1、量协 议 书Quality Agreementxxxxx公司生效日期:Date of issue:版本:bVers ion : vers ion b协议双方 Contract Partners甲方:XXX公司Party A:乙方:Party B二、技术要求 Technical Requirements1、如甲方出具图纸,以甲方的技术图纸为准,经双方签字认可;If Party A is supposed to provide draw in gs; the draw ings should be issued based on the versi on of Party A, and sig n
2、ed and approved by both parties.2、或乙方提供产品规格书,经甲方认可,作为产品的技术要求。If Party B is supposed to provide product specification, the specification can be issued with the con firmati on of Party A.2、或以国际标准或行业标准为依据,经双方签字认可。Or based on intern ati onal sta ndards or in dustry sta ndards and sig ned and approved by
3、 both parties.(注:所有技术要求必须经过双方签字,并作为质量协议的附件保存)(Note: All technical requirements should be signed and approved by both parties, and saved as annex of quality agreeme nt)本协议附件包括 annex of agreement include:图纸(编号:)Draw ings (No.)产品规格书(编号:)Product Specificati on (No.)检验规范(编号:)In specti on Specificati on (
4、No.)其他(名称、编号:)Others(No.)三、质量保证 Quality Guarantee1、乙方有义务按国家标准IS09000-2008的要求建立一个质量管理体系,确保未经检验合格 的产品不得交付给甲方。PartyB is amenable to establish quality management system according to national standers IS09000-2008 to ensure the rejected product shall not be delivered to the party A.2、甲方并不一定要求乙方一定要通过第三方审核
5、,但鼓励乙方申请认证审核。Party A does not n ecessarily require but en courage the party B to apply and pass a third party audit ing.3、乙方允许甲方通过审核手段,来检验其质量管理是否达到甲方要求。审核可以是对一个体 系、或一个过程、或一个产品进行。Party B allowed Party A use the audit means to inspect whether the quality management meets the requireme nts of Party A.
6、The audit can proceedi ng on a system, a process ing or a product.4、甲方有权随时对乙方进行不通知的审核,乙方不得拒绝。Party A has authority to audit Party B without notification at any time. Part B cannot deny.四、质量问题的介定及产品质量标准Definition of Quality Issues and Quality Standards of Product1、乙方须保证所提供的产品满足经双方确认的图纸及技术要求。Party B s
7、hould guara ntee the product delivered meet the draw ings and tech ni cal requireme nts which is sig ned and approved by both parties.2、有关订货产品的质量标准、技术要求等,双方在乙方制造订货产品前或交货前,须对以下 图纸、规格书等进行确认。当技术、质量要求等有新变更时,由双方协商后进行确认。For quality sta ndards and tech ni cal requireme nts of orderi ng product, both two pa
8、rties shall confirm the follow ing draw ings and specificati ons before manu facturi ng or deliveri ng. Whe n tech no logy and quality requireme nt has cha nges, both two parties should con firm.1)由甲方提供的图纸、规格书、样品等Draw in gs, specificati ons and samples provided by Party A.2)由乙方提供的样品,甲方书面确认的图纸、规格书、样品
9、等。Samples provided by Party B, draw in gs, specificatio ns and samples provided by Party A.3、 乙方有责任对交付产品进行适当包装,包装应能保证产品在运输过程中以及甲方在合理的 周转过程中不易损坏,否则甲方有权判定为不合格并按规定向乙方索赔。Party B is resp on sible for properly package of deliveri ng product; the package shall guara ntee the product un damaged duri ng tran
10、 sportati on and properly tran sfer process of Party A. Or Party A has authority to determine the product the rejected product and claim from Party B according to the releva nt provisi ons.4、验收规则 Regulation of Inspection4.1交收检验由甲方根据经确认的质量标准在甲方厂区进行,但甲方认为有必要时可以安排 在乙方进行,此时,乙方提供必要的配合。Delivery and accept
11、a nee in specti on shall process in the factory of Party A accord ing to the quality sta nders con firmed by Party A. If Party A con siders it n ecessary to process in the place of Party B, Party B is supposed to provide n ecessary cooperati on.4.2交收检验按照抽样计划执行,检查水平按照检验规范执行。Delivery and accepta nee i
12、n specti on process accord ing to spot-check pla n, in specti on level is based on in specti on sta ndard.五、质量问题的处理Quality Problems Handling1. 乙方接到甲方通报供货品质异常报告时,应能迅速应对,并满足甲方的筛选、更换等要求。Party B can response quickly once received quality abnormality from Party A, and meets the requireme nts of scree nin
13、g and replaci ng from Party A.2. 甲方对乙方的供货验收不合格时,应及时通知乙方,乙方应在接到通知后两个工作日内对 品质异常进行调查、分析、处理,以书面的形式通知甲方。Party A should inform Party B timely once Party A deny the delivery acceptanee of Part B, and Party B should inspect, analyze and process the quality abnormality within two workdays and inform the Part
