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1、江 苏 英 语 小 升 初冲 刺 测 试 卷学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_听力部分(30分)一、听录音,根据所听的句子,选出你所听到的单词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。每小题读两遍)( )1. a. along b. round c. around d.about( )2. a. messy b. maths c. message d met( )3. a. rich b. reach c. which d.each( )4. a. restaurant b. australia c. astronaut d.australian( )5. a. cloudy b. cloud c.

2、 clock d.clown( )6. a. quiet b. quietly c. quick d.quickly( )7. a. 11:55 b.12:05 c. 11:45 d.12:55( )8. a. safe b. safety c. safely d.save( )9. a. walked up b. woke up c. walked by d. woke by( )10.a. sleep b. sleeping c. sleepy d. sleeps二、听录音,根据所听到的句子,选择正确的应答选项。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍)( )11. a. yes,

3、they are. b. no, they wont. c. they are going to play games( )12. a. look out for cars b. play football on the road.c. look at the traffic lights.( )13. a. cereal, bread and sausages. b. milk and eggs. c. porridge and steamed buns.( )14. a.i want to be a dentist. b.i want to read a book. c. i want s

4、ome snacks.( )15. a. we should arrive early. b.we should be a few minutes late.c. we neednt take a present. 三、听录音,根据问题选出正确的选项,听三遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。短文读两遍)( )16.was it sunny yesterday after lunch?a. yes, it is. b.no, it wasnt. c. we dont know.( )17. why did liu tao and mike go to the lake?a. to go fis

5、hing b. to go boating c. to go swimming( )18.how did mike and liu tao go to mikes house?a. on foot. b. by bus. c. by bike.( )19. who cooked the fish?a. mike. b. mikes mother. c. liu tao.( )20. what did mike do in the afternoon?a. he played chess. b. he washed the dishes. c. he swept the floor.四、听录音,

6、根据短文内容,填写所缺单词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。短文读三遍)what do you _21_ do at weekends? different people have different ideas. my friend lily always _22_the same things at weekends. on _23_ she has some _24_ lessons before lunch. after that, she likes _25_ clothes for her _26_. on sundays she _27_ parents with hous

7、ework. but last weekend, she _28_many lovely animals and_29_ a good time on her uncles farm. what a _30_ weekend!笔试部分(70分)五、从a,b,c,d四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将其序号填在题前括号内。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)( ) 31. you can find _ story “the lion and the mouse” in aesops fables.a. a b. an c. the d. 不填 ( ) 32. there is only _ milk

8、 in the fridge. i must buy some now. a.muchb. many c. a few d. a little( )33. _safe, you can wait here and _ for cars. a. keep; look out for b. to keep; look out c.to keep; look out for d. keeping; look out( )34. when are we _ the picnic, mum? next week. a. havingb. havec. going to have d. will have

9、( )35. why _ you look tired? because i _ sleep well last night. a. did; didnt b. did; couldnt c. do; didntd. do; dont( )36. the football game was very _. all the boys shouted _.a. excited; excitingb. exciting;excitedlyc. exciting; excited d. excited, excitedly( )37. in _, people drive on the left si

10、de of the road. a. canana b . new york c. taipei d. london ( )38. _ is the weather like in spring here? its sometimes _.a. what; rainy b. how; rainy c. what; rains d. how; rains( )39. we must _run _ play on the road.a. not; or b. 不填; and c .to; or d. not; and( )40. i can stand on my hands, lily. _ a

11、. really? b. thats all right. c. just wait and see. d. its very nice of you.六、完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)one day a pig went to the stable(马棚)to _41_ a good friend, an old horse, and was going to _42_ there for the night . night came and it was time_43_ sleep. the pig went into the straw heap(稻草堆) and l

12、ay comfortably(舒服地). a long time _44_, but the horse was still_45_ there and did not move. so the pig asked the horse _ 46_ he did not go to sleep. “standing like this is the beginning of sleeping.” answered the _47_.the pig found it _48_ to believe(相信) and said, “how can you stand there sleeping? i

