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1、unit2,. Objectives,. Suggested Teaching Plan,. Background Information,. Class Presentation,Preview,Preview,This is the second unit of Book Four. In the Listening and Speaking section, you will learn how to express certainty and uncertainty and will do related practical exercises. Text A in the Readi

2、ng and Writing Section tells about an online love relationship which does not quite make it as a success story. As indicated by the title, the writer felt that she was deceived. Text B relates a story about a woman who, romantic by nature, finally heard those “three little words” from her husband ju

3、st before the end of her life. And in Practical Reading you will see a cover letter and a rsum used for job application.,Preview,. Objectives,After studying this unit, the students are expected to,have mastered the language for expressing certainty and uncertainty and have received practical listeni

4、ng and speaking training through various exercises;,1.,have understood the main ideas of Text A and Text B, and mastered the useful sentence structures and words and expressions found in the exercises relevant to the texts;,2.,3.,know how to use the attributive clause (2);,4.,know how to write a sal

5、es letter;,Objectives,5.,read a cover letter and a rsum used for job application;,Objectives,6.,know how to understand figurative language (1).,. Suggested Teaching Plan,Suggested Time and Teaching Plan for Unit 2,Time,Contents,Plan,s.t.p.1,The teacher begins with the Preview to make sure that the s

6、tudents have some idea of what this unit is all about. After that, the teacher activates Listening and Speaking exercises as follows:,2 periods,Preview,B.,Have the students listen to Ex. 1 (2-3 times) and fill in the blanks with the missing words;,C.,Ask one student to read aloud the talk, so the st

7、udents can check their completed answers;,Time,Contents,Plan,s.t.p.2,The Language for Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty,A.,Give a brief lead-in talk on certainties and uncertainties in life;,Listening and Speaking,2) Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty,Go through the new words and expressions fo

8、r the conversation in Ex. 3;,A.,B.,Have the students listen to the conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words;,Time,Contents,Plan,s.t.p.3,D.,Organize an activity around Ex. 2, and make sure students know how to express certainty and uncertainty using the language they have just

9、 learned.,D.,Now have them identify the language used to express certainty and uncertainty in the conversation;,Time,Contents,Plan,s.t.p.3,E. Next, ask the students to role-play the conversation.,C.,Have the students listen to the conversation again and ask them to answer the questions about the con

10、versation;,3) Follow-up Practice (Options),Time,Contents,Plan,s.t.p.4,Listen to the conversation in Ex. 7, do the following exercises, and invite some students to say their answers out loud. Note: There are many ways to express something;,Listen to the recording in Ex. 8 and ask the students to resp

11、ond by translating the replies in Chinese orally into English;,B.,C.,Go through the words and expressions in the ad in Ex. 6 and then have the students do the question exercises as indicated. Note: There are many ways to express something;,A.,Time,Contents,Plan,Group the students in pairs and have t

12、hem develop questions and answers between audience and speaker based on the short talk in Ex. 4. Then have them do Ex. 9 and Ex. 10 individually as their homework. Make sure to explain these exercises in advance and to present topic-related expressions on the blackboard; these can be used when the s

13、tudents prepare oral presentations.,D.,s.t.p.5,3 periods,Review of the Listening and Speaking Skills the Students Have Learned,The teacher begins the assignment mainly to review the functional and notional language the students picked up in the previous classes. The teacher asks one or two pairs of

14、students to act out the conversation between a reporter and a businessman/businesswoman, and then invites several students either to tell the class their interpretation of,s.t.p.6,Time,Contents,Plan,the picture in Ex. 9 or to present their opinions orally on the topic of “Work and Leisure.” After th

15、at, the teacher turns to the Reading and Writing section. (These activities should be completed in 15 minutes.),s.t.p.6,Time,Contents,Plan,1) Starter,After a brief explanation of the instructions, the teacher,A.,gives the students a few minutes to think about the questions in the starter;,s.t.p.5,Ti

16、me,Contents,Plan,Text A ,B.,guides the students through the exercises, focusing on certain ones and leaving others as the students homework according to the students different levels of English (one period).,s.t.p.6,Time,Contents,Plan,s.t.p.6,1 period,Grammar Review,The teacher talks about the use o

