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1、中國強制認證(CCC)電磁相容認證執行標準1、音視頻産品GB13837聲音和電視廣播接收機及有關設備干擾特性允許值和測量方法GB17625.1低壓電氣及電子設備發出的諧波電流限值 (設備每相輸入 95% 500 msI.OkV on Differe ntial2.0kV on Common4.0kV on Com mon (L-PE, N-PE)Com mon Mode: L+P E, N+PE150kHz to 80MHz10Vrms (Unm odulated)150o mn Source Imp eda nee80% and 1.0kHzModulation m50Hz3A/m30% 1

2、0 ms60% 100 ms 95% 5000 msmKEYS: Cheek the p ublished sta ndard for detailed app licati ons m 2.0kV for port for p rocess, measureme nt & con trol li nes.i For DC or other p orts see sta ndards - In formative Only.On ly p erta ins to devices susce ptible to magn etic fields.* For Medical Device:For

3、Equipment an d/or Systems sp ecified for use only in X-ray shielded locati ons, the level shall be 1 V/m whe n tested on a test site without such shield ing.For Equipment an d/or Systems sp ecified for use only in other kinds of shielded locati on, the level of 3V/m may be decreased in prop orti on

4、to the shield ing effective ness. Manu facturers of P atie nt Coup led Equi pment an d/or Systems shall sp ecify Immun ity Levels for their Equipment an d/or Systems.The manu facturer shall docume nt the test methods used to verify comp lia nee.Emissions StandardsEuro peEN50081-1, EN50081-2, EN55022

5、, EN55011, EN55013, EN55014, EN55015, EN61000-3-2,3Un ited States FCC Part 15, FCC Part 18Taiwa n (Re public of Chi na) CNS 13438Japan VCCI V-2/97.04Conducted Emissions ProcedureEUT is set up accordi ng to the guideli ne of test sta ndard and test p rocedure (typi cally ANSI C63.4) and is then plugg

6、ed into a Line Impedanee Stabilization Network (LISN). An EMI receiver peak scan is made at the freque ncy measureme nt ran ge. The six highest sig nifica nt p eaks are the n marked, and these sig nals are quasi-peaked and averaged.The freque ncy range in vestigated is from 150/450KHz to 30MH z.Radi

7、ated Emissions ProcedureEUT is set up accordi ng to the guideli nes of test sta ndard and test p rocedure (typ ically ANSI C63.4). An EMI receiver p eak sca n is made at the freque ncy measureme nt range (p resca n). Sig nal discrim in ati on is the n p erformed and the sig nifica nt p eaks marked.

8、These p eaks are quasi-peaked duri ng final test ing.The freque ncy range inv estigated is from 30MHz to 1,000 MHz (and above) depending on fun dame ntal freque ncy and sta ndard.Emissions StandardsEUR OPE EN50081-1: Gen eric emissi ons sta ndard for domestic, commercial and light in dustrial en vir

9、 onmen ts. Used whe n no p roduct sp ecific sta ndards exist.EN50081-2: Gen eric emissi ons sta ndard for in dustrial en vir onment, used whe n no p roduct sp ecific sta ndards exist.EN55022: As known as CIS PR-22. Harmoni zed sta ndard covers In formatio n Tech no logy Equipment (ITE). Ado pted and

10、 recog nized worldwide by the FCC, VCCI, BSMI (BCIQ), AS/NZ and ma ny other coun tries.EN55011 As known as CIS PR-11. Harmo nized sta ndard covers In dustrial, Scie ntific and Medical (ISM) equi pment.EN55013: A sta ndard for broadcast sound and televisi on receivers and their associated equipmen t,

11、 i.e. audio, VCRs, CD p layers.EN55014: A sta ndard for household app lia nces and electric tools.EN55015: A sta ndard for lighti ng equipment and auxiliaries.EN61000-3-2: Po wer freque ncy emissi ons sta ndard for AC mai ns harm oni cs. Incorpo rated into EN50081-1 by refere nee.EN61000-3-3: Emissi

12、 ons sta ndard for AC mains - voltage fluctuati ons and flicker.UNITED STATES FCC Part 15: It covers both in te ntio nal a nd uninten tio nal radiators. P roducts covered in clude ITE devices and low -po wer tran smitters.FCC Part 18 This is for In dustrial, Scie ntific and Medical (ISM) equi pment.

