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1、环境管理工作手册ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT WORKBOOK1 / 18精品文档,值得拥有概述OVERVIEW本工作手册旨在帮助您理解如何通过环境管理来促进企业战略,为什么它是高水平的管理,以及如何用它来提高竞争力。The purpose of this workbook is to assist you in understanding how environmental managementcan be used to enhance firm strategy, why it is good management and how it can lead to inc

2、reased competitiveness.绿色的和有竞争力的GREEN AND COMPETITIVEPorter 和 Van Der Linde ( 1995) 认为,应该把环境改良看成一个经济的和提高竞争力的机会,并批评那种认为生态与经济之间天生无法共荣的观念。他们所提出的观点被环境管理的实施者称之为 Porter 假设:严格的环境法规导致那些拥有严厉的国内立法的企业获得竞争力和国际战略优势。Porter and Van Der Linde (1995) argue that environmental improvement should be regarded as an econ

3、omic and competitive opportunity and seek to dispel the lingering belief that there is aninherent trade-off between ecology versus the economy. The arguments raised have led to what Environmental Management practitioners refer to as the Porter hypothesis: that stringent environmental legislation lea

4、ds to corporate competitiveness and international strategic advantages for those firms with tight domestic legislation.仅仅拥有资源是不够的;有效的利用资源才是创造当今竞争力的关键。 Porter 和 Van Der Linde 提出,污染意味着低效率,而且企业管理者必须开始认识到环境改良是一个经济的和提高竞争力的良机。企业管理者应该把环境影响因素包含在改善生产力和竞争能力的总过程中,而不是仅仅的着眼于照章行事。企业管理者应该问他们自己:It is no longer simp

5、ly enough to have resources; using resources productively is what makes for competitiveness today. Porter and Van Der Linde argue that pollution equals inefficiency and that managers must start to recognise environmental improvement as an economic and competitive opportunity. Instead of focusing on

6、regulatory compliance managers should embed environmental impact into the overall process of improving productivity and competitiveness. Managers should be asking themselves:我们正在浪费什么?What are we wasting?我们如何提高客户价值?How can we enhance customer value?2 / 18精品文档,值得拥有环境 SWOT分析ENVIRONMENTAL SWOT绿色的和有竞争力的这

7、一书也有不足的地方,因为作者仅仅提供了成功的范例,这些例子显示了环境的改善是如何导致了竞争力的提高。 作者承认,这些例子并不总是证明企业可以低成本的完成环境方面的改革,而是仅仅说明了宝贵的机会是存在的。The case presented in “ Green and Competitive ” can be criticised not least because the authors offer only successful examples of where improved environmental performance has resulted inincreased com

8、petiveness. The authors admit themselves that these examples do not prove thatfirms can always innovate to reduce environmental impact at low cost just that significant opportunities exist.企业通过环境改良而提高竞争力的能力依赖于他们自身的情况。甚至在行业内部,环境保护标准也可能在不同企业之间造成不同的影响。因此,正如准备一次市场战略一样但是这次是有关环境的问题,企业在做出任何战略决策之前应该考虑自身的优势和

9、弱势以及外部的机会和威胁。The ability for a firm to increase competitiveness through environmental improvements is dependant upon its own circumstances. Even within industries environmental standards are likely to have quite different impacts across firms. Therefore, just as in preparing a marketing strategy but

10、 this time for environmental issues, a firm should consider its own internal strengthsand weaknesses and the external opportunities and threats before making any strategic choices.正面的反面的Positive(+)Negative (-)优势劣势内部 InternalStrengthsWeaknesses机会威胁外部 ExternalOpportunitiesThreats请列出有关企业环境问题的优势、劣势、机会和威

11、胁的简要描述。应不断地对这一分析进行回顾,从而理加深入地了解环境与市场之间相互作用的关系。在这一阶段,尽可能多地把所有重点列入表中。每一个类别中都给出了一个例子。3 / 18精品文档,值得拥有Pleaselist overviewthe firm currs ent strengths,weaknesses,opportunitiesandthreatsinrelationto environmentalissues.It is importantto continuallyrevisitthisanalysisas moreknowledge about the firm s interac

12、tions with the environment and the market place is developedat this moment in time the emphasis should be in listing as many issues as possible. Under each category an example is given.优势Strengths员工关注环境问题Employees who empathise with environmental issues劣势Weaknesses缺乏净化技术的专家A lack of technical expert

