1、LABOR CONTRACT OF SHENZHENParty A (the Employer)Name:Party B (the Employee)Name:AddressSex:Legal Represe ntative:ID No.:Address:Con tact pers onTeleph one:Telepho ne:In accorda nee with the Labor Con tract Law of the People Republic of China (here in afterreferred to asthe Labor Con tract Law)and ot
2、her applicable laws and ngbasensvBthe principles of equality, free will, good faith, complianee with law and mutual negotiation, PartyA and Party B hereby en ter into this Con tract and agree to join tly abide by the terms and con diti ons contained here in.Article 1 Contract Term1.1 Both Parties ag
3、ree to determ ine the term of this Con tract byof the followi ng methods:1.1.1 Fixed term: fromto.1.1.2 Un fixed term: :。1.1.3 Completion of certain work as the term: from to completion of work. Thesta ndard on completi on of the work shall be.1.2 The probation period shall be none (the probation pe
4、riod shall be included in the term of this Con tract. In case of no probati on period, fill“ none ” in the bla nk).Article 2 Contents of WorkThe Party B shall act as (positi on or type of work) sales engin eer, who shall be resp on sible for sale of printing equipment of the plastic packing departme
5、nt of Party A and other work in China, and shall report to the releva nt resp on sible pers ons of Swiss Headquarters and Thaila nd Branch Compa ny.Article 3 Working Time3.1 Stan dard work ing time system shall be adopted for Party B, that is, Part B shall work 8 hours per day and 5 days per week, w
6、ithout additi onal remun erati on for overtime work.3.2 Any extension of work time as required by Party A 单roduction and operation shall be gover ned by Article 41 of the Labor Law.Article 4 Salary and Treatment4.1 Party A shall formulate the salary system according to law and notify Party B thereof
7、. The salary paid by Party A to Party B shall not be lower than the minimum salary issued by the local muni cipal gover nment in that year.4.2 The monthly salary of Party B shall be RMB 。4.3 Party A shall pay the salary to Party B on the 30th day of each mon th. Party A shall pay to Party B the sala
8、ry at least once in each month by means of curre ncy.4.4 The overtime salary, salary during vacation, leave and particular circumstances shall be gover ned by the releva nt laws and regulati ons, such as the Regulati ons of Shen zhe n Regard ing Payment of Employee s Salaries.4.5 Other provisi ons o
9、n salary as agreed by both Parties: within the valid term of this Con tract, performance bonus shall be determined based on the net sale price of equipment (i.e., the price after the freight and the expe nses for in stallati on and commissi oning are deducted). The con tracts for sale of spare parts
10、 and components and for installation shall not be included in the plan on performa nce bonus.Article 5 Labor Protection and Labor Conditions5.1 Party A shall, in accorda nce with the releva nt provisi ons on labor protect ion of the State, provide the labor and operati on places and n ecessary labor
11、 protective articles in con formity withthe health sta ndards of the State, so as to practicably en sure the safety and health of Party B in the product ion and work.5.2 Party B will be en gaged in the operati on of / that may cause the professi onal dan ger of / , so, Party A shall take the protect
12、ive measures of / and arrange Party B for medical check / time each year.5.3 Party B shall have the right to refuse to operate if Party A comma nds the operati on in violati on of rules and regulations or forces Party B to run risks in operation; Party B shall have the right to require Party A to re
13、ctify the acts of Party A endangering the safety of his life and health or report such case to the compete nt departme nts.Article 6 Social Insurance and Welfare6.1 Party A shall han dle the procedures for social in sura nce for Party B accord ing to law, and the payme nt of social in sura nce premi
14、um shall be gover ned by the laws, regulati ons and rules regard ing social in sura nce.6.2 If Party B is sick or suffers job-un related injury, Party A shall provide the medical treatme nt period and medical treatme nt in accorda nce with releva nt provisi ons of the State.6.3 If Party B con tracts
15、 an occupati onal disease, or suffers job-related injury or death, Party A shall han dle the case in accorda nce with the releva nt laws and regulati ons such as the Law on Prevention from and Treatment of Occupational Disease and the Regulations on Job-Related In sura nce.6.4 Party B shall be entit
16、led to legal holidays, annual vacation, marriage leave, maternity leave and fun eral leave, etc., accord ing to law.Article 7 Labor Discipline7.1 The rules and regulations formulated by Party A according to law shall be made public and notified to Party B.7.2 Party B shall con sciously abide by the
17、releva nt laws and regulati ons at the level of State, province and city and the rules and regulations formulated by Party A according to law, complywith the operation regulations in safety, be subject to the management of the Company, and complete his working tasks timely.7.3 Party B shall con scio
18、usly abide by the provisi ons on family pla n at the level of State, prov ince and city.Article 8 ChangeThis Con tract may be cha nged upon agreeme nt reached by both Parties through con sultatio n. Any cha nge of this Con tract shall be han dled in writi ng.Article 9 Revocation9.1 Prior to expirati
19、 on of this Con tract, any revocati on of this Con tract by both Parties or either party in adva nee shall comply with the releva nt provisi ons of the laws and regulati ons.9.2 If the con diti ons on payme nt of econo mic compe nsati on are met, Party A shall pay to Party B the econo mic compe nsat
20、io n accord ing to law.9.3 If this Con tract is revoked by both Parties, Party A shall provide a writte n certificate to Party B, and timely han dle the releva nt procedures for revocati on of this Con tract.Article 10 Termination10.1 Upon expirati on of this Con tract or satisfact ion of the con di
21、ti ons on term in ati on of this Con tract as agreed by both Parties, this Con tract shall be term in ated. In case of such term in ati on. Party A shall provide a writte n certificate to Party B, and timely han dle the releva nt procedures for termin atio n of this Con tract.10.2 If both Parties ag
22、ree to renew this Con tract upon expirati on of this Con tract, the releva nt procedures shall be han dled withi n 30 days prior to expirati on of this Con tract.Article 11 Liability for Breach of Contract11.1 Party A s liability for breach of con tract:11.2 Party B s liability for breach of con tra
23、ct:Article 12 Dispute ResolutionAny labor dispute betwee n both Parties shall be resolved through con sultati on, faili ng which, it may be submitted to the Labor Dispute Mediation Committee of the Company for mediation, or it may be submitted directly to the Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee for
24、arbitration. In case of no objection to the arbitration award, both Parties must perform the award; should there be any object ion to the award, either party may bring a lawsuit in the people s court.Article 13 Other Matters Required to be Agreed by both Parties:The in formati on on the clie nts and the bus in ess secrets of the Compa ny shall not be disclosed to any thi
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