17、f attributive clauses (2) and at the same time, asks the students to do the grammar exercises in class.,Time,Contents,Plan,Practical Writing,The teacher both tells and shows the students how to write a sales letter by doing Ex. 14 of Practical Writing, and then requires the students to do Ex. 15 as

18、their homework.,s.t.p.7,Time,Contents,Plan,2 periods,1) Text B,While discussing the text with the students, the teacher calls on the students to pay attention to the structure of the paragraphs of the text and asks them to answer the following questions about it. Ex.17 and Ex.18 can be done either i

19、n class or after class.,Text B yet sometimes we must utter an uncertainty when we have reason to be hesitant(犹豫不决).,LS- The Language -1.1,confident enough,_,That is what,_,brings about,_,The expressions of both depend on our instincts as well as . When we are certain, we believe all evidence support

20、s our reasoning. Similarly, when we are uncertain, our doubts cannot be .,without reason,_,logical reasoning,_,LS- The Language -1.2,From our expressions of certainty and uncertainty, can be perceived(感知). Enlarge your language expressing certainty and uncertainty:,1. ASKING IF SOMEONE IS CERTAIN AB

21、OUT SOMETHING Are you certain about ? Are you convinced of ? Are you positive ? Do you know for certain ? Can you really be sure of ? Can you say with any certainty (that) ? Is there any doubt about ? Perhaps I misunderstood, but are you quite certain ?,our personality,_,things will change,_,the res

22、ults,_,his promise,_,his honesty,_,what you are doing,_,how to do it,_,he will give me a surprise,_,this being true,_,LS- The Language -1.3,2. EXPRESSING CERTAINTY IN SHORT FORM I bet. Thats for sure. Im sure (of that). Im certain (of that). Im quite convinced. Thats my conviction. It cant be otherw

23、ise. Ive no doubt (about that). Im absolutely positive about that. There cant be any doubt about that. I dont think I have any doubt about that. Its unquestionable.,LS- The Language -1.4,3. EXPRESSING UNCERTAINTY IN SHORT FORM Im not sure. I cant be certain. I have no idea. Im not too sure of it. It

24、s hard to tell. I cant work it out. I cant say for certain/sure. Im afraid I cant be certain about it.,LS- The Language -2,Ask your classmates if they are certain about the promises they made at the beginning of the semester. During the short conversations use the language you have just learned in E

25、x. 1.,LS- Expressing Certainty-3.1,Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty,Before you listen to the upcoming conversation, read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.,hang out computer caf doze off,鬼混,泡 网吧 打盹,So what? addicted finals,那又怎么样呢? 上了瘾的 期末考试,LS- Expressing Certainty-3.2,

26、Listen to the following conversation twice and fill in the blanks with the missing words.,Wang Ying: Li Ming, are you sure of what you are doing these days? Li Ming: I know . Wang Ying: Oh really? Do you know why you hang out so long at the computer caf? Li Ming: Huh, you have been following me, hav

27、ent you? Wang Ying: you dozed off in class this morning? Li Ming: Did I? You know, I stayed up late last night. Wang Ying: At the computer caf?,for certain,what I am doing,And how come,_,_,_,LS- Expressing Certainty-3.2,Li Ming: So what? Can you really what I did there? Wang Ying: I cant say for cer

28、tain. But you look addicted to the computer. Its not good for your health and studies. about it.,be sure of,Theres no question,_,_,Li Ming: I know what you mean. But tell you what. Its really fun going online. Wang Ying: Listen. How about your studies? Im sure youll fail if you go on like this.,LS-

29、Expressing Certainty-3.3,Li Ming: Oh yeah? Finals arent around the corner. . Wang Ying: Im sure you know what youre supposed to be doing on campus. your direction at the moment? Li Ming: Yes, Im sure of it. But,But are you certain of,_,Take it easy,_,LS- Expressing Certainty-3.4,Now listen to the co

30、nversation again and answer the following questions.,1. What is Wang Ying concerned about?,She is concerned abut what Li Ming is doing these days.,2. What did Li Ming do in class this morning?,He dozed off in the classroom.,3. Why did Li Ming feel sleepy this morning?,Because he had stayed up very l

