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1、writing for nurse englishtypes,要求: 120-150字 1. 病例(50%) 2. 议论文(30%) 3. 图表描述(10%) 4. 应用文:便条,病假条,通知等(10%),病例,重点:时态语态,缩略语,常用词 缩略语见三级复习资料p71 常用词:入院: admit eg: she was admitted into hospital 3 days ago 出院:discharge she was discharged yesterday 主诉:complain of /report eg: she also reported urgency, frequenc

2、y, dysuria, and hematuria. 加重:be made worse/worsen 好转:improve eg: she quickly improved after receiving insulin. 经检查:on examination,发现:detect eg: no other signs were detected. 上升:elevate/increase 表明:reveal it revealed tenderness in his abdomen 发生:occur eg: the complication occurred two months ago. 有-

3、症状:have the symptoms of -/suffer from- eg: he has been suffering from hypertension.,诊断为:be diagnosed with- eg: he is diagnosed with left pneumonia. 治愈:we have no way to cure cancer. 治疗:we may take herbal medicine as treatment. 求诊:present the patient presented to digestive office with 2-month history

4、 of weight loss. 接受手术:have/undergo an operation 服药:take medication of- 扩散/蔓延:spread the infection spreads to kidney,exercise,56 male problems: a fever, chills, and generalized fatigue; urgency, frequency, dysuria, and hematuria; urine cloudy with a fishy odor physical test: a clean catch specimen fo

5、r a u/a (urinalysis), a urine c difficulty walking after having one beer to drink symptoms: diaphoresis, rapid respirations disoriented pulse physical examination: needle marks were found on his arms and thighs test: blood serum tests result: hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis treatment : insulin inject

6、ion,a 22-year-old college student was admitted to the emergency room after his friends called an ambulance when he passed out in a bar. he had become confused, developed slurred speech, and had difficulty walking after having one beer to drink. in the er he was noted to have diaphoresis, rapid respi

7、rations and pulse, and was disoriented. upon examination, needle marks were found on his arms and thighs. the physician ordered blood serum tests that revealed hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis. unknown to his friends, this young man has had diabetes mellitus since early childhood. the patient quickly

8、recovered following an insulin injection.,议论文 类型:单纯论述、 对立观点psychological problems among college students,there is no denying the fact that psychological problems are becoming serious among college students. reports are often heard that some collegians committed suicide or murdered their roommates. t

9、ypical examples include the case of a chinese student named ma jiajue and that of a korean student studying in the u.s.,a number of factors may account for these young men and womens troubles, but the following might the critical ones. first, as young adults, most of them are at the stage of persona

10、lity formation and are quite sensitive to their surroundings. secondly, they are at a critical point of personal development and are facing pressure from various aspects: love, academy, job-seeking and so on. to make things worse,/whats worse, most of them are living off home and without their paren

11、ts care and supervision. in view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. first, it is essential that the channel of communication be kept open among students, between students and their superintendents as well as between students and their parents

12、. besides, psychological counseling should be enhanced and rendered to problem students in time. only with these measures taken can we expect sound growth of college students.,考研英语作文模板二(正反议论类),a有人认为x 是好事,赞成x, 为什么? b 有人认为x 是坏事, 反对x,为什么? c我的看法。,模版1。,some people are in favor of the idea of doing x. the

13、y point out the fact that 支持x 的第一个原因。they also argue that 支持x 的另一个原因。 however, other people stand on a different ground. they consider it harmful to do x. they firmly believe that 反对x 的第一个理由。in addition/moreover they keep the idea that there is some truth in both arguments. but i think the advantage

14、s of x overweigh the disadvantages. think argue point out maintain that hold the idea that keep the opinion that believe that,模版2,with the development of the society and economy, there arise a lot of new things however, is it a good or bad thing to have so many private schools? as a coin has two sid

15、es, so are the private schools concerning their advantages and disadvantages. on the one hand,-on the other hand,- in my opinion, i prefer -, because-,for many years we have been using disposal plastic bags when we are shopping on the market, and most often these bags are offered by the shops for fr

16、ee. this, undoubtedly, has brought us great convenience in our daily life. however, its disadvantages are also very apparent, and ill just venture to explore two aspects. for one thing, the plastic bags are mostly indecomposable in the natural state so that with the increasing use of these bags, it

