



1、精选文库 6 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 坐圍 Hip circle at top of leg Hip across top of leg 坐圍彎度 1/2 Hip (folded meas.) 脾圍不計側繩 1/2 Thigh length excl. side elastic (side string) 脾圍 1/2 Thigh (edge to edge) Leg on half Leg opening 1/2 脾圍放鬆度 Leg flat - relaxed on 1/2 脾圍放鬆度 1/2 Leg circumferenc

2、e 脾圍拉度 Leg extended on 1/2 脾圍拉度 Leg stretch 脾圍 (直度 ) Leg drop (straight line) 脾圍穿起計右邊 , 放鬆度 1/2 Thigh length band - right side worn,relaxed 分享 分享服装尺寸表翻译 腰圍 (放鬆度 ) 1/2 Waist length (relaxed) Waist on half 1/2 Elasticatied waist 腰圍平度 Waist flat on half 腰圍 (拉度 ) 1/2 Waist elastic strength 1/2 Front wai

3、st elastic strength Waist stretch Waist extended Waist min stretch 腳圍 (下腳闊 ) 1/2 Bottom width 1/2 脾圍 Leg circle 脾圍放鬆度 Leghole relaxed 脾圍不連側繩 Thigh length (excl. waistband) 前幅褲脾長 Front leg length 前花邊長 Front EMB leg 前幅褲腳長連浪 Front leg flat incl. gusset 前褲腳長至骨位穿起計左邊 Back thigh length to seam - left side

4、 worn 後褲腳長至骨位穿起計左邊Front thigh length to seam - left side worn 前中長彎度至花邊牙底Front height - fold along edge / low scallop 前中長彎度 ( 包褲頭丈巾 ) Front height - fold along edge (incl. Waistband) Frontlength incl. WB 前中長 (彎度,連綑條 )(連浪 ) Front height (curved,incl. binding)(incl. Crotch) 前中連底浪 Front length + Gusset

5、length 前中長至前浪 C/F rise to front gusset 前中彎度 Centre front length (curve measured) Front rise cf to back gusset seam Front rise (folded meas.) 前中長包褲頭巾 CF to gusset (incl. W/B) 後中長變度 Back height - fold along edge Back rise in clud ing waist band Back rise (folded meas.) 後中長包褲頭巾CB to gusset (i ncl. W/B)

6、 後中長(彎度,連綑條)Back height (cureved,incl. binding) 後中長至前浪Back rise to front gusset 後中長平度Back centre len gth (plane) 後中丈巾長Back stri ng len gth cut at 後繩長(不連吊飾)Back length (excl. motif) 前浪闊 Front gusset width 前浪闊-沿骨度(連丈巾)Fro nt crotch width - alo ng seam (in cl. Elastic) 前浪骨闊(連丈巾)Front crotch seam width

7、(incl. Elastic) 前浪闊(後浪骨上 10cm 處)Front crotch width (10cm up from back crotch seam) 前浪闊(浪骨上 11.5cm 處)Front seat width (11.5cm up from crotch seam) Measure 11.5cm up from gusset 前浪闊褲頭落 15cm 處 Gusset width front 15cm fr to 前幅褲頭落 11cm 處 Across front 11cm fr to 後浪闊 Back gusset width 後浪闊-沿骨度(連丈巾)Back crot

8、ch width - along seam (incl. Elastic) 浪闊(度最窄位)Gusset width - narrowest 後幅闊浪上 12cm 處度 Back width 12cm abv gusset 後帶距(後幅最窄位)String width back 褲頭至後帶距長Len gth to stri ng 底浪長彎度Crotch len gth - fold along edge 浪長 Gusset length 側骨 Side height / side depth Side height depth Sideseam fr. Upper edge 側骨包褲頭巾 &綑

9、條 Side length (incl. W/B & trim) 前幅褲頭長Fro nt panel width 前幅褲頭長(不連側繩)Fro nt waist width (excl. side rope) 後幅褲頭長Back panel width 褲頭繩長(打結後)Waist string length (after knots) 側繩長 Side waistband length / side string length Side rope length 兩側位丈巾長Len gth of side rouleaus cut at 側丈巾帶長 Tanga sides fini shed

10、側繩長 7cm 回帶後 Side elastic length w/7cm loop 前側繩長(綁帶)Fro nt side stri ng len gth 後側繩長(綁帶)Back side string length 褲側綁帶長 Side stra p len gth 前帶長(穿起計左邊)Front belt length (left side as worn) 前帶長(穿起計右邊)Front belt length (right side as worn) 前腰帶長 Front belt len gth 前三角闊Front tria ngle width 前三角高Front tria n

