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1、cet4练口语记单词1a: youre going to abandon me, just like that?b: im sorry, but ive got an important job to do.abandon vt. 1.离弃,丢弃;2.遗弃,抛弃;3.放弃abandon oneself to 沉溺于with abandon 1.放任地,放纵地;2.纵情地 a: i think its important that all people have the ability to read.b: i agree with you, but thats easier said than

2、 done.ability n. 1.能力,本领;2.才能,才智to the best of ones ability 尽自己最大努力a: how many passengers are there aboard the ship?b: seventy-six, i think.aboard prep. 在(船、飞机、车)上,上(船、飞机、车)ad. 在船(或飞机、车)上,上船(或飞机、车)a: are you planning on studying abroad?b: id like to, but im not sure if ill have enough money.abroad a

3、d. 1.到国外,在国外;2.在传播,在流传a: i noticed your absence in class this morning.b: im sorry, i overslept.absence n. 1.缺席,不在;2.缺席的时间,外出期;3.缺乏,不存在a: i cant believe the boss was absent from todays meeting.b: neither can i .absent a. 1.缺席的,不在场的;2.缺乏的,不存在的;3.心不在焉的,出神的a: we have absolute proof that you committed th

4、e crime.b: thats absolutely ridiculous!absolute a. 1.十足的,道地的;2.绝对的,完全的;3.不受任何限制(或约束)的a: this paper absorbs water so quickly!b: yes, its great for cleaning up spills.absorb vt. 1.吸收;2.吸引的注意,使全神贯注;3.把并入,同化a: why arent you doing well in the class?b: the material is so abstract that i have trouble under

5、standing it.abstract a. 1.抽象的;2.抽象派的n. 1.摘要,梗概;2.抽象派艺术作品vt. 1.做的摘要;2.提取,抽取in the abstract 抽象地,在理论上a: labor is an abundant resource here.b: one of many abundant resources, id like to point out.abundant a. 1.大量的,充足的;2.(in)丰富的,富裕的a: i hate to see the abuse of animals.b: it makes me sick.abuse n. 1.滥用,妄

6、用; 2.虐待,伤害; 3.辱骂,毁谤vt. 1.滥用,妄用; 2.虐待,伤害; 3.辱骂,毁谤a: i really dislike reading academic books.b: that may be so, but reading them is an important way to expand your knowledge.academic a. 1.学校的,学院的;2.学术的;3.纯理论的,不切实际的n. 大学教师a: the academy is an important part of the education system.b: i couldnt agree wi

7、th you more.academy n. 1.研究院,学会;2.(中等以上)专门学校a: look how fast that car can accelerate!b: ive never seen anything like it .accelerate v. (使)加快,(使)增速a: im sorry, im having a little trouble understanding your accent.b:ill try to speak more clearly.accent n. 1.口音,腔调; 2.重音,重音符号vt. 重读a: hows work?b: i feel

8、 like im finally gaining my co-workers acceptance.acceptance n. 1.接受,接纳;2.赞同,承认;3.容忍 a: i wish i had access to the public library.b: its easy! just go and get a card.accessn. 1.通道,入口;2.接近,进入;接近(或进入、享用)的机会vt. 存取(计算机文件)a: how did you two meet?b:to tell you the truth, it was completely accidental.accid

9、entala. 意外的,偶然(发生)的a: what sort of accommodation can you supply for me?b: weve got a beautiful two-room double with a bath an shower.accommodation n. 常pl. 住处,膳宿a: would you be willing to accompany me to the party tonight?b: sure , id love to .accompanyvt. 1.陪伴,陪同;2.伴随,和一起发生;3.为伴奏(或伴唱)a: what kind of

10、 job do you think i should get?b: it all depends on what you want to accomplish in your life.accomplishvt. 达到(目的),完成(任务),实现(计划、诺言等)a: the numbers in this table dont seem to be in accord with reality.b: i know, but these are the figures that we came up with.accordn. 1.一致,符合;2.(尤指国与国之间的)谅解,协议vi. (with