13、ise in clean technologies机会Opportunities顾客在实施他们自己的环境管理系统Customers who are implementing their own Environmental Management Systems威胁Threats政府正在筹划更严格的环境法规Greater environmental legislation planned by Government4 / 18精品文档,值得拥有优势 STRENGTHS劣势 WEAKNESSES1.机会 OPPORTNITIES威胁 THREATS6.11.7.1

14、 / 18精品文档,值得拥有定位策略POSITIONING STRATEGYPorter 曾经说过企业战略的精髓是提高竞争能力,对付市场竞争者。每一个市场竞争计划都立足于供应商、客户、新的竞争者和替代品的出现等因素的相互作用关系。企业建立战略的第一步是分析所处行业的结构 , 然后结合本身的优势和劣势来比较。其后,往往采用差异化和进入专小市场的战略,或在一个相对统一的产品市场,通过合理地定价来取得价格领导者的地位。定位,正如 Porter 认为,变成了绿色市场战略的核心( Wehrmeyer,1999 )。Porterhaspreviously presen

15、tedthe argument thatthe essenceof corporatestrategyis toimprovecompetitivenessand tocopewith marketcompetitors.Each market scompetitiveagenda depends on the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers and possible threat from newentrantsorproductsubstitutes.Afirmfirst step in developingstrategy istoana

16、lysetheindustrystructureandto matchthecompany s strengths andweaknessestoit. Strategydevelopment then often takes the form of differentiation and niche marketing where possible orcost leadership through appropriate pricing in more homogenous product markets.Positioning ,as in Porter s view, becomes

17、the core of greener marketing strategy (Wehrmeyer, 1999).Steger ( Wehrmeyer, 1999) 提供了一种用于调查企业在环境问题中所处位置的模型。 Steger (in Wehrmeyer, 1999) provides a model that can be used to examine the position of the firm in relation to environmental issues.错误 !环境方面风险Environmental Exposure低 Low高 Hight漠不关心型保守型低 Low

18、IndifferenceDefensive环境方面的市场机会EnvironmentalMarket Opportunity进攻型革新型高 HighOffensiveInnovative环境定位模型Model of Positioning Regarding the EnvironmentSteger in Wehrmeyer (1999, p.51)6 / 18精品文档,值得拥有漠不关心型 很可能造成企业很少面对环境问题,而且也很难发现环境改善中所蕴含的市场机会。在这个位置的企业在环境问题上不可能获得也不必担心失去机会,因此不太可能制订一套全面的环境战略。这类公司的例子之一可能是一家会计师事务

19、所(提供无害于环境的审计业务)。然而即使是这样一家会计公司也可以给自己不同的定位,例如,拒绝为环境记录不好的客户服务,或者把自己的服务面扩展到正处于发展阶段的环境审计领域。Indifferenceislikelyto resultwhere a firm faceslittleenvironmental exposureandperceivesfew marketopportunities fromimprovingits environmentalperformance. Firmsin thispositionhave little to gain from, and little to

20、worry about, making an expansive environmental strategyunlikely.Anexampleofafirminthis positioncouldbea firm ofaccountants(providinganenvironmentallybenignauditing service).However evena firmofaccountantsmaydecidetopositionitselfdifferentlyby,forexample, refusingtoserviceclients whohada poorenvironm

21、entalrecordorbyextendingtheirproductlineintothe emergingmarketofenvironmental auditing.处于最不舒服的位置的是那些环境暴露程度非常高,但是通过改善环境而获得市场机会的可能性非常小的企业(例如烟草行业可能就是一个例子)。这种位置的企业经常变得很 保守 ,最大程度的降低环境费用,并且在其市场战略中努力的把注意点从环境问题上调开。The most uncomfortable position for a firm to occupy is where environmental exposure is high b

22、ut few market opportunities exist for potential gains from improving environmental performance(the tobacco industry is a possible example). In such a position the firm usually becomes defensive , adopting a minimalist approach to reducing environmental costs and a marketing strategy that attempts to

23、 take the focus away from environmental concerns.进取型的位置大概是最讨人喜欢的。这些企业很少被揭露有环境问题,但是拥有强大的环境机会。 对环境改良的少许投资可以带来丰厚的市场回报。 一家企业(比如, The Body Shop 化妆品连锁店)可以通过一个积极的改善环境的市场战略轻易的把环境问题融入到它的运营核心中。The offensiveposition is probably the most favourable. Here the firm has little environmentalexposurebutsignificanten

24、vironmentalopportunities. Small investments inenvironmentalimprovementscan yieldsubstantial market returns.A firm(for example The Body Shop) caneasily put environmentalissuesat the heart of itsoperation with a marketingstrategythataggressively promotes environmental achievements.革新型 代表了那些高风险,高回报的位置,

