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1、the partys fine style, carry forward thetraditional Chinese virtues,practicing the Socialistcore values, vig orouslycarry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hong qi Ca nal spirit a ndspiritof persistence, honesty inpoliti cs, strict statesman, sti ck to the spiritualheig hts of the Communists. Four to

2、devotion, a s, do play a rolein qualifyi ng. OfficialCommunistduty. To fulfill the partyspurpose, maintain for t he people themselves,and dedicati on, devotion, mai ntain pionee r, pioneering a nd enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra pra ctice, makecontributions.The i ncentive function

3、of partyorganizations atall levels should give fullplay to advanced models, establish a representative, advance d a nd typicalof the times, and guide the broad massesof party members to em ulate.In honor of the95 a nniver sary of founding as anopportunity to award in recognition of a numberteachEduc

4、ation in order to solve the problem, if it doesnot solve the problem, it will form, goes throug h the motions. To stre ngthen theconsciousness ofproblems and insistedonproblem-oriented, problem-solving lear ning education for traction, trulydee p investigation into change, modification. A che cked s

5、wing. Learning educat ion programme for party-building in ourcity actually proposed to focuson sol ution of fuzzy idealsand beliefs waver, consci ousness, purposeof the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, de pressed, six issue s of ethical misconduct study contents

6、 specific programmes for allparty membersand leading ca dres a bove the county level shall focus on further refinement to theprobl ems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also re quiresa combinati onof actualand controlled, f ocused and reallyput yourself in, peoplesee thi ngs, see, wit

7、h theircha nge. For checkput of problem, t hrough established rectificati onTaiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisteddo side lear n side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp p

8、arty of mass line education practice a ctivities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expandedhas made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, andChi a nd endless corrected four wind, and regulation masses side of abus

9、es, ensure work advance morepowerful, and problem solution morecompletely. Third, we must consolidate our achieveme nts.For more public,some party members who focus on theoutsta ndi ng issues, combining concentrated附件二:学生顶岗实习周记实习单位山东0 建工实习岗位施工员实习时间2011年11月1日至2011年11 月6日实习内容:放线、超平实习收获:工程的位置在潍坊经济开发区,给


11、平的一些方法。总体来说第一周在工地上还是不错的。企业指导教师意见:初次到工地,先熟悉环境,再了解工程概况。签字:年月日ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of thecomplete system, payclose attention to system implementation, really make theparty organi zation and party membereducation and strict manageme

12、nt, solid. Finally, the urge work on thele ad, be sure to prom ote efficiency. Two education,not on education educational,not w orking with theCentre two, must stick around the Center,serving the overallsituation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and pr omote efficiency. Current and future a period

13、, to tightly around coordination advance four a full strategy layout, winni ng full built society thisa ce ntral and workoverall,put carriedout lear ning education aspromote d workof importantopportunities and powerfulpowe r, guide General members cadres i nsisted devel opme nt first priority, a cti

14、ve adapted economic development newnormal, consciously practice line five big developme nt concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved liveli hood,construction morehappiness of city. Last year, we carryout three-three activities as a three-three spe cial educat

15、ion important, find education and effective platform to facilitate thecombination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided i n two learn ado lear ning e ducati on in the carrie d out five check five promoting, theCounty Distri ct units to insi sted put two learn ad

16、o learning education and five check five promoting organic fusi on, andcommon advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation,put carrie d out two learn ado situation, andfive check five promoting situation as party work evaluationof importantContent, as a nimportant aspe ct of mutu

17、al evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and lea dingcadres performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education ope ns up to the main economic and socialdev el opment. At present, the overall smootheconomi c operation in our c

18、ity, butdownwardpressure is stillhigh, faced a numberof challenges andtests. Meanwhile, coincides with thecity, County and township party committees this year general election yea r, how to really choose loyal, clean a nd serves as a good cadre, iron disci pline of General Feng Qi ng Qi,Qi, Qi Shun,

19、 swappedout Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. Gener al work on two to study the effect of education inspection, if the true series of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, naturally we can deal wit h advance a nd retreat left turn tr

