1、Chapter7 人力资源管理Contents1. The Human Resource Management Process 管理流程2. Identifying and Selecting Competent Employees 确定和甄选合适的员工3. Providing Employees with needed Skills 培训员工技能4. Retaining Competent, High-performing Employees 保持员工队伍稳定1. 管理流程1.1 Why is HRM Important?5. Current Issues in Managing Human
2、 Resources 人力资源管理新问题As a significant source of competitive advantage 作为竞争优势的重要来源People-oriented HR creates superior shareholder value 以人为本的人力资源创造了优越的股东价值 As an important part of organizational strategies 作为组织战略的重要组成部分Achieve competitive success through people by treating employees as partners,not ju
3、st costs to be minimized or avoided. 取得竞争成功通过人们把员工视为伙伴,不仅成本最小化或避免To improve organizational performance 提高组织绩效一项研究表明,改善工作实践可以增加30%的市场价值高绩效的工作实践导致了高的个人和高的组织绩效 高性能工作实践的例子高绩效工作方式? 自我管理团队? 分散决策? 培训项目,以发展知识、技能和能力? 灵活的工作分配? 开放的沟通? 基于绩效的薪酬?基于人 - 工作和人 - 组织匹配的人员配置? 人力资源管理的关键组成部分人力资源管理流程为组织提供员工并维护雇员高绩效的必要活动。?8
4、 activities 人力资源规划 招聘 选择 取向上岗培训 培训 绩效管理 薪酬和福利 职业发展Exhibit 10 -2Human Resource Management Process精选文库12Environment4 DKruitEnt4 OriiertoTianTrainingManagementg 佃陥8Provide employees with up-to-date th lit and krkOvdvdgoCitHtfi Retain cornpeienl arhJDeveluprrienthigh-performing employees影响人力资源管理过程的外部因素F
5、nWronmarit1.2 External Factors that Affect the HRM P rocess? 经济趋势? 工会?政府法律法规? 人口趋势(1) 经济趋势?失业率?GDP的增长速度?工业重组(2) 员工工会工会?组织代表工人,通过集体谈判寻求保护自己的利益。?集体谈判协议-公司和工会之间的合同协议,代表公司在工资、工时和工作条件下的议价单位。nba工会-日本工会的春季斗争(3) 人力资源管理的法律环境:政府法律法规限制管理自由裁量权在招聘、提升和卸货的员工。?平权法案(反歧视就业法):组织的要求采取积极措施确保保护组织员工的全面参与。 ?最低工资代表参与?工作委员会工
6、作委员会组提名或当选的员工必须咨询当涉及人员的管理决策?董事会代表董事会代表员工坐在公司的董事会和代表公司的员工的利益(4) Demographic Trends 人口趋势? Age structure of Labors劳动力的年龄结构? Half of all workers are over 40 in the US after 2010 美国的一半的工人 40 多 2010 年之后? Family p la nning p olicy of Chi na will affect the supply of labors中国计划生育政策将影响劳动力的供给?Popu lation mobi
7、lity tren ds人口流动趋势? Fewer rural workers migrate to urba n cities in coastal area in China since rece nt years.减少农民工迁移到城市最近几年以来在中国沿海地区2.ldentifying and Selecting Competent Employees 识别并选择合格的员工2.1人力资源规划? D Human Resource (HR) P la nning? The p rocess by which man agers en sure that they have the right
8、 nu mber and kinds of cap able people in the right places, and at the right times.管理者的过程确保他们有正确的数量和种类的能干的人在正确的地方 和在正确的时间。? Hel ps avoid sudden tale nt shortages and surpluses.有助于避免突然人才短缺和盈余?Ste ps in HR pla nning:人力资源规划步骤:? 评估当前人力资源?评估未来对人力资源的需求?开发一个程序来满足未来的需求2.1.1 Current Assessment 当前评估(1) Human R
9、esource Inventory 人力资源库存?审查目前的化妆品组织的资源现状? Forms filled out by empioyees with information such as name, education, training, prior employmen t, la nguages sp oke n, sp ecial cap abilities, and sp ecialized skills.形式填写员工信息如姓名、教育、培训、就业之前,语言、特殊能力,和专业技能。- EX: Stephanie Cox svay of selecting a manager for
10、 Brazil-people march planning program斯蒂芬妮考克斯(Stephanie Cox)为巴西人三月规划项目挑选经理的方法? Current Assessment 当前评估Job An alysis工作分析?D Job analysis (职务分析)?定义工作以及执行工作所需的行为。-知识、技能和能力? Requires con duct ing in terviews, en gagi ng in direct observatio n, and collect ing the self-re ports of empioyees and their manag
