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1、Quitters are winners, Bulldogs are losers,Warming up,Work in pairs. Read the quotations and discuss the questions,Warming up,Warming up,1 Which quotations mean more or less the same thing? 2 Which one is optimistic,The first and second quotations are close in meaning, with No 3 not far off. The fift

2、h and sixth quotations consider the body and mind apart and give a higher moral value to the latter,The Oprah Winfrey quote is about increasing our well-being. The Gandhi quote refers to some pretty unpleasant circumstance, but does express faith in the human spirit,Warming up,3 Which quotation do y

3、ou agree with, and why? 4 Which one do you like best, and why,The fourth quotation impresses me as true. There is so much we do not understand about the mind. Thats not only true scientifically. There are depths that are not available to our consciousness,I like the ones using metaphors. Freuds meta

4、phor is clever and Oprah Winfreys makes the meaning easy to understand and personal,Warming up,Work in pairs and complete the lyrics of the Song “Never Give up on a Dream” by Rod Steward,If theres doubt and youre cold,dont you worry _.Weve gotta have heroes to teach us all to never give up on a drea

5、m.Claim the road, touch the sun,No force on earth _.When your heart bursts like the sun Never, never give up on a dream,what the future holds,could stop you run,Warming up,Look at the quotation in the first line of the passage and answer the question about yourself,If you cant get something you want

6、 badly, do you _? (a) keep trying and get more motivated (b) keep trying, but get depressed (c) give up trying but regret it (d) give up trying and forget it,Now read the passage and compare your idea with the writers,Skimming,Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it. Answer

7、the questions of Activity 2 and 3 on page 119,Task,Skimming,Choose the best definition,1. A quitter is someone who _. (a) doesnt know what they want to do in life (b) gets depressed easily (c) knows when to give up trying (d) keeps on trying even when they have no hope of success,2. A bulldog is som

8、eone who _. (a) keeps on trying because they find it difficult to accept failure (b) gives up very easily (c) usually succeeds in the end in what they want to do (d) is psychologically stronger than most people,c,a,Skimming,Answer the questions,1 What is a “never-say-die” spirit? A “never-say-die” s

9、pirit is one of determination no matter what the odds are. 2 What did psychologists Miller and Wrosch set out to do? Miller and Wrosch developed a way to find the characteristics of Bulldogs and Quitters. 3 What did their findings show? Quitters are generally healthier than Bulldogs,Skimming,4 In wh

10、at way do Bulldogs suffer more than Quitters? Bulldogs suffer more from minor illnesses and long periods of stress. 5 What might happen when a Bulldog finally gives up on an ambition? Bulldogs might begin to pursue new goals after they give up on an ambition. 6 What is the connection between depress

11、ion and the survival of the species? It may be a way of telling our bodies to slow down, to analyze the situation and be cautious. Meanwhile, we are more realistic about the world. Therefore, it will help preserve our human species,Skimming,7 Why is it important for young people to set themselves go

12、als? Because it is part of cultivating an individual identity in the world. 8 Why is it important to be prepared to change those goals? Because we may find the goals are unattainable or be attracted to some new goals. 9 What is the connection between setting goals and the survival of the species? Be

13、cause we are constantly adjusting or abandoning the goals, changing priorities. In this process, we grow up,Quitters are winners, Bulldogs are losers,译文,Digging,1 “If at first you dont succeed, try, try again,” said the comic actor, W C Fields, “Then quit. Theres no point in being a damn fool about

14、it.,2 Well, yes, up to a point, but we all know that theres a right and a wrong time to quit. According to new research, people who know when to give up on impossible goals, the so-called “quitters”, are physically and mentally healthier than “bulldogs” who persist at any cost,Digging,3 Since the Fo

15、unding Fathers arrived in America, our children have been the target of messages about the value of determination in the face of lifes difficulties. This never-say-die spirit is best represented by the 19th-century saying, “If at first you dont succeed, try, try again.” But are there times when its

16、simply better to give up,译文,Digging,4 There has been considerable research about this question and specifically about the possible link between determination and health. On the one hand, it seems that persistence and self-discipline increase the chance youll succeed in the long term, and that person

17、al success is closely linked to well-being. Think of successful people you know personally, and look back over their lives. Have they always been clear about where theyre going in their lives, and now that they have arrived, are they happy and healthy? Some are, perhaps,译文,Digging,5 But what if succ

18、ess is very doubtful? For example, like an average athlete becoming an Olympic gold medal winner? Can exhibiting too much determination have a negative effect on your health,译文,Digging,6 In a sequence of psychological experiments, scientists Gregory Miller and Carsten Wrosch developed a way of disti

