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1、WORD格式四年级英语练习卷班级 _姓名 _得分 _听力部分一、听录音,选择你们听到的选项。()1. A. me()2. A. father()3. A. swim()4. A. four()5. A. where()6. A. cap()7. A. sure()8. A. have二、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。()1. A. Yes, I can.()2. A. Look at our fruit salad.()3. A. What do you like?)4. A. Do you like this(cat?)5. A. I can play(basketball.()6. A. I

2、 m fifteen.(8 分)B. heC. sheB. funnyC. familyB. sweetC. skateB. fourteenC. footballB. whatC. whoB. cupC. canB. riceC. niceB. horseC. here(12 分)B. Yes, I do.C. Yes, I am.B. Let s make a fruit salad.B. What would you like?B. Do you like cats?B. I can play baseball.B. Imsixteen.三、听录音,选择正确的答句。(8 分)()1. A

3、. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I can.C. Yes, I am.()2. A. Yes, I do.B. No, thanks.C. Yes, I can.()3. A. Yes, I do.B. I have three.C. I dlike mangoes.()4. A. Yes, I do.B. No, I can t.C. I can play football.四、听录音,补全对话。(12 分)1. A: Do you like _?B: No, I _.2. A: Let s _ a fruit salad.B: Wonderful!专业资料整理WORD格式3. A:

4、 Can you play _?B: No, I _. I can play _.笔试部分五、看图写单词。(8 分)六、词型转换。(6 分)1.can t (完整形式)_2.these(对应词 ) _3.horses (单数) _4.cute (近义词)_5.they are(缩写) _6.let s(完整形式)_七、英汉互译。(8 分)、踢足球_2. these toy animals _13、那只熊猫 _4. our fruit salad _5. how many _6. 十五只香蕉 _7. cute and fat_8. those cakes_八、选择正确的答案。(10 分)()1.

5、 _ crayons do you have? Twelve.A. How manyB. How niceC. How much()2. I _ eighteen toy dogs.A. hasB. haveC. am()3. _ you play table tennis?专业资料整理WORD格式 No, I can t.A. DoB. CanC. Are()4.Do you have _ toy cars? Yes, I do.A. someB. anyC. many()5. I like _.A. tigerB. a tigerC. tigers()6. Can you play foo

6、tball? Yes, I _.A. doB. canC. can t()7. Look, she can _. Great!A. skatesB. skateC. table tennis()8. Look at these cats. _ cute and fat.A. It sB. They reC. It()9. This is _ orange.A. anB. aC. some()10. I have _ grapes.A. aB. anyC. some九、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分)1. catthisIlike ( . )2. manyhavedoHowballsy

7、ou ( ? )3. playtable tennisyouCan ( ? )4. youwouldWhatlike ( ? )专业资料整理WORD格式5. seventeenhavecrayonsYou ( . )十、改错题。(8 分)()1. Look at this lovely pandas._ABC()2. How many orange would you like?._ABC()3. My sisters donthave some crayons.ABC()4. What do you like? I d like a toy.ABC十一、阅读理解,判断正(T)误( F )。(

8、 10 分)A: Welcome to our school.B: Thank you.A: Look, this is our classroom._B: How nice! How many boys and girls are there in your class?A: Nineteen boys and eighteen girls.B: Oh, I see. Look, what s behind the door?A: Let me see. It s a football. Do you like it?B: Yes. I can play football very well

9、.A: Me, too. Let s go and play football.B: Great!()1. They are in the school.()2. There are eighteen girls in their他 ( 们的 ) class.()3. The basketball is behind the door.()4. They can play football very well.()5. There are seventeen boys in their class.专业资料整理WORD格式听力部分一、听录音,选择你们听到的选项。1. she2. funny3.

10、 swim4. fourteen5. who6. can7. sure8. here二、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。1. Yes, I can.2. Let s make a fruit salad.3. What would you like?4. Do you like this cat?5. I can play baseball.6. I m sixteen.三、听录音,选择正确的答句。1. Can you play table tennis?2. Would you like some grapes?3. How many mangoes do you have?4. Do you like elephants, Mike?四、听录音,补


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