11、)相符合,相一致,相和谐vt. 授予,赠与,给予of ones own accord 出于自愿,主动地in accord with 与一致,与相符合with one accord 一致地,一致同意地a: why didnt you sign the contract?b: because that companys behavior is not in accordance with international law.accordancen. 一致,和谐,符合in accordance with 与一致,依照,根据a: when should i make my presence known

12、?b: wait for my instructions and then proceed accordinglyaccordinglyad. 1.照着,相应地;2.因此,所以,于是a: why are you holding me in this jail cell?b: wed like to hear your account of the events of last night.accountn. 1.记述,描述,报告;2.帐,帐户;3.解释,说明vi. 1.(for)说明的原因,是的原因;2.(在数量、比例方面)占of no account 不重要的on account of 为了

13、的缘故,因为,由于on no account 绝不,绝对不take account of 考虑到,顾及,体谅takeinto account 见take account of :考虑到,顾及,体谅a: my accountant thinks she can save me lots of money on my taxes this year.b: that sounds great!accountant n. 会计人员,会计师a: you shouldnt let the dirty dishes accumulate in the sick!b: i know, i should was

14、h them right away.accumulatevt. 堆积,积累,积聚vi. 累积,聚积a: when shooting a gun, accuracy is very important.b: you only need to tell me that once.accuracyn. 准确(性),精确(性)a: if the weathermans predictions are accurate, it should rain tomarrow.b: i hope not. then wed have to reschedule our baseball game.accurat

15、ea. 1.正确无误的;2.准确的,精确的a: how dare you accuse me of stealing your computer?b: im sorry, but you were the only one who had access to it.accusevt. 指控,控告,指责a: im not really accustomed to the style of the new boss.b: itll take us al some time to get used to the change.accustomeda. 1. (to)习惯于的,适应了的;2. 通常的,

16、惯常的 a: the new testing system rewards students based on achievementb: well, what was the old system like?achievementn. 1.成就,成绩;2.达到,完成,实现a: be careful! this acid can burn through your skin!b: maybe i should wear gloves.acidn. 酸,酸性物质a. 1.酸的,酸味的;2.尖刻的,刻薄的a: im so embarrassed that i dont know what to d

17、o.b: you should just acknowledge your mistake and move on.acknowledgevt. 1.承认,承认的权威(或主张);2.告知收到,确认;3.对表示谢忱,报偿a: was that your girlfriend?b: no, were not even good friend. shes really just an acquaitance acquaintancen. 1.相识的人,熟人;2.认识,相识,了解a: what do you think is the best way to acquire knowledge abou

18、t fishing?b: go fishing!acquirevt. 1.取得,获得;2.学到a: the acquisition of wealth should not be the only goal of your life.b: i know, but i still would have liked to have gotten a raise.acquisitionn. 1.取得,获得,习得;2.获得物,增添的人(或物)a: how many acres of land are you hoping to bay?b: anywhere between ten and twent

19、y.acren. 英亩a: if you really like the girl, then you should take action b: but i get nervous every time i talk to her .actionn. 1.行动,行动过程;2.已做的事,行为;3.作用;4.情节out of action 不(再)起作用,不(再)运转a: what would you say is your favorite activity ?b: id have to say bowling.acrivityn. 1.活动,行动;2.活跃,活力a: why do you t

20、hink he is so successful?b: his acute sense of reason puts him a level above everyone else.acutea. 1.严重的,激烈的;2.敏锐的;3.(疾病)急性的;4.尖的,锐的a: that is the silliest ad i have every seen!b: why would anyone want to buy that product?adn. 见advertisementa: if you want to survive in this business, youve got to le

21、arn to how to adaptb: im doing the best i can.adaptvt. 1.使适应,使适合;2.修改,改编vi. (to) 适应a: how are you going to have room for the new baby?b: were going to build an addition onto our house.additionn. 1.加,加法;2.增加的人(或物)in addition 另外,加之in addition to 除之外(还)a: do you have any additional questions?b: no, tha

22、nks, youve answered them all.additionala. 添加的,额外的,另外的a: if we cant find adequate housing in the city, were going to have to move to another state.b: that would really be a pit.adequatea. 1.充足的,足够的;2.适当的,胜任的a: how was the concert?b: i dont know if i can even find the right adjective to describe it!ad

