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1、南乐一中2011年高三年级月考试卷英 语 命题人:谷永刚 审题人:梁凤丽 第i卷注意事项:1.答第i卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、胸卡证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。第一部分:听力理解(略)第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21in order to find _better job, he decided to study _s

2、econd language. a. the ; a b. a; a c. the; the d. a ; the 22. she brought with her three friends, none of _i had ever met before.a. them b. who c. whom d. these23. choosing the right dictionary depends on _you want to use it for.a. what b. why c. how d. whether24. his first book _next month is based

3、 on a true story.a. published b. to be published c. to published d. being published25. you look so tired. you have stayed up late again.a. should b. can c. may d. must 26. “you _ have a wrong number,” she said. “there is no one of that name here.” a. need b. can c. must d. would27. and happy, tony s

4、tood up and accepted the prize. a. surprising b. surprised c. being surprised d. to be surprised28. _the website of the fire department in your city, and you will learn a lot about firefighting. a. having searched b. to search c. searching d. search29. why , jack, you look so tired! well, i _ the ho

5、use and i must finish the work tomorrow. a. was painting b. will be painting c. have painted d. have been painting 30. bob would have helped us yesterday, but he _. a. was busy b. is busy c. had been busy d. will be busy31. im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time brain gets

6、back . a. before b. since c. till d. after 32. father _ goes to the gym with us although he dislikes going there. a. hardly b. seldom c. sometimes d. never33. -would you like to join us in the game? -_, but i have something important to attend to. a. i will b. id love to c. i wont d. im afraid not34

7、. -do you mind if i record your lecture? -_. go ahead. a. never mind b. no way c. not at all d. no. youd better not. 35. the book is of great value. _can be enjoyed unless you digest it. a. nothing b. something c. everything d. anything 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出

8、可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。the passengers on the bus watched with sympathy as susan made her way carefully up the steps. she paid the driver and then, using her hands to 36 the seats, settled in one of them. it had been a year since susan became blind. as the result of an accident she was suddenly thr

9、own into a world of 37 . susans husband mark watched her 38 into hopelessness and he was 39 to use every possible means to help his wife. finally, susan felt ready to 40 to her job, but how would she get there? she used to take the bus, but she was now too 41 to get around the city by herself. mark

10、42 to ride the bus with susan each morning and evening 43 she could manage it by herself. for two weeks, mark 44 susan to and from work each day. he taught her how to rely on her other 45 , specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new 46 . at last, susan decided t

11、hat she was ready to try the trip 47 . monday morning arrived. before she left, she hugged her husband 48 , her eyes filled with tears of gratitude (感激). she said good-bye and, for the first time, they went their 49 ways. each day went perfectly, and a wild excitement 50 susan. she was doing it! on

12、friday morning, susan took the bus to work 51 . as she was getting off the bus, the driver said, “miss, i sure 52 you. ” curious, susan asked the driver 53 . “you know, every morning for the 54 week, a fine-looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you unti

13、l you enter your office building safely, ” the bus driver said. tears of happiness poured down susans cheeks. she was so lucky for he had given her a gift more powerful than 55 . that is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness. 36. a. touchb. grabc. countd. feel37. a. weaknessb

14、. sicknessc. darknessd. sadness38. a. runb. sinkc. jumpd. step39. a. inspiredb. determinedc. honoredd. pleased. 40. a. returnb. adjustc. contributed. stick41. a. tiredb. astonishedc. depressedd. frightened42. a. volunteeredb. attemptedc. continuedd. struggled43. a. whenb. asc. untild. after44. a. dr

15、oveb. directedc. accompaniedd. sent45. a. feelingsb. organsc. skillsd. senses46. a. positionb. environmentc. statusd. role47. a. on her ownb. in personc. to her benefitd. on foot48. a. politelyb. calmlyc. brieflyd. tightly49. a. oppositeb. separatec. fixedd. lonely50. a. took charge ofb. took place

16、ofc. took advantage ofd. took hold 51. a. as usualb. as a rolec. as welld. as a consequence52. a. respectb. envyc. knowd. support53. a. whatb. howc. whyd. who54. a. pastb. samec. firstd. next55. a. courageb. willc. sightd. wisdom第三部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每 小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项a、b、c、d中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该

