1、Unit 5 Reading,A brave young man,New words,Understanding,Discussion,Production,Homework,A brave young man,fire,n,put out the fire,alone,adv. & adj,I dont like to stay at home alone,smoke,n,hurt,vt,hurt,hurt,He,hurt,his hand,pour,vt,He is,pouring,water over her head,rush,vi,He is,rushing,out of the f
2、lat,blanket,n,burn,vt,The fire is,burning,the house,burned , burnt,burned ,burnt,The fire,burnt,his arms,dangerous,adj,Its,dangerous,to swim in the river alone,fire,hurt,blanket,alone,pour,burn,smoke,rush,dangerous,What did the young man do,He helped his neighbour out,of a fire,) Zhang Hua helped hi
3、s grandma out of a fire,T/F statements,F,Zhang Hua helped his,neighbour,out of a fire,) Mrs Sun couldnt get out because she hurt,her leg,) Mrs Sun was in her bedroom when the fire,took place,) Zhang Hua put out the fire with his jacket,) The fire burnt Zhang Huas neck, arms and,legs,) Many people vi
4、sited him and brought him,flowers and presents,T,F,F,F,T,Mrs Sun was in her,kitchen,when the fire,took place,Zhang Hua put out the fire with,a blanket,The fire burnt Zhang Huas neck, arms and,face,Questions,1. When was Zhang Hua at home alone,Zhang Hua was at home alone on 10th May,2. What did he se
5、e from next door,He saw a lot of smoke from next door,3. Why couldnt his neighbour Mrs Sun get out,She couldnt get out because she hurt her leg,4. What did Zhang Hua do,Zhang Hua quickly ran back to his flat and poured,water over his jacket. Then he rushed into Mrs,Suns kitchen to save her,5. Did th
6、e fire burn Zhang Hua,Yes.The fire burnt Zhang Huas neck,arms and face,6. How long was he in hospital,He was in hospital for two months,Zhang Hua was at home alone on 10th,May. He saw a lot of smoke from next door,His neighbour Mrs Sun couldnt get out,because she hurt her leg. Zhang Hua quickly,ran
7、back to his flat and poured water over,his jacket. Then he rushed into Mrs Suns,kitchen to save her. The fire burnt Zhang,Hua. He was in hospital for two months,Interview Zhang Hua,A: Thank you for joining us this evening,Zhang Hua. First, how old are you,B:Im twenty,five,A:When was the_ ,B:On 10th
8、_,A:How did you save your _,Mrs Sun,B:I rushed into Mrs Suns kitchen and,fire,May,neighbour,put out the fire with a blanket,A:That sounds dangerous.Did you do,anything to keep yourself safe,B:Yes, I did. I _ water over my,jacket,A:Were you afraid,B: No, I wasnt,A:How long did you stay in _,after the
9、 fire ,B:For two _,poured,hospital,months,What can we learn from the story,It is important to be careful,with fire. And we should help,each other,Discussion: Right or wrong,1,2,6,3,4,7,8,5,Wrong,We cant jump down from the building,Jumping may be more dangerous than,the fire,We cant play with matches
10、,We should be careful with matches,Wrong,1,Right,When there is a fire , we should,call 119 at once,2,Wrong,We cant put anything hot into,the rubbish bin,3,Wrong,We cant leave the stove on when,we are not at home,4,Right,When there is a fire, we should,use the stairs instead of a lift,5,Wrong,We shou
11、ld keep long hair away,from fire,6,Wrong,We cant smoke in bed,7,Right,When there is a fire, we should,cover our bodies with wet blankets,and rush out of the flat quickly,8,Production: A brave rabbit,It was fine last Sunday. The rabbit and,her friends went to the park for a picnic,Suddenly the bear f
12、ell into the river. He,shouted “Help! Help!” The rabbit heard,him. She found a boat and rowed over to,save him. At last she pulled him out of,water. The bear and his mother were,very grateful. They thanked the rabbit,very much,Interview Miss Rabbit,Thank you for _ us, Miss,Rabbit. When did you save the _ ,Last _,How did you _ him,I _ a boat and rowed over. Then I,pulled him out of water,That sounds dangerous. Were you afraid,No, I wasnt. Were _. I think I,must try to save him,
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