23、jectiven. 形容词a: im sure its just a matter of time before you find a job.b: maybe i need to adjust my attitudeadjustvt. 1.校正,校准,调节;2.调节,改变以适应vi. (to) 适应a: ive just about had it with the administration !b: really? whats the problem?administrationn. 1.管理,经营,支配;2.管理部门,行政机关,政府;3.实行,执行a: i applied to six

24、school, and got four offers of admission .b: congratulations!admissionn. 1.准许进入,准许加入;2.入场费,入场券;3.承认,供认a: i think maybe we should adopt a child.b: im not sure if we can afford it.adoptvt. 1.收养;2.采取,采纳,采用;3.正式通过,批准 a: sometimes i get tired of being an adult. and want to just play like a child.b: i thi

25、nk we all feel that way sometimes.adultn. 成年人(或动物)a. 1.成年的,充分长成的;2.成年人的,适宜于成年人的a: are you going to sign up for the advanced course, or the beginner one?b: i think i might sign up for the intermediate course.advanceda. 1.超前的,先进的;2.高级的,高等的;3.年迈的,后阶段的a: why did your team lose the game?b: they had a big

26、 advantage over us, being so much taller.advantagen. 1.优点,有利条件,有利因素;2.利益,好处take advantage of 利用,占的便宜to advantage 有力地,使优点突出地a: do you know what an adverb is ?b: i think i remember from school that it is usually a word that modifies a verb.adverbn. 副词a: if we want our magazine to be successful, we nee

27、d to find advertisers.b: but who would want to advertise i a magazine about potatoes?advertisevt. 1.为做广告,宣传;2.(在报刊,电视,广播等中)公告,告布vi. 登广告,做广告,登公告a: its imperative that we build our brand name.b: well, if we want to do that, were going to need a killer advertisement.advertisementn. 1.广告,公告,启事;2.广告活动,宣传

28、a: ive decided to quit my job.b: i really dont think thats an advisable course of action.advisablea. 可取的,适当的,明智的a: what did the doctor say?b: she advocated that i quit smoking.advocatevt. 拥护,提倡,主张n. 1.拥护者,提倡者;2.辩护者,律师a: its important to remember that your own actions affect the lives of others.b: th

29、anks for reminding me.affectv. 影响a: why do you think he s angry all the time?b: maybe his mother didnt show him enough affection when he was a child.affectionn. 喜爱,感情,爱慕之情a: so, you went to the concert. then what?b: afterwards, he drove me home and kissed me goodnight.afterward(s) ad. 以后,过后,后来a: do

30、you know of a good travel agency?b: we were very happy with the one that organized our trip to the bahamasagencyn. 1.代理行,经销处;2.(政府等的)专业行政部门a: would you mind helping me plan the agenda for tomorrows meeting?b: sure, no problem.agendan. 议事日程a: what do you do for a living?b: ive been a real estate agen

31、t for the past 15 years.agentn. 1.代理人,代理商,经纪人;2.政府特工人员,政府代表;3.动因,原因;4.剂a: why didnt you hire the candidate from michigan?b: i was really turned off by his aggressive manner.aggressivea. 侵犯的,侵略的,挑衅的;2.敢作敢为的,有进取心的a: this software has been a great aid in completing my homework.b: its amazing what compu

32、ters can do.aidn. 1.帮助,援助,救助;2.助手,辅助物,辅助手段vt. 帮助,援助,救助a: before boarding the aircraft, remember to remove anything sharp from your luggage.b: dont worry, ill remember.aircraftn. 飞机,航空器a: do you prefer to fly small airlines or large ones?b: i fly whichever will sell me the cheapest ticket.airlinen. 常

33、pl. 航空公司a: im worried that my sickness will become serious.b: relax. a minor sore throat is no cause for alarm. alarmn. 1.惊恐,忧虑;2.警钟,报警器,闹钟;3.报警vt. 使惊恐,使担心 a: can i get you a beer?b: no thanks. if i drink too much alcohol, my face turns red.alcoholn. 含酒精的饮料,酒精a: be sure to stay alert when youre walk