14、y A literally.3. 对于在甲方验收检查及后续生产直至最终用户处发现的不合格品,甲方有权从应付给乙方 的货款中扣除不合格品造成的损失,如果是预付款,甲方有权要求还款。For the rejected products that occurred in the delivery accepta nee and delivered to customer, Party A has authority to mi nus the cost of rejected products from the payme nt to Party B. If it is adva nee payme
15、nt, Party A has authority to require repayme nt.4. 甲方保管不合格品期间,由于可归责于乙方的事由导致不合格品的全部或部分损失、损坏 或变质时,该损失由乙方承担。During the period of Party A keeping rejected products, the total or partial loss, damage and deteriorati on of rejected products that can be attributed to the party B cause, the Party B should b
16、ear the loss.5. 乙方应确保所供物品不会因其不良给甲方的生产活动造成困扰,由于乙方的原因造成的甲 方生产的产品或相关的设备发生不良或损坏以及停产造成甲方不能及时完成客户订单时,乙 方应赔偿所产生的全部实际损失。Party B should en sure the delivery product wontcause any trouble to the manu facturi ng activity to Party A because of quality abno rmality. The abno rmality or damage of the products man
17、u factured by Party A or releva nt equipme nt and that make Party A cannot complete customesorders caused by Party B is supposed to be compe nsated by Party B.6. 乙方原材料入厂时发生品质异常,因甲方生产急用而被让步接收或全检,所产生的额外工时费用由乙方承担,且筛选的不合格品全部退回乙方处理,工时计费标准为30元/人小时。让步接收和特采的索赔要求。If raw material occurred quality abno rmality
18、 and was con ducted with con cessi on or full in specti on because of the emerge use for manu facturi ng, the cost of extra work hour should beard by Party B, and all rejected products return to Party B for processing. The standers of work hour is 30RMB/person hour. Requirement of claims of concessi
19、on and special purchase.7. 乙方不得故意将不合格物品混入交验批中提交给甲方。如有此行为发生,发现一次甲方将 至少处以罚款1000元。Party B cannot mix the rejected products into the in spect ion batch to Party A on purpose. Once it happe ned, Party A have authority to fine Party B at least 1000 RMB for one time.8. 由于乙方提供的物品不合格,甲方要求退货时,所产生的物流管理费用应由乙方承担
20、。If the product provided by Party B is not disqualification and Party A need to return, all logistics man ageme nt cost should be un dertake by Party B.9如因乙方提供的物品不合格造成甲方或第三方的产品发生质量问题,从而被第三方索赔时,经甲乙双方协商或技术监督部门或其他权威机构签定是乙方的责任时,乙方应承担甲方乃至 第三方相应的经济损失。If the disqualificati on of Party B cause the quality a
21、bno rmality of Party A or the third Party, and is claimed for compe nsati on by the third party, after con sultati on by both parties or authe nticate by tech ni cal supervisi on departme nt or other authorities that it is the resp on sibility of Party B, Party B should bear the corresp onding econo
22、 mic losses of Party A and the third party.六、交期保证Delivery Guarantee1、乙方在收到订单后需对甲方的采购订单内容进行核对,内容包括物料名称、规格、数量、 交期。且需在24小时内回传。如若未回传,视为默认订单内容及交期。Party B should check the purchas ing order of Party A once received the order, the in formati on of check in clude the n ame of material, specificatio n, qua n
23、tity and delivery time. The check sheet of order should return to Party A within 24 hours. No returns represe nt Party B already confirm the order and delivery date.2、 订单回签后,乙方需严守交货日期,如交货期延误,每天以合同总金额的0.5%起进行罚 款。特殊情况需提前7天书面通知甲方,并经过甲方的同意后延迟交货期,且每月协商延迟交货笔数不得超过本月总订单笔数的5%,否则将采取同第2点相同的处罚方式。After the retur
24、n of order, Party B should comply the delivery date strictly. If the delivery date is delayed, Party B should bear a fine of 0.5% of the total amount of the con tract each day. If there is special situati on, Party B should inform Party A for 7 days in adva nee literally, the n the delivery time can
25、 be delayed after permissi on of Party A. The nu mber of delayed orders per mon th cannot exceed 5% of the total orders of this mon th, or the fine of items No.2 will be executed.3、若因乙方原因,到交货期还无法交货,且未提前沟通协商的,造成甲方生产停线,将处以 1000元每次的处罚,且所有停线的损失工时由乙方承担。If for Party Bs cause, the product cant be delivered
26、 on time without any com muni cati on and n egotiati on before, leadi ng to the manu facture line stopped; un der this situati on Party B should bear a fine of 1000RMB per times and all the work hour losses caused by stop line.4、 乙方交货后经甲方检验不合格,乙方必须在24小时内至交货地址全检处理或者全部退货。 如果退货则要求乙方在2天内补齐货物发至甲方工厂,若未按此要