11、ers.需要进行采访,进行直接观察,收集自我报告的员工和他们的经理。?D职务说明书? A writte n stateme nt of what the job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done. 什么工作持有人的书面声明,它是如何做的,以及为什么它就完成了。?D职务规范a give n job? A writte n stateme nt of the minimum qualificati ons that a person must po ssess to p erform successfully最低资格的书面声明中,一个人
12、必须具备成功地执行一个给定的工作。2.1.2 Meeting Future HR Needs满足未来人力资源需求Supply of EmployeesDemand for Employees影响员工的因素?战略目标?对产品和服务的需求预测? 有知识、技能和能力2.2 Recruitme nt and Decruitme nt 招聘和调出(1) Recruitment 招聘? The p rocess of locati ng, ide ntify ing, and attract ing cap able app lica nts to an orga ni zati on 定位的过程,识别和
13、吸引申请者的组织能力?E-recruit ing?Recruitme nt of empio yees through the Internet通过互联网招募员工?Organizational web sites 组织网站?Online recruiters在线招聘人员Exhibit 10 -4Major Sources of Pote ntial Job Can didates 潜在求职者的主要来源SourceAdvantagesDlsodvntogcsInternetReaches large numbers oi people; can gel immediale feedbackGe
14、neral es many unqualified endi加曰Employee referralsKnovuledge about the organization provided by curremt employee; cjn generate strong candidates because 已 good reteira 1 reflects on the recommenderMay not incense the divefsity and mix of employees.Com party Web sileWide distribution; can be targeted
15、 to specific groupsGenerates m占ny unqualified cdndiddte$College recruitingLarge tenlralized body of candidatesLimited to entry-level positionsPrcifesvional recruitingGrod knowledge of industryLittle fommitment to sppr ifirchallenges and requirejnentiorganization?2.2 Recruitme nt and Decruitme nt(2)
16、Decruitment 调出? The p rocess of reduci ng a surplus of empio yees in the workforce of an orga ni zati on 减少过剩的过程中员工在组织的劳动力Exhibit 10 -5Decruitment OptionsOptionDcirii ptionFiringPermarieni involuntary lermintionLayoffsTern porary involuntary termination; may last only adays or extendlo yedrsAttritio
17、nNIot fillling openings created by voluntary resignations qr normal retjirementsTransiersMoving employeei either laterally or downward: usually does not reduce co$ts but cam reduce intraorgadizational upply*dennand imbalancesRpduced workweeksH-awing employpfs work fpwpr h ours ppr w股pk, shares jobs,
18、 or perform lheir jobi, un a part-time basisEarly relirementsProviding incenlrves to older and more senior employees lor retiring before their normal retiifemeni daleJob sharingHawing employees tlhre one full-time position12.3 Selection 甄选?2.3.1 What is Selectio n?D Selectio n (甄选)? scree ning job a
19、pp lica nts to en sure that the most approp riate can didates are hired筛选求职者,以确保最合适的候选人被录用?Selection errors:选择错误- Reject errors for potentially successful applicants 拒绝潜在成功申请者的错误- Acce pt errors for ultimately poor p erformers接受最终表现不佳的错误Exhibit 10 -6Selection Decision Outcomes 选择决策结果Selleotion Decis
20、ionRejectHejecierrorAcceptAcce plerrorCorrectdecisionCorrectdecision?2.3.2 Validity and Reliability 有效性和可靠性?Man agers select comp ete nt empio yees by using valid and reliable select ion pro cedures.管理者通过使用有效和可靠的选择程序来选择合格的员工?Validity (of Prediction)效度? A proven relati onship betwee n the selectio n
21、device used and some releva nt criterio n for successful performa nee in an orga nizatio n.证明关系选择设备使用和一些相关标准成功的性能在一个组织。? High tests scores equate to high job p erforma nee; low scores to poor p erforma nee.高测试分数等于高工? Reliability (of Prediction) 信度? The degree of con siste ncy with which a select ion