34、ing alone at night.b: ill be fine. ive lived in the city all of my life.alerta. 警觉的,留神的,注意的vt. 1.向报警,使警惕;2.使认识到,使意识到n. 1.警戒(状态),戒备(状态);2.警报on the alert 警戒着,随时准备着,密切注意着a: you two look almost exactly alike!b: well, were twins.alikea. 同样的,相象的ad. 1.一样地,相似地;2.同样程度地a: exactly how is an alliance with their

35、 company in our best interests?b: the chief advantage is that we can consolidate our production lines.alliancen. 结盟,联盟a: why should i give you a raise in your allowance?b: because i do more chores now than i used to .allowancen. 津贴,补贴,零用钱make allowance(s) for 1.考虑到,顾及;2.体谅,原谅a: theyve been our allie

36、s for fifteen years, and i think we should help themb: but sometimes youve got to abandon a sinking ship.allyn. 1.同盟国,同盟者;2.支持者v. (使)结盟,(使)联合a: how do i get to the bank?b: just follow the road that runs alongside the river.alongsidead. 在旁边,沿着边,并排地prep. 1.在旁边,沿着的边;2.和在一起a: how many vowels are there i

37、n the english alphabet?b: five, i think.alphabetn. 字母表a: im trying to find a way to alter my image.b: you could start by cutting your hair.alterv. 改变,改动,变更a: isnt there an alternative to moving to another country?b: not if we want to survive financially.alternativea. 1.两者择一的,供选择的,供替代的n. 1.取舍,抉择,供选择的

38、东西;2.选择的自由,选择的余地a: im having a strong reaction to the high altitude of the mountain.b: rest for a few days, and im sure youll be fine.altituden. 1.高度,海拔;2.pl.高处,高地a: what are you going to do with all of those aluminum cans?b: recycle them.aluminium = aluminumn. 铝a: you are quite the golfer!b: im jus

39、t an amateur, but i try to practice a lot.amateurn. 1.业余爱好者,业余运动员;2.外行,粗通某一行的人a. 1.业余爱好的,业余(身份)的a: this magician were going to see will amaze you with some of his tricks.b: well see. im not easily amazed.amazevt. 使大为惊奇,惊愕a: when you go abroad, you should remember that youre acting as an ambassador f

40、or your county.b: im not so sure about that. as far as im concerned, im just representing myself.ambassadorn. 大使,使节,派驻国际组织的代表a: i wish i still had the ambition of my youth.b: i like you just the way you are.ambitionn. 1.抱负,雄心,野心;2.企望得到的东西a: if the ambulance had gotten here earlier, his life might ha

41、ve been saved.b: now is not the time to place blame.ambulancen. 救护车a: i really hate him.b: amid all of the things you hate about him, he must have at least some qualities that you find endearing.amidprep. 在中间,在之中,被围绕a: whats the best way to lose weight?b: just remember that what you eat is more impo

42、rtant than the amount you eat.amountn. 1.量,数量,数额;2.总额,总数vi. 1.(to)合计,共计;2.(在意义、价值面)等同,接近 a: i was just trying to amuse you .b: well, i didnt think it was funny.amusevt. 1.逗乐,逗笑;2.给提供娱乐(或消遣)a: what do you think about the countrys economic situation?b: id really need to do some further analysis before

43、 i could give you an answer on that.analysisn. 分析,分析报告a: if you had properly analyzed the situation a year ago, you might not be bankrupt today.b: thanks for the advice, but it comes a little too late.analyse = analyzevt. 分析,细察,细查a: where were your ancestors from?b: they were from various different

44、countries in europe.ancestorn. 1.祖宗,祖先;2.原型,先驱a: youve really been an anchor for me during this past year of hardship, and i want to say think you .b: its been my pleasure.anchorn. 1.锚;2.给人安全感之物(或人)vt. 1.抛(锚),泊(船);2.把系住,使固定;3.担任(电视节目等的)主持人vi. 1.抛锚,停泊;2.固定,扎根a: your car really looks ancient .b: well,

45、 at least it still runs.ancienta. 1.古代的,古老的;2.年老的,看上去很老的a: i just cant figure out how to save my marriage.b: maybe you should try looking at the situation from a different angle .anglen. 1.角,角度;2.观点,立场vt. 1.把放置成一个角度;2.使(新闻、报道等)带上倾向性angle for 谋取,猎取a: why did you have to sit the game out.b: i twisted

