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1、托福重要口语词汇转换托福重要口语词汇转换 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(托福重要口语词汇转换)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为托福重要口语词汇转换的全部内容。1。 常用口语词汇练习vocabulary quizzeshttp://zhxl/chxx

2、/selfstudy/vocabulary.asp词汇学习/zhxl/chxx/index.asp分类词汇同义词汇替换含义一般表达地道表达1. number 很多,大量lots of tons of/loads of 一大笔钱lots of moneya fortune大量出现there are so manyare sprouting up all over the city/the country/the world2. activities玩play hang out遇见meet run across/encounter结束fini

3、shwrap it up帮助help someonedo someone a favor保护(某种资源,resources/old buildings/wild animals等)protectpreserve 破坏destroy ruin 从事do sthgo about sth休息relax kick back and relax休闲relaxation leisure/recreation尽最大努力try my bestgive it my best shot简单的easyits a piece of cake./ its a snap.困难的difficult tough有趣的inte

4、resting stimulating 没劲的boringmundane/monotonous开心enjoy ourselveshave a blast痛苦的painfulgrueling 喊shoutyell/scream去睡觉go to bedhit the sack制造麻烦make troublemake waves浪费时间waste ones timeidle ones time away晒太阳sit in the suncatch some rays3。 things 贵重的valuable precious 奇怪的strange weird 昂贵的expensive pricey

5、便宜的cheap dirt-cheap时尚的fashionable trendy/stylish/in”流行的popular “in”/well-liked/prevalent有品位的good tastechic/classy老的oldwornout/beatup新的new brand-new巨大的huge enormous 4。 people 人们people folks/individuals 我的家长my parents my folks漂亮的beautiful/prettygorgeous 胖的fat overweight/plump 瘦的thinskinny/slim直率的hones

6、tstraightforward/frank善良的kind caring/considerate/thoughtful可爱的cuteadorable 有礼貌的polite wellmannered 搞笑的funny hilarious 幽默的humorous amusing 忙的busy tied-up疲劳的tired wipedout 饥饿的hungrystarving 有钱的richwealthy/affluent 5hobby 喜欢like be into/be fascinated by讨厌hatedislike/its not my cup of tea.又爱又恨like and d

7、islike have mixed feelings about 不了解dont know anything about itdont even have a clue about it6。feelings 依赖depend oncount on 高兴happy delighted 不高兴not happy in a bad mood/upset决定decide determine 无法决定cant decidebe torn between a and b悲伤sad in low spirits/blue/down枯燥boring its a drag。感人的moving touching

8、理解understand figure out 生气make me angry it makes my blood boil。吃惊be surprised freak out 害怕feel afraid get cold feetfeelingsl like1. loveeg my dad loves going to football gamesex2. adoreeg she adores working with children.ex 3. be fairly keen oneg i am fairly keen on korean dance。ex4. be a big fan of

9、eg im a big fan of elynn harris booksex5. be enthusiastic about eg she was even less enthusiastic about going to spain。ex6. be crazy abouteg im not crazy about chinese foodex7. be really into eg luke has always been into photographyex8. be fond of (often use with food)eg she is really fond of cookin

10、g.exl hate1. detesteg they detested each other on sight.ex2. loatheeg i loathe modern art.ex3. cant stand/beareg i cant stand to see good food going to waste。exl happy1. gladeg ive never been so glad to see anyone in my life!ex2. delightedeg i was delighted that you could stay.ex3. thrilledeg he was

11、 thrilled at the prospect of seeing them again.ex4. fantasticeg the weather was absolutely fantastic。ex5. terrificeg shes doing a terrific job。ex6. in a good mood eg i am in a good mood today!ex7. in heavena million dollars。eg im in heaven/i feel like a million dollars.ex8. joyex i jumped for joy.9.

12、 air。ex im walking on air.l angryirritatedeg she was getting more and more irritated at his comments。exfuriouseg she was absolutely furious at having been deceived.expiss off eg why dont you just piss off and leave me alone?exbe upset witheg your friends will be upset with you。exbe mad ateg shes mad

13、 at me for being late.exlose ones tempereg he lost his temper when he saw the room was in such a mess。exburn sb upeg his behavior burns me up。exbe exploded with rageeg suddenly charles exploded with rage.exbe up in armseg .when i walked into my office, the boss was up in arms。 he asked me why i had

14、forgot to type his speech。ex。l fearbe afraid ofeg i am afraid of losing jobexbe scared ofeg for journalists nothing is scaredexscare sb out of ones mind/witseg his words really scared me out of mind.exbe frightened ofeg she was frightened that the plane would crash。exbe petrified to doeg im petrifie

15、d of snakes.exgive sb creepseg his ghost story gave the children the creeps。exl pridebe pride ofeg i am so pride of my father。extake pride ineg we take great pride in offering the best service in town。exconceited (negative)eg its very conceited of you to assume that your work is always the best。exarrogant (negative)eg john is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than everyone else。exholds others in contem


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