1、编号: _LOAN CONTRACTBORROWER:_LENDER: _Date:_年_月_日第1页共10页Contract Number: _BORROWER:_Address : _LENDER: _Address : _In accordancewithprovisionsof ContractLaw ofthe Peoples RepublicofChinaand Bank of China, after reviewing the status and the request of the Borrower,the Lender agrees to grantthe Borrowe
2、ra lineof crediton . The Borrower , Lenderand Guarantor ,throughfriendlynegotiation,have executed thisContractas follows:ARTICLE 1 CURRENCY, AMOUNT AND TERM OF THE LOAN:1. The Currency under this loan is Reiminbi.2. The Line of the loan is yuan.3. The period of this loan is 12 months from the date o
3、f effectiveness of this contract. ARTICLE 2 THE PURPOSE OF THE LOAN :1. The purpose of this loan is used for working capital turnover.2.Withoutwrittenapprovalofthe Lender , theBorrowercouldnotuse the loanout of the scope of the purpose.ARTICLE 3 INTEREST RATE AND CALCULATION OF INTEREST:1.Interestra
4、te : Theinterestrateshallbe _ Duringthe loan term , ifthe countrys related authority adjusted the interest rate or the manner ofcalculationofinterest,theinterestofthiscontractshallbe adjustedaccordinglyafter one year from the date of execution of this contract.The adjustmentshallbe conductedwhen the
5、 interestrate are executedone year.Itis not obliged to inform the Borrower when the adjustment of interest.2.The interestshallbe calculatedfromthedateof firstdrawdown and the actualdays the borrower use. One year shall be calculated as 360 days.3.The payment of interests: The Borrowershallpay theint
6、erestsper quarter.The payment date shall be, and. If the payment for the last installment is noton thepayment date ,theinterestsshalldeducttheinterestfromthebank accountof the Borrower. In the event that the Borrower fails to pay the interests on timeand the balance of the account of the Borrower is
7、 not enough for the payment ofinterest, theLender shallhave rightstocollect a penaltybeing_ of theoutstanding amount per day for the Borrowers breach of contract.ARTICLE 4 OVERDUE INTERESTS AND MISUSING INTERESTS第2页共10页1. If the Borrower fails to repay the loan and can not reach a agreement withthe
8、Lender regarding the extension, the Lender shall collect an overdue penaltyfor _ of the overdue amount per day.2. Ifthe Borrowerfailsto uses the loan inaccordancewiththe provisionssetforth in this contract, the Lendershall have right tocharge a interests for themisusing part at a rate of _per day.AR
9、TICLE 5 ACCOUNTThe Borrowershallopen Reiminbibasicaccountand/orforeigncurrencyaccountat the Lender or Lenders branch for the use of draw-down, repayment , payment ofinterests and fees.ARTICLE 6 DRAW-DOWN1. The loan under thiscontractis revolving, thebalance of thiscontractshallnot more than the line
10、 of credit.2. The Borrowershallsend a draw-down applicationas the form hereinattachedin this contract 7 days before the date of draw-down.3. The Borrower shall not draw the loan less than 1 million.ARTICLE 7 CONDITIONS FOR DRAW-DOWNThe followingconditions shallbe satisfiedinadvanceof the draw-down d
11、ate :1.The Borrower has opened foreign account and Reiminbi account at the officeof the Lender or the branch of the Lender;2.This contract and the appendices have been effective;3.The Borrower has provided the recognition of the investment or certificateof the investment to the Lender;4.The Borrower
12、has providedtheboard resolutionand power ofattorneyregardingthis loan contract;5.The Borrowerhas providedthelistand thesignaturesample of theauthorizedperson who empower to sign this contract and documents;6.The Guaranty under this contract has been effective;7.The Borrowerhas been satisfiedthewarra
13、ntsunder Article11 of this contract ;8. The other requirement for the draw-down have been satisfied.ARTICLE 8 REPAYMENT PLAN AND PREPAYMENT1. The Borrowershallrepay the loanin accordancewiththe statusof itscash.The Borrower shall inform the Lender the payment amount and date _ prior tomake the payme
14、nt. TheBorrowershall be obligedto repay theprincipal and related第3页共10页interests on due date without any condition.2. The payment made by the Borrower and the deduction from the account of theBorrowershallbe used forrepayingthe interestat firstand then forrepayingtheprincipal.3. In the event the Bor
15、rower fails to repay the loan, the Lender shall haverights to deduct the debt from the bank account of the Borrower at the Lender orempower the branches of the Lender to deduct the debt from the bank account of theBorrower at the Lenders branches;4. The installment of repayment shall not less than 1
16、 million.ARTICLE 9 DEBT CERTIFICATEThe Lender shallkeep recordin the Lenders account forthe principal, interestsand fees and other fees of the Borrower under this contract; The above mentionedrecordand the documentationforthe draw-down , repaymentand payment ofinterestis the certificates of the debt
17、s between the Borrower and the Lender.ARTICLE 10 GUARANTY1. ( the Guarantor ) shall be the guarantor for the loan under this contract and take jointly liabilities.2. Duringthe term of thiscontract, ifthe guarantorsfinancialstatusbecomedeterioratedor the liabilitiesfor repayment of debts become weak,