31、ate at the computer caf last night.,LS- Expressing Certainty-3.4,4. Why does Wang Ying try to stop Li Ming from going to the computer caf?,Because he seems to be addicted to computers, which is not good for his health and studies.,5. What does Wang Ying warn Li Ming against?,She warns Li Ming agains

32、t the direction he is taking.,Read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.,Follow-up Practice4.1,Follow-up Practice,loose make ones dreams real,放松的,松弛的,自由的 实现梦想,Follow-up Practice4.2,Read the following passage silently while listening to the recording.,The question was once aske

33、d of a highly successful businessman, “How have you done so much in your lifetime?” He replied, “I have dreamed. I have turned my mind loose to imagine what I wanted to do. Then I have gone to bed and thought about my dreams. In the night I dreamt about my dreams. And when I awoke in the morning, I

34、saw the way to make my dreams real. While other people were saying, You cant do that. It isnt possible. I was well on my way to achieving what I wanted.”,Follow-up Practice4.2,As Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the U.S., said, “We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers.” So please, dont le

35、t anyone steal your dreams, or try to tell you they are too impossible.,Follow-up Practice5,Read aloud the above passage and then deliver it as a short speech in class. 2) Pretend you are a highly successful businessman/businesswoman or Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the U.S., and dramatize t

36、he dialogue in class.,Follow-up Practice6,Read the following words and expressions which may be new to you.,wire 电传 shipment 交运的货物 exchange rate 汇率 routing 发送 peak season 销售旺季 customs clearance 结关, 海关放行 check 检查, 核对 invoice 发票, 发货单, 货物 packing 包装, 打包; 装箱 duty 进口关税,Pretend you are a manager of an imp

37、ort and company. Read the following announcement on the office notice board.,Follow-up Practice6-1,Ask three questions to better know what is going on in your business at the moment (write down your questions if necessary).,Question 1 about the exchange rate: Question 2 about the shipment date:,Foll

38、ow-up Practice6-2,a. Whats the exchange rate today? b. Do you know todays exchange rate? c. Have you checked todays exchange rate?,a. Have you checked when the shipment flies? b. Do you know when the shipment flies? c. Whats the date of the shipment?,Question 3 about the customer: Act out the situat

39、ion briefly in class.,Follow-up Practice6-2,a. Do you have any idea how to hold onto that customer? b. Have you found any solution to that customers problem? c. What can be done so as not to lose the customer?,Listen twice to the taped conversation below between a manager and a secretary whose role

40、you are supposed to play. First, write down your answers to the questions during the timed pauses. Second, say your answers out loud.,Follow-up Practice7-1,Follow-up Practice7-2,Good morning, Mr. Green. Good morning, Anna. Any mail for me? Oh, yes. Here you are. Thanks. Have you wired the money to t

41、he supplier? How about the shipment? Oh yes, and have they found any solution to hold onto that customer? Hes very important to us.,Secretary: Manager: Secretary: Manager: Secretary: Manager: Secretary: Manager: Secretary:,Yes, I have. I did it yesterday afternoon,I have checked when the shipment fl

42、ies. There is no chance of delay,As far as I know, they are still trying. I am sure theyll come up with a solution,_.,_ _.,_ _.,Follow-up Practice7-2,Good. Your coffee is ready. Thanks. I am expecting a very important call. Ill take care of that when it comes in.,Act out the above conversation in cl

43、ass.,Manager: Secretary: Manager: Secretary:,Listen and, during the timed pauses, translate orally into English the Chinese sentences in each of the following three short conversations.,A Male Voice: Yes, Miss. This is Mr. Michael Li. Id like to make an appointment to see Mr. Green. You: 好的,我查一下。格林先

44、生只有星期二或 星期四有空。哪一天对您较适合?,OK. Lets see. Mr. Green is available only on Tuesday or Thursday. Which day would be better for you?,Follow-up Practice8,Follow-up Practice8,A Female Voice: Ive been having trouble with my research project. Would it be convenient to see you today? You: 当然,我的接待时间是10:00 到12:00。

45、 你可在这段时间来, 我们谈一下。,Yes. My office hours are from 10:00 to noon. You can come during that time. Well talk about it.,Is this your first appointment with Dr. Wang? Please fill out this card and give it back to me. A nurse will call your name and the doctor will be with you in a few minutes.,A Male Voice

