On the notes of interpretation 口译论文_第1页
On the notes of interpretation 口译论文_第2页
On the notes of interpretation 口译论文_第3页
On the notes of interpretation 口译论文_第4页




1、 口译论文on the notes of interpretationinterpretation is a communicative process which faithfully and orally transfer the information from one language to another (meideming,2006:6). we are living in a world featured with increasing intercultural communication, and interpretation serves as an effective

2、role to bridge the language and cultural gap. as a phenomenon or an activity, interpretation has a long history, dating back to the early period of human society, but researches on it and the importance of the notes have long been ignored. this paper will discuss the necessity of notes and the metho

3、d of writing notes.many people believe that: to be a qualified workers, interpreter must be in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation five all-round development, five abilities are short of one cannot. but in reality, the study and practice of, it is not the case. once the english pro

4、fessional senior student had a small range of survey. the respondents were already after a semester alternate interpretation of the study, and in the usual practice more outstanding person. research topic is interpretation given the stumbling block, the options were: a. can keep up with the listenin

5、g b. dont understand accurately c. has difficulties in expressing d. the notes are not accurate. of the questioned 40 students have 28 students think that as long as can guarantee the accuracy of the notes, they can basic accurately express the speakers meaning. this see, notes, often is a headache

6、for beginners a stumbling block. so, for starters, how to do well the note in interpretation?first of all ,the necessity of interpretation notes interpreting is a translation form different from the written translation .it has the characteristics of its own through the oral expression form, will hea

7、r information quickly and accurately by a kind of language converted into another language, and then reach the purpose of information transmission and the exchange of communication, is a human in cross-cultural communication activities across the nation in a basic depend on language communication to

8、ols. (meideming, 2000:6) influenced by the limited time ,site and other factors , interpreters must possess a sound language proficiency, profound knowledge, quick thinking, the accurate understanding ability, fluent expression ability and the powerful memory. however, practice proves that to become

9、 a qualified interpreter, a good memory is obviously a great help in order to ensure the smoothness of the talk, the logic and integrity, even continuous speech of a few minutes or more than 10 minutes, especially when the speaker suddenly mentioned a series of bigger numbers, or place name. and if

10、in the process of interpreting, interpreter on one hand to keep the memory to the speakers words, on the other hand, to be exact geographic discourses, the logic of the article, and so on, this is no doubt the interpreter of the burden of aggravating brain, in that case, an interpreter is difficult

11、to accomplish the task well. therefore, notes, become their own memorys right-hand , and in the study and practice of the process, master and form a simple and effective interpretation system of notes, becomes a reliable guarantee of the interpretation .second, the standard of the note in interpreta

12、tion notes is the general record the interpreter used in order to guarantee the smooth interpretation. different fromthe general dictation and shorthand, it is a very personalized activities. because the note in interpretation for complete interpretation only on the spot, the interpreting activities

13、 help once completed, notes will lose function. notes have the personalized, temporary nature. notes are the carrier of memory contents, but not of the text information. the role of the notes is that in the records help interpreters concentration, in the course of translation for the reminder. in vi

14、ew of the note in interpretation, although the functions and characteristics of interpreting notes is a very personalized activities, but there are still some common standards, such as the quickness of notes, logical organization and the accuracy of the information. quickness of note is that an inte

15、rpreter use the least expensive time to get the most standard record. organization is to point to an interpreter should first source information of logical analysis, can one, distinct record into notes. accuracy is to point to note should keep source of information accurately and the integrity of th

16、e information, especially in record numbers and names, not involving random or word-for-word without his own initiative. on the more cant reigned translation source information.third, interpretation notes format in order to reach the standard requirement, besides the note in interpretation symbols,

17、some people have such a problem, that is whether to use the source language or the target language . according to fengjianzhong: there is no absolute rule on whether the notes should be taken in the target language or the source language。it depends on the preference of individual interpreters. in re

18、ality,however,interpreters tend to use both languages interchangeably.”according to the teaching practice and the experience: when meet the vocabulary that cant think up some notes, they dont waste time to think. and especially when digital and name met, the best way is to use the purpose language t

19、o make notes, so that will not waste time to go for the transformation of the two languages, also wont affect the fluency of interpretation.fourth, interpretation of symbols system and abbreviations notes .one of the standard note in interpretation is to ensure the quickness of notes. how to effecti

20、vely improve the speed of the note, this is a common problem many beginners faced. to achieve this goal, interpreter should do a little note in stroke; try to write the symbols or acronyms to replace lengthy source information. sign system of many symbols, such as arrows, mathematical symbols, punct

21、uation, and some of the other symbols. arrows such ascan represents down, and reduce, worsening, demotionmeans growth, expand and improve, strengthen, rise, promotedcan represents comes from, imports, receive, return to;export, output and scored, go abroad, arrived, give in to etc. mathematical symb

22、ols such ascan say plus, in addition, besides;can be said minus, lack of, etc; means wrong, wrong, bad, notorious;meansbecause;so,therefore,asaresultect.punctuationas:expressproblem,ask questions; other sighs such as can mean right ,good ,famous ,agree etc;can show the meeting ,conference ,discussio

23、ns negotiations ;o can say people;means leadership, management ,so leader can be noted aso abbreviations is frequently used in interpretation. a large number of using abbreviations not only can greatly increase the speed of the notes, but also can improve the accuracy of the note, because of the tar

24、get language used to express in the translation can abbreviations prompts interpreter .abbreviations such as: un: the united nations; apec :asia pacific economic cooperation; cpc: the communist party of china; it: information technology. in fact interpreter in the usual learning and the practice pro

25、cess will run into a lot of signs and abbreviations, at any time interpreter should pay more attention to, be a willing heart. the development of its own notes symbol system has no unified fixed mode, both for their own development, and in ordinary symbols see other people using or ready-made, as lo

26、ng as their it can completely took the enrichment oneself system of signs. once into its symbol system, usually practice when they have to use, after repeated practice, in the long-term practice and accumulation, a familiar note symbol system is developed. for example, the reference: the family plan

27、ning is chinas basic policy. but there are many people in your country dont understand. in fact, from 1971 to 1998, because of chinas one-child policy, chinas population by 338 million. this is equivalent to the united states and canada combined population of the equivalent of the 15 european union countries are the sum total of the population. and chinas per capita gdp rise to the world of the 7 th. if dont realize family planning, im afraid i wil


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