![加州两轮摩托车DMV 测试(笔试)TWO-WHEEL MOTORCYCLE EXAMINATION[沐风书苑]_第1页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-3/18/883cba6c-d3c8-47ae-9014-e95ee2d794f2/883cba6c-d3c8-47ae-9014-e95ee2d794f21.gif)
![加州两轮摩托车DMV 测试(笔试)TWO-WHEEL MOTORCYCLE EXAMINATION[沐风书苑]_第2页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-3/18/883cba6c-d3c8-47ae-9014-e95ee2d794f2/883cba6c-d3c8-47ae-9014-e95ee2d794f22.gif)
![加州两轮摩托车DMV 测试(笔试)TWO-WHEEL MOTORCYCLE EXAMINATION[沐风书苑]_第3页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-3/18/883cba6c-d3c8-47ae-9014-e95ee2d794f2/883cba6c-d3c8-47ae-9014-e95ee2d794f23.gif)
![加州两轮摩托车DMV 测试(笔试)TWO-WHEEL MOTORCYCLE EXAMINATION[沐风书苑]_第4页](http://file2.renrendoc.com/fileroot_temp3/2021-3/18/883cba6c-d3c8-47ae-9014-e95ee2d794f2/883cba6c-d3c8-47ae-9014-e95ee2d794f24.gif)
1、加州两轮摩托车DMV 测试(笔试) TWO-WHEEL MOTORCYCLE EXAMINATION整理日期 2014.4.8说明:本材料分两部分一部分程迁乔伙伴提供的详细信息,二部分是本人ZZM从网上以及自己经历三次考试的考题,虽然没有照片拷贝但是已经把三张试卷所有的题目都罗列在里面了。希望能够帮助更多的像我这样英语不好但热爱摩托车的华人顺利通过笔试。如果有疑问可以联系加州摩托车DMV考试以及题目作者:程迁乔摩托车驾照考试规则:摩托车考试有年龄方面的限制,只要你过了21周岁就不用担心(21岁以下想得到正式驾照必须持有临时驾照6个月才能转为正式驾照,摩托车正常驾照为
2、M1,M2只能开小绵羊,不能上高速)1.你首先要过了汽车的笔试才能考摩托车驾照,摩托车笔试题目没有中文。2.总共有3个TEST每次考试从中抽取一个TEST考,每个TEST有25题,错4题以上失败得重新考3.不同城市要求不一定一样,有的城市必须要你先上完Motorcycle Training课程中的Basic Rider Course才让你考摩托车的笔试。(课程必须要有CMSP-California Motorcyclist Safety Program认证)/上完Basic Rider Course可以得到DL389,豁免摩托车DMV的路考,并且有可能得
3、到保险公司的reduce rate. 课程花费按各个不同学校标准收取,21岁以上价格和以下的不同。(Basic Rider Course有三节课,第一节室内课,后面两节场地课,全英文授课,室内课程有关摩托车的具体操作,结束后会有个考试,50题笔试错10题不过,场地课会也有,关于骑行技巧的上车操作。两门课都必须达到要求才能授予DL389!得到DL389过了笔试,去DMV直接换取正式驾照)4.DMV路考和汽车路考预约差不多,但是考试方法场地不一样.=DMV摩托车笔试题目,顺序可能打乱,但是大致相同 TEST 3A- 1. Not turning off a turn signal:a. Encou
4、rages other drivers to pull into your path.b. Keeps other drivers from seeing your brake light.c. Reduces your chances of a crash because otherdrivers stay clear.C- Your motorcycle has two brakes. Use both brakes:a. Only for normal stops.b. Only for emergency stops.c. Every time you slow or stop.B -
5、When you turn:a. Keep you head and eyes straight to maintainbalance.b. Look through the turn where you want to go.c. Always lean at the same angle as the motorcycle.C-Picture question. Rider B should return to the rightportion of the laneC-Which of the following statements is correct?a. Press left,
6、lean right, and go right.b. Press left, lean left, go right.c. Press left, lean left, go left.A-In slow, tight turns:a. Lean the motorcycle only and keep your bodystraight.b. Lean your body more than the motorcycle.c. Do not lean.A-When riding with a passenger:a. Start slowing sooner.b. Use only you
7、r front brake to slow.c. Start in the center portion of the lane.C-Following closely to a vehicle in front of you:a. Protects you in heavy traffic.b. Helps you see hazards in the road.c. Is a factor in crashes caused by motorcyclists.A-While in a turn, it is best to:a. Maintain steady speed or gradu
8、ally accelerate.b. Slow down.c. Accelerate and look straight ahead.C-Alcohol enters the bloodstream and quicklyreaches the brain. Which of the following is affectedfirst?a. Speech.b. Balance.c. Judgement.A-Vehicle/motorcycle crashes are most common:a. At intersections.b. On freeways.c. At night.C-Ma
9、ke a special point to use your mirrors when:a. Riding through an intersections.b. Following a vehicle.c. Slowing or stopping.A-Before changing lanes to the left:a. Check you left mirror and look left.b. Check your right mirror and turn your head left.c. Use your horn and speed up.A-When carrying loa
10、ds:a. Keep the load low and as far forward as possible.b. Keep the load to the rear of the motorcycle.c. Fastlen the load to the frame on the back of theseat.A-Most crash-involved riders:a. Over brake the rear tire.b. Under brake the rear tire.c. Were experienced riders.C-To make good judgements in
11、traffic, you need tofirst:a. Know how to stop quickly.b. Be able to swerve.c. Search ahead.A-In the Picture. Slow downand move away from the vehicle after entering theintersection.B-Wearing a helmet:a. Increases your chance of a neck injury.b. Reduces your chances of neck and head injuries.c. neithe
12、r reduces nor increases your chances of ahead injury.A-(Picture not available) In the picture: Pass the caron your left.A-To reduce speed before turning:a. Close the throttle and apply both brakes.b. Pull the clutch and use both brakes.c. Apply the rear brake only.C-Riding in the center portion of t
