确形式填空。(12)1、What do you (want)drink?2、Look! My sister (play)with toy cars .3、I (get)up at 6:30 every morning .4、Do you like (swim)?5、Can you (make)a paper plane for me ?6、We (visit)the Science Museum this weekend .7、I (have)

7、a very fun day last Sunday .8、 Tom and Amy (go)to the zoo tomorrow ?9、Please (give)me a book .10、 (not walk)on the grass .11、She cant (send)an email .12、Daming (write)a letter now .五、为下列句子排序。(10) Oh ! Its a beautiful picture . I like it very much . Thank you . Happy birthday , Daming . This present

8、is for you . Open it and have a look . Come in, please . Oh , Lingling ! Welcome to my home . 1 May I come in ? Thank you . What is in it ?六、看一看,选一选,填一填。(14) clean do play fly eat run work1 Girl : What are you now ? Boy : I an apple .2 Its nine oclock . My father in the office .3 Boy : Mike games ?

9、Girl : No , he isnt . He the classroom . 4 Look ! The balloons away . The girl after them .七、根据短文判断。对的写T,错的写F。(10) Self-service (自助餐) If you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal , there is no better place than a self-service restaurant . You go into the restaurant , then pick up a tray(托

10、盘), a knife , a fork and a spoon . Next you can choose the foods you like and put them on your tray . Then you take the tray to any table you like .You can sit alone or with another customer . You can have a good meal in ten minutes . And there is no waiter ; you dont have to give a tip . Finally yo

11、u go to the cashiers(收银台)and pay for(付钱)your meal .1、You can have a quick meal in a self-service restaurant . ( )2、There is a knife , a fork , and a spoon on the table . But you need to pick up a tray by yourself . ( )3、You can sit at any table you like . ( )4、You need not give a tip because there is no waiter . ( )5、You need not pay for your meal becau


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