22、 device measures the same thing.选择设备的一致性程度相同的措施?In dividual test scores obta ined with a select ion device are con siste nt over mult iple testi ng in sta nces.个人获得的考试成绩与选择设备在多个测试实例是一致的Exhibit 10 Selectio n Devices 选择设备? 申请表格? 笔试?性能模拟测试? 面试? 背景调查? 身体检查(1) Application forms 申请表-全面的个人历史档案,详细描述个人的活动、技能
23、和成就。?普遍使用?对于收集信息最有用?能够预测工作表现应用forms-Discussion如何写好申请表格?工作分析(职位描述和工作规范,SWOT分析)个人分析(个性,SWOT分析)健康分析(策略)写作技巧和态度(手写,分数)如何写好?? Written Tests 笔试?测试类型?Interest (兴趣):do you want to do it? Attitude (态度):how do you feel about it? Ability (能力):can you do it now? Ap titude(悟性):can you lear n to do it?Intelligene
24、e (智商):how smart are you? Legal Challe nges to Tests对测试的法律挑战?Lack of job-related ness of test items or in terview questi ons to job requireme nts对测试项目或面试问题缺乏相关的工作要求?Discrim in atio n in equal employment opportun ity aga inst members of p rotected classes对受保护阶层的成员进行平等就业机会的歧视Performanee Simulation Tes
25、ts 绩效模拟测试? Testi ng an app lica nt ability to p erform actual job behaviors, use required skills, and dem on strate sp ecific knowledge of the job.测试申请人是否有能力执行实际的工作行为,使用所需的技能,并展示具体的工作知识。? Work sampling 工作抽样? Requiri ng app lica nts to actually p erform a task or set of tasks.要求申请人实际执行一个(组)任务? Ex: sa
26、les man/teacher ex:销售人 / 老师? Assessme nt centers 评估中心? Dedicated facilities in which job can didates un dergo a series of p erforma nee simulati on tests to evaluatetheir managerial potential.专用设施的求职者接受一系列的性能模拟测试来评估他们的管理潜力。? Ex: Mock in terviews, in-basket p roblem-solvi ng exercises, group discussi
27、 ons, and bus in ess decisi on games:模拟面试,in - basket解决问题的练习,小组讨论,和商业决策游戏?In terviews 面试? Useful tools for man agerial p ositi ons 管理职位的有用工具? There are too many variables that can impact in terviewer judgme nt, the in terview may not be the most useful selection device有太多的变量会影响面试官的判断,面试可能不是最有用的选择?Ma
28、nagers can t ask some questions unrelatedto the job 经理不能问一些与工作无关的问题?Religion 宗教? Private个人私事其他选择方法(1) Background Investigations 背景调查? Verification of appiication data 对应用数据的验证? Refere nee checks:参考检查? Lack validity because self-select ion of references en sures only po sitive outcomes. 缺乏有效性,因为自己挑选的
29、引用可以确保只有积极成果。(2) Physical Examinations 物理考试?Useful for p hysical requireme nts and for in sura nee purpo ses related to p re-existi ng con diti ons.对身体要求和与预先存在的条件相关的保险目的有用。什么工作最好?什么时候?SelectionPositionSenior ManagementMiddle and LowerComplex NonrnanagtrialRstiriE WorkApplication form2222Written1123W
30、ork sampler44Assessment center55-Interviews4322Verification of application data3333fteferencG checks1111Physical exam1112Mo担:Blidrty it measured on a1 highe旳 to (IcvjMt). A dash .means Tiot applicabl.*Question :?人力资源经理应该介绍负面信息的工作,当他们招聘吗?2.3.4 Realistic Job Preview 现实工作预览? Realistic Job P review (RJ
31、P)现实工作预览? 与应聘者相关的过程,包括工作的积极和消极方面? En courages mismatched app lica nts to withdraw. 鼓励不匹配的申请人撤回?同盟成功应聘者的期望与实际工作条件;减少营业额3. P rovidi ng Em ployees with Needed Skills and Kno wledge 为员工提供所需的技能和知识 ?3.1 Orientation 上岗培训Introducing a new empioyee to his or her job and the organization.把新员工介绍给他 /她的工作和组织? Wo
