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1、过程安全管理主题分论坛 纳永良 博士 总经理 2019年11月1日 中国,Measuring the Process Safety Culture is a global need but also a global opportunity to share knowledge 衡量过程安全文化是全球必要的,也是共享知识的全球机会,What cannot be measured cannot be improved“ - William Thomson, Irish physicist and mathematician (1824-1907) “无法衡量的东西无法改善” -爱尔兰物理学家和数

2、学家William Thomson (1824年至1907年,The most valuable function of a Process Safety Culture Survey, even before mesuren, is that culture becomes visible,甚至在进行测量之前,过程 安全文化调查的最有价值的 功能就是使文化变得可见,2020,2021,2022,A complete fifteen-month cycle: three phases and seven consecutive stages,Stage 2 | Design the,quest

3、ionnaire in a,participatory way,Stage 3 | Select and implement the right tool for the,organizational culture,Stage 4 | Implement,阶段5 | 分析结果:将数据转 化为结论,阶段4 | 参与组织:结果的呈现,Stage 7 | Incorporate the,PHASE 1 阶段1,PHASE 2 阶段2,PHASE 3 阶段3,Stage 1 | Prepare a project presentation with the key elements 阶段1 | 准备

4、具有关键要素 的项目演示,阶段2 | 以参与方式,设计问卷,阶段3 | 选择适合组织文 化的工具,完整的十五个月周期:三个阶段 和七个连续阶段,a global internal comms strategy 阶段4 | 实施全球内部 通讯策略,Stage 5 | Analyze the results: transform the data,into conclusions,Stage 6 | Involve the organization: the,presentation of results,survey into a procedure for Cultural Risk Mana

5、gement 阶段7 | 将调查纳入文化风险 管理程序,An exercise to transform the data into conclusions,将数据转化为结论的练习,Strongly Agree 非常同意 Agree 同意 Neutral 中性 Disagree 不同意 Strongly Disagree 强烈反对,The Likert scale allows us to do ascending assessments in sentences that are expressed in a positive way. 利克特量表使我们能够以积极的方式 对句子进行评估,Ho

6、w to do an analysis exercise? 如何进行分析练习,An example of a sentence expressed in a positive way: 以肯定的方式表达的句子示例,In our company, operating in a sustainable way is a rooted value for all employees”. “在我们公司,以可持续方式运 营是所有员工的根本价值,We can totally disagree, “disagree”, “neutral”, “agree” or “totally agree”. “在我们公

7、司,以可持 续方式运营是所有员 工的根本价值,1%1,4,100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,Group 1: Managers Group 2: Middle Managers Group 3: Individual Contributors,第一组: 管理人员 第2组: 中层管理人员 第三组: 个人贡献者,DIMENSION 1,ESTABLISH AN IMPERATIVE FOR PROCESS SAFETY,维度1 建立过程安全的必要条件,1,1%1,13,0,100,Grupo 1 G

8、rupo 2 Grupo 3,3,2,9% 1,0,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,1% ,1,7,7% 1,8,0,10,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,11,3,5% 1,32,27,47,46,18,21,0,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,Over time, the company has evolved as an organization committed to operating in a sustainable way,The people who work in the company, year b

9、y year, are increasingly aware of our responsibilitiesto operate in a sustainable way,Every day in my work sector we perform the tasks complying with the rules and procedures, to ensure a sustainable operation,In our company, operating in a sustainable way is a rooted- value for all employees,Group

10、1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,E S T A B L I S H A N I M P E R A T I V E F O R P R O C E S S S A F E T Y,D I M E N S I O N 1,随着时间的流逝,该公司已 经发展成为致力于以可持续 方式运营的组织,每年在公司工作的人们越来 越意识到我们以可持续方式 运营的责任,在我的工作部门,我们执行 符合规则和程序的任务,以 确保可持续发展,在我们公司,以可持 续的方式运营

11、是所有 员工的根本价值,DIMENSION 2,PROVIDE STRONG (AND COMMITTED) LEADERSHIP,维度2 提供强大(和承诺)的领导权,2,2,12,2,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo Grupo Grupo 123,2,0%1%1,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo Grupo Grupo 123,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo Grupo Grupo 123,12,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,

12、My direct leader delegates me the necessary authority to make decisionsbased on risks, according to my level of responsibility,My direct leader considers in my career development my understanding to manage based on risks,My direct leader makes decisions understanding the risks of the areas under his

