



1、襄阳一中 高一年级 导学提纲 英语必修二 编写:李君 审核:何冬琴 使用时间 姓名: 考号:Book2 Unit5 Period6 Using Language3. Discuss with your partners about another endangered animal.一、教学目标(1)Is it being hunted and killed?1.掌握听说读写综合运用语言能力。 (2) Does it have enough food?2.熟练运用英语表达自己的意愿和目的。 (3) Is it because its habitat is being threatened?(4

2、) Discuss what you might do to save it. These expressions on Page31 may be useful to you. 3.学会向 WWF写求助的建议信。4.了解野生动物保护的重要性和紧迫性。 Step IV Writing二、学法指导Write a letter to WWF based on what you have discussed, asking them to help you save your endangered animal.【写作技巧】 1.阅读 P30 短文,通过速读掌握主旨大意,细读完成细节信息的处理。 建

3、议信大多要求考生根据所给的材料 (多为征求建议信 ),给出有针对性的解决办法,或者提出合理化建议。建2.听 P30渡渡鸟的故事,完成听力训练题目,之后讨论如何帮助野生动物。议信的写作思路:首先阅读所给材料,或是汉语说明,或者是英文材料,找出问题所在,即对方出了什么样的3.写一封信向 WWF求助保护野生动物,通过小组成员互批互改提高写作能力。问题,需要哪方面的建议,然后根据分析给出合理化建议。建议信写作的基本步骤: 三、知识链接(1)认真审题,提炼要点。在写作之前,大家一定要看清征询建议者在哪方面有困惑,想获得哪方面的帮助,争1. Dinosaur is an animal that we ca

4、n not see on the earth now. What we see in the museum are the fossils of many kinds取让自己的建议、看法 “对症下药 ”,而不是 “庸医乱开方 ”。 of dinosaurs. They were found by the people at home and abroad. Some dinosaurs have long necks and tails, while(2)巧列提纲,罗列要点。提什么建议,讲哪些内容,要先列个提纲,做到详略得当,重点突出,井然有序。others look like birds.

5、(3)关注要点,形成骨架。要点明确后,尝试着将文章中涉及到的要点变成英语句子,这是全文的骨架。在此基2. Dodo 鸟是一种不会飞的鸟,仅产于毛里求斯。拥有肥胖的身子和巨大的嘴。 16 世纪后期,欧洲殖民者来到础上,可增加合理想象和适当扩充。 了毛里求斯。不会飞又跑不快的 Dodo 鸟很快成为欧洲人来到岛上后主要的食物来源。人们开始大量的滥捕滥杀可怜的 Dodo 鸟,有时每天可以捕杀到几千只到上万只。由于过度的捕杀 ,很快岛上 Dodo 鸟变得越来越少。 (4)巧妙串联,浑然成篇。将上述要点连接起来,再增加适当的情节和一些过渡词加以串联,形成一篇完整的英语建议信。1681 年, 最后一只 Do

6、do 鸟被残忍的杀害后, 从此, 地球上再也见不到这种东西了, 除非是在博物馆的图片中。(5)规范书写,落笔成文。四、自测试题建议信写作的注意事项:StepFast readinga.语气要诚恳,有礼貌;Read the passage quickly and answer the questions.b.建议内容要具体;1. When did dinosaurs live?c.可提供不止一个解决方案或就一个问题的不同方面提出建议;2. When did dinosaurs die out?d这类文章一定要符合英语信件的基本格式;3. How did dinosaurs die out? e这

7、类文章的基本时态多用一般现在时和一般将来时。Step Careful reading【常用句型】True or false(1)照应材料,介绍来源。1.There are many different species of dinosaur and all of them have been found in China.I am glad to receive your letter 2.Not long ago, a rare new species of bird-like dinosaur was discovered in Henan Province.After I read yo

8、ur letter in the newspaper.3. Some scientists are sure dinosaurs died out because the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more.I am very glad to hear that you want to.4. Dinosaurs died out quickly about 65 million years ago and many animals have died out in the same way. I know you ha

9、ve trouble in.after reading your letter Step Listening and speaking1.Listen to the story of dodo and finish the exercises3&4 on Page302.Listening textOnce upon a time I lived on the island of Mauritius. I was called “dodo ”Th.ere were many of us and we were friends(2)开门见山,提出观点。In my opinion, I think

10、 that you should.My advice is that.I suggest that you should.with all the other animals on the island. One day a new animal came to my island. His name was Man, and at first weI am afraid you d better.seemed to be good friends. We went everywhere together and I shared my food with him. However, I be

11、gan to wonderHere is my advice.why several of my dodo friends had disappeared. Then the number of our species began to decrease quickly. I was soI want to give you some advice on.worried that I asked the other animals and they all told me, “Yourfriends are being killed and eaten by Man while you(3)

12、给出建议,井然有序。are hunting for food. ”Had Man eaten them? I couldn b etlieve it! When I asked Man directly, he seemed surprised. “Ifirst ,second, firstly ,secondly,then,after that ,in the end,finally ,meanwhilehaven steen the other dodos either. h e”said. “Maybesomeone else killed them. ”I believed him b

13、ut when more dodos(4)承上启下,巧妙过渡。disappeared I set a trap. I went off as if I was going to hunt but instead I hid in the forest and waited. Sure enough Manand,at the same time,such as,by the way,little by little ,as well 等。came along. He ran after the last of my dodo friends and killed her. I felt so

14、angry that I rushed out of my hiding place a(5)层层递进,浑然成篇。nd straight at Mansspear. He killed me too. After that there were no more dodos in the world. So my motto is : bebesides,what s mo,reon the other hand,further more 等。careful who you trust.第 1 页共 1 页襄阳一中 高一年级 导学提纲 英语必修二 编写:李君 审核:何冬琴 使用时间 姓名: 考号

15、:优美范文_Dear WWF,_My friend, Chen Ting, and I have been doing some research on endangered animals. We found that the habitat of_polar bears is disappearing because the ice at the North Pole is getting warmer. I worry that when it disappears_altogether, there will be nowhere for the polar bears to live

16、. _First, I suggest we are very careful with the energy we use. Global warming happens because we are putting toomuch carbon dioxide into the air. One of the ways we do this is by driving everywhere by car. So I suggest we think _六、日清反思 carefully before using our cars unnecessarily.Second, instead o

17、f using our cars we should think about traveling by bus or by train. These forms of transport are _more environmentally friendly and do not put so much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere._Third, we can join WWF which is fighting to save the habitat of the polar bear. We can raise money to help them

18、by _making and selling cakes, selling crafts or giving talent shows and charging money for our parents to watch.I hope you will support us in our fight to save the home of the Polar Bears.Yours sincerely,Li Ning问题记录_五、当堂检测阅读下面这封中学生来信 .Dear Editor:I am a new student at Haining Hongda Senior High School. My home is far from Haining, so


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