1、mv *procedure specification of steering gear repair 1,修理前先进行舵机运转试验检查运动部件的运行情况。before repair, we will do the steering gear running test to check the running condition.2,进坞后先测量上下舵钮的间隙,上舵承间隙测量,数据记录。舵杆与舵叶联接平面检查,紧配螺栓检查,确定舵杆与舵叶的联接情况。测量重磅平面至撞杆柱塞中心线的高度数据记录。测量撞杆柱塞与十字头的间隙a、b两位置。测量舵叶与假舵的间隙c、d两位置。测量舵杆中心至撞杆柱塞销的距
2、离。(如图1).after drydocking, measure and record rudder pintles clearances and rudder carrier clearances, check the condition of flanges & bolts that connect rudder stock and rudder blade to know how about the connection, measure and record the distance between ram center line and foundation flange surf
3、ace, measure and record upper clearance & lower clearance ab between ram and tiller fork, measure and record the jumping clearances cd, measure and record the distance between rudder stock center line and ram pin.图1. 原始数据测量示意图 (drawing for measurement)3,拆除上下舵钮,拆除舵杆与舵叶平面联接紧配螺栓。舵叶吊离船体放妥。dismantle rudd
4、er pintles, and dismantle the bolts connecting rudder stock flange and rudder blade flange, then lift rudder blade away.4,拆除转舵十字头,拆除转舵轴承总成。测量舵杆轴径,轴承直径,检查平面轴承的贴合面,平面轴承包扎好吊车间放妥。dismantle rudder tiller and ruuder carrier assembly, measure and record the diameters of rudder stock and rudder carrier bush
5、, check the condition of plane bearing, then pack the plane bearing and transport it to workshop.5,坞修钳工用拉线方法测量假舵上平面至重磅法兰底座的距离允许误差1mm。measure and record the distance between upper surface of rudder horn and foundation flange by drawing wire, allowed error is within 1mm.6,轮机钳工测量左、右液缸柱塞与压紧密封函法兰的间隙数据记录。
6、以四周壁拉出液缸柱塞的十字线。measure and record clearance between rams (both sides) and stuffing flanges. to position 4 reference points on 4 sides wall by drawing wire, and mark them, that will be used for positioning the steering gear when refit them later.7,转舵液缸地座前割除前,必须进行加强用。133mm的管子,横向烧焊加强。before cutting the
7、 steering gear with its foundation frames (both sides), we will weld pipes (dia, 133mm) to the both sides frames to strengthen the whole set to prevent deformation.8,转舵液缸底座焊缝烊掉后,轮机钳工复测左、右液缸柱塞与压紧密封函法兰的间隙前后数据比对。转舵液缸总成连底座一起移至船体可施工即可。after cutting the steering gear with frames, measure and record cleara
8、nce between rams (both sides) and stuffing flanges again, compare these new data with that of point 6. the steering gear with frames will be removed aside until we have enough space to do the steel job.9,船体可以进行舵承甲板换板工程。并新制平面轴承重磅法兰底座。now we will start the deck plate renewal, and fabricate new foundat
9、ion flange.10,通过拉线初步确定重磅法兰底座的位置,应考虑法兰平面的机加工的切削余量加上先前测量的重磅平面至撞杆柱塞中心线的高度及a、b两点的间隙及舵叶与假舵的间隙c、d两位置数据,通过分析计算最后确定高度。拉线方法可以把上下舵钮作为基准参照,但前提条件是上下舵钮轴承不能磨损太多,否则就要破坏轴承以本体孔为标准。正确的拉线方法是以尾轴中心线为基准点过上下舵钮中心引上去的一根直线。(根据具体情况再确定)do calculation according to data of point 2 and point 5, we will position the new foundation
10、 flange roughly by drawing wire, and we can ascertain processing margin of new foundation flange and final distance between ram center line and foundation flange surface. if the condition of pintles bushes is available, we can consider pintles as benchmark to draw wire, otherwise we have to take the
11、 houses of pintles bushes as benchmark. the right way for alignment is to take the cross point of tailshaft center line and the pintle holes center line as benchmark to draw wire upwards. ( we will do it on spot).11,重磅法兰底座初定位后,船体可进行施焊,要尽量减少施焊所造成的变形。after position the foundation flange roughly, we wi
12、ll start the welding job, and will do our best to reduce deformation.12,施焊工程结束后,机加工镗重磅法兰底座平面,保证法兰平面与舵杆理论线相垂直,同时平面与撞杆柱塞的中心线高度应该是初定位时计算的高度减去加工的切削量。(如图2)after welding, we will machine the flange surface plumb to the rudder stock center line, after deduct the processing margin, we will ascertain the fin
13、al distance between ram center line and foundation flange surface as mentioned in point 10.图2. 底座法兰示意图 (drawing for rudder carrier foundation flange)13,装上平面轴承调整平面轴承,按照舵杆理论线调整平面轴承座的位置,使舵杆上轴承孔与上下舵钮孔在同心位置,并用非紧配螺丝4个进行固定。用角尺检查平面轴承与理论线的垂直度。refit the ruuder carrier assembly, and adjust its positon accordin
14、g to the rudder stock center line to make the center of rudder carrier be at the same line with the centers of upper and lower pintles. then temporarily fix rudder carrier asembly to foundation flange using bolts in clearance fit, and check verticality of plane bearing and rudder stock center line.1
15、4,对称打上定位销确定平面轴承座位置,并按照平面轴承座孔划线,移除轴承座,进行钻孔。if everything is ok, we will symmetrically fit position pins to fix the rudder carrier, and mark the foundation bolts position, then remove the ruuder carrier assembly, and drill holes on foundation flange according to the marks.15,轴承座地脚螺栓孔铰制配紧配螺栓。轴承座装复。(如图3
16、)finally finish the holes and fabricate new bolts of interferencefit, then refit the ruuder carrier assembly.图3. 轴承座安装示意图 (drawing for installment)16,装复舵杆、舵叶。测量上、中、下三个轴承的间隙,平面轴承进行蓝油着色试验要求贴合面积大于90%以上。refit rudder stock & rudder blade, measure rudder pintles clearances and rudder carrier clearances ag
17、ain. dye check the plane bearing with blue oil, touched area should be more than 90% of total area.17,转舵液缸总成连底座的定位,根据舵杆的十字中心及先前所测量的重磅法兰底座至撞杆中心线、舵杆中心至撞杆柱塞销的数据,进行调整定位。(如图4)to position the steering gear with frames according to data of point 2, point 5, point 10. 图4. 撞杆定位示意图18,施焊前钳工要测量左、右液缸柱塞与压紧密封函法兰的间隙,或在左、右柱塞液缸上放百分表进行观察控制并延续到施焊工程结束。一经发现有变化立即停止施焊通知技术部。 before welding, measure cl
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