13、he lane:a. Should be avoided if possible.b. Keeps other drivers from seeing you.c. Keeps others from sharing your lane.A-To operate the throttle:a. Start with your wrist flat.b. Sit forward with your arms straight.c. Twist it forward and down for more power.C-When swerving, it is important to:a. Alw
14、ays brake before swerving.b. Swerve in the direction of the hazard.c. Separate braking from swerving.A-When the front tire goes flat:a. Apply the rear brake and steer to the edge of theroad.b. Steer tot the right and apply both brakes.c. You will not be able to control the motorcycle.B-You plan to m
15、ake a right turn after stopping andat an intersection. Usually, it is best to turn fromwhich portion of the lane?a. The left portion.b. The center portion.c. The right portion.=TEST 2B-If you must stop quickly while turning and you areunable to straighten the motorcycle first, apply the:a. Front bra
16、ke and increase your lean angle.b. Brakes harder as the lean is reduced.c. Brakes first and then lean away from the turn.B-When carrying loads:a. Fasten the load against the frame on the back of theseat.b. Keep the load law and as far forward as possible.c. Keep the load behind the rear seat.B-When
17、following a vehicle, you should try to:a. Ride the right portion of the lane.b. Ride where the driver can see you in the rear viewmirror.c, Ride in the left portion of the lane.A-If you have a flat tire while riding, hold the handlegrips firmly and:a. use the brake on the good tire or avoid braking.
18、b. Gently apply both brakes.c. Use only the brake that controls the flat tie.B-To ride over an object on the road:a. Stay seated until you have crossed the object.b. Rise slightly off the seat.c. Edge across the object.A-If your throttle sticks:a. Squeeze the clutch and use the engine cutoffswitch.b
19、. Shift to neutral and apply both brakes.c. Downshift and apply the brakes.C-With a properly adjusted mirror, you can see:a. the lane beside you.b. Everything behind and to the side of you.c. Part of the lane beside you and behind you.C-To see better when following a vehicle a night:a. Increase your
20、 following distance and use your lowbeam.b. Drop far back and use your high beam.c. Use the headlights of the vehicle ahead.C-When swerving, it is important to:a. Always brake before swerving.b. Swerve in the direction the hazard is traveling.c. Separate braking and swerving.A-(Picture not available
21、) Ride straight across themetal bridge grating.A-The single most important thing you can do toimprove your chances of surviving a crash is to:a. Wear a securely fastened helmet.b. Be familiar with the motorcycle.c. Ride in the center portion of the lane.C-Of the following, which one gives the most e
22、yeand face protection while riding?a. A windshield.b. Goggles.c. a face shield.B-A group of riders move from a staggeredformation into a single file when:a. Traffic is heavy.b. Turning corners.c. Riding at night.C-On a paved two-lane road, sand and gravel aremost likely to collect:A. Near the center
23、 of the road.b. Near the sides of the road.c. In the left wheel track.B-To cross the tracks that run parallel to yourcourse:a. Edge gradually across.b. Move away, then turn and cross at an angle of atleast 45o.c. Move into the opposite lane to cross at 90o.B-(Picture not available.) Slow and increas
24、e space.C-To predict how a hazard may affect you, itsimportant to:a. Watch for brake lights or turn signals.b. Adjust speed to get around the hazard.c. Know the speed, distance, and direction the hazardis moving.B-18. (Picture not available.)B-You are being pursued by a police vehicle with itslights
25、 and siren activated. You have deliberatelyignored the officers warning to stop and have spedaway. During the pursuit a person is killed. You aresubject to:a. A. fine of not less than $10,000.b. Imprisonment in a state prison for six years.c. Being jailed in the county jail for not more thanone year
26、.A-(Picture not available.) Turn your head to the left.A-On a wet road, it will usually be most slippery:a. In the left wheel track.b. On loose gravel.c. In the center portion of the lane.C-In a normal turn, lean your:a. Body more than your motorcycle.b. Motorcycle more than your body.c. Motorcycle