17、项涂黑。a when i was six, dad brought home a dog one day , who was called “brownie”. my brothers and i all loved brownie and did different things with her. one of us would walk her, another would feed her, then there were baths, playing catch and many other games. brownie, in return, loved each and ever

18、y one of us. one thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them. we always felt better when she was around. one day, as i was getting her food, she chewed up(咬破) one of dads shoes, which had to be thrown away in the end. i knew dad would be mad and i

19、 had to let her know what she did was wrong. when i looked at her and said, “bad girl,”she looked down at the ground and then went and hid. i saw a tear in her eyes. brownie turned out to be more than just our family pet. she went everywhere with us. people would stop and ask if they could pet her.

20、of course shed let anyone pet her. she was just the most lovable dog. there were many times when wed be out walking and a small child would come over and pull on her hair. she never barked(吠) or tried to get away. funny thing is that she would smile. this frightened people because they thought she w

21、as showing her teeth. far from the truth, she loved everyone. now many years have passed since brownie died of old age. i still miss the days when she was with us.56. what would brownie do when someone was ill in the family?a. look at them sadly b. keep them companyc. play games with them d. touch t

22、hem gently57. we can infer from paragragh2 that brownie_.a. would eat anything when hungryb. felt sorry for her mistakec. loved playing hide-and seekd. disliked the authors dad58. why does the author say that brownie was more than just a family pet?a. she was treated as a member of the familyb. she

23、played games with anyone she likedc. she was loved by everybody she metd. she went everywhere with the family59. some people got frightened by brownie when she_. a. smiled b. barked c. rushed to them d. tried to be funnybattractions in wisconsinwisconsin historical museum30 n. carroll street on madi

24、sons capitol squarediscover wisconsins history and culture(文化) on four floors of exhibits.open for public programs. admission is free. open tuesday through saturday, 9:00am-4:00pm.(608)264-6555 museumswiss historical village612 seventh ave. new glarusthe swiss historical vill

25、age offers a delightful look at pioneer life in americas heartland. 14 buildings in the village give a full picture of everyday life in the nineteenth-century midwest.tue.fri., may 1stoctober 31st, 10:00am4:00pm. admission is $20.(608) 527-2317 artisan gallery& creamery

26、 caf6858 paoli rd., paoli, wione of the largest collections of fine arts and crafts (手工艺品)in winconsin. over 5000 sq.ft. of exhibition space in a historic creamery. while visiting enjoy a wonderfully prepared lunch at our caf overlooking the sugar river. just minutes from madison!gallery open tue.su

27、n., 11:00am5:00pm.caf open wed.sat., 11:00am3:00pm.sun. brunch with wine, 10:00am3:00pm.(608)845-6600 .christopher columbus museum239 whitney st., columbusworld-class exhibit-2000 quality souvenirs(纪念品) marking chicagos 1893 world columbian exhibition. tour buses are always welcome

28、.open daily, 8:154:00pm(920) 623-1992 60. which of the following is on capitol square?a. wisconsin historical museum b. swiss historical villagec. artisan gallery& creamery caf d. christopher columbus museum61. where can you go for a visit on monday? a. wisconsin historica

29、l museum b. swiss historical village c. artisan gallery & creamery caf d. christopher columbus museum62. where can visitors have lunch?a. at wisconsin historical museum b. at swiss historical villagec. at artisan gallery &creamery caf. d. at christopher columbus museum63. we learn from the text that

30、_. a. swiss historical village is open for half a yearb. christopher columbus museum overlooks a river c. tickets are needs for wisconsin historical museumd. artisan gallery & creamery caf are open daily for 4 hourscask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almos

31、t certainly mention recycling. recycling in the home is very important of course. however, being forced to recycle often means we already have more material than we need. we are dealing with the results of that over-consumption in the greenest way possible, but it would be far better if we did not n

32、eed to bring so much material home in the first place. the total amount of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005. it now makes up a third of a typical households waste in the uk. in many supermarkets nowadays food items are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard.too much packaging is d