32、rk-unit orientation 工作单位培训? Familiarizes new employee with work-unit goals 将帮助新员工熟悉工作单位的目标? Clarifies how his or her job con tributes to un it goals 澄清如何他或她的工作有利于单位的目标?Introduces he or she to his or her coworkers 向他或她介绍他或她的同事s objectives, history, philosophy, procedures, an,和规则?Organization orientat
33、ion 组织取向?In forms new empio yee about the orga ni zati onrules.通知新员工对组织的目标、历史、哲学、程序?In cludes a tour of the en tire facility 包括参观整个工Exhibit 12 -8培训类型管理技能和开发,个人成长,综合培训:沟通技巧,计算机系统应用程序和编程,客户服务,执行发展, 销售,管理技能,技术技能和知识专业培训:基本生活/工作技能,创造力,客户教育,多元化/文化意识,补救写作,管理变更,领导,产品知识,演讲/陈述技能,安全,道德,性骚扰,团队建设,健康,等等Exhibit 12
34、 -9员工培训方法传统的培训方法:? 在职?工作轮换轮岗?辅导和指导导师制?经验演习实验演习?手册/手册工作手册?课堂讲座讲座基于技术的训练方法? cd - rom / DVD / 录像带 /?视频会议/会议/卫星电视?电子学习电子化学习4. Retaining Competent. High-performing Empioyees保留能力,表现出色的员工4.1 Empio yee P erforma nee Man ageme nt 员工绩效管理?Performanee Management System 性能管理系统? 建立绩效标准和评价员工绩效的过程? Skill-based pay
35、技能工资? 一个支付系统,奖励员工的工作技能可以证明ioncisncpnitisaient on performanee? Variable pay浮动薪酬? A pay system in which an in dividual薪酬体系中,一个人的薪酬取决于性能? Exhibit 12 -10绩效考核方法的优缺点MethodAdva ntageDisadva ntageWritte n essaysSimp le to useMore a measure of evaluator s writing ability thanempioyee s actual performaneeCrit
36、ical in eide ntsRich exa mpl es; behaviorally basedTime-e onsuming; lack qua ntificati on评分表法Provide qua ntitative data; less time-e onsuming tha n othersDo not p rovide depth of job behavior assessed行为定位评分Focus on sp eeifie and measurable job behaviorsTime-e onsuming; difficult to deve lopMult iper
37、son comp aris onsComp ares empio yees with one ano therUn wieldy with large nu mber of empio yees; legal concernsMBOFocuses on end goals; results orie ntedTime-e on sumi ng360-degree app raisalsThoroughTime-e onsumingOf4.2 Com pen sation and Ben efits 薪酬与福利? 公平、有效和适当的薪酬体系的好处? Helps attract and retai
38、n high-p erforma nee empio yees 有助于吸弓丨和留住高性能的员工? Impacts on the strategic p erforma nee of the firm 对公司的战略绩效的影响Types of Compensation 补偿的类型?基本工资或薪水? 工资和工资附加组件? 奖励?技能工资?可变工资(78%)灵活性Exhibit 12 -1 Factors That In flue nee Com pen sation and Be nefits 影响薪酬和福利的因素Haw lor Q hflR fiEptovbeen with company and
39、hurt hflshir ur thf perfortTed?how laroe bthecomp any?EmployeesTeriiurfiand PerformanceDovf Job 训whigh |pv#ls.otskills?*Hqw prnf riable i百 thecompany70SizeofCompanyCompanyP rofimbilhydAngrAphirAlLocationKind ofJo t) Perfonriefj调hst industry i m?Kind arRuAinsaUrifunLiiilonWhure IS organizaticn(DCe1t=
40、*JlZ zManagementP liilosophYLabor orCapital lutensive 、,It bu商nv强 unktnfzsd?Is be京rwta labcr or亡舒 rt1 intefiflivf;?Whal is in Ein age mentis philD9D口hy Iowa rd pay人力资源管理中的当前问题5. Curre nt Issues in Huma n Resource Man ageme nt5.1 Managing Downsizing 管理裁员?Managing Downsizing (精简机构的管理)? The planned eli
41、m in ati on of jobs in an organi zati on 工作在一个组织的计划取消 提供开放和诚实的沟通。被裁减员工提供援助。 安抚和咨询幸存的员工。Exhibit 12-12 Tips for Managing Downsizing 减少裁员的建议 Communicate openly and honeslJy. Inform those being let go as soon $5 possible Tell surviving employees the new go吕Is and expectations. Explain impact of layoffs.- Follow any laws regulating severance pay or benefits. Provide supportA:口unseling for surviving (remaining) employees. Reassign roles acco
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