13、TAIWAN CNS 13438: EMI sta ndard for the Re public of Chi na (Taiwa n), limits and methods of measureme nt of radio in terfere nee charcteristcs of in formatio n tech no logy equipment.JAPAN VCCI V-2/97.04: Ja pan ese EMI sta ndard, regulati ons for volu ntary control measuresCE Mark (Eur opean) is m

14、an datory for all Electro nic and Electrical Equi pment being sold in Euro pe today. Si nee the rules and sta ndards concerning Electromag netic In terfere nee (EMI) and Immu nity testi ng are con sta ntly in flux, it helps to have an expert sort out the con fusi on for you. EMC Comp lia neeMan agem

15、e nt Group is such an exp ert, hav ing bee n audited and appro ved by a European Comp ete nt Body (Assessme nt Services of the UK) agai nst all as pects of EN 45001 and ISO Guide 25. The relatio nship betwee n us and our Comp ete nt Body ben efits you, the clie nt, i n follow ing ways:For issues tha

16、t are not exp licitly detailed in the sta ndards, EMC Comp lia nee is your direct link to a Euro pean Authority. We are in con sta nt con tact with our Comp ete nt Body in the UK and can clear up all ambiguities withi n one day via fax or e-mail.Test Plans that we prepare on your behalf can be appro

17、 ved by our Comp ete nt Body within a few days.Although this ste p is not man dated by law, the p rocess adds more con fide nee to the test ing p rograms we carefully craft for you.Any and all rule cha nges or new sta ndard up dates are immediately detailed to us by our Comp ete nt Body. Thus, whe n

18、 you use our services, you are con fide nt that your p roducts will have a shelf life bey ond the n ext tran siti on pro visi ons!FCC (America) Your Class B Declarati ons of Con formity (DoCs) for In formatio n Tech no logy Equipment (ITE) can be issued immediately pro vided you locate a qualified l

19、aboratory which has un dergo ne a rigorous audit ing p rocess by the Dep artme nt of Commerce un der their Nati onabiun tary Laboratory Accreditatio n P rogram (NVLA P). No more 45 day waits to obta in a Grant of EquipmentAuthorizati on from the FCC.EMC Comp lia nee has compi eted such an audit and

20、received NVLA P accreditatio n in December 1996.We now offer accredited FCC Part 15 DoC testi ng and appro vals with the followi ng features and ben efits:Once we help you p ass the tests, well pro vide you with the new label format that rep laces the old certificati on labels. Its eve n available o

21、n disk!We will prepare your Declarati ons of Con formity for you to con tai n all in formatio n required by the new law.Our expert Engin eers and P rogram Man agers will disclose all asp ects of the new law and help you make sure that your market ing of DoC appro ved devices is done prop erly!VCCI (

22、Ja pan) The Wlu ntary Con trol Coun cil for In terfere nee (VCCI) is concerned with the sale of ITE in Japan and atte mp ts to mi ni mize Electromag netic In terfere nee in the country by en courag ing test ing to i nternatio nally harmo ni zed EMI sta ndards (CIS PR 22). Although the p rogram is V6

23、lu ntary, you can bet that your marketi ng efforts will be met with much resista nee without VCCI Appro val. The appro val p rocess is quite simple and is only a matter of registeri ng details of your p ass ing p roduct with the VCCI. There is one catch however.First, to have your p roducts acce pte

24、d, your company must become a member of the VCCI. Once that is compi ete you the n must test at an EMC Laboratory which has already bee n registered with and appro ved by the VCCI for both Radiated and Con ducted Emissi ons test ing. Registeri ng a test lab is extremely detailed and time consuming,

25、since the VCCI dema nds site atte nu ati on data and p rocedures which differ from in ternatio nally recog ni zed p ractices. The whole p rocess can take betwee n 6-9 mon ths to compi ete! So if the lab you are curre ntly using has said that their VCCI registrati on is in p rocess, you could be in f