17、will not only seriously bring about the so-called “white pollution” to the environment, it can also cost us a lot to have them decompose completely so as to minimize their damage to the environment. for another, the production of plastic bags are often not strictly supervised, so a large proportion

18、of the bags dont meet the requirements for healthy products, which means the more we use them, the more likely we are to suffer in health. the negative effects of the plastic bags are far serious than what ive mentioned above, so its high time the government issued strict laws and measures to stop u

19、sing the bags. by so doing, we can save a lot of money from producing these bags as well as return a cleaner earth to ourselves and the later generations.,.who should control the right to die?euthanasia,the fast advance of medicine and lifeextending technologies enable life to be prolonged 。but its

20、this leap of technologies to prolong life and control dying that raises the controversial topiceuthanasia( 安乐死)or mercy killing. people supporting mercy killing argue that euthanasia is humane because it helps to hasten the death of hopelessly ill patients,relieving them from the agonizing pain , wh

21、ich is good for both the doomed people and their families. for these people,staving off death is to compromise a fundamental valuethe quality of human life. however,those who object to euthanasia think it is immoral to give up treatment or commit suicide with doctors assistance. in their opinions, t

22、hat is nothing less than murdering. in fact, to continue or terminate life is a moral choice because it involves a decision about a fundamental human good , the preservation of life . after all, life is the most precious asset that we have for creativity and productivity.,1.比较,1. the advantages far

23、outweigh the disadvantages 2. the advantages of a are much greater than those of b,原因,1. anumberoffactorsareaccountableforthissituation. 2. anumberoffactorsmightcontributeto/leadtothe phenomenon (problem). 3. theanswertothisprobleminvolvesmanyfactors. 4. thephenomenonmainlystemsfromthefactthat. 5.th

24、efactorsthatcontributetothissituationinclude. first-second-third- first of all/to begin with besides/in addition/whats more/furthermore/moreover finally/in the end/last but nor least,开篇,1. many nations have been faced with the problem of 2. recently the problem of -has been brought into focus. 3. re

25、cently the phenomenon of -has become a heated topic. 4. nowadays there is a growing concern over -,结尾,1. from what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that - 2. it is high time that strict measures were taken to stop- 3. it is necessary that steps should be taken to - 4. in conclusi

26、on, it is imperative that- 5. to solve the above-mentioned problem, we must- 6. with the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly. 7.taking all these into account, we should -,privatecar,outline:1)advantages of owning a private car.2)disadvantages of owning a private car

27、.3)should it be necessary to enlarge the private car market? why or why not?,nowadays, any chinese can enjoy the luxury of owning a private car - if he or she can afford it. having a car of your own means no more traveling to work on crowded buses or subway trains, and you can drop off the children

28、at school on the way. moreover, it also means that you can enjoy the weekends and holidays better, because with a car you can go to places where the regular buses and trains do not go, and so you can find a quiet scenic spot with no crowds. however, there are drawbacks to owning a car. for one thing

29、, with the increase in car ownership in recent years, the roads are becoming more and more crowded, often making the journey to work more of a nightmare than a dream. for another, it is not cheap to run a car, as the prices of gasoline and repairs are constantly rising, not to mention the prices you

30、 have to pay for a licence and insurance coverage. having considered both sides of the argument, i have come to the conclusion that the advantages of owning a car outweigh the disadvantages. therefore, it seems to me that china should increase its output of automobiles and enlarge the private car ma

31、rket. the result would be that cars would become cheaper, while at the same time the extra demand would encourage the auto industry to produce more efficient and family-oriented vehicles.,图表描述 上升:rise to increase to go up to climb 下降:fall to decline decrease drop go down reduce 平稳:level out of remai

32、n stable stay constant at,the graph compares the population of smoking in male and female in the uk between 1960 and 2004. it is clear that the population of smoking for both men and women made a steady decrease from 1985. in 1960, about 700,000men were smoking and this number dropped gradually to 50,000 by 1974 and continued to decrease until 2004. on the contrary, the population of smoking in women 1960 was fairly low and was about 50,000. by 1970 this figure increased to 100,000 and 200,000 in 1980. but after 1985, the number of smo


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