27、and you body at the same lean angle.C-The ability to think clearly and ride safely isaffected by as little as:a. 6 drinks.b. 3 drinks.c. 1 drink.B-When carrying a passenger:a. Your motorcycle will react the same.b. It takes longer to brake and accelerate.c. Let some air out of the tires for better t
28、raction.C-When you are being followed too closely, it isusually best to:a. Move closer to the vehicle ahead.b. Move to the right portion of the lane.c. Drop back farther from the vehicle ahead.=B-1. What are the requirements for wearing a helmet?a. Passengers only are required to wear helmets.b. All
29、 motorcycle riders and passengers are required to wear helmets at all times.c. Helmets are not required while driving on city streets.A-2. Grabbing the front brake or jamming down on the rear brake:a. Can cause the brakes to lock.b. Is the best way to stop in an emergency.c. Is the best way to slow
30、down when the streets are wet.C-3. Passengers on motorcycles should:a. Put their feet on the ground when the motorcycle is stopped.b. Not ride without a back rest.c. Should sit as far forward as possible without crowding you.B-4. When riding with a group of motorcyclists, a staggered formation:a. Is
31、 recommended at all times.b. Should not be used when entering or exiting a highway.c. Should be used when riding on curves.C-5. Eye protection:a. Is not needed if your motorcycle is equipped with a windshield.b. Is only needed when riding in bad weather.c. Should give a clear view to either side.B-6
32、. A primary cause of single vehicle motorcycle accidents is:a. Motorcyclists tendency to drive too fast for weather conditions.b. Motorcyclists running wide in a curve or turn and colliding with the roadway or a fixed object.c. Motorcyclists running off the road while trying to avoid a collision wit
33、h another vehicle.C-7. The best lane position for a motorcycle:a. Is in the left part of the lane, next to the center line.b. Is in the right part of the lane, next to the curb.c. Can vary depending on road and/or traffic conditions.C-8. When riding at night you should:a. Move closer to the vehicle
34、in front of you to use its lights to see farther down the road.b. Keep driving at your normal speed because slowing down would increase the chance of being struck from behind.c. Reduce your speed because it is harder to see something lying in the road.A-9. You should operate the engine cut-off switc
35、h and pull in the clutch when:a. The throttle is stuck and you cant free it.b. You start to lose control in a curve.c. The motorcycle starts to wobble.B-10. To operate a moped you must have at least a _ license.a. Class M1b. Class M2c. Class CA-11. Upshifting or downshifting in a curve:a. Should onl
36、y be done if it can be done smoothly.b. Is better than shifting before the curve.c. Is the best way to control your speed.B-12. To avoid confusing other drivers you should:a. Increase the following distance between your motorcycle and the vehicle in front of you if you are being tailgated.b. Make su
37、re your turn signal turns off after you finish a turn.c. Use your horn only in emergency situations.A-13. _ is a major factor in accidents caused by motorcycles.a. Following too closelyb. Lane sharingc. Not being seen by other driversC-14. If your motorcycle starts to wander back and forth while rid
38、ing over metal bridge gratings you should:a. Downshift immediately to a lower gear to improve traction.b. Proceed in a zigzag pattern until you cross the bridge.c. Relax, stay on course and ride straight across.A-15. If you must carry a load it should be:a. Either over or in front of the rear axle.b
39、. Carried on the gas tank in front of the driver.c. Piled up against a sissy bar or frame on the back of the seat.A-17. What is the best way to stay out of trouble while riding a motorcycle?a. To see it coming by looking well ahead.b. By avoiding high density traffic areas.c. By increasing the follo
40、wing distance between your motorcycle and the vehicle in front of you.B-18. A motorcycle rider has an advantage over an automobile driver when passing parked vehicles because:a. A motorcycle can accelerate faster than a car.b. A motorcycle rider can avoid the problems of opening doors and people ste
