1、v 1)Diction(选词用字) v 2)Amplification(增词法) v 3)Omission(省略法) v 4)Conversion(转换法) v 5)Repetition(重复法) v 6)Inversion(语序调整) v 7)Negation(正说反译,反说正译) v 8)Division (长句拆译) & Subordination(分清主从)v 例1. Neat people buy everything in expensive little single portions.v 意译:办事讲究的人买什么都讲少而精,愿买贵的。v v 例2 They want quali
2、ty, but at a budget price. 意译:他们又要货好,又要价格合算。 v people at budget:精打细算过日子的人v 例3On Taiwan there was little grace and less give between the two sides. v 在台湾问题上,双方几乎没有多少客气可讲,更谈不上让步了。 v 例4. Whichever way you choose to visit Zhengzhou , you will reach here quickly and enjoy a comfortable stay, because Zhen
3、gzhou has a wide range of accommodation to suit all budgets and tastes v 试译:无论乘坐何种交通工具都能迅速抵达郑州,下榻此处会让你倍感舒适,这里的住宿条件能充分满足各种档次和品味的要求。 v 例4New HSR and Maglev would have all-new, state-of-the-art train control system. The Accelerail options were estimate with train control systems providing speed and aut
4、hority enforcement. v 译文:新型高速列车或磁浮列车须装置全新的、造形精美的列车操纵系统,可供选用的列车操纵系统必须能提供速度和(威力)强大的加速力。v 例6一幢乡村小学的教学楼,建了7年还是个半拉子工程。 v The construction of the teaching building of a village school, which was started seven years ago, has ended up a “never-to-be-finished project”. v 例7有市场、有效益的速度,才是真正的发展,才是硬道理。 v Sound e
5、conomic growth must be based on strong market demand and good economic returns. This is a fundamental principle.v 例8“一要吃饭,二要建设”是指导我国经济工作的基本原则。 v A basic principle guiding our economic work is “subsistence first and development second”.v 例1. Saying good-bye to a child going to college for the first t
6、ime is rough,How does a person cut off 18 years of closeness? v 孩子考上大学第一次与他送别,这滋味真教人难受。十八年的骨肉相依,晨夕相处,而今一朝别离,又怎会舍得呢? v (语义性增译)v 例2. Chinese life is filled with lists of bests: The mao-tai at a banquet is one of the Chinas eight great liquors; the view of the West Lake in Hangzhou is one of the nine i
7、deal vantage points, and even some companies will declaim that they are among the 500 national outstanding enterprises. v 中国人的生活中充满了一系列“名牌”、“上品”之类的东西:筵席上的茅台属中国八大名酒之一,杭州西湖属中国九大名胜之一,就连一些公司也要自称是全国500强企业之一。 v (语义性增译) v 例3Venice invites idleness and strolling. Its silence is restful and its sundials are
8、inscribed with the words: Horas non mumero nisi serenas (I count only the happy hours). v 威尼斯是人们休闲解闷、闲庭信步的好去处,她宁静从容,闲适悠然,连城中的日晷(读“轨”)上都刻着这样的铭文:“只计幸福时光”。 v (修辞性增译)v 例4We have recognized that free trade is not a zero-sum game. v “zero-sum”:术语,一种“零和值”v 或“此方得利彼方遭损”: v 译文: 我们认识到,自由贸易并非一种损人利己的“零和值”游戏。 v (
9、语义性增译)v 例5(?)信笔写来,(?)竟然差不多都是写我自己的回忆,这(?)就说明了这本散文集的魅力。v While writing at will, I find all Ive done is just something of my own recollection, which shows how charming this collection of essays is! v (结构增译)v 例6Dripstones, stalactites, are in different shapes-columns, pillars and translucent curtains, c
10、onjure up unforgettable images. v 各种钟乳石形态各异有的玉柱浑圆;有的栋梁擎天;有的瀑布飞帘,晶莹剔透大自然鬼斧神工,妙景天成,令人难忘。 v (修辞性增译/重复)v 例7钱先生周岁时“抓周”,抓了一本书,因而得名“钟书”。 v When Mr.Qian was only one-year old, the baby was told by his parents to choose one thing among many others, he picked up a book of all things. Thereupon he was given by
11、 his parents the name: zhong shu (book-lover). v (文内阐释v 例8由于这个年龄阶段的孩子大多是在“421家庭”中长大的,自理能力较差。 v Since most of the students at this age have grown up in families containing four grandparents and two parents as well as themselves, they are incapable of taking care of themselves in daily life. (文内阐释) v
12、例1我进去看了,只记得门警是瑞士兵士,穿着黄色制服,别的没有印象了。 v I went there to have a look. All I remember now is that the guards at the entrance were Swiss soldiers in yellow uniform. v (语义性省译)v 例2She denied it, denied everything, bone and stone. v 她矢口否认,死不认帐。(语义) v 例3The crowd was pushing hard. Those in the middle were squ
