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1、1,如何利用反拍卖技术提高企业和政府采购透明度降低采购成本How Can Enterprises Lack of direct competition among sellers during negotiation,1/ 供应商渠道有限 Limited Suppliers,8,传统采购方式的不足之处2 Limitations of Traditional Buying (2),3/ 在招标采购中,卖方的定价心理是“在低价中标的同时争取价格最高”,在只有一次出价机会的投标过程中必然导致侥幸取胜的行为,从而使降价空间缩小。 During buying through public bidding

2、, sellers pricing strategy is “the highest price possible to win the tender”, which leaves little room for price cut under the thought of fluke.,9,传统采购方式的不足之处3 Limitations of Traditional Buying (3),4/ 招投标过程许多环节需要通过人为因素来确定,这种“面对面”方式,容易产生卖方价格同盟、买卖双方人为的权力或利益干扰等因素,使降价空间缩小。 Subjective factors affect pric

3、es during public bidding such as price league, the power and the benefit of the seller or the buyer, etc.,10,传统采购方式的不足之处4 Limitations of Traditional Buying (4),5/ 是典型的非信息对称搏奕过程,买方无法有效的分析供应商的成本区间,竞争远不彻底; Buyers are unable to effectively analyze the cost of suppliers.,6/ 造成决策者对采购管理上的困难。 Creates diffic

4、ulties in purchasing management for decision makers.,11,反拍卖的概念Concept of RAT,反拍卖技术 Reverse Auction Technology(RAT),一种革命性的采购方式 Revolutionary Way of Purchasing,12,拍卖与反拍卖Auction Vs. Reverse Auction,13,反拍卖采购流程RAT Purchasing Flow,确认招标文件 Identify bidding documents 产品标准 Product specifications 商务标准 Business

5、 standards 标底价格 Opening price 供应商认证 Certificate of Suppliers 选定准投标人 Bidder selection 技术培训 Technical training 网上竞价(限时多次出价) Bid on the web (multiple bids within limited time) 自动产生中标方 Automatically generate successful bidder,14,传统采购流程示意图Traditional Purchasing Flow Chart,15,反拍卖采购流程示意图RAT Purchasing Flow

6、 Chart,16,反拍卖采购系统结构RAT Purchasing System Structure,易讯反拍卖采购竞价平台Globalrat Elphone RAT Bidding Platform Globalrat 服务器端 Server 监控端 Monitoring Terminal 客户端 Client Terminal,易讯反拍卖采购招投标管理系统 Elphone RAT Bidding Management System,中国反拍卖采购网 .chinarat.,17,反拍卖采购招投标管理系统RAT Bidding Management System,招标文件管理 Bidding

7、Documents Mgmt 投标报名管理 Bidder Registration Mgmt 供应商库管理 Supplier Pool Mgmt 资格认证管理 Supplier Certificate Mgmt 合同管理 Contract Mgmt 历史数据管理 Historical Data Mgmt,18,中国反拍卖采购网Website of China Reverse Auction Procurement,19,反拍卖采购系统拓扑图RAT Purchasing System Topology,20,服务器端Server,核心系统用于接收、发送及处理来自监控端和客户端的所有数据,包括:网

8、络延时处理、身份认证、数据的有效性、准确性及可靠性的判断;意外情况(如:连接中断、数据超时)的处理;紧急数据恢复等。 Core system receives, processes and transmits data from monitoring and client terminals, including internet delay management, identity management, data validity, accuracy and reliance management; internet accident management (connection inte

9、rruption, data timeout); emergency data recovery.,21,监控端Monitoring Terminal,安装于采购方,是反拍卖采购系统的核心系统主体构成。采购方通过监控端可以监控到竞价过程的每个出价的详细信息,并接收从服务器端的数据分析及统计资料,用于分析供应商的集体成本区间。 Installed on the buyers end. It is the key structure of the RAT purchasing system. The buyer can monitor the details of every single bid

10、 through the monitoring terminal, receive the data statistics and analysis from the server to identify the suppliers collective cost.,22,监控端示意图Monitoring Terminal Window,23,客户端Client Terminal,安装于投标方(供应商),投标方(供应商)经过身份认证后登录易讯反拍卖采购系统,能够实时查看投标过程中的当前价格,并根据当前价格以“背靠背”的方式多次出价(向下竞价)。 Installed on the bidders

11、 (suppliers) end. The bidders can log onto the Elphone RAT Bidding Platform after identity confirmation to view the real-time bidding prices and to make multiple bids (bidding down).,24,客户端示意图Client Terminal Window,25,新奥燃气XinAo Gas,项目名称:PE80管材采购项目(670吨) Project: PE80 Purchase (670 tons) 招标编号(Bid Ser

12、ial No.):EKN0145891 竞价日期(Bid Date):September 27, 2004 投标方数量(Number of Bidders):5家 本次竞价历时52分钟,共出价74次;The bid lasted 52 minutes with a total of 74 bids 降价幅度达4.21;4.21% price cut.,26,客户端示意图Client Terminal Window,27,创维集团Skyworth Group,项目名称:近200个项目(电子元器件) Project: near 200 projects (electronic components

13、) 竞价日期(Bid Date):May 16-18, 2005 Number of Bidders: 20 单项竞价采购降幅最低为4.2,最高降幅达61.3 Price cut ranges from 4.2% to 61.3% 项目总平均节约采购成本达28.3 Average saving of purchasing cost reaches 28.3%,28,其他案例 Other Cases,29,反拍卖采购适用范围RAT Applications,采购品为非独占性产品,采购条件明确; Non-exclusive commodities with clear pecifications

14、采购的产品须具备三个以上的供应商; More than 3 suppliers 产品供大于求,处于买方市场; Greater supply than demand, buyers market 数量多、价额大,对竞标者有足够吸引力; Large quantities,big amount, attractive to bidders 采购条件和标准确定的主动权在采购方。 Proactive buyers set up the purchasing conditions and standards,30,不断的技术创新Continuous Technology Innovations,专业的反拍

15、卖采购技术与服务提供商 Professional RAT Service Provider 多指标竞价技术 Multi-target RAT 密价竞价技术 Confidential Bidding RAT 多区域多项目混拍技术Multi-territory Multi-project RAT 拍卖等 Auction,31,RAT对企业/政府采购的重要意义Significance of RAT to Enterprise/Government Purchasing,最大限度降低采购成本; Reduce purchasing cost to the most extent,降低交易成本 Cut t

16、ransaction cost,提高采购的工作效率,精简采购组织和人力; Improve purchasing efficiency, streamline purchasing organization,减少人为因素的干扰,铲除滋养腐败的土壤。 Reduce subjective effects, remove the foundation for corruption,32,RAT对企业/政府采购的重要意义Significance of RAT to Enterprise/Government Purchasing,提高企业的竞争力Improve Enterprise Competitio

17、n Ability,交易成本的降低有利提高企业的利润率; Reduced transaction cost increases the overall profitability,成本的降低直接提高其产品的竞争力 Reduced cost improves the products competition ability,促使供应商不断创新、提高综合竞争力 Urge innovations and improvements from the suppliers,有利于提高整个行业竞争力 Increase competition in the industry,培养大型企业的成长,缩短与世界大型企业的差距。 Help grow enterprises,33,RAT对企业/政府采购的重要意义Significance of RAT to Enterprise/Government Purchasing,提高招投标过程的透明度; Increase transparency of the bidding,管理水平的提高 Improve management efficiency,34,共建节约型社会Establish Economical Soc


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