46、: Ive got some trouble with one of my teeth. The pains killing me. You: 这是你第一次找王医生看病吗?请把这张 卡填好交给我。一会儿护士会叫你的名字, 然后王医生就给你看病。,Follow-up Practice8-2,Act out the above conversations in class.,Take a close look at the following diagram. Think about it for one minute. Then give a two-minute oral presentati

47、on to tell the class what you think the diagram tells us.,Follow-up Practice9.1,Daily Leisure Hours on Weekdays in Shanghai,Follow-up Practice9.2,The following expressions may help your presentation: 1) leisure hours 空闲时间 2) a recent study最近的一次调查 3) account for占(百分比) 4) respectively各自地;分别地 5) a metr

48、opolis一座大城市 6) a financial and trade center一个金融贸易中心 7) the living pace生活节奏 8) work under pressure在压力下工作 9) manage stress应付压力,Follow-up Practice9.3,10) Shanghai locals上海本地人 11) set aside for为留出或拨出(时间) 12) leisure activities业余活动 13) do some light reading阅读一些消遣读物,Suggested Presentation:,A recent survey

49、 shows how people living in the city of Shanghai spend their leisure hours on weekdays. As indicated in the diagram, most local residents spend 1-5 leisure hours on weekdays. They account for 83.8%. A very small number of the population spends less than 1 leisure hour on weekdays, and very few peopl

50、e spend more than 10 leisure hours on weekdays. They account for 4.9% and 0.6% respectively. Shanghai is growing as a metropolis. It is a finance and trade center and a city of competition. As a result, the living,Follow-up Practice9-1,Daily Leisure Hours on Weekdays in Shanghai,Suggested Presentati

51、on:,Follow-up Practice9-2,pace is getting quicker and quicker in the city. People are working under pressure in Shanghai and they know the importance of managing stress for survival. As we can see from the diagram, Shanghai locals are health-conscious. Even though they are busy on weekdays, most try

52、 to set aside a few hours for daily leisure activities. We can imagine what the locals do as leisure activities. Some of them may enjoy watching their favorite TV programs. Some of them may like doing some light reading. Others may be busy with their hobbies. All in all, they probably like feeling f

53、ree to do what they wish to relax.,Have a discussion on the topic below.,Follow-up Practice10,The following expressions may help your discussion:,Try this discussion,Follow-up Practice10,Student A: Nobody can work twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Right? We cant do without leisure. Just as

54、 with work, leisure is a crucial part of life. Student B: True enough, but work definitely comes before pleasure. What Im trying to say is that work is what makes you financially independent. And if youre not financially independent, how can leisure make any sense?,Follow-up Practice10,Student C: Th

55、e thing is, its best to strike a balance between work and pleasure. If work is important to us, so too is leisure necessary. The point is that a balance must be maintained. Neither is more important than the other. Dont you agree? Student D: Hmm So, whats our plan for this evening, since weve been w

56、orking so hard today? Leisure takes many forms. You know what? I enjoy shopping. I think Ill head out to do some. Thats my leisure activity for tonight: spend money!,Reading special adaptation of a book, etc.; translation into another language 说法,描述;版本;译本,译文,e.g.,The two men told different versions

57、of the accident. the movie version of “Jane Eyre” I have the King James Version of the Bible.,根据简爱改编的电影,这两个人对事故的说法不同。,Language Points,我有英王詹姆士一世钦定的圣经英译本。,Text A _2_ seemingly,seemingly /sim/: ad. in appearance; apparently 看上去;表面上,e.g.,They were seemingly unaware of the decision.,他们似乎不知道这个决定。,Language

58、 Points,Text A _2_ sordid,sordid /s/: a. particularly unpleasant and shameful 卑鄙的,可耻的,Language Points,Text A _2_ abridge,abridge /r/: vt. make (a book, etc.) shorter, esp. by using fewer words; condense 删节;节略,Language Points,Text A _2_ The airline tickets,The airline tickets were purchased, and the time was set for that May. 机票买好了,见面的时间定在那年的5月。 此句中set 意为arrange or fix (sth.); decide on (sth.) “安排、确定或决定(某事物)”。,又如:,They havent set a


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