13、 responsibility,My direct leader ensure the necessary resources to manage based on risks,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo Grupo Grupo 123,Management teams visit operations frequently to strengthen the sustainability message,1,1,1%0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo Grupo GrupoG 123,rupo Grupo

14、 Grupo 123,My direct leader works as a team with other sectors and contractors to manage based on risk,P R O V I D E S T R O N G ( A N D C O M M I T T E D ) L E A D E R S H I P,D I M E N S I O N 2,我的直接领导根据我的责 任等级,委派必要的权力 根据风险做出决策,我的直接领导者在 我的职业发展中考 虑了我对基于管理 的理解 风险,我的直接领导者会做 出决策,以了解他所 负责区域的风险,我的直接负责人确

15、保 根据风险进行管理所 需的必要资源,管理团队经常拜访运 营部门,以增强可持 续性信息,我的直接领导与 其他部门和承包 商合作,根据风 险进行管理,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,0%1%1% Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,DIMENSION 3,MAINTAIN A SENSE OF VULNERABILITY,维度3 保持脆弱性,4,3,4,5% 2,13,28,19

16、,21,41,53,43,23,22,21,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,1%1,4%4,2,9,20,53,53,56,33,22,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,我的直接领导者支持我做出基 于风险的决策,即使这些决策 影响生产,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,42,M A I N T A I N A S E N S E O F V U L N E R A B I

17、 L I T Y,D I M E N S I O N 3,My direct leader gives me the support to make risk-based decisions, even when they affect production,Quality simulacrum are practiced in my work sector to minimize the consequences of possible accidents. 在我的工作部门中实行质 量模拟,以最大程度地减 少可能发生的事故的后 果,In my work sector, people appl

18、y the Stop Work Authority Policy when a situation occurs that has the potential to negatively impact people, the environment and assets, to retake it after a new risk analysis. 在我的工作部门中,当情况发生可能会对 人员,环境和资产产生负面影响的情况发 生后,人们将应用“停止工作授权机构政 策”,并在进行新的风险分析后重新采用该 政策。 100%100,Management is personally involved

19、in monitoring the major risks of the processes together with operators and experts,管理层亲自与操作员和专家一 起监视过程的主要风险,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,2,1%1,0,20% 10,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,DIMENSION 4,UNDERSTAND AND ACT UPON HAZARDS/ RISKS,维度4 了

20、解和采取措施应对危险/风险,2,13,7% 0,8% 1,54,32,34,24,46,44,7,15,13,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,All the companys operational workers have a clear understanding to make decisionsbased on risks,0,2%2,2,30,10,20,53,67,59,15,21,19,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,

21、In my work sector, risk analysis represents faithfully what is being executed,4,3%2% 1%1,25,17,20,58,61,62,13,18,16,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,In my work sector the risks associated with major events are known in depth,0%1,1,4,3,34,16,18,53,53,59,11,27,20,0,10,20,30,40,

22、50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,U N D E R S T A N D A N D A C T U P O N H A Z A R D S / R I S K S,D I M E N S I O N 4,在我的工作领域,风险分析代表 忠实执行什么,中,与重大 已广为人,在我的工作部门 事件相关的风险 知,My direct leader ensures the necessary barriers (prevention, control and mitigation) aimed at reducing risks. 我的直接负责人确保了

23、旨在降 低风险的必要障碍(预防,控 制和缓解,公司的所有运营工人都具有明确的 理解,可以根据风险做出决策,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,DIMENSION 5,EMPOWER INDIVIDUALS TO SUCCESSFULLY FULFILL THEIR PROCESS SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES,维度5 员工个人可成功实现 他们的过程安全责任,1,2%2,11,9,11,44,39,35,36,42,43,6

24、,9,9,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,3,0,2,3,3,5,4,9,19,52,43,44,39,44,30,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,In my work sector, people have knowledge to manage based on risks,In my work sector the training to manage based on risks is enough and is susta

25、ined over time,In my work sector, people have the delegation of enough authority to suspend a task, without fear of reprisals,0,12,2,18,14,17,54,57,61,28,27,20,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,4,3,11,6% 1,9,30,32,43,50,46,11,11,12,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grup

