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1、宾语从句学案(学生版)宾语从句学案(学生版) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(宾语从句学案(学生版))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为宾语从句学案(学生版)的全部内容。宾 语 从 句 学 案 (学生版)一、找出句子中的主谓宾1) i like english。 2) jim is lookin

2、g after his little sister. 3)i think that he is right。 4) we are talking about whether we admit students into our club.5) he told us that they would help us through the whole work6)im sorry that i have troubled you so much。 7)i am not sure whether they are at home now。二、在unit 3 reading课文中找出所含有的宾语从句。

3、_三、从以上两题的宾语从句中发现宾语从句的引导词:1。 从属连词:_ e.g。 1) the owner of the restaurant thought _ henry was a strange rich man. 2) they could not tell _ the million pound bank note was fake. 3) i wonder _ it will rain tomorrow。 4) the manager said _ he didnt like my work.2. 连接代词:_ e。g. 1) do you know _ she looks lik

4、e? 2) i wonder _ killed her husband? 3) finally he realized _ had happened。 4) you can invite _ you like.3. 连接副词:_ e.g. 1) the teacher asked the little boy _ he came from. 2) we all dont know _ we can solve the problem。 3) no one knows exactly _ he was wanted by the police。 4) i forgot _ i should pa

5、y for the dress.四、用以上的引导词选词填空: 1。 i believe _ you are telling a lie。 2. could you tell me _ mrs。 king lives here? 3. i dont know _ she is now。 4。 my mother asked me _ i would come back next month。 5。 im afraid _ i cant help you now. 6。 it all depends on _ we solve the problem.7。 we are worrying abou

6、t _ we should do next。8. i want to know _ bag this is。 9。 im surprised _ he didnt come.10。 do you know _ jim is speaking to? 11. i cant decide _ advice i should take.引导词重难点突破:(一) _ _ 1。 he said _ this article was very important and _ we should recite it。2. we think it important _ college students sh

7、ould master at least one foreign language. 3. 发现并改正句中的错误:he said the text was very important and we should learn it by heart. 4。 选择题:we thought it strange _a。 ms green did not come yesterday。 b。 what ms green did not come yesterday。c。 that ms green did not come yesterday。(二)_ _ 1。 he asked _ you hav

8、e received the letter.2. this depends upon _ he is interested in doing this kind of work。3。 they didnt know _ or not their parents would come to the class meeting.4. i am interested in _ he will accept our invitation。(三)what 与which的突破 1。 can you tell me _ way leads to the hospital, the right one or

9、the left one? 2. people are curious about _ boy the beautiful girl will marry, the rich but ugly one or the poorer but handsome one? 3. do you know _ she likes best? 4. i told him _ happened to me last night。5. i dont know _ you are going to do。 6. you should pay attention to _ the doctor told you.7

10、。 do you like the book _ he gave you yesterday?8。 these photos will show you _ our village looks like. these photos will show you the village _ we visited last week。(四)what 与that的突破1. he answered_ he was listening to me. 2. he lived in _ is called greece now。 3。 tom explained to the teacher _ he was

11、 late because of missing the bus。4. the naughty boy didnt pay any attention to _ the teacher said in class.五、突破宾语从句的时态(一)_ 1. i hear that he _ (be) back in a week. 2. i hear that he _ (be) back for a week.(二)_ 1。 she said that she _ (be) back in a week. 2。 she said that she _ (be) back for a week.(三

12、)_ 1。 the teacher said light _ (travel) much faster than sound. 巩固练习:1. 发现并改正句中错误:he said one day he will become a doctor。2. the radio says it _ (be) cloudy tomorrow. 3. the headmaster hopes everything _ (go) well。4. i heard they _ (return) it already. 5. our teacher told us in class the sun _ in th

13、e east. (rise)6. 完成句子:mike told me _(他吃过午饭了).7. i hear_(他参军了)。8. she asked me _。(我会不会接受她的道歉)9. he asked _。(谁的书法是班上最好的)10. we should be grateful for_。 (我们所拥有的东西)六、突破宾语从句的语序 请合并以下两个句子:1。 they are good students。 he told us. _2。 are you from china? he asks me。 _3. when did he buy the new bike? can you t

14、ell me? _4。 how did he solve the problem? everyone began to wonder. _5。 what made his mother angry? no one knows. _6。 who killed his wife? the police have found out。 _7。 will you come to my party tomorrow? jim asked me. _8。 i doubt _(他是个诚实的孩子吗?)9。 i dont doubt _(人人都爱钱)。七、突破宾语从句的否定前移: 1。 i think you

