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1、symbolismin“thehorsedealersdaughter”symbolismin“thehorsedealersdaughter” 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(symbolismin“thehorsedealersdaughter”)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为symbo

2、lismin“thehorsedealersdaughter”的全部内容。symbolism in “the horse dealers daughterin “the horse dealers daughter”, symbols are used to fulfill the quest of happiness and love。 this love story, written by d。h. lawrence, has many symbols, which show hidden meaning. symbols create ideas and images for the r

3、eader to better understand the story. mabel, one of the two protagonists in this story, is depressed and suicidal。 after her mother died, she feels like there is nothing to live for。 her mother is the love and joy in her life; without her, she is lost. all she has left is her house, which she is ext

4、remely proud of, and her brother, which she seems not to care for, like in paragraph 17: “but mabel did not take any notice of him. they had talked at her and round her for so many years, that she hardly heard them at all. ”she decides to release herself from her troubles by drowning herself in a po

5、nd. the other main character, dr。 ferguson, sees her and tries to save her life. the pond is a strong symbol with many meanings。 it is a start of a new experience, and a change of two peoples lives。 the pond is described as dead and cold, as in paragraph 113 and 114. this symbolizes that dr. ferguso

6、n had no feelings for mabel before the incident。 the narrator describes the pond as lifeless right before the doctor had entered it. before going in, the relationship between them is dead and cold, and they have no passion for one another. dr. ferguson tries to rescue mabel for no other reason but b

7、ecause he is just doing his job. the pond also symbolizes dr。 fergusons life as dull and pointless。 his life is still and silent before he has met her. from paragraph 113: “the cold water rose over his thighs, over his loins, upon his abdomen。 the lower part of his body was all sunk in the hideous c

8、old element。 and the bottom was so deeply soft and uncertain, he was afraid of pitching with his mouth underneath”, it is clear that dr. ferguson is afraid to go deeper into the pond, and is afraid of drowning。 this represents his fear of falling in love. he is scared of the water because he could n

9、ot swim, and also because he is scared of love. he never experiences it, so it frightened him。 (li 23) when he finally falls in, he grasps mabels clothing and pulled her up: “he grasped her clothing, and drawing her nearer, turned to take his way to land again。” this means that when he falls into th

10、e pond, he find love。 it was like fate pushes him into the water to meet the woman he is meant to be with, for the rest of his life。 he finds love in a dead and cold pond, which means sometimes one has to look at even the unimaginable places to find happiness. in a dead place such as the pond, you c

11、an find something that is alive such as love。 the incident, in pond then out, also symbolizes the rebirth and baptism。 through this incident, mabel and dr。 ferguson all start a new life: before the incident, their lives are dull and boring; after, their true human nature has been discovered。 it repr

12、esents cleanliness and the start of new life。 her life before felt meaningless to her, and she wanted to get out of it. she had nobody to love and care for her, after her mother had died. she never tries anything new and when she finally does, something amazing happens to her。 dr. fergusons life was

13、 just as pointless as hers was。 “he finished his duties at the surgery as quickly as might be, hastily filling up the bottles of the waiting people with cheap drugs。 then, in perpetual haste, he set off again to visit several cases in another part of his round, before teatime。 at all times he prefer

14、red to walk, if he could, but particularly when he was not well. he fancied the motion restored him.” he had a good job working with many kinds of people, but he did not enjoy his life. he had no love in his life, and without it, there is nothing to live for. the pond also symbolizes a new start of

15、his life, since he finds love。 it baptizes them and they both get a new sense of life. “then he removed her saturated, earthysmelling clothing, rubbed her dry with a towel, and wrapped her naked in the blankets。” (lawrence 26) when mabel changes her clothes at the end of the story, she is starting h

16、er new life。 the clothes symbolize a new and fresh experience, one of which she had never experienced before. falling in love is something almost everyone wants in some point of their lives. it is an important element of happiness. in the beginning of the story, mabel was dead and lifeless. in the e

17、nd, she is happy and full of anticipation. when she is out of the wet and dirty clothes, she is freed from her troubles。 the dirty clothes represent how she was before she fell in love. it also represents how she was suicidal and depressed. “she had on her best dress of black voile, and her hair was

18、 tidy, but still damp. she looked at him - and in spite of herself, smiled.(lawrence 38) she had on her best dress of black voile, which expresses her happiness and eagerness to start something new. before she fell in love, she never wore clothing as elegant as this dress. this is something new to h

