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1、西兰花的英语说范文 西兰花丰富,营养成份位居同类蔬菜之首,被誉为“蔬菜皇冠”。那么,你知道西兰花的怎么说吗?今天 _在这里为大家介绍关于西兰花的英语知识,欢迎大家阅读! 名brooli 西兰花和西兰花芽中异硫氰酸盐的含量是最高的。 Brooli and brooli sprouts have the highest amount of the isothiocyanates. 在西兰花和鹰嘴豆上面淋上芝麻酱调料。 Serve brooli and chickpeas with tahini sau _ drizzled over the top. 我吃面条和西兰花作午餐。 I ate nood

2、les and brooli for lunch. 西兰花围边,撒上胡萝卜丝装饰即可。来个下午茶吧! Surround the dish with the prepared brooli and decorate with the carrot shreds. 倒入奶油鸡汤,清鸡汤,西兰花,蘑菇,洋葱粉与胡椒。 Stir in the soup, broth, brooli, mushrooms, onion powder and pepper. 近期的新闻标题来看,咖啡或许正引领着最新的饮食潮流,同样榜上有名的还有西兰花和全麦面包。 To judge by re _nt headlines,

3、 coffee could be the latest health-food craze, right up there with brooli and whole-wheat bread. 西兰花虾球 Sauteed shrimp rolls with green brooli 比如,有一种花椰菜是橘色的,西兰花可能是紫色的。 One kind of cauliflower, for example, is orange, and brooli can be purple. Brooli and brooli sprouts have the highest amount of the i

4、sothiocyanates. 西兰花和西兰花芽中异硫氰酸盐的含量是最高的. Mozzarella cheese, brooli, grilled eggplant cornredsun - dried to _toes andour to _to sau _. 莫扎里拉芝士 、 西兰花 、 烤茄子、意大利蕃茄干及秘制比萨酱. Brooli and cauliflower can grow outdoors from seed or as s _ll plants. 西兰花和花椰菜可以在种子或者幼苗可以在户外. Eat brooli. Brooli has folic acid, which

5、aids stress reduction. 吃西兰花. 西兰花含有维生素B, 可以用来降低压力. Brooli and cauliflower are among the most nutritious vegetables. 西兰花和花椰菜是最有营养价值的蔬菜. They think brooli is only green and cauliflower is only white. 他们认为西兰花只有绿色的,而菜花都是白色的. Buy: brooli, cauliflower, red kidney bean, lotus root, frozen strawberry. 采购: 西兰

6、花, 花菜, 红腰果, 藕, 冷冻草莓. They are high in Vitamin C, fiber and other nutrients. 西兰花和花椰菜富含维他命c, 纤维和其它营养物质. They think brooli brooli is only green and cauliflower is only white. 他们总认为花椰菜只有绿色的,西兰花只有白色的. That star fruit has been here a lot longer than the brooli. 杨桃比西兰花放在超高的时间更长. Brooli and cauliflower are

7、among the most nurtures nutritious vegetables. 西兰花和花椰菜是含有许多营养的蔬菜. The aompanying ginger and plainly cooked brooli also help offset thefat. 配着的姜和简单烧过的西兰花菜也帮助抵消脂肪. Crops will include lotuslettu _ pease, onions spinach, brooli, peas, onionsand berries. 作物将包括生菜 、 菠菜 、 西兰花 、 洋葱、草莓. I ate noodles and broo

8、li for lunch. 我吃面条和西兰花作午餐. The average recoveries and coefficient of variation of fipronil in Chinesecabbage were 92 % 164 % and 5 % 8 %. 西兰花中平均回收率达到92%164%,RSD为5%8%. Add the onion, brooli, carrots and peas. Cover skillet and steam for 2minutes. 将洋葱碎 、 西兰花 、 胡萝卜丝和荷兰豆铺满整个锅底,蒸2分钟. A re _nt Harvard stu

9、dy finds that cruciferous vegetables, like brooli, _yprotect against bladder can _r. 最近哈佛大学研究发现,十字花科的蔬菜, 例如西兰花, 有助于预防膀胱癌. Flavonols are mon in plant - based foods are found in highestcon _ntrations in onions, apples, berries, kalebrooli. 黄酮醇是植物类食物中的常见物质,在洋葱 、 苹果 、 浆果 、 羽衣甘蓝和西兰花中含量最高. Poach the brool

10、i as the plate garnishing. To serve with ginger andvinegar. 将西兰花灼熟,以作拌碟,吃时可淋上姜蓉醋. Blanch the brooli in boiling water for 30 seconds - 1 minute and then soakin cold water until cool. 在沸水中将西兰花过水,约30秒-1分钟,然后泡在冷水中冷却,取出后晾干装盘. Next time your child asks why they have to eat brooli, you can give them the re

11、ason thanks to scientists who _de people eat it every day for three months. 下次,你的孩子问 _他们要吃花椰菜,你就可以给他们解释理由了。多亏科学家们做的这项研究让志愿者每天都吃西兰花,坚持吃三个月的时间,得出了研究结论,给出了问题的答案。 They discovered that a chemical found solely in the vegetable helps _intain the health of the tiny batteries which power the bodys _lls. 他们仅在

12、西兰花这种蔬菜中发现一种类似小“电池”功能的物质,它有助于保持细胞的健康。 This, it is thought, helps ward off health problems including can _r and heart disease. 他们认为这种蔬菜有助于抵御包括和这类健康问题。 Scientists from the Institute of Food Research in Norwich ran detailed blood tests on men and women before and after they ate the vegetable. 诺维奇食品研究所的

13、科学家对吃了西兰花这种蔬菜前后的男性和女性做了详细的测试。 Another 19 ate a super-brooli called Beneforte, which is bred to be extra-rich in glucoraphanin, a plant chemical. 另一组的19名志愿者吃了一种称为Beneforte的“超级花椰菜”,对这种花椰菜另外进行培育使其富含硫代葡萄糖苷这种植物中含的化学物质。 The final group ate peas. 最后一组志愿者吃豌豆。 Eating the glucoraphanin-rich brooli led to impr

14、ovements in the various chemical reactions that go on inside mitochondria, the batteries in _lls. 吃富含硫代葡萄糖苷的西兰花可改进线粒体细胞中的“电池”中的各种化学反应。 They also have several other vital functions, which all need to be in balan _ for good health. 花椰菜这类蔬菜也有一些其他的重要功能,都是健康平衡饮食所需的。 While researchers believe the same ben

15、efits could be obtained by eating nor _l brooli, theres some bad news if youre not a fan of it they think youd need to eat three times as much. 虽然研?比衔绞背曰硕越】低幸妫侨绻悴幌不冻晕骼蓟幕埃侨衔阈枰匀兜奈骼蓟赡苷馐歉鲐摹? Researcher Professor Richard Mithen said: Mitochondria are really, really important and when they start to go wrong it leads onto _ny of the diseases of aging. 这项研究的研究员理查德教授说:“线粒体真的、真的很重要,当线粒体开始出现问题,则会引起许多与年老有关的。” We think this provides some eviden _ as to why people who eat _ts rich in brooli _y keep in good health. “关于 _那些节食的人吃西兰花可以维持身体健康,我们认为这项研究结果为其提供了一些证据。” He added: The message is to eat a balan _


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