1、BICES 2015展会期间(新国展)会议室租赁协议Agreeme nt o n Meet ing Room Leas ing during Exhibit on BICES 2015 (NCIEC)出租方:The Lessor:租赁方:The Lessee:上述当事人之间签署如下内容的会议室租赁合同(以下简称为合同”;合同中的NCIEC是中国国际展览中心(新馆)的英语简称。The aboveme nti oned parties have en tered into the meeti ng room leas ing con tract as follows(here in after r
2、eferred to as the Co ntract); The abbreviatio n NCIEC refers to Chi na intern ati onal Exhibiti on Cen ter (New Hall).第1条(会议室的使用目的)Article 1 (The intended use of the meeting room)租赁方”租赁会议室,用途为会议名称 The Lessee intends to lease the meet ing room for the purpose of The n ame of the meet ing第2条(会议室使用明细)A
3、rticle 2 (Details on the inten ded use of the meet ing rooms)租赁日期Leas ing dates租赁时间Leas ing time租赁场所Leas ing site价格(元)Price (CNY)设备租赁Equipme nt leasi ng价格(元)Price(CNY)疋否拾建布置Is any structure to be erected or laid out?月日Date月日Date月日Date租金合计:Total ren tal押金合计:Total deposit:(注)租赁时间的选择 :A(09:0012:00) , B
4、(13:3016:30)押金:无栏”数不足时可以另用纸张(Note) Selection of leasing time: A (09:0012:00), B (13:30 16:30)Deposit: NoneIf the number of column is insufficient, additional blank papers may be attached hereunder.备注Remarks会议室及设备租用价目表见附件1See Annex 1 for the meeting room and equipment leasing price list第3条(租赁费设备使用费的缴
5、纳日程)Article 3 (Schedule for payme nt of leas ing expe nse and equipme nt use fee)1 按照如下交付日程,租赁方”以现金形式向NCIEC交付租赁费,设备使用费。1. Accord ing to the follow ing payme nt schedule, the Lessee shall make the payme nt of leas ing expe nse and equipme nt use fee to NCIEC in the form of cash,类别Categories缴纳金额(元)Amo
6、u nt of payme nt (CNY)缴纳期限Deadli nes of payme nt租赁费Leas ing expense租赁费Leas ingexpense2015年 月日(租赁期起始10日前)Day/month,2015(10 days before thestart of the leas ing term )押金Deposit/小计(元)Subtotal (CNY)其他费用Otherexpenses2 .会议室的基本使用时间为:每日09:00-12 : 00,13:30-16:30。2. The basic hours of use of the meeting room:
7、 09:00-12:00 everyday, 13:30-16:30.3 如果使用时间超过本条第1项中规定的基本使用时间,每小时需支付25%的会议室租赁费作为额外时间使用费。但超出时间为30分钟以上1小时以下时,按1小时计;额外时间使用费用(半日标准)不超过半日租赁费。3. If the hours of use exceed the basic hours of use specified in Item 1 un der this article, a payme nt of 25% of the meet ing room leas ing expe nse shall be made
8、as the use fee for every hour of the extra time. The extra time beyond 30 minutes and less than 1 hour shall be deemed as 1 hour, and the use fee for the extra time shall not exceeds the leasing expense for half a day (criterion based on half a day).4. 所有支付款项汇至如下帐户:4. All payments shall be remitted
9、to the following account: 出租方人民币账户:The Lessor s CNY account:单位全称:The Lessor s full name:帐号:Acco unt:开户行:Bank of deposit:联系电话:Tel:第4条(运营规定的遵守)Article 4 (The Operating Rules to be complied with)1 合同有效期内,租赁方要严格遵守 出租方”制定的 运营规定”1. Within the valid term of the con tract, the Lessee shall strictly comply w
10、ith the Operati ng Rules established by the Lessor.2 .租赁方”违反本条第1项而给出租方”造成损害时,由租赁方”承担损害赔偿责任;有关责任范围的细 节事项参照运营规定”2. The Lessee shall be liable for any damages to the Les sor as a result of the Lessee s breach of Item1 in this article; See the Operating Rules for the details on the scope of liabilities.
11、第5条(会议室部分租赁面积的取消及违约金)Article 5 Cancellation of partial area of the meeting rooms and default fine)1 签定租赁合同之后,租赁方”取消部分(或者全部)会议室租赁面积(条件)时,要根据如下标准向出租方”支付违约金。1. After sig ning the leas ing con tract, if the Lessee (partially or wholly) can cels the leas ing area(conditions) of the meeting room, a paymen
12、t for default fine according to the following criterion shall be made to the Lessor.取消时间 Ca ncellation time违约金 Default fine租赁期开始前1日至10日为止租赁费的50%1 to 10 days before the start of the leas ing term50% of the leas ing expe nse租赁期开始前10日以上无More the n 10 days before the start of the leas ing termNone2 租赁方”
13、缴纳相应的违约金后,再与出租方签定修正合同;并且根据 运营规定”修正与租赁费、设备使用费的开纳等相关的合同事项。2. The Lessee shall pay the corresp onding default fine, the n sig n a revised con tract with the Lessor, and all con tract related matters like leas ing expe nse and equipme nt use fee shall be revised accord ing to the Operat ing Rules.第6条(解约
14、)Article 6 (Term in ati on of con tract)1 发生如下事项时,出租方可以解除租赁合同。1. In case of any one of the follow ing circumsta nces, the Lessor may term in ate the leas ing con tract. 租赁方”违反租赁合同或者运营规定”时 The Lessee is in violatio n of the leas ing con tract or the Operat ing Rules 租赁方”未在规定的期限内开纳租赁费等相关费用时 The Lessee
15、 fails to pay the leasing expense and other related fees within the prescribed time limit. 租赁方”单方面地提出解约意向或者无意履行合同时 The Lessee un laterally proposes term in ati on of the con tract or has no inten ti on to perform the con tract.2 根据本条第1项解除租赁合同时,租赁方”要向出租方支付解约金,但如果已经缴纳租赁费,可以直接从租赁费中扣除解约金;解约金不超过已缴付租赁费。2.
16、 If the con tract is termi nated accord ing to Item 1 in this article, the Lessee shall make a payme nt of cancellation money to the Lessor, but if the leasing expense has been paid, the cancellation money may be deducted directly from the leas ing expe nses; the can cellati on money shall n ot exce
17、eds the leas ing expe nse that has bee n paid.取消时间 Ca ncellation time违约金 cancellation money租赁期开始前1日1 day before the start of the leas ing term租赁费的70%70% of the leas ing expe nse租赁期开始前1日至10日为止1 to 10 days before the start of the leas ing term租赁费的50%50% of the leas ing expe nse租赁期开始前10日以More tha n 10
18、days before the start of the leas ing term租赁费的20%20% of the leas ing expe nse3 会议室租赁期开始后,租赁方”单方面解除租赁合同时,出租方将向 租赁方”收取100%的租赁费作为 解约金;租赁方不得向出租方要求退还剩余租赁期的租赁费。3. If the Lessee un laterally term in ates the con tract after the start of the leas ing term for the meeti ng room, the Lessor will charge the Le
19、ssee an amount equal to 100% of the leas ing expe nse as termin ati on mon ey, and the Lessee shall not require the Lessor to refund the leas ing expe nse for the remai ning lease term.第7条(分歧的解决)Article 7 (Settleme nt of discrepa ncy/differe nces)如果对本合同的内容有异议,首先要参照出租方制定的运营规定”,如果运营规定中没有相应解释,双方应本着友好合作的态度进行协商解决。If th
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