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1、Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 2 Would you mind teaching me?Section BThe main activities are 1a and 2. 重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:careless, chance, shout at, either, fight, be angry with, do ones best, nothing, keep doing sth., serve, turn down, dirty,

2、minute, in a minute, ready, another, take a seat2. Learn some useful sentences:(1)What do you mean by saying that?(2)Kangkang, dont be angry with Michael.(3)Keep trying!(4)Were sure to win next time.3. Learn the usage of will for intentions:(1)Ill do it in a minute.(2)Itll be ready soon.(3)Ill do it

3、 at once.4. Learn to express complaints and apologies:(1)Blame others:You are always so careless!You shouldnt shout at me.(2)Apologies and responses:I am very sorry for what I said.Its nothing.Im sorry Im late for class.Thats OK. Please take a seat. Teaching aids 教具卡片/图片/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Pl

4、an 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)通过复习Do/Would you mind (not) doing sth.?及应答,导入本课部分生词。1. (方案一:让学生看卡片,编对话,复习Do/Would you mind (not) doing sth.?句式及其答语。)T:You should use the sentences “Do/Would you mind (not) doing sth.?” “Could/Would you please do sth.?” to ask and answer.S1:Would you mind not ma

5、king so much noise?S2:Im sorry about that. I wont do it again.S3:Would you mind moving your bike?S4:Sorry. Ill put it somewhere else.(方案二:做一个游戏,复习表示请求或建议的句式。)T: Boys and girls, lets play a game to practice the sentences “Would you mind(not) doing sth.?” First, lets divide our class into two teams. T

6、eam 1 makes statements, Team 2 expresses the same meaning with the opposite pattern.Example:Team 1: Would you mind coming to class early?Team 2: Would you mind not coming to class late?Team 1: Would you mind not talking loudly?Team 2: Would you mind talking quietly?(如果学生在接受教师指令时有困难,教师可在适当的时候使用汉语进行表述

7、。)Team 1: Would you mind moving your bike?Team 2: Would you mind not putting your bike here?Team 1: Would you mind cleaning your room?Team 2: Would you mind not making your room so dirty?(可以让学生在练习时,适当地加入回答。) T:Well done!2. (利用图片导入新单词。)T:We know S5 is a good student in our class. She is careful. But

8、yesterday she was not careful. She made a few mistakes in her test paper. So we say she was a little careless yesterday.(板书并教学生词,要求学生掌握。)not careful=careless(展示第一幅图片,并指着踢球的男生问学生。)T:Look at Picture 1. They are playing soccer. Did the boy get a goal?Ss:No, he didnt.T:What a pity! He missed a good chan

9、ce.(板书并教学生词,要求学生掌握chance;理解goal。)chance, goal T:We have a lot of chances in our lives. We should seize them. Do you think so?Ss:Yes, we think so.(展示第二幅图。)T:Look at Picture 2. What are they doing? Ss:They are fighting. (引导学生给出答案。)T:Yes, they are fighting.(板书并教学生词,要求学生掌握。)fight T:Do you think its good

10、 or bad to fight with others?Ss:Its bad.T:Right. Dont fight with others. If you do that, please say sorry to him/her. S6, did you fight with your friends?S6:No. / Yes.(若回答Yes。)T:Who did you fight with? Would you mind saying sorry to him?(假设把与之闹矛盾的同学叫过来,借此机会让其和解。)S6:Im sorry.S7:Its nothing.(教师帮其回答。)T

11、:S6, S7, keep trying. You are best friends.(板书,并要求掌握。)nothingkeep doing sth. T:Good, please shake hands.(让其握手。)(教师展示第三幅图片。)T:OK, look at Picture 3. Whats wrong with the boy?Ss:He is angry. (帮助学生回答,同时做发怒、生气的表情。)T: Why is he angry? Who is he angry with?Ss: I/We dont know.T: Sorry. I dont know, either.