46、my ankle in practice.anklen. 踝,踝关节a: do you think what today is .b: its our 50th wedding anniversary .anniversaryn. 周年纪念(日)a: do you mind if i chew gum?b: actually its really starting to annoy me.annoyvt. 1.使恼怒,使烦恼;2.打扰,干扰a: are you going to go to peters annual barbeque?b: this year ive got to stay

47、home with the kids.annuala. 每年的,年度的,一年一次的n. 1.年报,年刊,年鉴;2.一年生的植物a: i am so sick of having ants in the kitchen.b: maybe you should call the exterminator.antn. 蚂蚁a: i wish i could anticipate when its going to rain.b: why dont you just watch the weather report on the news?anticipatevt. 1.预期,期望,预料;2.先于行动

48、,提前使用a: this type of antique pot is very expensive.b: well, then i dont think i can afford it.antiquea. 古时的,古老的n. 古物,古玩,古董a: whenever i have a math test, i have trouble controlling my anxiety. b: everybodys nervous-you need to learn how to relax.anxietyn. 1.焦虑,挂虑;2.渴望,热望a: anyhow , youre just as sma

49、rt as he is .b: i know that , but i still feel inferior sometimes.anyhowad. 1.不管怎么说,无论如何,至少:2.不论用何种方法,无论从什么角度;3.随随便便地,杂乱无章地a: you really shouldnt have fallen asleep during the lecture.b: why not? i didnt care what he was talking about anyway .anywayad. 1.不管怎么说,无论如何,至少:2.不论用何种方法,无论从什么角度a: do you thin

50、k it will be hard to be apart for so long?b: not as long as we remember that we love each other.apartad. 1.空间、时间方面成距离,相间隔;2.分离,分开a. 分离的,分隔的apart from 1.除之外(别无);2.除之外(尚有)a: what have you been up to for the past few days?b: ive been trying to find an apartment in the city.apartmentn. 一套公寓房间,房间a: i thi

51、nk you owe me an apology .b: what!? youre the one who parked illegally.apologyn. 道歉,认错,愧悔a: why do you want to a divorce?b: its become quite apparent to me that you dont care for me anymore.apparentn. 1.显然的,明白的,清晰可见的;2.表面上的,貌似(真实)的 a: that type of shoe just doesnt appeal to me.b: say what you want,

52、but i like them.appealn. 1.呼吁,恳求;2.感染力,吸引力;3.申诉,上诉vi. 1.呼吁,恳求;2.有吸引力,有感染力;3. 上诉,申诉;4.(to)诉诸,诉请裁决(或证实等)vt. 将上诉,将移交上级法院审理a: why dont we just stay home tonight?b: i feel like we should at least make an appearance at the party.appearancen. 1.出现,显露,露面;2.外观,外貌,外表to all appearances 就外表看来,根据观察推断a: you dont

53、seem to have much of an appetite tonight.b: well, i had a big lunch.appetiten. 1.胃口,食欲;2.欲望a: why do you want to be an actor?b: thats easy. i crave the applause. applausen. 鼓掌,掌声a: how is your new house coming along?b: its completely furnished, except for the major appliances .appliancen. 器具,器械,装置a:

54、 your example sounds great, but its not applicable to the situationb: im afraid i disagree with you on this one.applicablea. 1.可应用的,可实施的;2.适当的,合适的a: do you think ill get the job?b: well, youre certainly not the most qualified applicant , but maybe theyll hire you based on personality.applicantn. 申请人

55、a: are you planning on applying for graduate school this year?b: not this year, but maybe the next.applyvi. 1.申请,请求;2.适用vt. 1.适用,运用,实施;2.涂,敷,施a: who do you think the president should appoint as the new judge?b: anybody will be better than the last guy!appointvt. 1.任命,委派;2.约定,确定,指定(时间、地点)a: ive got an appointment at four, but i could meet you for dinner at six.b: okay, sounds great.appointment n. 1.约会,约定;2.任命,委派;3.委任的职位a: i really appreciate all of your help.b: thats what friends are for.appreciatevt. 1.重视,赏识,欣赏;2.为表示感激;3.(充分)意识到,领会,体会


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