25、投入和潜在利益都是巨大的。这个位置的企业的市场战略倾向于通过改善环境影响来促进发展。革新型公司的一个例子是BP(British Petroleum英国石油公司 ),巨大的石化跨国企业,它现在把缩写的含义改为Beyond Petroleum 超越石油。Innovationrepresentsthe high-risk, high-return,positionwhere both the stakes and thepotential benefits are high. The marketing strategy of a firm in this position is likely to

26、 promotethe achievements of management in developing good environmental performance. An exampleof an innovative firm could be BP (BritishPetroleum), thehugepetrochemicalsmultinational,who now perceive the company s initials to stand for Beyond Petroleum.7 / 18精品文档,值得拥有练习EXERCISE1. 在模型中标示出您认为自己公司所处的位

27、置。Mark on the model the position that you perceive best represents that of your firm.2. 考虑行业中的竞争者,然后在模型中标示出他们的位置。Consider your competitors within the industry and mark their position on the model.环境方面风险Environmental Exposure低 Low高 High漠不关心型保守型INDIFFERENCEDEFENSIVE低Low环境方面的市场机会进取型革新型EnvironmentalOFFE

28、NSIVEINNOVATIVEMarket Opportunity高High8 / 18精品文档,值得拥有环境管理和企业策略ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CORPORATE STRATEGYPorter 认为降低成本 和差别化 是获得竞争优势的关键方式。这里存在一种公司把这种战略与环境管理实践联起来考虑的双赢方案。通过同时考虑普通竞争因素和环境管理因素,企业可以制定一个环境管理战略以提高竞争力。Porter has previously identified cost reduction and differentiation as key ways in whic

29、h to achieve competitive advantage. Here, there is a win-win scenario available to companies in linking this sort of strategic thinking with environmental management practises. By considering environmental management factors with general competitive factors a firm can develop an environmental manage

30、ment strategy that improves its competitiveness.目标必须设定为 降低成本, 以及将自己的产品(以及企业形象)与竞争者 区别开来。两者都可以通过使用环境管理工具在某种程度上得以实现,而管理的一个重要职责就是控制,监督和发展降低成本以及差异化战略。The aim must be to reducecosts and to differentiate products(and company image) fromthose of competitors. Both can be achieved, to some extent, through th

31、e use of environmental management tools and an important role for management is to control, monitor and develop cost reduction and differentiation strategies.降低成本是维持竞争力的核心方法,在这里要强调的是资源生产力和防止污染,而不是 管道末端方案,因为前者可以降低成本而后者却总是增加成本。Cost reductionis at the heartof maintainingcompetitivenessand here theempha

32、sisis firmlyplaced onresourceproductivityand pollutionpreventionrather than end-of-pipe solutionsbecause the former have the potential to reduce costs whilst the latter invariably increases costs.差异化包含了一家企业和它的产品是如何被认知的。特别的是,差异化的一个重要方面就是改善公司形象。差异化要求一家公司:Differentiation relates to the ways in which a

33、company and its products are perceived. In particular an important part of differentiation is improving corporate image. Differentiation requires a firm to:1. 发展良好的环境表现;Develop sound environmental performance;2. 实施高效的营销和分销战略;Engage in effective marketing and distribution strategies; and3. 把它的成绩传达给企业

34、相关利益集团。Communicate its performance to stakeholders.9 / 18精品文档,值得拥有练习EXERCISE下面有两个表格。一个显示降低成本策略的可能性而另外一个则显示差异化策略的可能性。请针对下述问题,在每个策略前的相应方框内打勾:There now follows two tables. One shows possible cost reduction strategies and the other some possible differentiation strategies. Please tick the relevant box,

35、against each strategy, for the following question:1. 在您自己的企业中这个策略是否可行?How feasible do you currently perceive this strategy to be in relation to your own business?1 不可行 - 不太可行 - 不确定可能可以非常可能Not feasibleUnlikelyUnsureCould be possibleVery possible成本降低策略12345COST REDUCTION STRATEGIES1. 减少部件Reduction in

36、components2. 原料替代Materials substitution3. 考虑环境的设计Design for the Environment4. 高效的使用能量Energy efficiency5. 减少用水 / 使用循环水Reduce/Reuse water6. 循环使用Recycling7. 减少资源投入Reduction in resource inputs8. 重新设计工艺流程Process redesign9. 加工效率Process efficiency10. 发现工业废料回收市场Identification of markets for waste11. 减少包装材料P