26、or a much Ion ger wait tha n your p roducts life cycle!EMC Comp lia nee Man ageme nt Group has bee n registered with the VCCI since November of 1996.Hiri ng us as your EMC lab of choice for VCCI appro vals has the followi ng adva ntages:If your company is not already a member, well guide you through

27、 the p rocess by pro vidi ng all n ecessary forms and hel ping you to comp lete them accurately. Well submit all C on formity Verificati on Rep orts to the VCCI on your behalf for p roducts that have bee n tested by us and found to comply. Since we have such a good work ing relatio nship with the VC

28、CI, these rep orts come back to us with sta mps of appro val with in about one week!Well alert you to the many tran siti on pro visi ons most rece ntly released by the VCCI as they com pl etely harm onize their sta ndards to CIS PR 22 by the year 2000. As each tran siti on pro visi on is met, we wil

29、l automatically adjust our test p rogram for you so that you con ti nue to comply.BSMI (Taiwa n) The Bureau of Sta ndards. Metrology & Insp ection (BSMI), formerly Bureau of Commodity Inspection and Quara ntine (BCIQ), is slowly p has ing in EMC requireme nts for p roducts being sold or imp orted in

30、 to the Rep ublic of Chi na on Taiwa n. In formati on Tech no logy Equi pment will be the first p roduct category imp acted with a curre nt man datory date of 1 January 1998. After this date, new shi pments of ITE Equipment must be BSMI typ e-a ppro ved accord ing to the followi ng seque nee of eve

31、nts: First, manu facturers or imp orters must obta in and EMC type test from a BSMI accredited test laboratory. Next, they must send two cop ies of an EMI (Im mun ity is not yet regulated) test report along with several p ieces of additi onal docume ntati on to the BSMI for issua nee of the type cer

32、tificate. All docume ntati on submitted in cludi ng the test re ports MUST BE IN CHINESE.Hiri ng EMC Comp lia nee Man ageme nt Group as your BSMI lab of choice has the followi ng adva ntages: EMC Comp lia nee is one of the few DOMESTIC BSMI accredited test laboratories.Most of our staff whom sp eak,

33、 read and write flue nt Man dari n Chin ese.All EMI test rep orts submitted by EMC Comp lia nee will be in Chin ese and our Ian guage exp erts can eve n hel p you with the tran slati on of other pertinent docume nts which must be submitted.C-tick Mark (Australia n & New Zeala nd) Through the Sp ectr

34、um Man ageme nt Age ncy (SMA) Australia has in troduced the Electromag netic Comp atibility Framework. As of January 1997, all ITE p roducts must meet the Australia n emissi ons sta ndard AS/NZS 3548. Furthermore, in order for test data to be acce pted by the SMA, one must test at an EMC Laboratory

35、which has bee n recog ni zed by the SMA either directly or through a Mutual Recog niti on Arran geme nt (MRA). Since the SMA recog ni zes laboratories that are NVLA P accredited, make sure that the lab you are using has AUS/NZ 3548 as part of its NVLA P scope of accreditati on.EMC Com pl ia nee Ma n

36、ageme nt Group is NVLA P app roved and has AUS/NZ 3548 as part of its scope of accreditati on. As such, not only can we assist you in your Australia n test p rogram, but we also pro vide the follow ing services as a side ben efit:EMC Comp lia nee will help you to create your Co mp lia nee Folder to

37、con tai n all eleme nts required by the SMA on a per p roduct basis. Rep orts gen erated by EMC Comp lia nee are in the correct certified format for quick acce ptance by the SMA whe n you apply for the C-Tick mark(s).We will automatically harm onize your EMI test p rogram to in elude a si ngle swee

38、p that brings you into comp lia nee with Australia n and if n ecessary Japan ese, Euro pean and North America n Emissi ons requireme nts. This elim in ates dup licate sea ns and costs!Emissi ons Limits (Gra phs)CIS PR22 & FCC Class A/B: Co nducted & RadiatedConducted Emission Limits匚 tSPR3J匚tSW3JCGPR2J CbzB口3尺CEtR33 CbsBOta43k nCC 匚bs 吕cC CbnBOiiaPbakCIS PR11 Group 1 Class A/B: Con ducted & RadiatedConducted Emission LimitCISPRll Group 1 Class A / B100


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