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1、赣州托福作文高分技巧解析 每个人都想知道托福作文高分技巧,因为托福写作部分相比起阅读和听力已经算是托福考试中,考生容易掌握的部分了,所以出guo介绍如下赣州托福作文高分技巧解析。 “平等相处原则”的意思是行文不出现明显的带歧视或偏见的字眼,托福词汇学习包括男女性别,也要避免区别,以示“平等”。 例如:Many busines _en(businesswomen) feel their jobs are very stressful.许多商人觉得工作压力很大。 这句话写busines _en或是businesswomen都是不妥当的,可以改为businesspeople或business exe

2、cutives或business _nagers就可以包括男女了。 当然,一些带有种族偏见的字眼,甚至有侮辱的味道(insulting words或slur),也要尽量避免使用,以免闹出麻烦。例如: 对黑人不要用Negro,更不能用Nigger(用Black还可以),礼貌的说法是Afro-American或African-American;对白人不要用Honky(这是黑人骂白人的用字),正确用法是Caucasian,或white people;对犹太人不要用Hymies,应该叫Jewish或Jewish people;对越南人不要用Gook,要用Vietnamese;至于墨西哥人、西班牙人及中

3、、南美洲人,包括Puerto Rico,正确的用法多是Hispanics或Latins,不过据说西班牙人为了维护自己的文化,倒喜欢别人称Spaniard。 所谓“言简朴实原则”,就是行文不啰嗦,句子应越短越好,托福高分写作技巧:如果一个字能说清楚的,就不要用两个字。 例如:At this point in time,we should pull together for our goal.现在我们应该为我们的目标团结一致。 这句话中“At this point in time”表示“现在”,我们完全可以用now来代替。 In the _jority of cases,he likes to r

4、ide bike to the offi _.他通常喜欢骑单车到办公室。 很简单的一句话,完全可以写成He usually likes to ride bike to the offi _。 平时我们所说的用词多样化和地道并不是体现在这些时间副词或者是完全可以简化的啰嗦句型上,而是指实用性极强的词如动词和形容词,比如: Original: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will add your social experien _ and help you to understand other peoples feelings and learn

5、to be kind. Revised: Solving trivial problems in the dorm will enrich your social experien _ and help you to understand other peoples feelings and learn to be considerate. add,kind表达的含义都比较宽泛。add可以指数量上的增加,也可以指程度的加强,对于“丰富经验、增加知识”这个意思,用enrich会使表达更准确。 kind从字面意义上讲是“好的、善良的”,厦门托福用kind来形容人无法具体地表现出一个人的性格特征到底

6、怎样,原句中是想表达“考虑周到、体贴入微”的特点,要准确表达这个含义应选择considerate。 另外,我们常见的一些累赘用词表现在句意的理解上。 比如:He has had _ny years of(actual) experien _ in business。他有多年经商的经验。 actual是多余的,因为experien _已经有actual的意味了。 We assembled(together) all the parts for our radio.我们装好收音机的零件。 assemble本身就有together的意思,因此together是多余的。“ Stop thief ! S

7、top thief ! The cry is taking by a hundred voi _s, . Away they fly, splashing through the mud, up go the window, out run the people. ( _ens ) There are various solutions to the problem。 “It is difficult for people to achieve professional suess without sacrificing important aspects of afulfilling per

8、sonal life.” In conclusion, given the growing de _nds of career on todays professionals, a fulfilling personal lifere _ins possible by working s _rter, by setting priorities, and by _ suitable career choi _s. “Sin _ scien _ and technology are being more and more essential to modern society, schoolss

9、hould devote more time to teaching scien _ and technology and less to teaching the arts andhu _nities.” In conclusion, schools should not devote less time to the arts and hu _nities. These areas of studyaugment and enhan _ learning in _the _tics and scien _, as well as helping to preserve therichnes

10、s of our entire hu _n legacy while inspiring us to further it. Moreover, disciplines within thehu _nities provide methods and contexts for evaluating the morality of our technology and fordetermining its proper direction. “Job security and salary should be based on employee perfor _n _, not on years

11、 of servi _.Rewarding employees pri _rily for years of servi _ discourages people from _intainin _onsistently high levels of productivity.” In the final _ysis, the statement correctly identifies job perfor _n _ as the single best criterionfor salary and job security. However, the statement goes too

12、far, it ignores the fact that a cost-of-living salary increase for tenured employees not only enhan _s loyalty and, in the end,productivity, but also is required by fairness. How far should a supervisor go in criticizing the perfor _n _ of a subordinate? Some highlysuessful _nagers have been known t

13、o rely on verbal abuse and intimidation. Do you think thatthis is an effective means of municating expectations? If not, what alternative should a _nager use in dealing with someone whose work is less than satisfactory? In conclusion, supervisors should avoid using verbal abuse and threats. These methods degradesubordinates, and they are unlike


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