19、nguishing between two categories of people, Bulldogs and Quitters. The findings showed that Quitters are generally healthier than Bulldogs. Miller and Wrosch looked at relatively minor illnesses such as skin disorders, poor sleep and headaches, and discovered that Quitters differed from Bulldogs by

20、suffering less. Furthermore, the Bulldogs suffered much more from long periods of stress, during which they had a higher level of a protein which could indicate several serious diseases, including killers like diabetes and heart disease,译文,Digging,7 The scientists also noted that the Bulldogs distin

21、guished themselves from the Quitters by showing how willing they were to pursue new goals after they gave up on something important. They found that people who readily jumped back into life had a greater sense of purpose and were less likely to think about the past. Setting new goals appears to prot

22、ect them from the emotional consequences of failure, especially the Bulldogs who have a hard time admitting defeat,译文,Digging,8 So why do Bulldogs finally say, “Enough is enough”? In fact, it appears that their physical recovery comes through mild depression. Some go through a period of passive beha

23、viour, during which they shut down. But on the positive side, theyre forced to stop and assess their lives again. Gradually they become more realistic about the world. In terms of human evolution, scientists think that depression is what told our bodies to slow down, to analyze the situation and to

24、be cautious. Melancholy can actually help most of us to give up on the Olympic gold medal and preserve the human species,译文,Digging,9 Its definitely important to set oneself goals. For young people, its part of cultivating an individual identity in the world. But as we grow older, were liable to adj

25、ust these aspirations or abandon them when we find that either we cannot achieve them or other, more important targets attract us. We abandon our plans for a glorious career because we feel it more desirable to attend to the demands of our young family. We choose not to continue our studies because

26、we need to earn a living. Consequently, we find other, more feasible objectives in our lives, which are more appropriate to our circumstances than our previous ones. So while we may grow out of our dreams, at the same time, we grow up,译文,Digging,10 Maybe we should rewrite the saying. How about “If a

27、t first you dont succeed, try, try again. But if you dont succeed, you dont always fail. Listen to your body and your mind. Thats where youll find your success as a human being. Thats where the survival of the species lies.,译文,Digging,End,Main idea of the text,1. Since the Founding Fathers arrived i

28、n America, our children have been the target of messages about the value of determination in the face of lifes difficulties. (Line 1, Para 3,From the time Europeans first arrived in North America, they have been telling their children they must be strong to face difficulties and overcome them. This

29、attitude has been very intense in American culture both because of the type of Protestant Christianity (基督教中的新教) the early settlers believed in, and the obvious difficulties and dangers they faced in settling on a new continent with so little known and so many enemies,Difficult sentences,Difficult s

30、entences,2. Setting new goals appears to protect them from the emotional consequences of failure, especially the Bulldogs who have a hard time admitting defeat. (Line 8, Para 7,The consequences could include feelings of low self-esteem, inadequacy or reluctance to try anything similar to the failed

31、activity. It helps us to recover if we set new goals and get on with life as we dont have to feel burdened by the previous defeat. This is especially true of the Bulldog type of character as they find giving up especially stressful and depressing. Of course, they also get most out of having a new ai

32、m to pursue as that is in their nature,Difficult sentences,3. Melancholy can actually help most of us to give up on the Olympic gold medal and preserve the human species. (Line 11, Para 8,When we cannot do something, we feel depressed. The depression stops us from trying again, makes us put aside un

33、realistic goals like getting an Olympic gold medal, gives us a chance to re-evaluate our situation and try something attainable. This protects us from damaging ourselves trying to do what is beyond us,Difficult sentences,4. For young people, its part of cultivating an individual identity in the worl

34、d. (Line 2, Para 9,People have different goals this is what makes people different. Without different ambitions young people would all be the same,Difficult sentences,5. So while we may grow out of our dreams, at the same time, we grow up. (Line 14, Para 9,We lose our dreams as we age, but also beco

35、me more mature and realistic,quitter,释义,n. C (infml) someone who is likely to stop trying if they have problems or are not successful immediately 轻易放弃的人,例句,Im not a quitter, but this job is starting to affect my health,我不是一个遇困难就放弃的人,只是这个工作开始影响我的健康了,翻译,Words,例句,The coach had no respect for quitters,教