27、求执行,同样视为延迟交 货。将按照上述第3点执行。If the products provided by Party B are disqualificati on. Party B should be in the delivery in spect ion place or return the goods within 24 hours. If the product is supposed to return. Party B should suppleme nt the products and send it to the factory of Party A withi n tw
28、o days. If this requireme nt is not executed, it also deemed to be delayed delivery, and should be executed based on items No.3.5、甲方根据质量协议上的检验标准进行验收,如乙方评估预知无法达到品质保证程度,应事 先增加产量并全检良品后再出货.Party A ought to accept the products accord ing to the in spect ion sta nders on quality agreeme nt. If Party B has
29、 estimated the products cannot meet the rank of quality guarantee, Party B should in crease the output and clear the goods after complete in spect ion.6、乙方所有材料或工艺等变化都必须立即通知甲方,并经甲方同意后方能投入使用,未经确 认的变更所引起的一切责任由乙方承担!Any changes of material or craft should inform Party A, and can be applied after Party As
30、 permissi on. All con seque nee that cause of uncon firmed cha nges should un dertake by Party B!7、 所有来料需有送货单,并在外箱和最小包装上贴有物料标识卡.送货单和标识卡上须清晰注 明供货厂商、与甲方订单相符的产品编号、产品名称、数量、生产日期等 ,否则甲方有权拒 收,由此引发的交期延误等损失由乙方全额赔付.All incoming materials should have delivery no te. Material ide ntificati on card should be pas
31、ted on outer carton and mi nimum packagi ng; delivery n ote and ide ntificati on card should in dicate the n ame of supplier, ide ntificatio n of product n ame,a nd qua ntity manu facture date)f product clearly. Or Party A has authority to deny the products. The delivery and losses caused by this si
32、tuati on should all un dertake by Party B.七、变更,异常时的联络Contact of Change and Abnormity1、乙方作出下列变更时应征得甲方的认可和同意,并保证所作出的变更不会影响所供物品的质量技术指标。Party B should get permission of Party A when following changes are made, and to ensure the cha nge wont in flue nee the quality tech ni cal sta nders of product:1)给甲方交
33、货开始后,订货物品的设计变更;Change of desig n of product once the delivery bega n;2)制造订货物品新造模具时,或使用中改造、修理模具时;During the process ing of manu facturi ng the new mould of product, or duri ng the using of cha nging and fixing the mould;3)订货物品的制造方法、工艺过程发生变更时;When the manu facturi ng method and craft process has cha n
34、ged;4)材料的制造商和供应商有变更时。Whe n the manu facturer and supplier of material have cha nged.2、甲方由于自身理由要求变更时,应立即以书面形式通知乙方,甲乙双方在协商的基础上 实施变更。变更物料需提供要求的检测报告,第一次变更物料来料时需有易于识别的标识。If Party A need to change the specification for own reason. Party A is supposed to inform Party B immediately and literally. The change
35、 can be executed with the negotiation of both parties. The cha nging material should have corresp onding in specti on report, and the first cha nging of incoming materials should have obvious mark to inden tify.3、订货物品由于已定的协议例如质量特性、期限、发货数量等明显地不可能做到,设计或 制造工程不合格,预想或已发生了与质量要求不符或其他质量异常时,乙方应立即与甲方 书面联络,且由乙
36、方立即调查产生的原因,及预防纠正措施对策,报甲方认可后实施。If the ordered products cantmeet the items in agreement such as quality, delivery timequantity, or the design and manufacture is disqualification, and the quality abnormality has been predicted or occurred, Patty B should con tact Party A immediately and literally, Part
37、y B is resp on sible for survey of reas on and corrective preve ntive measureseport to Party A after the approval of Party A.4、 未经确认的变更所引起的一切责任由乙方承担!Any uncon firmed cha nged that cause losses should be un dertake by Party B!八、一般事宜 General Matters1有效期限Expiry本协议一经双方签字盖章后即生效,则此前双方所签的所有此类协议作废。This Agre
38、eme nt shall become effective upon the sig nature and seal of both parties, the n all such agreeme nts sig ned by both parties are void.本协议在双方购销关系存续期内有效,直至更新版本的质量协议书生效时止。This agreeme nt is valid for the durati on of the relati on ship betwee n the two parties un til new versi on of quality agreeme nt come into effect.2、协商解决 Negotiation对本协议未作规定的事项及相关内容产生疑义或异议时,甲乙双方竭诚协商解决。协商不成,可提交第三方仲裁机构仲裁或遵循司法途径解决。For any doubt or agreement related to unspecified issues in agreement, both parties should settle them by negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached between the two partie
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