37、ackaging reduction12. 后勤规划Logistics planning10 / 18精品文档,值得拥有1 不可行 - 不太可行 - 不确定可能可以非常可能Not feasibleUnlikelyUnsureCould be possibleVery possible差异化策略12345DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGIES13. 绿色产品Green products14. 环境管理系统Environmental Management System15. 国际标准组织证书ISO certification16. 环境的报告Environmental reporti

38、ng17. 生态标签Eco-labelling18. 包装设计Packaging design19. 客户教育Customer education20. 与客户 / 零售商密切联系Closer links with customers/ retailers21. 雇员和供应商教育 / 培训Employee and supplier education/training22. 本地社区计划Local community projects23. 透明性Transparancy24. 媒体管理Media management11 / 18精品文档,值得拥有我的环境策略行动计划MY ENVIRONME

39、NTAL STRATEGY ACTION PLAN在下面的表格内,请为那些您将在自己的企业内实施的各项“环境管理策略”设定优先级。当填写这个行动计划的时候您需要参看上面刚刚完成的那两个表格。请详细描述您将采取什么行动以及该行动的完成日期。In the tablebelow,pleaseprioritisethe “ EnvironmentalManagementStrategy”issuesthatyouneedtoaddress inyour business.In completing the action planyou should referto the two tablesyou

40、have justcompleted. Please detail what action you are going to take and a completion date for that action.问题行动完成时间PROBLEMACTIONBY WHEN1. / 18精品文档,值得拥有内务管理审核HOUSEKEEPING AUDIT优秀内务管理的实施涉及许多减少原材料损失,减少浪费,节约用水,节省能量以及提高企业的运作和程序的方法。实施这些方法相对比较容易,费用通常也比较低。因此,他们特别适合于中小型企业。请参阅附带的中小企业优秀内务管理

41、指南。 Good Housekeeping practices relate to a number of measures dealing with preventing the lossof raw materials, minimising waste, conserving water, saving energy, and improving the company s operational and organisational procedures. The implementation of these practices is relatively easy and the

42、cost is usually low. Thus, they are particularly suitable for SMEs. Please refer to the Good Housekeeping Guide for SMEs included with the resources.下面练习的目的是测定企业当前的内务管理水平。请在每个活动的相应方框内打勾。The purpose of the following exercise is to gauge the firm currents level of Housekeeping practices. Please tick t

43、he appropriate box against each listed activity.13 / 18精品文档,值得拥有内务管理实践HOUSEKEEPING PRACTISES1. 是否采用了目光鉴定来检查管道和设备以发现问题区域。Are visual assessments made of pipes and equipment in order to identify problem areas2. 是否为所有的设备建立了维修计划Are maintenance schedules prepared for each piece of equipment3. 是否定期核查这些维修计划

44、的实施情况Are these maintenace schedules regulary checked for compliance4. 是否明确了质量问题Are quality problems identified5. 是否明确了损耗的主要来源Are the places where the major sources of waste occur identified6. 是否按照属性和毒性对废弃物进行了分类Are wastes sorted according to their nature and toxicity7. 是否可能重新利用和循环使用所检验的废液Are possibil

45、ities for reusing and recyling each waste stream examined8. 是否可能重新利用和循环使用所检验的包装材料Are possibilities for reusing and recyling packaging materials examined9. 原材料与供应商的收据一致吗Are raw materials examined upon receipt from the supplier10. 危险物料是否都存放在安全的地方Are dangerous materials stored in a secure area建议的行动SUGG

46、ESTED ACTION采用目视检测方法监测管道和设备。Implement visual audits for pipes and equipment为所有的设备实施维修计划Implement maintenance schedules for all equipment实施审核程序Implement auditing procedure与组员一起讨论如何发现质量问题Brainstorm with team members for ideas on how quality problems can be identified明确损耗主要发生的地方,并制定相应策略减少浪费Identify are

47、as where major sources of waste occur and develop strategies to reduce wastee确保所有的废弃物都按照其毒性进行了分类Ensure that all waste material is sorted according to its nature of toxicity评估循环使用废料的机会Evaluate recycling opportunities for waste material组建一个小组以调查重复使用和再循环使用包装材料的可能性Establish a team to investigate opportunities to reuse and recycle packaging materials实施一套规程以确保所有收到的货物跟收据上的描述一致Implement a procedure whereby all goods inwards are examined upon receipt确保所有的危险物料都被明确识别并适当的存放Ensure that all dangerous materials are identified and stored ap


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