33、oing serious damage to the environment. the uk, for example, is running out of it for carrying this unnecessary waste. if such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect. recycling helps, but the process itself uses energy. the solution is not to pro

34、duce such items in the first place. food waste is a serious problem, too. too many supermarkets encourage customers to buy more than they need. however, a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue, encouraging customers to reuse their plastic bags, for example.but this is no

35、t just about supermarkets. it is about all of us. we have learned to associate packaging with quality. we have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality. this is especially true of food. but is also applies to a wide range of consumer products, which often have far more packaging

36、 than necessary. there are signs of hope. as more of us recycle, we are beginning to realize just how much unnecessary material are collecting. we need to face the wastefulness of our consumer culture, but we have a mountain to climb.64. what does the underlined phrase “over-consumption” refer to? a

37、. using too much packaging. b. recycling too many wastes.c. making more products than necessary.d. having more material than is needed.65. the author uses figures in paragraph 2 to show _.a. the tendency of cutting household wasteb. the increase of packaging recyclingc. the rapid growth of super mar

38、ketsd. the fact of packaging overuse66. according to the text, recycling _.a. helps control the greenhouse effectb. means burning packaging for energyc. is the solution to gas shortaged. leads to a waste of land67. what can be inferred from paragraph 4?a. unpackaged products are of bad quality.b. su

39、permarkets care more about packaging.c. it is improper to judge quality by packaging.d. other products are better packaged than food.d when something goes wrong,it can be very satisfying to say,“well, its so-and-sos fault.”or “i know im late,but its not my fault;the car broke down.”it is probably no

40、t your fault,but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation,you are a loser you have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation. however, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusi

41、ng on how to remedy the situation. this is the winners key to success.winners are great at overcoming problems. for example, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe you need to have your car examined more regularly. or, you might start to carry along with you the useful phone numbers, so

42、 you could call for help when in need. for another example, if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability, find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the person. ask to work with a different person, or dont rely on th

43、e person. you should accept that the person. ask to work with a different person, or dont rely on this person. you should accept that the person is not reliable and find creative ways to work successfully regardless of how your colleague fails to do his job well.this is what being a winner is all ab

44、outcreatively using your skills and talents so that you are successful no matter what happens. winners dont have fewer problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else. they are just better at seeing those problems as challenges and opportunities to develo

45、p their own talents. so, stop focusing on “whose fault it is.” once you are confident about your power over bad situations, problems are just stepping stop on for success.68. according to the passage, winners .a. deal with problems rather that blame othersb. meet with fewer difficulties in their liv

46、esc. have responsible and able colleaguesd. blame themselves rather that others69.the underlined word remedy in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .a. avoidb. acceptc. improve d. consider70.when your colleague brings about a problem, you should .a. find a better way to handle the problemb. blame h

47、im for his lack of responsibilityc. tell him to find the cause of the problemd. ask a more able colleague for help第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。my name is jack . i have been fighting with smoking for years. 71 i was at university and i was going out with someone who

48、was a very heavy smoker. it was because of final exams and a lot of pressure that i just tried it . it made me relaxed while smoking. gradually i was smoking and addicted to it .72 the first time i think i lasted about three months. but i was living in russia at the time ,and again i fell into a ver

49、y stressful situation and i think i just gave in very easily. 73 the third time is also a failure .but this time i succeeded in giving up smoking. 74 now i feel clearer in the head and dont have that constant anxiety of thinking, “when am i going to have my next cigarette? whats more ,it can save mu

50、ch money.truthfully, i dont think theres anything i like about smokiong. even though there might be an occasional feeling of relief(宽慰) or satisfaction at the time ,you still feel even more terrible afterwards. 75.a. the second time i just stopped with no helpb.i flund smoking was a kind of relaxati

51、onc.besides ,you can just forget your boring things after smoking.d.i was about 22 when i started to smoke.e.i think ive tried to give up several times up to now.f.so giving up smoking is what i really feel lucky for.g.thats because of the health worries and the supports from my parents.71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 第ii卷注意事项:1.用黑色水笔将答案直接写在答题卷中。 2.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上


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