18、 theLender shallhave right to request the Borrower changes guarantor or provide mortgage and pawnsecured for this loan under this contract.ARTICLE 11 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIESI. The Borrowers represents and warrants as follows:1.The Borrower is a company duly organizedand validlyexistingunder t
19、he lawofthePeoplesRepublicof China and has thepowerand authorityto own its propertytoconsummate the transactionscontemplatedin thiscontractand jointhelitigation.The Borrower has the power to handle it assets used in operation.2.The Borrower is at its option to sign and perform this contract.It is th
20、eBorrowerstruemeaning and has the powertosign thiscontractand itisnot breachitarticleofassociationorregulationsorcontracts.The procedureforsignatureand performance of this contract has been gone through and fully effectiveness.3.The all documents, materials, reports and certificates provided to theL
21、ender by the borrower for consummation of this contract is true, real, competeand effective第4页共10页4. The Borrowershallnot concealthe followingeventswhich isbeinghappenedor have been happened which will cause the Lender refuse to extend the loan:(1) The Borrower or the principalexecutivesof the Borro
22、wer involvein materialevents which breach regulations, laws or compensation to others;( 2) Pending actions and arbitration;( 3) The Borrowers debts or proposed debts or liens and other encumbrances;(4) The othermatterswillimpact the financialstatusor abilitiesof repaymentfor the debts;( 5) The Borro
23、wer breached contract which is between the Borrower and othercreditors.II. The Borrower hereby warrants as follows:1. Using the capitalof the loan as usage set forthin thiscontract,theBorrowerwill not usethe loan as Equityinvestment; The Borrower will not usethe capitalof the loan invest in security
24、, future, real estate etc. The Borrower will notlend to the others privately or involving other maters which is prohibited by thecountry. The Borrower will not misusing or appropriation of the loan.2. Making payment and related expenses in accordance with the provisions setforth in this contract;3.
25、Providingupdated financialstatementor financialbulletineveryquarter;Providingthe auditedfinancialreportat thefirstquartofeach year ; Providingoperationreport , financialreportor otherfilesand materialsand shallwarrantthe reality, correct and effectiveness for the files and materials;4. Any anti-guar
26、antyor othersimilardocuments willnot make any impacton therights and benefits of the Lenders;5. Acceptingthe supervisionof the Lender , providesassistanceand cooperationfor the Lenders supervisions;6. Will not reduce the registration capital; Prior approval from the lendershall be required when the
27、Borrower changes of shareholders and operation manner(includingbut not limitedto jointventure , cooperation, jointlycooperation;dissolution, closedown , liquidation, transformation; merger ; change to sharecompany,use the housing ,machineryor otherrealassetsor trademark ,intellectualproperty, Knowho
28、w, landing using rights or other intangible assets to invest inshare company or investment company, trading of operation right or own right bycontracting, joint operation, trusteeship)第5页共10页7. The Borrower shall inform the Lender and warrants the liability under itssecurity will not more than netas
29、sets ofthe Borrowerwhen the Borrower guaranteeforotherpartyor mortgage itsassets.The Borrowerwarrantsthatwillnot disposethe assets which will make adverse impact on its ability of paying debts.8. The Borrower will not pay the other similar loans prior to the Lender;9. The Borrower warrants to inform
30、 the Lender immediately when the followingevents occurred:( 1) The event of breach of contract under this contract or other loan or guarantycontracts between the Borrower and any branches of Bank of China or other banks,non-bank financial organization;( 2) The Borrowerchanges shareholdersor reviseth
31、e articleof association;(3)The Borrower sufferdifficultiesand bad resultin financialand operation;( 4) The Borrower involves in material actions or arbitration;10. The Borrowershallkeep sufficientbalanceforrepayment prior_ tothe due date.11. The Borrowershallkeep itsbank transactionsregardingincome
32、collection,sellforeigncurrencyor buy foreigncurrencyect.Shallbe conductedat the Lenderor other branches of the Lender. The turn-over for the capital shall satisfy thedemand of the Lender;III. The Borrowers representations and warrants hereunder this contract shallbe effective even though any mendmen
33、t, supplements or revised to be made to thiscontract.ARTICLE 12 REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTS OF THE LENDERI. The Lender represents and warrants as follows:1. The Lender is a state-owned commercial bank or branch duly organized andvalidlyexistingunder the law of P.R.C and approvedby the Industryand C