26、o 2 Grupo 3,In our company, risk-based management for offices is effective,30,E M P O W E R I N D I V I D U A L S T O S U C C E S S F U L L Y F U L F I L L T H E I R P R O C E S S S A F E T Y R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S,D I M E N S I O N 5,在我的工作部门中,人们具有 基于风险进行管理的知识,在我的工作部门中,基于风险进 行管理的培训是足够的,并且会

27、随着时间的流逝而持续下去,在我们公司中,基于风险的 办公室管理是有效的,在我的工作部门中,人们拥有 足够的权限来中止任务,而不 必担心遭到报复,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,DIMENSION 6,ENSURE OPEN AND FRANK COMMUNICATIONS,维度6 确保开放和边缘通信,1%1,0,1,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,0,5% 1,0,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,

28、In my work sector there is an environmentof mutual trust for the exchange of information, to take decision based on risks,4,2,4% 0,4,31,28,29,50,57,53,17,11,12,0,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,0,1,0,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,E N S U R E O P E N A N D F R A N K C O M M U N I C A T I O N S,D I M E N S

29、I O N 6,在我的工作部门中,有一个相互 信任的环境,用于信息交流和协 作,可以根据风险做出决策,Between my work sector and the rest of the company sectors there is an environment of mutual trust for the exchange of information, to take decision based on risks. 在我的工作部门和公司的其他部 门之间,存在着相互信任的环 境,用于信息交流和协作,以便 根据风险做出决策,My direct leader listen my conc

30、erns related to risk management. 我的直接领导倾听我对风险 管理的担忧,My direct leader gives me concrete answers to the concerns I raise about risk management. 我的直接领导给我有关我对 风险管理提出的担忧的具体 答案,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,DIMENSION 7,COMBAT THE NORMALIZAT

31、ION OF DEVIANCE,维度7 打击设备规范化,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,In my work sector, given a change in procedures, everyone involved receives adequate training,5,6,9,9% 0,12,40,23,26,38,49,39,7,18,17,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,8

32、0,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,1%1,01,6,9,13,64,64,65,28,26,21,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,C O M B A T T H E N O R M A L I Z A T I O N O F D E V I A N C E,D I M E N S I O N 7,My direct leader is committed to a strong sense of operational disciplineto combat the normali

33、zation of deviance. 我的直接领导者致力于以强烈的 操作纪律来应对偏差的正常化,在我的工作部门中,随着程序 的更改,每个参与人员都接受 了适当的培训,In the last ninety days I reported at least one deviance or near-miss. 在过去的90天里,我至少 报告了一次偏差或未命中,In my work sector, all employees and contractors know and apply with disciplinethe procedures that allow them to perform

34、 tasks safely. 在我的工作部门中,所有员工和 承包商都知道并严格遵守允许他 们安全执行任务的程序,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,DIMENSION 8,ENSURE RISK-BASED MANAGEMENT WITH OUR CONTRACTORS,维度8 与我们的承包商确保基于风险的管理,4,3,9,6% 1,5,53,36,39,30,45,43,4,13,10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,

35、90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,2,1% 1%2% 0,23,12,16,62,59,17,22,0,10,20,30,40,50,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,2%1,4,2,20,19,17,63,60,62,15,18,17,0,10,20,30,40,50,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,E N S U R E R I S K - B A S E D M A N A G E M E N T W I T H O U R C O N T R A C T O R S,D I M E N S I O N

36、 8,In my work sector we carry out a correct supervision of the tasks performed by the workers of the contractor companies in the field. 在我的工作部门中,我们对承包 商公司在现场的工人执行的任务 进行正确的监督,The workers of the contracting companies with whom I interact report all deviations (unsafe acts and conditions) without fear

37、of reprisals. 与我互动的承包公司的工人报告所 有偏差(不安全的行为和条件), 而不必担心遭到报复,In my work sector we ensure that the workers of the contracting companies understand the risks of the tasks. 在我的工作部门,我们确保签约 公司的工人了解任务的风险,7% 2,3,7% 2,51,27,25,36,50,52,4,19,15,0%1,10,20,30,40,50,90,100,Grupo 1 Grupo 2 Grupo 3,The workers of the contractor companies with whom I interact apply the Stop Work Authority Policy 与我互动的承包商公司的工人 适用停工授权政策,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,Group 1 Group 2 Group 3,G


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