20、eatment,proper organizationa l arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests.o put carried out two learn a do learning education with do reform development sta ble the work combined up, and seri ously do Center work, and da ily and job combined up, and guarantees improved liveli

21、hood, and promote socialharmonycombined up, a ndcompleted the taskcombi nedthe partys fine style, carry forward thetraditional Chinese virtues,practicing the Socialistcore values, vig orouslycarry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hong qi Ca nal spirit a ndspiritof persistence, honesty inpoliti cs, s

22、trict statesman, sti ck to the spiritualheig hts of the Communists. Four to devotion, a s, do play a rolein qualifying. OfficialCommunistduty. To fulfill the partyspurpose, maintain for t he people themselves,and dedicati on, devotion, mai ntain pionee r, pioneering and enterprising spirit, active a

23、t the well-off extra pra ctice, makecontributions.The i ncentive function of partyorganizations atall levels should give fullplay to advanced models, establish a re presentative, advance d a nd typicalof the times, and guide the br oad massesof party members to em ulate.In honor of the95 a nniversar

24、y of founding as anopportunity to award in recognititeachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it doesnot solve the problem, it will form, goes throug h the m otions. To strengthen theconsciousness ofproblems and insistedonproblem-oriented, problem-solving lear ning education for traction, tru

25、lydee p investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-buildi ng in ourcity actually propose d to focuson sol ution of fuzzy idealsand beliefs waver, consci ousness, purposeof the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong

26、, de pressed, six issue s of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for allparty membersand leading cadres a bove the county level shall focus on further refinement to theprobl ems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requiresa combinati onof actualand controlled, foc

27、used and reallyput yourself in, peoplesee thi ngs, see, with theircha nge. For checkput of problem, t hrough established rectificati onTaiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisteddo side lear n side modified, and that know that modified, while focused on put t

28、wo learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expandedhas made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not for, andChi and endl

29、ess corrected four wind, and regulation masses side of abuse s, ensure work advance morepowerful, and problem solution morecompletely. Third, we must consolidate our achievements.For more public,some party members who focus on theoutstandi ng issues, combining concentrated学生顶岗实习周记实习单位山东0 建工实习岗位施工员实习

30、时间2011 年 11 月7 日 至2011年 11月13 日实习内容:测量、放线、超平实习收获:来到实习工地已经是第二个周了,一切都变得越来越熟悉。期间王经理也组织了项目部所有的人给我们刚来的学生接风,很快我们和领导、师傅们都熟悉了,他们给我们讲了很多工地上应该注意的相关事宜和我们以后发展的方向。我们的工程也在紧张的作业,一周下来我们又开始了一层的作业,我们也在常老师的带领下对一层到二层的柱的钢筋进行超平,用的是水准仪,我也明白了水准仪的实际作用,同时本周还继续放卫生间的止水带,我已经慢慢融入了这里的生活。这一周下来虽然说很累,但是我也学到了很多的东西,我很高兴。企业指导教师意见:将课本知识

31、运用到实际中来,做好过渡工作。签字:年月日ectification and strengthening the management of daily education, thespirit of reform short of the complete system,pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Fi nally, the urge work on

32、 the lead, be sure topromote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working wit h the Centre two, must stick around theCenter, servi ng the overallsituation, coordinate, tr uly result-orie nted and pr omote efficiency.Curre nt and future a period, to tightly around coordination

33、 advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, putcarriedout lear ning education as promoted workof important opportunities and powerfulpower, gui de Ge neral memberscadres insi sted developme nt first priority, active adapted economic development n

34、ew normal,consci ously practice line five big developme nt co nce pt, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees a nd improved livelihood, construction more high ecological vitalityhappiness of city. Last year, we carryout three-three activities as a three-three special education i

35、mportant, find education and effective platform to facilitate thecombination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn ado learni ng education i n the carried out five check five promoting, theCounty Distri ct units to insi sted put two learn ado learni