19、er and something she wants to try out. her change of clothes also represents her change of personality and attitude。 she changed from a quiet woman that always kept to herself, to a loving woman that is open minded. symbols are used to provide imagery and meaning in a story. one symbol has many mean

20、ings and different ideas. the pond symbolizes the start of the love of mabel and dr。 lawrence。 after they both go into the water, they come out falling in love with each other. the description of the pond suggests dr。 fergusons feelings for mabel before they fell in love。 just by including something

21、 simple as a pond in this story, many ideas are created. water symbolizes many things, such as baptism and rebirth. it is a natural element that can be used for many reasons。 using simple components like water, it produces concepts for readers. the change of mabels clothing represents her change of

22、heart。 she does not care for anyone before the incident in the pond had happened。 this is a great way to end a story because it provides images and ideas of what will happen to them in the future。 the change of clothes is a start of a fresh new life, and it suggests a happy ending for the two. by ad

23、ding that symbol, the reader can imagine what will happen to mabel and dr. ferguson later in their future. symbols can also provide details that the author does not need to add. (salgado 244) it renders thoughts and ideas for the readers to create and imagine for themselves。 but dr。 ferguson never t

24、akes off his wet clothes during the communication with mable. that is because in the deep heart of him, “reason” and “instinct” are fighting for each other。 “instinct” says that he should break free from the bondage of morality, and release the natural desire, that is to say, accept mables love. how

25、ever, the cold “reason” condemns that as a doctor, he need to be noble and follow the traditional ethics。 “the strange pain of his heart that was broken seemed to consume him。 that he should love her? that this was love! that he should be ripped open in this way! him, a doctor! - how they would all

26、jeer if they knew! - it was agony to him to think they might know.” (lawrence 38) dr。 ferguson wears his wet clothes. “he had no intention of loving her: his whole will was against his yielding. it was horrible。” (lawrence 36) at last, dr。 ferguson yields to his natural desire。 in the end, mable hel

27、ps dr. ferguson changes the wet clothes, which symbolizes that the traditional and pedantic ethics is abandoned. dr. ferguson also gets the new start. besides the pond and clothing, there is another symbol in this story-horse. lawrence uses different types of horse to describe mabel and her brothers

28、. joe is the eldest in the offspring. “joe, the eldest, was a man of thirty-three, broad and handsome in a hot, flushed way.”(lawrence 5) joe is a vulgar and shallow man。 his survival problem has been solved。 his father-in-law has arranged a job to him. “he felt he was done for now. luckily he was e

29、ngaged to a woman as old as himself, and therefore her father, who was steward of a neighboring estate, would provide him with a job.” (lawrence 7) lawrence describes joe as “a subject animal” who will “go into harness”. when joe goes out with dr。 ferguson, he walks “seemed to have his tail between

30、his legs.” (lawrence 23) henry is the second brother。 “he was an animal which controls, not one which is controlled。 he was master of any horse, and he carried himself with a welltempered air of mastery. but he was not master of the situations of life.” (lawrence 6) henry is “a master of any horse”,

31、 but not “master of the situations of life”. compared to joe, henry cares more about if mable will leave the house。 but his ask do not receive any answer. mable keeps silence. “youll go and stop with lucy for a bit, shant you? he asked。 the girl did not answer. i dont see what else you can do, persi

32、sted fred henry。 go as a skivvy, joe interpolated laconically。 the girl did not move a muscle。” (lawrence 7) lawrence does not describe much about the youngest brother. malcolm. “he was the baby of the family, a young man of twentytwo, with a fresh, jaunty museau.” (lawrence 8) “museau is a french w

33、ord, meaning hatchet face。 as to mable, lawrence does not use horse to describe her appearance. but lawrence uses the word of her brother to describe her temperament。 “the sulkiest bitch that ever trod! muttered her brother。” (lawrence 8) in the story, all the offspring seems to be animal. they are

34、just like the horses who cannot control own life. when the last horse leaves the yard, the offspring will also leave their home。 what is waiting for them is unknown。 (yin 48)there are many bible imageries in “the horse dealers daughter”. in the later part of the story, lawrence carefully describes dr。 fergusons feelings。 “he could not bear to look at her any more. he dropped on his knees and caught her head with his arms


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