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1、Chapter 3 Establishment of Business Relations and Credit Status Enquiries 建立业务关系和资信调查,Section 1 Establishment of Business Relations 第一节 建立业务关系 Establish is tbli: 建立 Trans: 1. 这家公司建立于1990年。 This company was established in 1990. 2. 我们应当与该公司建立起良好的业务关系。 We should establish good business relations with t

2、hat company. Establishment n 建立,Section 1 Establishment of Business Relations 第一节 建立业务关系 1. The importance of establishing business relations (建立业务关系的重要性) 2. How to obtain the information of our future clients ? (如何获得客户信息) 3. How to write letters of establishing business relations)?(如何写建立业务关系的信) 4.

3、Letter 1 (建立业务关系:信样信一) 5. Letter 3 (建立业务关系:信样信三) Section 2,1. The importance of establishing business relations (建立业务关系的重要性). It is prerequisite pri: rekwizit (precondition) in international trade (国际贸易的前提条件) 试译:建立业务关系是国际贸易的前提条件。 Establishing business relations is prerequisite (precondition) in inte

4、rnational trade. Start and develop business (启动和发展业务的需要) Future conclusion of business deals (期待未来达成交易),2. How to obtain the information of our future clients (如何获得未来客户信息)? Trade Directory(企业名录) Advertisement(报刊杂志上的广告) Chamber eimb of Commerce (商会) Embassy or Consulate knsjulit(大使馆、领事馆),Trade Direct

5、ory(企业名录),(2)American Embassy,(2)American Consulate,(2)Japanese Embassy,(2)Japanese Consulate,2. How to obtain the information of our future clients? 5) Internet (6) Trade Delegation (从贸易代表团获取) (7) Market Investigation (市场调研获得) (8) Other Business Firms (9) Commodity Fair (从商品交易会上获得),BACK,3. How to w

6、rite letters of establishing business relations? (如何写建立业务关系的信函?) Where do you get the name and the address of the client (说明如何获得其公司和地址)? (2) Introducing yourself (自我介绍) (3) Expressing your intention to establish business relations (表达意愿),(4) Exporter: introducing your products (如果你是出口商,你需要介绍产品的情况) (

7、5) Importer: introducing your buying and sales abilities, terms of transaction and terms of payments, etc. (如果你是进口商,你应当表达你的购买和销售能力,你的交易方法和付款条件等) (6) Financial standing (告诉对方你的资信状况是好的),BACK,Specimen Letter 1 (样信一:建立业务关系信) Read the first paragraph and answer: What information does the author provide i

8、n the first paragraph? learn from:如何获得其公司情况 introduce:自我介绍 establishing: 希望建立业务关系 purpose: 写信目的:出售产品),Counselor kaunsl 顾问、参赞 The Commercial Counselors Office:商务参赞处 Embassy embsi : 大使馆 Leading: most important 最重要的 Electric and electronic equipment:电器和电子产品 Specializing in: 专门从事 ;专营 试译: 我们公司专门从事纺织品出口。

9、Our company is specializing in export of textile product. 第一段写: 如何获得对方公司信息,接着介绍了本公司的基本情况和写信的目的。,Under separate cover: Under separate letter: 另一函件 Catalogue: a complete list of items (产品目录) Pamphlet: a small book containing information on sth(小册子/) 第二段写: 另函寄上公司的产品目录和宣传册。,Haier Brand: 海尔品牌 Award: give

10、 sth to sb as a prize 授予 试译: 她因为勇敢(bravery)而被授予了奖章(medal )。 She was awarded a medal for bravery. home and abroad: 国内外 试译:1. 桂林山水(landscape)国内外闻名。 Guilins landscape is famous at home and abroad。 2. 这个问题国内外都在讨论。 This issue is discussed both at home and abroad.,Great demand: great need 巨大需求 Concrete re

11、quirement: detailed requirement 具体要求 Mutual mju:ul benefit 共同的利益 第三段写: 海尔公司产口曾获得国家金奖,希望通过共同努力促成交易和友谊。,BACK,Letter 3 (建立业务关系: 样信三) Through the courtesy of: with the official permission of (承蒙的介绍) Chamber of commerce(商会:由当地工商业者组成) Mineral: substance which is found in the earth (矿物) Medals and mineral:

12、 五金矿产,We have been exporting (现在完成进行时 由have (has) been + 现在分词构成:表示现在以前一直在进行的动作) 试译: 1、自去年以来我一直在这家公司工作。 I have been working in the firm since last year. 2、整个早上他都一直在等黄玲。 He has been waiting for Huang Ling the whole morning.,第一段写: We have learned 介绍获取对方信息的渠道。 We have been exporting 自我介绍(介绍公司的情况),Enclos