11、gle height 綑邊丈巾闊 Foldover bi ndi ng width 中文英文 下腳全長至第一勾圈Base len gth total ba nd incl 1st hook Un derbust up to 1st hook Un derba nd 1st hook to 1st eye Chest un derbust len gth(from hook to first eye) Total le ngth to 1st hook & eye Fini shed base (to C.B. raw edge) 下腳長不計扣Bottom band excl. faste ne

12、rs 下腳長至第一勾圈放鬆度Bottom rlx. F. hook to first eye Un derba nd relaxed (hook to 1st set eyes) 下腳長從頭到尾Chest relaxed edge to edge 下腳全長(不連勾圈)Total base(inside edges of hook & eyes) Un der chest len gth 下腳全長至第一勾圈拉度Base len gth stru ng incl 1st hook Un derba nd exte nded (hook to 1st set of eyes) 下腳脾位長 Back

13、base length band ” Half back Bottom wi ng from side Bottom of wi ng 下腳脾位長不連勾圈Base of backs(i nside edge of hook&eyes) 下脾長拉度 Bottom wi ng stretch 雞心闊連鋼支Width between cups incl. wires 上雞心闊 Top gore width Centre front width Top of CF Gradle width (at top) Top li ne of cen tre front Centre front at top

14、上雞心闊連鋼支Betwee n wires at top in clud ing cas ing 雞心頂闊(不包鋼支)(上)Top yoke width (upper) 上雞心至杯邊距(雞心放落位置)Drop at centre front 下雞心闊Bottom gore width Bottom centre width Bottom of CF Base of centre front 雞心底闊(不包鋼支)(下)Bottom yoke width (lower) 雞心(CF)高 Gore height 雞心高(不包丈巾度)Centre front height (excl. band) I

15、I II II II Centre front depth Len gth at front Gap heigth Gradle high 杯邊長連 /不連綑碗Neckline length-incl./excl. wire 杯邊長連鋼支Neckli ne edge in cludi ng wire Cup top li ne(i ncl cha nn ell ing) 杯邊長不連鋼支Fini shed top li ne(excl. C.F. wire cas ing) Top cup edge (excl wire cas ing) 上碗邊長 Upper cup len gth Top c

16、up edge width Cup side len gth Upper cup edge Apex to centre front 杯闊(不連鋼支)Cup width (excl. wire) Horiz on tai cup (excl, wire) 上杯高 Upper cup height Upper vertical cup Top cup depth / height 下杯高 Lower cup height Lower vertical cup Bottom cup depth / height Un dercu p height 杯高(夾碗骨長)連/不連綑碗 Fro nt cup

17、 dep th-i ncl./excl. wire 杯高 Cup (seam) height 杯高 Overcup 杯高不邊綑碗Vertical cup excl. wire 杯骨長 Cup seam len gth Cup width at seam Over bust seam Seam cup width Across cup on seam 杯骨長不連鋼支Over cup seam width (excl. wire cas ing) 杯骨長連鋼支 Cup depth on seam in cludi ng wire 杯扎長 Dart len gth 三角杯高 Cup tria ngl

18、e high 拉上脾長連 /不連綑碗 Armhole length-incl./excl. wire 拉上脾全長不連勾圈 Total un derarm & back topline (from cup apex to in side edge on hook & eye) Fini shed u/arm + back (excl. hook & eye) 拉上脾長不計丈巾Top wing not incl. Stra p 拉上脾長連捆條Top of wing (in cl. Bin di ng) 上脾長連綑碗Un der arm wire to centre back 上脾長(鋼支至搭帶位)

19、Wire seam to back strap 夾位長 Un derarm cup side len gth Arm edge len gth Apex to wire 夾位長連綑碗Un derarm to wire 側脾高 Side height Len gth at sideseam “ Side depth Side height un der arm Wing height 側脾高(靠鋼支位度) 駁脾高(沿鋼支位度),不計丈巾牙)Arou nd wire to wing join (n ot in cl. Elastic scallo pe) 前肩帶長 前肩帶長 後肩帶長 後肩帶長 F

20、ront shoulder stra p len gth (成品)(布部分)Front strap length (finished) (fabric part) 7em 回帶後 Back shoulder strap elastic length w/7cm loop (成品)Back strap length (finished) 花邊肩帶長(成品)Shoulder strap (lace) 肩帶全長(拉盡扣成品)Shoulder strap (full length) 肩帶成品長Elastic stra p max. le ngth 肩帶長不計 5cm 回帶 Strap length with 5cm adjustment 肩帶長包 5cm 回帶 Elastic strap (finish between ring & slider 5cm) 後肩帶落帶距Dista


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