34、ommercialAdministration and holds the financial institutions legal person licenses andfinancial institutions operation license to be qualified to operate financialbusiness.2. The Lender has takenallnecessaryactionto authorizethe executionof thiscontractand performanceof itsobligationsunder thiscontr
35、act.The Lender is dulyauthorized to extend this loan.II. The Lender warrants as follows:1. The Lender shallextendthe loaninaccordancewiththe provisionssetforth第6页共10页in this Contract.2. Collect interests in accordance with the regulations of the Peoples Bank.ARTICLE 13 EVENTS OF BREACH CONTRACT AND
36、SETTLEMENT:I. Settlement of the Borrower breach of contract1. Event of breach of contract:( 1) The Borrower fails to use the loan in accordance with the agreed usageof the Loan;( 2) The Borrower fails to repay the due principal and pay the interests,expenses or other payable in accordance with the a
37、greed term of this contract;( 3) The Borrower breaches the representationand warrantsset forthin Article11.( 4) The Borrower breaches other loan agreements or guaranty agreements or the Guarantor breach the guaranty agreement which may make impact the Borrower to perform the obligations under this c
38、ontract.( 5) Conclusiveevidenceto show thatthe Borrowerlosethe capacityof creditor during performance of the obligation under this contract, the financialconditionsof the Guarantorare seriouslydeterioratingor otherreasons caused theGuarantor the capacity of credit decline.( 6) The Borrower breaches
39、the other obligations under this contract.2. Under the above circumstances, the Lender shall have right to:( 1) Requestthe Borrower to rectifywithinthe perioddesignedby the Lender ;(2) Cease in extending the loan or cancel the credit;( 3) Declarethe loan under thiscontractis due and the Lender shall
40、have rightto deduct the outstandingamount from the account of the Borrower.The Borrower shallnot appeal against the Lender.( 4) Declare the loan is due under other loan agreements between the Lenderand the Borrower , requestthe Borrowerto repay the loanprincipals, interests,and other expenses.II. Th
41、e settlement for the Lender breach of the contract1. The Lender fails to extend the loan as agreed in this contract without any reasons ;2. The Lender breaches the agreed interest rate and collection add interestsor other fees;3. The Lender breaches the provisions set forth in Article 12;第7页共10页4. U
42、nder the above circumstances, the Borrower shall have right to:( 1) Request the Lender to rectify;( 2) Repay the loan ahead of time and refuse to pay any compensation for prepayment.ARTICLE 14 DEDUCTIONThe Borrowershallpay infullfor thepayment withoutany counteractionor anycondition.ARTICLE 15 ASSIG
43、NMENT OF THE DEBT AND CREDIT1.The Borrower shall not assign its right and liability under this contractto other third party without any written approval of the Lender;2.Intheeventthe Borrowerassign itsrightandliabilityunderthiscontracttootherthirdpartyunderthewrittenconsent oftheLender , thethirdpar
44、tyshallabide this contract without any condition.ARTICLE 16 PERFORMANCE OF OBLIGATION AND WAIVER OF RIGHTS1.The Borrowerisindependentcontractorunderthiscontract ,it willnotimpactby any other relations between the Borrower with other party except the otherprovisions set forth in this contract.2.The L
45、endergiveany extension, toleration, favortotheBorroweror permitthe Borrower to delay of performance any obligation under this contract shall notimpairany rightsof the Lenderinaccordancewiththiscontractand laws ,regulation,itshallbe deemed tohave waiveditsrightsunderthiscontractand theobligationshall
46、 be performed by the Borrower under this contract.ARTICLE 17 AMENDMENT, SUPPLEMENT AND INTERPRETATION OF THE CONTRACT1.Thiscontractcouldbe amended and supplementedupon the writtenagreementsconclude bythe parties. Any a amendment and supplement shall beintegral partyofthis contract.2.Intheeventchange
47、of laws , regulationsor legalpracticewhichwillcauseany termscontainedin thisContractbecome illegal, invalidorlossofpractice,theotherpartofthiscontractshallnotbe impairedby it.The bothpartiesshallmake efforts to change the illegal, invalid or loss of practice part.3.For themattersnotreferredin thisco
48、ntractshallbe construedinaccordancewith the provisions of the Peoples Bank of China.ARTICLE 18 DISPUTE RESOLUTION, GOVERNING LAW AND WAIVER OF EXEMPTION1.The conclusion, interpretation and dispute resolution shall be subject to第8页共10页the Laws of the Peoples Republic of Chin. The disputes arising fro
49、m the executionof this contract shall be settled through friendly consultation by both parties.In case no settlementcan be reached , thedisputesshallbe submittedto the PeoplesCourt of the location of the Lender for judgment.2. The Borrower shallnot rejectany obligationduringthe settlementof disputes.3. The execution and performance of this contract and the related transaction is civil behavior. The Borrower shall not appeal to take action to exempt from the obligation under this contract.If both parties agree to apply arbitration, the above term s
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