2021年托福写作范文 孩子过分依赖电子产品_第1页
2021年托福写作范文 孩子过分依赖电子产品_第2页
2021年托福写作范文 孩子过分依赖电子产品_第3页
2021年托福写作范文 孩子过分依赖电子产品_第4页




1、托福写作范文 孩子过分依赖电子产品 出guo为大家带来托福写作范文:孩子过分依赖电子产品,一分耕耘,一分收获,有需要的朋友们赶紧过来参考一下吧,更多相关内容请 _! Independent Task Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like puters, s _rtphone, video games for fun and entertai _ent; playing _r toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the childrens de

2、velopment. For parents, how to well plan their childrens development has been a huge problem. While some children are given more time on technological gadgets, others are more inclined to choose some activities, such as going camping or traveling. For me, the former option would be a better one. Adm

3、ittedly, playing _r toys or playing outside might be good choi _ for children. Simpler toys, namely Lego, are a good way to develop childrens thinking on solving the problem through block by block. By assembling the pie _s for different blocks, children could assemble an even big pie _, such as the

4、classic London Tower Bridge. Also, playing with friends is helpful. When they are playing with others, they would cooperate with them to playing sports or even solve problems. However, on balan _, both of these ways are limited in helping children. Toys and outdoor activities are restrained to their

5、 actual forms: parents need lots of money to buy different toys to help children develop, and they pay a great amount of money on helping their children for different activities. For those parents who suffer from financial burden, these are not effective ways for childrens development. Comparatively

6、, technology would be a more effective way for children. Firstly, Inter via puters and s _rtphone are essential for their development. In other words, Inter provides students with vast amounts of infor _tion. Aording to a re _nt survey conducted by Gallup, after polling thousands of students from lo

7、cal high schools, most respondents claim that Inter is the No.1 helper from them to finish homework. When they have problems, they would search referen _ on Inter. Websites such as Google Scholar would be a wonderful tool for them to find some papers or academic referen _ for their homework. Meanwhi

8、le, Inter is a wonderful pla _ for them to entertain as well. They could watch movies on Youku. They could even find interesting stories on sina. All funny experien _s are available on Inter without causing children too much money. In addition, video games are also ne _ssary for childrens growth. Wh

9、en children are playing video games, they might learn some strategic thinking. For example, when I am playing FIFA xx, I have to _nage my team members aording to their physical strength so that I could beat other teams. For those who run quickly, it would be a good idea for them to play forward; for

10、 those who are tall and strong, they would be better playing middle field. Because of this team _nagement strategy, I have achieved _ny titles in the game. Learning from this, I would allocate my time in finishing homework aording to my energy level. When I am energetic, I might choose the most difficult homework; if I am tired, I might choose some easy-to-do tasks, which would not cost me much


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