36、练瞧不起半途而废的人,翻译,释义,n. C 顽强的人;永不言弃的人;C 斗牛犬;叭喇狗,例句,He is the kind of bulldog reporter that you do not find very much these days,他是你近年来很难遇到的那种穷追不舍的记者,翻译,Words,bulldog,comic,释义1,a. (only before noun) relating to comedy 喜剧的,例句,He worked as a comic actor,他是一名喜剧演员,翻译,Words,例句,Many of the scenes in the book a

37、re richly comic,书中很多情景充满喜剧色彩,翻译,释义2,例句,The novel is comic and tragic,这部小说既好笑又带有悲剧色彩,翻译,Words,例句,Most of these trips had exciting or comic moments,大部分旅途都有激动人心或令人开怀的时刻,翻译,comic,damn,释义,a. (only before noun) used for emphasizing what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed about something 该死的;讨

38、厌的,例句,Its damn cold in here,这儿真冷,翻译,Words,例句,翻译,I cant get this damn button undone,我解不开这个该死的扣子,释义1,vi. to continue to do or say something in a determined way 坚持;执意,例句,翻译,Words,例句,She persisted in taking her dog with her,翻译,她执意要带她的狗一起去,Does he always persist in his opinion like that,他老是那样固执己见吗,persis

39、t,释义2,vi. (fml) to continue to exist 继续存在;持续,例句,Despite official denials, the rumours persisted,尽管官方否认,谣言仍在继续流传,翻译,Words,例句,The pain persisted for months, even though the injury had healed,虽然受伤的地方已经愈合,但是疼痛还是持续了数月,翻译,persist,determination,释义,n. U the refusal to let anything prevent you from doing wha

40、t you have decided to do 坚定;决心,例句,She has shown great determination and skill,她表现出了坚强的决心和技能,翻译,Words,例句,His determination to marry her is now much stronger than ever,他比以前更加坚决地想要娶她了,翻译,considerable,释义,a. large in size, amount, or degree 相当大的;相当多的,例句,Doing it properly makes considerable demands on our

41、 time,把这事做好需要花费我们相当多的时间,翻译,Words,例句,A considerable amount of time and money was spent on the project,相当多的时间和金钱都花在这项工程上了,翻译,真题,Writing is a slow process, requiring considerable thought, time, and effort. (Jun., 1996. CET-4, Vocabulary and Structure,释义,n. C a connection between two or more people, pla

42、ces, facts, or events, especially when one is affected or caused by the other 关联,联系,例句,These projects will provide vital links between companies and universities,这些项目将会为公司和大学搭建重要的纽带,翻译,Words,例句,The statistics show a clear link between social class and crime,翻译,统计数字明确显示了社会阶级与犯罪之间的关系,link,真题,Certainly

43、, the biological link between parent and child is fundamental. (Jun., 2003. CET-4, Reading Comprehension,exhibit,释义1,vt. to show a particular feeling, quality, ability, or form of behaviour 表露;表现出,例句,He has exhibited symptoms of anxiety and overwhelming worry,他表现出焦虑和过分担心的迹象,翻译,Words,例句,Our soldiers

44、exhibited great bravery in the battle,我们的战士在战斗中表现出极大的勇敢,翻译,释义2,vt. to put something interesting in a museum or other public place so that people can go and look at it 展出;展览,例句,翻译,Words,Davids going to exhibit his roses at the flower show,戴维准备在花展中展出自己的玫瑰花,例句,翻译,The art gallery will exhibit some of Da

45、lis paintings,美术馆将展览达利的部分绘画作品,exhibit,sequence,释义,n. C, U a set of related things that happen or are arranged in a particular order 一连串;连续,例句,翻译,Words,例句,翻译,We had to follow a complex sequence of movements,我们必须按顺序完成一连串的复杂动作,A computer can store and repeat sequences of instructions,一台计算机能够储存和重复一连串的指令

46、,distinguish,释义,v. to recognize the differences between things 区分;辨别,例句,翻译,Words,例句,翻译,Please tell me how to distinguish a poisonous snake from a harmless one,请告诉我如何区别毒蛇和无毒蛇,Can you distinguish right from wrong,你能分清是非吗,真题,Another way to divide the study of geography is to distinguish between physica

47、l geography and cultural geography. (Jun. 1991, CET-4, Vocabulary and structure,category,释义,n. C a group of people or things that have similar qualities 种类;类别,例句,翻译,Words,There will be two winners in each category,每一类将有两个优胜者,例句,翻译,The proposal would ban some categories of weapons,这项提案将禁止某些种类的武器,释义,n

