1、岳阳托福作文开头 托福写作中,如果能写个好的托福作文开头,肯定能给自己的托福作文增添不少分数。下面出guo就为大家岳阳托福作文开头,希望对大家有所帮助。 Luckily, he didnt know my phone number; otherwise, he would bother me. Incredibly, Helena got straight A in her school report this semester. Interestingly, cats and dogs can hardly get along well in a house. obviously undou
2、btedly apparently fortunately clearly unfortunately incredibly luckily unluckily surprisingly frighteningly 这些副词大多数表示说话人对全句的看法,在意思上相等与 “It is . 形容词that .” 。 e.g: Obviously,he is nervous about the test. =It is obvious that he is nervous about the test. Unfortunately,he tripped over and fell in the mu
3、d. =It is unfortunate that he tripped over and fell in the mud. Hurriedly,the _n drew me a scratch _p to show me the direction. Dangerously,the drunkard sped down the street. Slowly and gently,snowflakes were drifting down from the sky. Geographically,Canada is the biggest country in the world. Fina
4、ncially,she is independent, but emotionally she is dependent. Strangely enough,Jennifer does not enjoy sunshine and beach. Generally speaking,winter in Vancouver is gloomy. 类似的插入语有: no wonder no doubt in other words in my opinion in conclusion in fact as a _tter of fact Frantic,the young mother rush
5、ed out the door with the baby in her arms. Tasty and crisp,potato chip are a favorite snack for both children and _s. Happy at his good _rks at school,the little boy skipped on his way home. Desperate and hopeless,the poor _n mitted _. (a) 修饰句子主语,表示主语所处的状态或主语同时进行的另一个较谓语动词次要的动作: Scared,the girl moved
6、 timidly and cautiously into the dark room.( 状态) Chased by my dear pet cat, the mouse dashed into a s _ll hole.( 状态 ) Spoiled by his parents,the naughty boy always insists on things he wants.( 状态) Puffing and hugging,he finished his run.( 另一动作) Looking at herself in the mirror,she fingered her silk
7、scarf on her shoulder.( 另一动作) (b) 修饰谓语动词,表示原因、时间等 Lying down on the couch,he felt much relaxed.( 时间) Feeling bored,she turned on the TV and switched from channel to channel.( 原因) Wanting to find out the business hour,she called the store.( 原因) Having pleted the form,he _iled it out immediately.( 时间)
8、 观点对立的方式就是指文章开头首先引出人们对要讨论的问题的不同看法,然后提出 _自己的观点,或者偏向的哪个看法。对立法的句型多用于有争议性的主题。比如:当问起世界现在最大的问题是什么,许多人说是严重的能源危机。他们担心人类不久会用完石油、发生食品短缺。但有些人则持乐观的看法,他们把能源危机看成是经济发展的自然结果,而且只有随着经济和技术的进一步发展才能得以解决。使用观点对立的开头方式,是对写作题目一个很好的阐释,虽然题目的内容都会有人支持,但是,考生却能够明确提出自己支持的观点,说明考生一定有充分的理由去论证自己的观点。 在托福写作的很多话题之中,可能会涉及到一些社会问题或者是教育问题。在遇到
9、类似的问题的时候,考生可以首先选择站在大背景下来阐述这个话题,从而能够用大背景来支持自己的后面的观点,使得观点一开始就比较有说服力。例如:父母如果没有时间陪孩子,可以将孩子送到儿童保育中心或者是个人护理中心。一看这个题目就是一个社会类或者是家庭教育的问题,针对这个题目,考生可以首先讲解一下现代社会压力大,尤其是做了父母的人,身上的责任会更大,所以就会更加努力地工作或者寻找挣钱养家的途径,因此陪伴孩子的机会少。从而引出如何安顿孩子的方法,提出自己的观点。利用背景引入的方式,还能够保证考生不偏离主题,能够确保话题展开的准确性。 托福写作开头运用提问的方式,可以让你的开头段与众不同的托福写作方法。提
10、问法是以问题为导向,引起读者兴趣,引导你的读者跟随你的思路走进你的思维世界。利用提问的方式,还能够引发读者的思考,从而让读者能够对这个问题产生共鸣。此外,提问的表达方式有时还能够起到强调的作用,利用反问的方式,能够帮助考生强调自己的观点。例如:There has been undesirable trend in re _nt years towards the worship of money. A re _nt survey showed that X per _nt of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority,pare
11、d to X per _nt only a few years ago. Why do people fail to realize that wealth does not ne _ssarily bring happiness?从这个开头段中可以看出,首先也是题目要讨论的话题,但是最后一句用一个“反问”的方式,提出要讨论的话题,还起到了强调的作用,能够引起读者共鸣,引发思考。 Unlike his father, Peter touches neither cigarettes nor alcohol.( 方式) 1、Aording to the first graph, it can b
12、e seen that _, it can also be concluded from it that _. 2、There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: _. 3、Nowadays there is a growing con _rn over _. Many people like _, while others are inclined to _. 4、Nowadays, it is mon to _. Many people like _ because _. Besides, _. 5
13、、 _, just like _ny other things, are preferred by _. While being attacked by the idea that _, some people consider _. They point that _. 6、Everything has two sides and _ is not an ex _ption, it has both advantages and disadvantages. 7、For years _ had been viewed as _. But people are taking a fresh l
14、ook at it now. 8、It has stipulated by the gover _ent that _. To this stipulation, _ny people respond actively because _. 9、_ is a mon ourren _ in our daily life. Whatever we do, _ cant be avoided. 10、_ has bee a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on thei
15、r way. 11、Re _ntly, _ has bee the focus of the society, and in this way. People swarm to _. 12、_ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well. 13、Man is now facing a big problem-_, which is being
16、 more and more serious. First, _ second, _. 14、Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of _. 15、It is only during the last years that _n has bee generally aware that _. 16、There is an old saying, _. Its the experien _ of our forefathers, however, it is correct in _ny cases ever today. 17、The English proverb says, _. This is quite true because _. 18、_ is now_, and at the same time _. These two factors have caused _. Then what shall we do to solve _ in the fa _ of such a situation. 19、One of our ancient philosophe
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