12、(板书,教学生词和词组,并要求掌握。)be angry with, either (用同样方法呈现词组并板书。)shout atdo ones bestStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:6分钟)通过1a的一张图片,呈现抱怨及回答,完成1a。1. (出示1a中第一幅图片,猜想发生了什么,引起学生好奇心。听1a录音,回答问题。)T:Look at the picture, what happened to them? Listen to 1a. Answer the following questions:(1) Why was Kangkang angry with M

13、ichael?(2) Did Kangkang say sorry to Michael?2. (让学生再听1a录音,画出对话中表示抱怨与应答的句子,跟读并模仿语音语调。)T: Listen to 1a again and repeat, paying attention to the intonation and pronunciation. Underline the sentences expressing complaints and apologies.3. (让学生分角色朗读。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:6分钟)巩固1a所学句型和短语,培养学生运

14、用语言的能力。1. (让学生根据1a,完成1b。)T:OK. Please read 1a again and fill in the blanks in 1b according to 1a.(核对答案。)2. (师生一起列出1b中的关键词语,让学生根据关键词讲述1a的故事。)good friends, had a soccer game, lost the game, was angry with, with the help of, said sorry to, do better, win next timeT:According to these key words, retell

15、the story in 1a.Ss:(如果学生能力较强,也可以让他们以Kangkang或者Michael的身份来讲故事。)S1:Michael is my good friend. Yesterday we had a soccer game Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:13分钟)集中练习道歉及应答语的表达形式,完成2和3。1. (通过复习Would you mind (not) doing sth.?学习生词。)(教师把录音机调到很大音量,指着录音机问。)T:Boys and girls, do you think the recorder speaks too l

16、oudly?Ss:Yes, its so loud.T:S1, would you mind turning it down?(教师边说边演示,让S1把音量调得很小。)S1:OK.(去调音量。)T:Well done! Its quiet now. But can you hear clearly?(教师做动作表示没有听清楚。)Ss:No, we cant.T:(教师把录音机音量调适中。) Can you hear clearly now?Ss:Yes, we can hear clearly.T: Good! If you cant hear clearly, you can turn it

17、 up again.(板书,要求学生掌握turn down;理解clearly。)turn down, clearlyT:(教师指着教室内地板上的污渍问。) Is it clean here?Ss:No, it isnt.T:Yes, its too dirty. S2, would you mind cleaning it after class?S2: Not at all.(板书,教学生词并要求学生掌握。)dirty(展示一名服务员正在上菜的图片。)T:Now, look at the picture. Whats the boy doing?S3:He is serving the f

18、ood.(帮助学生回答。)(板书,教学生词并要求学生掌握。)serve T:What is the waiter serving? Can you guess?S3:I think he is serving some hamburgers and a cup of water.(教师演示喝水的动作。)T:What else would the man like?S4:He would like another cup of water.(帮助学生回答。)(板书,教学生词并要求学生掌握。)anotherT:Would you mind serving the water quickly?S4:

19、Ill do it in a minute. Itll be ready.(帮助学生回答。)(板书并要求学生掌握。)minutein a minuteready(用同样方法教学词组并要求学生掌握。)take a seat(给学生34分钟熟读理解,并尝试运用上述生词和短语。)2. (让学生用2方框里的短语,完成小对话,然后两人一组练习对话,完成2。)T: Please turn to Page 12. Complete the conversations with the phrases in the box in 2, then practice them in pairs.Example:T

20、: Its quite cold. Would you mind not opening the window?S5: Im really sorry. Ill close it.(请几组同学表演。)3. (自主学习,把3中的道歉语与应答语连线,使内容匹配。)T:If we do something wrong, what should we say? How to express our apologies?Ss:We can say “Im sorry.”T:Right. And their responses?Ss:(让学生自由讨论哪些话可以用来回答“Sorry”,然后老师给予总结。)T: OK. Now look at 3. Please match each apology with the best response, and then practice with your partner.(核对答案后,要求学生表演对话。对表演优秀者,教师给予表扬。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)通过表演,让学生掌握在交际中运用抱怨和道歉的表达形式。1. (让学生设计一个情景短剧,剧中要出现有关抱怨、道歉和应答的语句。)T: Discuss in groups. Please make a


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