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1、unit 6 picnic一 教学内容牛津小学英语2a第六单元,第一教时(learn to say) 二 教学目标1 能听懂、会说、初步认读单词:an ant,a tree2 能听懂what are those?并能根据情况用they are .回答。三 教学重点1 能正确朗读单词an ant , a tree.2 能听懂what are those?并能根据情况用they are 回答。四 教学难点1 those的读音2 了解并运用英语中的复数形式。五 课前准备1 教具准备 公园的图片、 水果等实物、一个篮子、一只放大镜2 教学准备自制课件3 板书准备预先写好课题unit 6 picnic六

2、 教学过程a warm up(约2分钟)1 师生之间用good morning/afternoon.相互问候。2 sing a song: 牛津小学英语2aunit 5 at the market (唱歌的时候,学生可加手势和动作)b presentation and practice(约18分钟)1 t:(出示一个篮子,篮子上用布盖着) its a sunny day today. lets have a picnic. ss: ok/all right.出示公园图片ss:理解picnic的意思,并学说have a picnic.教师出示课题unit 6 picnic教师领读课题picnic

3、学生跟读unit 6 picnic2 t: theres some fruit in the basket. what are these in the basket?ss: they are bananas/apples/pears/oranges.教师通过让学生猜一猜、摸一摸、尝一尝等形式把篮子里的苹果、香蕉、梨都展示在学生的课桌上。s1: (桌上有水果的学生) what are these?s2: theyre apples/bananas/pears/oranges.在学生的对话练习中,要注意孩子的复数单词的发音,以上几个单词结尾的“s”都念/z/,纠正孩子的读音。3 t: (远离学生

4、课桌上的水果,边问边用手指向水果)what are those?ss: (引导学生说)theyre apples/bananas/pears/oranges.学生通过教师的位置,理解what are those?的意思。ss学习those用个别读,小组读,齐读等方法操练those. 教师出示新句型what are those?ss:学习what are those?用个别读,小组读,齐读等方法操练what are those?,并让学生拿出手指指向远处。c say a rhyme (约5分钟) (根据教师的手势用whatre these/those? theyre 来说歌谣) 1 出示实物或图

5、片,教师先来领读歌谣。these, these, those, thosewhatre these? whatre those?pens, pens, carrots, carrotstheyre pens. theyre carrots.2 学生根据教师所指的东西的远近来说歌谣。先请学生齐说,在操练熟练后,可请孩子个别表演。s1: these, these, those, thosewhatre these? whatre those?books, books rubbers, rubberstheyre books. theyre rubbers. d learn to say(约7分钟)

6、1 t: (在刚才的公园图片配上人物)whos he? ss: hes mike/dad.t: whos she? ss: shes helen/ mum. 在这一过程中可复习unit 1中的对话。t: theyre in the park. they re having a picnic.3 师生用what re these/those?来问答图片上的东西。t: what are these/those?s1: theyre birds/bees.学生间用what re these/those?来问答图片上的东西。s1: what are these/those?s2: they are b

7、irds/bees/学生在1b的儿歌中学过tree,因此在这里只需要出示单词,让学生认读及拼读。学生学习单词tree.4 t:(用放大镜突出图片上的蚂蚁) what are these? ss: 学说theyre ants. 教师出示单词卡片an ant/ants,纠正学生“ts”的发音。用个别读,小组读,齐读等方法操练an ant/ants. ss:数图上的蚂蚁one ant, two ants, three ants . 出示“ts”结尾的单词,让学生读cats, carrots.5 看图听录音,理解对话内容。6 边听录音边朗读对话,并指读单词和句子。7 师生表演对话。8 教师请几组学生表

8、演课文对话。e consolidation(约6分钟)1 教师出示图片,领读自编的歌谣pigs, pigs, those are pigs.pigs, pigs, they are big.教师请学生编歌谣,学生可根据教师出示的图片来编,也可以自己指物品。s1:ants, ants, those are ants. ants ,ants, they are small.这首自编歌谣为单元的儿歌作准备。2 教师出示公园和动物园的图片让学生来对话s1: lets go to the zoo.s2:ok/all right.s1:what are these/those?s2:they are pi

9、gs/tigers/cats/s1: lets go to the park.s2: ok/all right.s1: what are these/those?s2: they are birds/bees/ants/trees/f assign homework(约2分钟)1 听磁带,跟读第六单元的对话。2 试着用what are these/those? they are 来和同学说说身边的 东西。七 板书设计 unit 6 picnic what are those? they are ants.an ant图a tree图课文图片unit 6 picnic一 教学内容牛津小学英语2a

10、第六单元,第二教时(learn to say look and learn)二 教学目标1 能听懂、会说、初步认读单词:a flower, a butterfly2 能听懂what are those?并能根据情况用they are .回答。三 教学重点1 能正确朗读单词a flower, a butterfly2 能熟练运用what are these/those?并能根据情况用they are 回答。四 教学难点1 能熟练运用what are these/those?并能根据情况用they are 回答。2 了解并运用英语中的复数形式。五 课前准备1 教具准备1 牛津小学英语1bunit

11、8say a rhyme的图片。2 把教室布置成农场,在四周墙壁上贴上各种动物和树木,花的 图片(有单复数形式)3 以前学过的各种单词图片(动物)4) 课文磁带2 板书准备预先写好课题unit 6 picnic六 教学过程a warm up(约6分钟)4 师生之间用good morning/afternoon.相互问候。5 say a rhyme出示牛津小学英语1bunit 8 say a rhyme 内容及相应的画面,引导学生一起朗诵歌谣。daddy, daddy, can you see?a star, a star above the tree. (唱歌谣的时候,学生可加手势和动作)6

