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1、1、 I base my goals in life on inspiration, rather than logic.yesno2、 A quiet weekend at home isboringrejuvenating3、 I prefer to keep things open and flexible.yesno4、 My work space is usuallydisorganizedorganized5、 Talking about feelings and emotions isdifficulteasy6、 I tend to make decisions based o

2、n logic and facts.yesno7、 At workI get the job doneI put things off8、 I value compassion over analytical reasoning.yesno9、 I am more interested infuture possibilitiescurrent happenings10 、 Others might describe me as morepracticalimaginative11 、 I prefer to keep my spaces clean.yesno12 、 When in con

3、versation, Isay things as they aream careful to avoid conflict13 、 I am more comfortable withrulesprinciples14 、 An argument with feeling has more effect on me than a cold rational oneyesno15 、 I work better whenfollowing a scheduledeciding what to do next as I go16 、 I am extremely interested in ab

4、stract ideas.yesno17 、 I liketo go with the flowtimetables and plans18 、 I tend to analyze things objectively and criticallyyesno19 、 The prospect of social activityusually excites merarely excites me20 、 I usually leave for appointmentswith extra time to spareat the last possible moment21 、I tend t

5、o be more comfortable with the known thanthe unknown.yesno22 、 I am extremely outgoing.yesno23 、 I dislike it when people are tooinsensitiveemotional24 、 I tend to make specific plans before taking action.yesno25 、 Others might perceive me asaimlessrigid26 、 I tend to be more practical than abstract

6、.yesno27 、 I tend to pay more attention to my thoughts thanmy feelings.yesno28 、 More often than not, Ilike a plan that is set in stoneam adaptable29 、 I usuallyplay, then workwork, then play30 、 I make friends easily.yesno31 、 I make new friendsquicklyover time32 、 I tend to value fairness more tha

7、n feelings.yesno33 、 When the phone rings Ipick it up right awaywish I could ignore it34 、 I am very open.yesno35 、 I consider myself to bea realist an idealist36 、 I greatly appreciate strangeness.yesno37 、 My ways tend to be moreconventionalrevolutionary38 、 I enjoygetting to know new peoplespendi

8、ng time with friends I know well39 、 I make decisions based onfeelingslogic40 、 I am more of a planner than an improviser.yesno41 、 I prefer speakers that communicatefigurativelyliterally42 、 I entertain myself with myimaginationsurroundings43 、 I tend to be more down-to-earth than head-in-the-cloud

9、s.yesno44 、 I am more concerned withmy own thoughts and feelingsthe world around me45 、 When there is a need to correct someone, I amafraid to hurt their feelingsquick to do it46 、 When in a one-on-one situation I usually do moretalkinglistening47 、I focus far more on possibilities than present real

10、ity.yesno48 、 When making decisions Iconsider the feelings of othersdont consider the feelings of others49 、 At work I amrelationship- focusedtask-oriented50 、 Clutter in my homebothers meis not something I notice51 、 I amobjectivesubjective52 、 When around other people Istart conversationkeep to my

11、self53 、 I frequently come up with ideas/solutions out ofnowhere.yesno54 、 I would classify myself as asocial butterflylone ranger55 、 I enjoy a task when Istart itcomplete it56 、 Give me thefactspersonal details57 、 I prefer structured environments to unstructuredones.yesno58 、 I preferspur of the

12、moment activitiesroutine activities59 、 After a social gathering I feeldrainedenergized60 、 I avoid unnecessary interaction.yesno61 、 I am more likely to measure things withtotal precisionapproximation62 、 I enjoy time spentwith a group of friendsalone or with one close friend63 、 I see lifeas it is

13、as it could be64 、 I tend to be spontaneous.yesno65 、 I am more likely to invest inpromising new ideasproven methods66 、 I valuejusticemercy67 、 I consider myself to beprivatesocial68 、 It is important for me toconserve my energyspend my energy69 、 I am weird.yesno70 、 I am governed by myhearthead71

14、 、 I talk a lot.yesno72 、 I am more excited about what might happenlater today or tomorrowin a couple years73 、 Being the center of attention isexhilaratinguncomfortable74 、 I prefer tosee how I can change thingsleave things the way they are75 、I tend to value competence more than compassion.yesno76

15、 、 I am drawn tohidden meaning and inspirationwhat is immediate77 、 I want toget the task doneget to know others78 、 I am far more casual than orderly.yesno79 、 I have more fun engaging inindividual activitiesgroup activities80 、 I get energized bylearning factsexploring theories81 、 On a free night

16、 I like togo out with friendsspend a quiet night at home82 、 I prefer to workin a teamalone83 、 I am extremely sentimental.yesno84 、 Change for me iseasydifficult85 、 I am most comfortable beingspontaneousa planner86 、 I amsoft-heartedtough-minded87 、 It is worse to beinflexibleindecisive88 、 I often


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