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1、仁爱版八年级Unit 7 Food Festival Topic1 SectionA 学案 课题:Unit 7 Food Festival Topic1 SectionA 编写人:胡少辉 课型:新课 第 1 课时(共 2 课时) 学习目标 1、学会新词和短语: try ones best, imagine, soup, cheese, biscuit, pancake 2、学习that引导的宾语从句: I imagine (that) a lot of people will come to the food festival. Do you think (that) the children

2、 need to make tea? I think they need to cook soup. 3、讨论关于筹集资金的计划。 4、鼓励学生积极参加有益的课外实践活动,培养学生乐于助人的品质。 学习过程 (一)预习准备 英汉互译 1、招贴;广告_2、筹备,组织_ 3、想象,设想 _、饼干6 、奶酪5_ 、汤47、get in touch with _8、try ones best_ 9、make tea _ 10、set the table_ (二)导学过程 1、复习(时间: 6分钟) 2、呈现(时间: 8分钟) have a food festival 举办一次美食节 organize

3、v. 组织 try ones best 尽最大努力 3、巩固(时间: 9分钟) a Canadian athlete build a new school for a problem for him have a food festival make a poster turn to get in touch with get more information organize the food festival )分钟 (4、练习(当堂训练)时间: 13 2 练习本课1c和。 ( 时间: 9分钟)、综合探究活动5 。、完成本课活动13 :(作业)Homework、2(1)造五个含有宾语从句的

4、句子(书面作业,写在作业本)。 (2)小组活动。根据1a对话内容分角色扮演(口语作业)。 (3)预习Section B (三)课后检测(拓展延伸) .根据汉语完成句子 1. I _ (点菜) a hamburger with French fries, but only got a hamburger. 2.- Did you see these _ (海报) on the wall? -They are made by our art teacher and some students. 3. My sister works as a _ (服务员) in the hotel near th

5、e park. 5. -Must we find a good _ (解决办法) now? -No, we can do it tomorrow. 6. Teachers always want his students to speak to the old man_( 礼貌地 ). II. 根据汉语完成句子 1. 我点了一个汉堡, 但服务员却拿来了一个热狗。 I _ a _ but the waitress got me a hot dog. 2. 你了解丹尼尔吗? Do you _ _ Daniel? 我们举办一次美食节活动来为他建校筹款好吗?3. _ we_ a _ _ to money his school? 4. 我将认真考虑怎样组织这次美食节活动。 I wil


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