



1、木兰林管局森林资源空间配置研究 木兰林管局森林资源空间配置研究 study on mulan forestry adminstration bureaus spatial configuration of forest resources research【中文摘要】 森林资源合理空间配置,是森林可持续经营的重要基础,是实现林业分类经营的前提。针对森林经营过程中,所面临的森林经营目标不明确、森林经营类型缺失等问题,在明确林业发展定位的基础上,按照森林分类经营要求,通过森林资源空间配置,最终解决“哪该有”、“有什么”林种,以及“确定林种后如何经营”等森林经营中必须解决的重大问题,对于最终建立以森

2、林经营方案为核心的森林资源管理体系,促进森林可持续经营,具有重要意义。研究工作,以河北省木兰林管局为研究对象,围绕森林资源空间配置与森林资源分类管理理论与技术问题,运用2005年最新森林资源二类调查资料,以地理信息系统为研究平台,同时借助利用sql选择模块分析方法,研究主要结论如下:(1)选取林地主要控制因素指标构建了包括13个指标的林地适宜性评价指标体系,以小班为评价的基础单位,对木兰林管局的林地资源进行了林地林种适宜性评价,并确定了划分等级界限值以及其计算方法。(2)从木兰林管局区位条件出发,按照林地适宜性评价体系,将全局划分为水源涵养林3 538.2 hm2、水土保持林5 307.7 h

3、m2、防风固沙林地40 807.3 hm2、一般用材林林地33 .320.8 hm2、速生丰产林林地2 170.4 hm2。(3)以现有森林类型为基础,按照森林分类经营要求,分别公益林和商品林,将木兰林管局森林划分为6个经营类型组26个具体经营类型。(4)按照森林经营管理重点与技术要求,宜采取严格保护管理的生态公益林19332.07 hm2、重点保护的生态公益林14597.05 hm2、保护经营型公益林26834.68 hm2、一般经营型用材林35011.25 hm2、集约经营管理型用材林1398.81 hm2。 【英文摘要】 reasonable spatial arrangement of

4、 forest resources, sustainable forest management is an important basis for the realization of the premise of the forestry classification management. for the forest management process, the goal of facing the uncertainty of forest management, forest management issues such as the type of deficiency, th

5、e development of forestry in a clear position on the basis of classification management in accordance with the requirements of the forest through the spatial arrangement of forest resources, the ultimate solution, “which should have” , “what” forest species, as well as the “forest types to determine

6、 how management” such as forest management in the major issues that must be addressed, for the eventual establishment of a forest management program at the core of the forest resources management system, to promote sustainable forest management has important significance. research work, to hebei pro

7、vince, mulan forestry adminstration bureaus objects for the study,. focusing on forest resources, space allocation and classification of forest resources management theory and technical issues, the use of forest resources in 2005 in the second category the latest survey data to geographic informatio

8、n system platform for the study and at the same time with the use of sql select module analysis to study the main conclusions are as follows:selected indicators of forest land to build the main controlling factors of 13 indicators, including woodland suitability evaluation index system to the basis

9、for the evaluation of small units, the wood of the forest resources of the mulan forestry adminstration bureaus conducted a woodland suitability assessment of forest types and to determine the division of threshold levels, as well as its calculation method.from the mulan forestry adminstration burea

10、us regional conditions, in accordance with the forest land suitability assessment system, the global water conservation forest is divided into 3 538.2 hm2, water and soil conservation forests 5 307.7 hm2, wind and sand-fixation forest land 40 807.3 hm2, in general woodland timber 33 320.8 hm2, plant

11、ation forests to 2 170.4 hm2.the existing forest types, based on business requirements in accordance with the classification of forests, forests and commercial forests, respectively, the mulan forestry adminstration bureaus forest is divided into six operating the type of group 26 specific business

12、types.forest management in accordance with the priorities and technical requirements, they are advised to take strict protection of ecological forest management 19332.07 hm2, ecological forest protection 14597.05 hm2, the protection of business-type forest 26834.68 hm2, general business-type timber

13、35011.25 hm2, intensive management of type timber 1398.81 hm2. 【中文关键词】 木兰林管局; 森林资源空间配置; 地理信息系统; 森林经营类型; 管理途径 【英文关键词】 mulan forestry adminstration bureau ; space configuration; geographic information system; the type of forest management; management approach 【毕业论文目录】摘要 4-5 abstract 5 1 引言 8-9 2 国内外研究

14、进展 9-14 2.1 国外研究现状 9 2.2 国内研究进展 9-10 2.3 森林资源配置理论与方法 10-12 2.3.1 森林资源配置的概念 10 2.3.2 森林资源合理配置的目的任务 10-11 2.3.3 森林资源合理配置的原则依据 11-12 2.3.4 森林资源配置的对象 12 2.3.5 森林资源配置的范围 12 2.4 研究目的及意义 12-14 3 研究地区概况及研究方法 14-20 3.1 自然概况 14-15 3.1.1 区位条件 14 3.1.2 地形地貌 14 3.1.3 气候 14 3.1.4 水文 14-15 3.1.5 土壤 15 3.1.6 植被 15

15、3.2 社会经济情况 15-16 3.3 森林资源现状 16 3.4 生态资源、环境现状 16-17 3.5 研究方法 17-20 3.5.1 研究所需软件、硬件 17 3.5.2 数据来源 17-18 3.5.3 技术路线 18-20 4 木兰林管局森林资源配置现状分析与问题诊断 20-23 4.1 森林空间布置现状分析 20 4.2 森林空间布置存在的问题 20-23 4.2.1 林种布局不合理 20-22 4.2.2 森林经营管理相对落后 22-23 5 木兰林管局森林资源配置适宜性评价与林种配置 23-38 5.1 林地适宜性指标的确定 23-28 5.1.1 指标体系建立的原则 23

16、-24 5.1.2 建立层次结构模型 24 5.1.3 建立递阶层次结构 24 5.1.4 建立判断矩阵 24-27 5.1.5 评价指标的量化及评价单元的确定 27-28 5.2 林种适宜性评价 28-38 5.2.1 林种适宜性评价方法及评价模型 28-29 5.2.2 林地林种适宜性评价过程 29-33 5.2.3 林种空间配置 33-38 6 木兰林管局林业发展定位与森林经营类型组织 38-45 6.1 木兰林管局森林经营背景及其定位 38-40 6.2 森林经营类型的组织 40-41 6.2.1 划分依据 40 6.2.2 划分结果 40-41 6.3 森林经营管理途径 41-45 6.3.1 森林经营管理类型的组织 41-42 6.3.2 管理途径 42-45 7 结论与讨论 45-4


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