41、pping out from between vehicles by driving in the left part of the lane.c. Motorcycles have a shorter stopping distance.B-19. Brightly colored, reflective helmets and clothing:a. Should only be worn while riding at night.b. Can make motorcycle riders easier to see.c. Do not increase a motorcycle rid
42、ers safety.A-20. To execute a turn safely a motorcycle rider should always:a. Lean the motorcycle in the direction of the curve or turnb. Slow down in the turn.c. Turn using the handle bars only.=TEST 31. Picture not available. Rider BC-2. Wearing a helmet can reduce the chance of a fatal head injur
43、y in:a. Low speed crashes only.b. High speed crashes only.c. Any crash, regardless of speed.B-3. When you are being followed too closely, it is usually best to:a. Move closer to the vehicle ahead.b. Drop back further from the vehicle ahead.c. Pass the vehicle ahead.B-4. To discourage other drivers f
44、rom sharing your lane, it is usually best to ride:a. In the left portion of your lane.b. In the center portion of your lane.c. Next to another vehicle.5. Picture not available: A car may pull out.A-6. When riding where sand and gravel have collected on paved roads, you should:a. Avoid sudden changes
45、 in speed and direction.b. Only use the rear brake to slow down.c. Pull in the clutch.A-7. Riders in a staggered formation will be passing a car. After the lead rider passes, he /she should return to theof the lane.a. Left portion.b. Right portion.c. Center portion.A-8. When you carry a passenger:a.
46、 It will take longer to accelerate and brake.b. You will have more balance.c. You will have less chance of skidding.C-9. When you ride over a pothole, it is usually best to:a. Keep a normal seat position.b. Lean forward as much as possible.c. Look straight ahead and rise slightly off the seat.A-10.
47、Before changing lanes to the left, you should:a. Check your left mirror and turn your head left.b. Check the right mirror and turn your head left.c. Use your horn and speed up.A-11. When the front tire goes flat:a. the steering will feel heavy.b. The back of the motorcycle will jerk from side to sid
48、e.c. You will loose power to the brakes.C-12. Alcohol first affects you:a. Balance.b. Vision.c. Judgement.A-13. At intersections, the most common cause of motorcycle/vehicle collisions is:a. Drivers entering a riders right of way.b. Riders not yielding to oncoming traffic.c. Drivers tailgating rider
49、s.C-14. To make a normal stop, use:a. The rear brake only.b. The rear brake first.c. Both Brakes and downshift.B-15. If an approaching car driver is signaling for a left turn, you should:a. Hold your speed steady and center lane position.b. Slow down and move away from the approaching vehicle.c. Inc
50、rease your speed and stay in the center lane.A-16. When you ride at night:a. Wear reflective clothing.b. Always ride in the center portion of the lane.c. Follow the vehicle ahead more closely for safety.B-17. While riding an unfamiliar motorcycle:a. Stay I the right portion of the lane.b. Allow extr
51、a room for stopping.c. Do not shift above third gear.C-18. To make good judgements in traffic, you need to first:a. Be able to swerve.b. Know how to stop quickly.c. Search ahead.A-19. for higher-speed turns, you should:a. Lean more than you would at low speeds.b. Lean less than you would at low spee
52、ds.c. Lean the same amount as you would at low speeds.C-20. When entering a road on a merge ramp, the light most likely to make your motorcycle more visible to other drivers is the:a. Brake light.b. Tail light.c. Turn signal.21. Picture not available.A-22. When adjusting your mirrors to carry a pass
53、enger, the passenger should:a. Sit n the seat with you.b. Stand behind the motorcycle.c. Adjust the mirror while you sit on the motorcycle.C-23. If you lock the front wheel while stopping:a. Release the rear brake.b. Keep the front brake locked until stopped.c. Release and reapply the front brake.B-24. To avoid causing a rear-end collision when following another vehicle:a. Ride in the right wheel track.b. Stay at least two se
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