48、. (pl) information that you discover or opinions that you form after doing research 发现;研究结果,例句,翻译,Words,When the experiment is complete, include your findings in a report,试验完成后,请把结果写入报告,真题,Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we would have done during

49、the day. (Jan. 1999, CET-4, Vocabulary and structure,例句,翻译,We can apply his findings in new developments,我们可将他的调查结果应用于新的开发中,findings,differ,释义,vi. to be different from something else 不同(于);有区别,例句,翻译,Words,Hearts may agree, though heads differ,谚 意见总有分歧,但其心则仍可能一致,But these various means of communicati

50、on differ in important ways from human language. (Jan. 2003, CET-4, Cloze,真题,例句,翻译,The weather often differs from one part of a state to another,一个州内各地区的天气往往有差别,indicate,释义1,vt. to show that something will happen, is true, or exists 表明;显示,例句,翻译,Words,测试结果将显示治疗是否成功,Test results will indicate whether

51、the treatment was successful,例句,翻译,烟囱冒烟说明有人在家,The smoke from the chimney indicated (that) someone was in the house,Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs as directed. (Jan. 1996, CET-4, Vocabulary and Structure,真题,释义2,例句,翻译,Words,市长流露出了辞职之意,The mayor

52、indicated that he was to resign,Both sides are indicating their willingness to restore diplomatic relations,例句,翻译,双方都暗示愿意恢复外交关系,vt. to express an intention, opinion, or wish in an indirect way 暗示;暗指,indicate,readily,释义,例句,翻译,Words,他欣然同意帮助我们渡过难关,He readily agreed to help us out,ad. in a way that show

53、s that you are willing 乐意地,例句,翻译,She readily discusses her science project but is reluctant to talk about herself,她非常乐意讨论她的科研项目,却不愿谈自己,assess,释义,vt. to carefully consider a situation, person, or problem in order to make a judgment 评估;评价,例句,翻译,Words,我们的经纪人会对你的房产进行估价,Our agent will assess the value of

54、 your property,He assessed the damage caused by the earthquake at $500,000,例句,翻译,他估计地震所造成的损失为50万美元,analyze,释义,vt. to study or examine something in detail in order to understand or explain it 分析,例句,翻译,Words,他们分析了这种金属,发现是黄金,They analyzed the metal and found it was gold,例句,翻译,我们正在努力分析哪里出了差错,Were trying

55、 to analyze what went wrong,cultivate,释义1,vt. to develop something such as an attitude, ability, or skill 培养;养成,例句,翻译,Words,她试着以读书陶冶心性,She is trying to cultivate her mind by reading,例句,翻译,该公司在打造专业形象方面非常成功,The company have been successful in cultivating a very professional image,释义2,vt. to make land

56、suitable for growing crops or plants 开垦;耕作,The land here has been intensively cultivated for generations,这片土地经过了几代人的密集耕作,Phrases,例句,翻译,Some of the land would be impossible to cultivate,有些土地无法耕作,例句,翻译,cultivate,释义,例句,翻译,首相访问期间可能会出现抗议活动,liable,Phrases,Protests are liable to occur throughout the prime

57、ministers visit,例句,翻译,缺乏睡眠你就容易出错,Without sleep you are liable to make mistakes,释义1,vt. to stop something that you are doing or planning to do, especially because it is too difficult to continue 中止,放弃,Phrases,例句,翻译,The climbers finally abandoned their attempt on the mountain,登山者们最终放弃了攀登这座山的尝试,例句,翻译,T

58、he plans for reform were quietly abandoned,改革的诸多计划都悄无声息地终止了,abandon,释义2,例句,翻译,那辆轿车被发现丢弃在附近的一个小镇上,The car was found abandoned in a nearby town,Phrases,例句,翻译,The heartless man abandoned his wife and children,那个无情的男子遗弃了妻子和孩子,abandon,释义,例句,翻译,大家都想获得良好的教育,desirable,A good education is highly desirable,Ph

59、rases,例句,翻译,Experience of marketing is highly desirable,有市场营销经验者尤佳,What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? (Jun. 2003, CET-4, Short Answer Questions,真题,释义,例句,翻译,发电而不造成污染是完全可行的,Its perfectly feasible to produce electricity without creating pollution,Phrases,例句,翻译,Your plan is not economically feasible,你的计划从经济上考虑是行不通的,feasible,释义,例句,翻译,先前的房主没有好好爱护这个地方,previous,The previous owner did not take very good care of the place,Phrases,例句,翻译,Mark has two children from a previous marriage,马克的上一次婚姻给他留下了两个孩子,although our age exceeds all previous


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