13、eezed against each other so tightly that they could not move in any direction. v 人群越挤越厉害,夹在中间的人被挤得动弹不得。(语义)v 例4 These statements may seem so commonplace that they may be held to be hardly worth making. v 这些说法都是些不值一提的老生常谈。(语义省译)v 例5她(黄河)奔腾不息,勇往直前,忽而惊涛裂岸,势不可挡,使群山动容;忽而安如处子,风平浪静,波光潋滟,气象万千。v It tears and
14、 boils along turbulently through the mountains and, at some place, flows on quietly with a sedate appearance and glistening ripples. v (修辞性省译) v 例6在各方面形成一套更加成熟更加定型的制度。 v to build up an all-round economic system with a complete set of mature and fixed practices. v 例7我们要积极推进经济体制改革和经济增长根本改变,努力实现“十五”计划。
15、 v We must promote the fundamental shift of economic system and of the mode of economic growth to fulfill the Tenth Five-Year Plan. v 例8多年以来江苏、浙江、江西部分市县存在的违规生产经营一次性医疗器械现象,已经得到比较彻底的根除。 v The illegal production of disposable medical instruments in some cities and counties of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and west
16、 Jiangxi have been eliminatedv 例1We have winked at these irregularities too long. v 对这种混乱无序的现象我们已纵容太久。 v 例2What, under these uncertainties, was to be done? v 在这种扑朔迷离的情况下,该怎么办呢?v 例3在世界经济增长明显减速的情况下,我们实现了经济较快增长。 v Despite a noticeable slowdown in the world economy, Chinas economy grew fairly rapidly.v
17、例4根据一般加工工业生产能力普遍过剩的现实状况,把国债投资重点放在基础设施建设方面。v In view of the over-productivity in the general processing industries, investments from national bonds were mainly put into infrastructure developmentv 例5农业、农村和农民问题是关系改革开放和现代化建设全局的重大问题 v Agriculture, rural areas and farmers are of great importance to the r
18、eform, opening up and modernization drive.v 例1. Beggars cant be choosers. v 叫花子不可挑三拣四。(n-v) v v 例2. After two years with a bad woman a good man becomes a bad man. v 两年结坏女,好男也变坏 (p-v) v 例3.她和我谈了八个小时,中间还吃了一顿饭,一直谈到深夜。 v She talked with me for eight hours through dinner and well into the middle night. (
19、v-prep)v 例3.她和我谈了八个小时,中间还吃了一顿饭,一直谈到深夜。 v She talked with me for eight hours through dinner and well into the middle night. (v-prep)v 例4With the unemployment high, the dollar low and the stock market in distress, the economy will be the presidents sternest trial. v 由于失业率增高,美元贬值,股市下跌,经济问题将是总统面临的最严峻考验。
20、(prep & adj.-v)v 例5Passing through the gorge, across the stream and then up the mountain, they looked down from the top into the distance, an expense of flat land lying before them. v 他们穿过峡谷,跨过溪流,登上山顶极目远眺,山下是一马平川。 (prep.-v) v 例7客货轮沿湘江可穿洞庭,入长江,上达重庆,下抵上海,交通极方便。 v Its very convenient for passenger or c
21、argo vessels to sail from the Xiang River through the Dongting Lake along the Yangtze River upwards to Chongqing City and downwards to Shanghai City. (v-p)例8The vast expanse of the United States of America stretches from the heavily industrialized metropolitan Atlantic seaboard(海湾)across the rich fl
22、at farms of the central plains, over the Rocky Mountains to the fertile west coast, then half way across the Pacific to the balmy (气候温和的)美利坚合众国地域辽阔,从高度工业化、大都市遍布的大西洋沿岸延伸到中部平原肥沃平坦的农场,越过洛矶山脉,到达富饶的西海岸,然后横跨半个太平洋直抵气候温和由群岛组成的夏威夷州。 (prep. v.) 例9该中心还将具备会展博览、文化体育、金融保险、服务、研发等功能。 The center will also function a
23、s a base for exhibitions, fairs, cultural and sports activities, financial, insurance and other services, and research and development. (n-v )例1Studies serve for delight, for ornament, for ability. 读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。 (结构重复) 例2In terms of money we are quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 就金钱而言,我
24、们相当富有;但就快乐而言,我们却并非如此v 例3May is open windows and lilac(丁香) perfume on the breeze and bees humming at tulips(郁金香). 五月是敞开的窗户,是微风送来的丁香的芬芳,是郁金香丛中蜜蜂嗡嗡的欢唱。 (结构重复) 例5It is customary for adults to forget how hard and dull and long school was. 成年人往往忘了当年上学的日子多艰苦,多乏味,多漫长。 比较:忘了当年多么艰苦、乏味、漫长的上学日子。v 例6. The charming of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere, and no one has
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