



1、 成语大讲堂: A Hundred Shots, A Hundred Hits Characters: Pronunciation: jin(3) nang(2) miao(4) ji(4) Explanation: To describe a good bowman or a shooter, or a metaphor to say someone who can correctly guess future outcomes. Tone:Positive The Story: IIn the Spring and Autumn period, there was a man in Chu

2、 named Yang Youji. Yang was good at shooting with his bow and arrow. One day, he stood 100 meters away from a willow tree. He aimed at a leaf on the tree, and shot it. Then he shot the leaf next to it. He shot many leaves, and not one arrow missed. People around him were all shocked and amazed by hi

3、s great accuracy and precision. Soon everybody in the land knew of this great feat and they rightfully called it a hundred shots, a hundred hits. 在春秋时期,有一个姓杨的楚国人。他善于用弓箭射击。有一天,他站在 100 米外射向一棵柳 树。他对着一片树叶射去,然后又射向邻近的树叶,他射了许多次,每次都没有落空。身边的人 都对她的射技感到震惊。 不久,在这里的百姓都知道了这一伟大壮举, 他们理所当然地称之为“百 发百中” Usage Example (

4、Pinyin) : Xian(4) zai(4) hen(3) shao(3) you(3) ren(2) you (3) bai(3) fa(1) bai(3) zhong(4) de ji(4) neng(2) le. Usage Example (English translation): hundred hitsskill. Now few people have the hundred shots and 编辑:大头 成语大讲堂: The Disease Has Invaded into the Vital Part of the Body Characters: Pronuncia

5、tion: bing(4) ru(4) gao(1) huang(1) Explanation: To say someone is seriously sick, or a metaphor to say something is going towards a deathly end 注释:指某人已经病的很严重或隐喻事情已经走向末端。 Tone:Neutral The Story: In the Spring and Autumn time, Lord Jin Jing was sick, so he sent his servant to Kingdom Qin for a doctor

6、. Lord Qin Huan appointed a famous doctor named Yuan to Kingdom Jin. Before Yuans arrival, Lord Jin Jing dreamed that 2 little boys were talking. One said: It is said that the man who is coming is a smart doctor, where should we hide then? Another one said: Dont worry, lets stay above Gao (diaphragm

7、) and below Huang (heart). Then what can he do to us? After Yuan came and finished the physical examination, he shook his head and said in a depressed tone: Your illness has developed between Gao and Huang, It can not be cured by either acupuncture or any other medicine. I am very sorry that I can n

8、ot help. Lord Jin Jing sighed and knew that this was a very talented doctor, as he knew exactly where the disease was. He sent Yuan back to Qin with a valuable gift and later died of the disease. 在春秋时, 晋景公生病, 就叫仆人曲秦国请医生。秦桓公就任命一位名叫袁的著名医生前往晋国。 在袁到来之前,晋景公梦见二小男孩交谈。一个说:“听说前来治病的是一个能力很强的医生, 到时我们应该隐藏在哪里呢?”另

9、一人说:“不要担心,让我们置身于膏(膜片)以上及肓以下 (心)。到时看他怎样对付我们?” 袁来了以后,先做完身体检查,他摇摇头以低沉的口气说:“你的病情已经发展到膏肓之间,它 已经不能通过针灸或任何其他药物治疗。我很抱歉我没能帮上忙。“晋景公叹了口气,知道这是 一个非常有才华的医生,因为他已经知道这种疾病的确切位置了。他让袁给秦带回了一个宝贵的 礼物,后来死于该疾病。 Usage Example (Pinyin):Nin(2) de gou(3) yi(3) jing(1) bing(4) ru(4) gao(1) huang(1) le, wo(3) kong(3) pa(4) bu(4)

10、neng(2) yi(1) hao(3) ta(1) le. Usage Example (English translation):Your dogs disease has invaded into the vital part of the body. Im afraid I cant cure it. 编辑:大头 成语大讲堂 Excellent Stratagems in A Silk Bag Characters: Pronunciation: jin(3) nang(2) miao(4) ji(4) Explanation: Said of some ideas or soluti

11、ons that help overcome problems 注释:用来解决问题的好方法。 Tone:Positive The Story: In the Three-Kingdoms Period, in order to capture the Jing Zhou area, General Zhou Yu of Wu set a trap. He suggested his king pretend to send a proposal to Shus King, Liu Bei. In the message he said that they would marry the Kin

12、gs sister to him. In that case, Liu Bei would come to Wu to take his bride away, and Wu would take this chance to detain him. Then Wu would use Liu Bei as a hostage in exchange for the Jing Zhou area. When Shu received this proposal, their military counselor Zhuge Liang saw through it, so he suggest

13、ed Liu Bei make a new trap based on the first one. So Liu Bei went to Wu for his bride in the company of Zhao Yun, one of his bravest generals. Before they set off, Zhuge Liang called Zhao Yun and gave him a silk bag, For this trip to protect our king, I have three stratagems for you in this bag, ke

14、ep it with you and open it at the right time. When they arrived at Wu, Zhao Yun opened the silk bag and acted according to the three stratagems. At last, Liu Bei avoided the problem of being a hostage and still was able to marry Wus princess. Wus king cried for his sister and General Zhou Yu was bla

15、med for the whole mess! 在三国时期, 为了夺取荆州地区, 吴国大将周瑜设下了一个圈套。 他建议他的国君向蜀国国君刘备求亲, 在信中说, 他们将把吴王的妹妹嫁给他。 在这种情况下, 刘备就要来吴把他的新娘接走,吴便可借此机会将他拘留。随后,吴国将把刘备作为人质交换荆州地区。 当蜀国到这封信后, 他们的军师诸葛亮识破了它, 因此他为刘备对此订了一个计谋作出新的陷阱的第一个基础。于是,刘备在赵云的陪伴下前往吴国迎接新娘,赵云是他的最勇敢的将军之一。 在他们出发前,诸葛亮叫来赵云给了他一个丝袋,说:喂了在途中保护国君,我给你 3 个锦囊,戴上它再合适地方打开它。” 当他们到达吴

16、国的时候,赵云并按它去做,最后,刘备避开了被作为人质,打开了第一个私囊吴君为妹妹感到伤心,而且大将周瑜则因整个计划而感到羞愧。 Usage Example (Pinyin): Ni(3) de zhu(3) yi(3) dui(4) wo(3) men(3) lai(2) shuo(1) shi(4) jin(3) nang(2) miao(4) ji(4). Usage Example (English translation):Your idea is an excellent stratagem in a silk bag to us. 编辑:大头 成语大讲堂: A Bird Frigh

17、tened by the Sound of a Bowstring Characters: Pronunciation: jing(1) gong(1) zhi(1) niao(3) Explanation: A metaphor to say someone is easily frightened because of an injured experience before 注释:隐喻一个人以前受过伤害会轻易变得害怕。 Tone:Neutral The Story:There was a very famous archer named Geng Ying in Wei Kingdom.

18、 One day, he went hunting with the king, and when he saw a bird flying in the sky, he said to the king: I can shoot a bird to the ground without sending my arrow. The king was shocked and said: Are you really as skillful as that? I could not believe this! After a while, a wild goose flew to them. Ge

19、ng Ying pulled his bow and hit his bowstring, but did not launch his arrow. To everyones surprise, the wild goose fell to the ground. The king said: You are a great archer! Later Geng Ying explained: Its a wounded wild goose. I can tell from its sorrowful cry and his languid fly. It is clear that it was hurt by bows befo


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