15、are right。 (将其改为否定句)_ 2。 我认为不会下雨。_3. 我相信她不会把钱借给你的。_八、突破宾语从句的虚拟语气:表“建议、命令、要求、主张”的词:suggest, advise ,order, command , insist ,demand, require, request等后常接含虚拟语气的宾语从句。 即:(should)+ do sth.如:i suggested that he (should ) do his homework。 1. 选择题: the monitor suggested that we _ for a picnic on sunday.a. we

16、nt b。 must go c。 could go d. go 2。 他坚持认为我们明天应该参观长城。_3。 张老师建议我们明天应该举行个聚会._九、综合翻译练习1. i hear_。(他一个小时后会回来)2。 i will see _.(我能否帮助你)3。 please tell me _.(他在哪)4. do you know _? (我们什么时候开会?)5. he asked _。(谁能回答这个问题)6。 他们问我们是否需要帮助。7。 我怕他无法按时到达.8。 没人知道邮局在哪。9。 我认为他不能胜任这份工作(be competent for)10. 老师说太阳从东边升起。11。 我们认

17、为你考试之前应该把这本书复习一遍.(consider it necessary )12。老师建议学生学点实用的东西。表 语 从 句 学 案一、划分以下句子的句子成分1。 i am a student. 2. she looks young in that coat。3. it seems as if it is going to rain。 4. leaves turn green in spring。5. i feel sick with all this fat and heavy food. 6. the reason is that i got up late this morning

18、。 7. that is why i was late。 8。 his suggestion is that we should stay calm.二、找出unit 3 reading课文中所含有的表语从句._三、从以上两题的表语从句中发现表语从句的引导词:1. 从属连词:_2. 连接代词:_3。 连接副词:_四、用以上的引导词选词填空: 1. all of us believed he would keep his promise, but the fact was _ he broke his word in the end。2. the reason _ such a serious

19、accident happened is _ the driver was too careless and drunk 3。 his wish was _ he could lose weight soon。 4。 what the doctors really doubt is _ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon 5。 the question is _ it is worth doing. 6. she looks _ she was ten years younger when wearing that new

20、dress. 7. it turned out that he succeeded. that was _ he worked much harder than any other boy。 8。 he worked much harder than any other boy。 that was _ he succeeded。 9. the problem is _ will take the place of john. 10。 that is _ he was born. 11. the problem is _ he did it. 12. guilin is not _ it use

21、d to be。 13。 that is _ he is worried about。 14. what she wants to know is _ dress she should buy。 15。 the question is _ they will be able to help us out。 16. my only requirement is _ you should finish the work on time 五、突破表语从句的时态与语序1. 主句用现在时或将来时,_(1) it is where _(他现在住的地方).(2) it is where _(他十年前住的地方

22、).2. 如果主句是过去的时态(一般过去时,过去进行时),_(1) her wish was that she _ (can) lose weight soon. (2) it looked as if it _ (be) going to rain。 (3) the question was whether his father _ (will) come back the next day。(4) the reason why he was late was that _(火车已经离开了)。六、突破表语从句的虚拟语气1。 如果主句的主语时idea, advice , suggestion

23、, order, request , requirement,等时, 则表语从句的谓语应用虚拟语气(should+do)。eg. my suggestion is that we _ (have) a discussion。my only requirement is that you _ (finish) the work on time 2。 as if/though 引导表语从句时要注意语气.若与事实相符,要用陈述语气。若从句表示与现在事实相反, 谓语动词用_;与过去事实相反,谓语动词用_ 。 (1) it sounds as if someone _ (knock) at the do

24、or. (2) li lei is now in a new jacket。 he looks as if he _ (be) an american boy. (3) the girl is giving us a vivid description of the moon。 it seems as if she _ (be) to the moon many times.六、翻译以下句子:1.住在农村的一个优点是你可以呼吸到更多的新鲜空气。_2。这就是我想说的。_3。问题是这部电影是否值得一看。_宾语从句与表语从句综合练习一、 以下宾语从句或表语从句均含有错误,请把它们找出来并改正。 1.

25、 i cant yet tell you i like this bet or not. 2。 he told the brothers that he already went to the embassy。 3. my question is how did henry land in britain. 4. why did henry say that he cant have simple pleasure for a while? 5。 the brothers doubt is that henry can stay out of jail(监狱). 6. i wonder about how henry will get food and clothing。 7。 henrys question is what kind of bet are the brothers made. 8. it seems as if everyone in london become interested in henry。二、 语篇填空:用


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