36、ng education and five check five promoting organic fusi on, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization im plementation, put carried out two learn ado situation, a ndfive check five promoting situation as party work evaluationof importantContent, as a n important aspe ct of mutual e

37、valuation on party members, testing as a n importantbasis for lea dingbodies and lea ding cadres performance and guide t he broad masses of party members and cadres to stu dy education ope ns up to the main economic and social development. At present, t he overall smooth e conomi c operation in our

38、city,butdownwardpressure is stillhigh, faced a number of challenges andtests. Meanwhile, coincides with thecity, County and township party committees this year general electi on year, how to really choose loyal, clean a nd serves as a good cadre, iron disci plineof General Feng Qi ng Qi,Qi, Qi Shun,

39、 swappedout Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. Gener al work ontw o to study the effect of education inspection, if the true series of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, naturally we can deal wit h advance a nd retreat left turn tr

40、eatment,proper organizationa l arrangements andselection, proper treatment of personal interests.o put carried out two learn a do learning education with do reform development stable the work combinedup, and seri ously do Center work, a nd da ily and job combined up, and guarantees improved liveliho

41、od, and promote socialharmonycombined up, a ndcompleted the taskcombi ned 2the partys fine style, carry forward thetraditional Chinese virtues,practicing the Socialistcore values, vig orouslycarry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hong qi Ca nal spirit a ndspiritof persistence, honesty inpoliti cs, s

42、trict statesman, sti ck to the spiritualheig hts of the Communists. Four todevotion, a s, do play a rolein qualifying. OfficialCommunistduty. To fulfill the partyspurpose, maintain for t he people themselves,and dedicati on, devotion, mai ntain pionee r, pion eering a nd enterprising spirit, active

43、at the well-off extra pra ctice, makecontributions.The i ncentive function of partyorganizations atall levels should give fullplay to advanced models, establish a representative, advance d a nd typicalof the times, and guide the br oad massesof party members to em ulate.In honor of the95 a nniversar

44、y of founding as anopportunity to award in recognition of a numberteachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it doesnot solve the problem, it will form, goes throug h the m otions. To strengthen theconsciousness ofproblems and insistedonproblem-oriented, problem-solving lear ning education for

45、 traction, trulydee p investigation into change, modification. A che cked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in ourcity actually propose d to focuson sol ution of fuzzy idealsand beliefs waver, consci ousness, purposeof the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness

46、is not strong, de pressed, six issue s of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for allparty membersand leading cadres a bove the county level shall focus on further refinement to the problems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requiresa combinati onof actualand co

47、ntrolled, focused and reallyput yourself in, peoplesee thi ngs, see, with their ow n specificcha nge. For checkput of problem, t hrough established rectificati onTaiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisteddo side lear n side modified, and that know that modif

48、ied, while focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expandedhas made of rectification results, strongly corrected for offic

49、er not for, andChi a nd endless corrected four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance morepowerful, and problem solution morecompletely. Third, we must consolidate our achieveme nts.For more public,some party members who focus on theoutsta nding issues, combining concentrate

50、d学生顶岗实习周记实习单位山东0 建工实习岗位施工员实习时间2011年 11月 14 日 至2011年11 月20日实习内容:测量、放线、抄平实习收获:来到 0 公司已经是第三周的时间了,来的时候第一层还没有封顶,现在第二层开始绑钢筋了。 我们还是在现场施工, 每天还是七点钟上班五点下班,干的还是老三样:测量、抄平、放线,日子单调但充实。每天都有不同的收获,当然也有不同的喜悦,这是令我感到欣慰的。记得有一天总公司来检查, 主要就是看看工程的整体进度, 看看有没有安全漏洞,当时的我就跟在总公司来的人后面,听他们说着比划着,当时候的我感觉学到了很多东西,比如社会上的一些习惯:经常说是,经常地笑脸相迎领导。随着时间的推移,自己会的东西越来越多,干的工作也越来越多,这让我感觉到了自己的存在很好。企业指导教师意见 :将课本知识运用到实际中来,做好过渡工作。签字:年月日ectification and strengthening the management of d


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