13、t is not comfortable at all.” the horse answered, “comfort is your habit(习性)._49_ horses, we have the habit of running quickly. so we are always ready to run quickly even if(即使) we are _50_. ( )41. a. look b. see c. watch d. look at ( )42. a. left b. sit c. lay d. stay ( )43. a. by b. on c. to d. wi

14、th ( )44. a. passed b. pass c. past d. was passed ( )45. a. standing b. stands c. sitting d. lying ( )46. a. what b. why c. when d. which ( )47. a. animals b. pig c. horse d. heap ( )48. a. hardly b. easily c. difficult d. easy ( )49. a. while b. for c. as d. like ( )50. a. sleep b. asleep c. slept

15、d. to sleep 七、阅读理解。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(a)there are many kinds(种类) of animals from different countries in the zoo. you will see indian elephants and the tigers from america. the koalas from australia are lovely. the pandas and monkeys from china are cute. come and meet them today.ticketsopening timea

16、dults(成人):¥4 0children: ¥20 under 6: free(免费)from monday to friday: 10:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.at weekends: 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.keep the zoo clean! do not touch, feed or go near the animals.阅读短文和表格,判断句子正误,正确的写“t”,错误的写“f”。( )51. five kinds of animals are mentioned (提到) in the passage. ( )52. mr. brown and hi

17、s five-year-old son will go to the zoo together. they will pay(支付) 60 yuan in total(总计).( )53. people can go to the zoo at three thirty in the afternoon on friday.( )54. we cant throw things everywhere in the zoo.( )55. people can touch the animals in the zoo. (b)scientists are trying to make the de

18、serts (沙漠) in to good land (土地) again. they want to bring water to the desert, so people can live and grow food. they are learning a lot about the desert. but more and more of the earth is becoming deserts. scientists think that people make deserts. people are doing bad things for the earth.some pla

19、ces on the earth dont get very much rain. but they still dont become deserts. this is because some green plants re growing there. some green plants and grass are very important to dry places. plants dont let the hot sin make the earth very dry. plants dont let the wind blow the dirt away. when a lit

20、tle of rain falls, the plants hold the water. without (没有) plants, the land can become a desert much more easily.阅读短文,根据短文选择正确答案。( )56. scientists want to bring _ to the desert. a. earthb. rainc. windd. water( ) 57. because _ do bad things, many places are becoming deserts. a. animalsb. peoplec. the

21、 sund. the wind( ) 58. which sentence is not true? a. many places are becoming deserts. b. scientists ask people to live and grow food in the desert. c. scientists learn a lot about the deserts. d. some places dont get very much rain.( ) 59. the meaning of the underlined (下划线) word “dirt” is _. a. 地

22、球b. 沙子c. 泥土d. 石子( )60. why are green plants and grass helpful? a. because they can hold the water.b. because they can stop the wind from blowing the dirt away. c. because they can keep the earth wet. d. all the above. 八、词汇检测。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分15分)a根据句意和中文提示完成句子。61. 4. there are _(许多有趣的事) in beijing.62.

23、 there are many animal stories in aesops fables _ (如) the lion and the mouse.63. the weather is _(有时晴朗) in spring.64. i want to be a traveller because i like _(环游世界)。65. lets _(表演一个剧本), sam. b根据首字母及句意提示,写出单词。66. please f_ the classroom rules and be a good student. 67. january is the first m_ of a ye

24、ar.68. c_people have a big china dream. we hope to see it come true.69. you should walk q_ in the library.70. mr. white is a sport-lover and he looks h_. c用所给单词的适当形式填空。71. wait a minute, please. i _ (finish) my homework soon. 72. dont worry about the _ (safe) of the children. they are fine.73. lily

25、wants to be a dancer. she will have _ (dance) lessons. 74. swimming _ (make) us strong. 75. the _ (visit) from the us are coming to our school soon.九、按要求改写句子。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)76. im going to japan next month. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _77. mike told me an interesting story last night.(改成一般疑问句) _78.jack wants