12、教师在图片上贴上风筝,教师领读歌谣daddy, daddy,.can you see?a kite, a kite.above the tree.教师在图片上贴上气球,请学生来改编歌谣daddy, daddy,.can you see?a balloon, a balloon.above the tree.b presentation and practice(约26分钟)1 教师在黑板上画四棵树,把全班分成四组,每组对应一棵树进 行比赛,答对一题就在树上贴朵花,在说明游戏规则的时候,还教学单词a flower。ss学习a flower用个别读,小组读,齐读等方法操练a flower.(教师在

13、黑板上画树的时候,可引导学生一起数one tree, two trees, three trees, four trees)1) 教师请一位学生做动作或模仿声音,请其他学生猜是什么动物。在游戏过程中,教学a butterfly.,然后再请几个学生一起来模仿蝴蝶的动作,教学butterflies.出示单词卡片时,可把单词结尾的“ies”用红笔突出。2) 做“whats missing”的游戏在投影上出示含本单元单词的六张图片(trees, butterflies, flowers, ants, tomatoes, carrots),比比学生的眼力,看看少了哪一个。ss: trees/butter

14、flies/学生在回答的时候要用单词的复数形式。3) 在上个游戏的基础上,出示单词,让学生进行单词和图片配对。4)完成练习册上p23的read and match。这些游戏结束后,教师可总结每组得到的花的数量,引导学生一起数one flower, two flowers, three flowers, four flowers,2 sing a song at the market3 教师出示公园的图片,让学生用at the market的旋律来改编歌 词in the park, we can see, butterflies, flowers, ants and trees.butterfl

15、ies, flowers, ants and trees.butterflies, flowers, ants and trees.in the park, we can see, butterflies, flowers, ants and trees.4 教师出示农场的背景图片,然后告诉学生we are on the farm now.引导学生看教室墙壁上的图片。使用句型whats this/that? its a what are these/those? they are 进行对话练习。先在座位上两两对话或四人对话,然后学生可在教室里和任意同学对话。在对话中,教师要注意巡视。t: wh

16、ats this/that?s1: its a cow/pig/s1: whats this/that?s2: its a dog/cat/s3: what are these/those?s4: they are ducks/cows/5 请学生表演对话,可把墙上的图片作为奖品奖励给孩子。c listening exercise(约6分钟)1 教师出示练习册p21的图片,让学生观察图片t: lisa, lisa, what can you see?ss: butterflies, butterflies, in the park.2 让学生模仿这个句子进行chant.s1:helen, he

17、len, what can you see?s2::trees, trees, in the park.s3: mike, mike, what can you see?s4: ants, ants , in the park. 比一比,看看哪几组说得多。3 listen and number.d assign homework(约2分钟)1 听磁带,跟读ab两部分。2 课后与同桌表演对话。七 板书设计 unit 6 picnic whats this/that? its a what are these/those? they are 儿歌图片a flower图a butterfly图uni

18、t 6 picnic一 教学内容牛津小学英语2a第六单元,第三教时(say a rhyme find and say)二 教学目标1 通过复习,能听懂、会说、认读单词an ant, a butterfly, a flower, a tree. 2 能熟练运用what are these/those?并能根据情况用they are .回答。3 能诵读歌谣sing in the trees.三 教学重点3 能听懂、会说、认读本单元单词。4 能熟练运用what are these/those?并能根据情况用they are 回答。四 教学难点能熟练运用what are these/those?并能根

19、据情况用they are 回答。五 课前准备1 教具准备4 牛津小学英语2aunit 6 say a rhyme的图片。5 图片2 教学准备 自制课件3 板书准备预先写好unit 6 picnic六 教学过程a warm up(约5分钟)7 师生之间用good morning/afternoon.等相互问候。8 play a game请一位学生做动作,其他学生猜动作单词,复习run, swim, sing, dance在复习单词的时候,教师可加上sing in the tree, dance at the market等b presentation(约6分钟)1 教师出示牛津小学英语2auni

20、t 6 say a rhyme图片,学生跟随教师有节奏地诵读自编歌谣。trees, trees ,those are trees.trees, trees, they are green.birds, birds, those are birds.birds, birds, they are singing.在诵读歌谣的时候,可加上动作和手势。2 教师放本单元歌谣录音,让学生随着录音有节奏地朗诵,创设 浓厚的学习英语的课堂气氛。trees, trees,those are trees.birds, birds,singing in the trees.教师和学生边诵读,边做动作。3 改编歌词,

21、教师可做动作,让学生领悟trees, trees ,those are trees.birds, birds, dancing in the trees.4 在图片上贴上几只猴子,让学生改编歌词trees, trees ,those are trees.monkeys, monkeysjumping in the trees. c revision(约15分钟)1 复习单词1) flash cards图片在学生面前闪一闪,让学生猜猜该单词。s1:its an ant.s2:theyre flowers.出示的图片上的物品既有单数,又有复数,让学生能分辨出its和they are 2) 教师出示剪纸,让学生说单词,然后再把剪纸拉开,给孩子呈现出多个该物品,复习了单词的单复数形式。t:whats this/that?s1:its a/an t:what are these/those?s2:they are 2 practice教师出示图片,让学生看图,编对话t: lets go to the park. s1: ok/all right.


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