13、ing: sending; putting sth in an envelope or a letter 随函附寄 Herewith: with this letter 同此函 For your reference: 供你参考 Acquaint kweint yourselves with: make yourselves familiar with(熟悉某事),Enquire = inquire 询盘/询问 consummated ksmeitid: completed / reached 完成(交易) 第二段写: 寄上商品目录单和价格表,希望未来达成交易。,Take advantage o

14、f: make good use of (利用) 试 译: 1、我们必须利用这一机会来展示我们的产品。 We should take advantage of this opportunity to show our product. 2、利用别人是不好的。 Taking advantage of the others is not good. Forward: send on to 转发 第三段写: 如果对发盘不感兴趣,请转发给你的朋友或其他公司。,BACK,Section 2 Credit Status Enquiries (资信调查) Credit: the status of bein

15、g trusted 信誉 Status: steits 现状,状况 Enquiries: 询问,调查,Section 2 Credit Status Enquiries(资信调查) Why should we conduct credit status enquiry(为什么实施资信调查)? 2. What information is needed in credit status enquiries(资信调查需要什么信息)? 3. What channels can we get that information(通过什么渠道获得信息)? 4. How to analyze the cre

16、dit status of our future client? 5. Letter 1 6. Letter 2 7. Letter 3,1. Why should businessperson conduct kn dkt credit status enquiry(为什么实施资信调查)? It is prerequisite in international trade(国际贸易的前提条件) It is important to obtain information before closing deals (获取信息是重要的) It is necessary to make a care

17、ful investigation on credit status (资信调查是必要的),BACK,2. What information is needed in credit status enquiries(资信调查需要什么信息)? (1) The financial position 财务状况 (assets set 财产and liabilities 债务) (2) The credit (being trusted 信用状况) (3) Management capacities (管理能力) (4) Reputation(信誉),BACK,3. What channels can

18、 we get that information(通过什么渠道获得信息)? Commerce agencies (商行代理) Bank Chamber of commerce (商会) Enquiry companies (专门的咨询公司),BACK,4. How to analyze the credit status of our future client? According to 3 Cs principle: Capital (assets, profits, liabilities, capital turnover/资本周转) Capacity (management skil

19、l/管理能力) Conduct k:ndkt (credit and reputation 经营品行),BACK,Letter 1 Credit Status Enquiry Letter 资信状况调查信 Reference: a person who is in a position to recommend another (证明人) Account: (账户) 第一段写: 如何获取对方的名字和地址(索尼公司提供)。,We should be much obliged blai = We should be grateful/appreciated 我们将非常感激 give informa

20、tion on: Financial standing(status): 财政状况 Business modes: 经营方式 approach (接近/联系) its correspondent bank: = go to its correspondent bank for information: 去联系它的往来银行以获取信息 第二段内容: 询问了两种信息: 财政状况 经营方式,It goes without saying that: undoubtedly, doubtlessly 毫无疑问/毋庸置疑 试译: 毫无疑问,明天我们将达成这笔交易。 Undoubtedly, we will

21、conclude this transaction tomorrow. Any information you may obtain for us will be treated in strict confidence:作绝密处理. Confidence/secrecy:机密 confidential knfi denl 机密的,第三段写: 保证为对方保密,并希望对方回复。,BACK,Letter 2 Favorable Reply 样信二:有利回函 Private & Confidential (机密并亲启) Old establishment: old business organiza

22、tion 历史悠久的商业机构 Reliable: 可靠的 试译:索尼是一家非常信誉可靠的公司 Sony is a very reliable company.,Enjoy high reputation:享有很高的信誉 Solid: dependable or reliable (牢靠的) Though: 虽然但是 Remind:提醒 第一段: 回复对方:索尼公司历史历史悠久, 信誉可靠。 第二段: 要求对方保密,并强调自己不负责任。,BACK,Letter 3 Unfavorable Reply 不利回函 We have to inform you of considering carefu

23、lly in trade with them. in trade with them: do business with them. 第一段写: 与该公司做生意要小心谨慎。,Losses have been incurred for the latest 3 years in succession in the enterprise. (意思:该企业已经连续三年遭受亏损。) Incurred: suffered 遭受 in succession: one after another (连续),The corporations losses were due to their bad management. (该公司的亏损是由于他们管理不善造成的。) due to: because of 由于 试译: 1. 她的迟到是由于交通事故造成的。 Her lateness was due to the traffic accident. 2. 由于商品质量低劣,这笔交易被取消了。 The deal was cancelled due to the poor quality o


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