26、 to fly a kite this afternoon. (对画线部分提问) _ .79.my sister gave mike some fruit.(同义句)_80.you should put your books and toys on the floor. (改为否定句) _十、连词成句。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)81. wonderful, i ,to , have, a, going, summer, am, holiday(!)_82. their, for ,the children, are, talking, for , about,the, summer,

27、plans, holiday (.)_ 83. late, can, a , minutes, you , few, be(.)_ 84. us, find, park, the,youll, national , in, yellowstone (.)_85. to, the, out, they, this, want, find, about, before, lessons, country(.) _十一、完成句子。(共5小题;每小题3个空格,没空一词,每次一分,满分15分)86. 我们用塑料制成很多东西。we plastic many other things.87. 大多数能源来自

28、煤炭和石油。_ of the energy _ _ coal and oil.88. 他们正在图书馆里看书,请不要大声说话。theyre in the library .please dont_ _.89.十年前我妈妈从店里买东西,现在她常常网购。my mum things shops ten years ago, now she often shopping the internet.90在中国有许多美丽的城市。there are many in china.十二、书面表达。(满分5分) 每个人都有自己的梦想,这些梦想或大或小,但梦想总是美丽的。你有什么梦想呢?为什么?你将怎么做来实现梦想呢

29、?写下你的梦想吧!(要求:语句通顺,用词正确,表达明确,不少于50个单词。)my dream _答案与解析一、 听录音,根据所听的句子,选出你所听到的单词。1-5 babcd 6-10 caccc二、听录音,根据所听到的句子,选择正确的应答选项。11-15 bacab三、听录音,根据问题选出正确的选项。16-20 bacbc四、听录音,根据短文内容,填写所缺单词。what do you _usually_ do at weekends? different people have different ideas. my friend lily always _does_ the same th

30、ings at weekends. on _saturdays_ she has some _dancing_ lessons before lunch. after that, she likes _making_ clothes for her _doll_. on sundays she _helps_ parents with housework. but last weekend, she _saw_ many lovely animals and_had_a good time on her uncles farm. what a _wonderful_ weekend!五、单项选

31、择。31-35 cdbcc 36-40 bdaaa 六、完型填空41-45 bdcaa 46-50 bcccb七、阅读理解(a)51-55 t fftf (b)56-60 dbbcd八、词汇检测a根据句意和中文提示完成句子。61 many interesting things 62 like 63 sometimes rainy 64 travelling around the world65 put on a playb. 根据首字母及句意提示,写出单词。66 follow 67month 68 chinese 69 quietly 70 healthyc. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。71

32、will finish 72 safety 73 dancing 74 makes 75 visitors九、按要求完成句。76 are you going to japan next month? no, im not.77did mike tell you an interesting story last night?78 what does jack want to do this afternoon?79 my sister gave some fruit to mike.80 you shouldnt put your books or toys on the floor.十、连词

33、成句。81. i am going to have a wonderful summer holiday.82.the children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday.83. you can be a few minutes late.84.youll find national yellowstone park in the us .85.they want to find out about this country before the lessons .十一、完成句子。86. we use plastic to

34、 make many other things.87. _most_ of the energy _comes _from_ coal and oil.88. theyre reading in the library. please dont talk loudly.89. my mum bought things from shops ten years ago, now she often does shopping on the internet.90there are many beautiful cities in china. 十二、书面表达。范文:my dream everyo

35、ne has his own dream. i want to be a teacher because i like english and the children are very lovely. i want to help many students learn things well. i want to teach them how to sing english songs. i want to play english games with them after school.i think my dream will come true because there is a

36、n old saying “where there is a will, there is a way.” i will study hard to make my dream come true.听力材料(30分)一、 听录音,根据所听的句子,选出你所听到的单词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。每小题读两遍)1.let me show you around our school.2.my room is messy and dirty.3. the book is too high, so i cant reach it.4. i want to be an astronaut in the future.5. look! the clown is so funny.6. be quick! we are late for school now.7. its five to twelve. lets have lunch.8. how can you cross the road safely?9. one day, a mouse walked by and the lion got up.10.you look sleepy. wh


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