1、图表描述第二讲1.3 饼状图1.3.1 一个饼例题1The pie chart below shows the average weekly expenditure per family in Britain (1996).最多三项,最少三项,分别占?,加起来占?。或者把饼块分类,分别介绍不同的饼块。It is not surprising that the most expensive (adj.) component is A, which accounts for m% of all x. B is the next largest expenditure (n.), n% lower
2、than A of all x and followed closely by C. The above three items of ? take up about o% of the x.By contrast, D, E and F make up the smallest percentage of total x, which are p%, q% and r%, respectively.1.3.2 两个饼基本思路是:每个饼块在两个饼中排名第?,占?%。但如果一个一个说,就会是流水帐。所以饼块要分类,分类的方法是:从左饼到右饼,上升的是一类,下降的是一类,保持不变的是一类。要写清楚
3、变化的含义。在每一段中,再具体描写每个饼块,突出这些饼块的特点。如果饼状图除了交代百分比以外,还有数量,请在首段描述完四要素以后,把两个饼的数量比较一下。例题1The pie charts below show the area and current population of the seven continents as a percentage of the total. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. The pie charts show the sev
4、en continents of the world and the percentage of the total land mass of the globe that they occupy together with the percentage of the worlds population they are home to. The densely populated continents are Asia and Europe, both having about twice the population that could be expected were the glob
5、al population evenly distributed over the global land mass. Asia is the largest continent in terms of both area (30%) and population (61%). Europe (with 7% of the area and 12% of the population) is the second smallest continent, yet has a population almost as high as that of Africa, a continent whic
6、h is three larger in area. Africa and the Americas are relatively sparsely populated continents. North America (16% of the area and 8% of the population) and South America (12% of the area and 5.5% of the population) have population equal to about half of what could be expected if the global populat
7、ion were evenly distributed, whilst Africas population is about a third lower than would be expected in such a situation (20% of the area and 13% of the population). The smallest continent, Oceania (with 6% o the area and 0.5% of the population), is very sparsely populated, whilst Antarctica has no
8、permanent population despite covering 9% of the global land mass. The chart clearly demonstrates that the people of the world are unevenly distributed across the continents. 例题2The pie charts show the amount of oil production and consumption measured in million barrels per day (MB/D) in seven region
9、s in the year 2001. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. The pie charts show the world divided into seven regions and the amount of oil produced and consumed in those regions in MB/D in 2001. In total, the amount of oil consumed exceeded that produced by 0
10、.8MB/D. The regions can be divided into two groupsone where production outpaces consumption and the other where the reverse is the case. The former groupthe net producers-consists of Africa, the Former Soviet Union, the Middle East, and Latin America. The Middle East is by far the largest producer (
11、22.2 MB/D), but its consumption is relatively low (4.3 MB/D) just a fifth of what it produces. Africa produces 7.8 MB/D, about three times what it consumes (2.5MB/D), the Former Soviet Union about 250% more, and Latin America about 150% more. The other groupthe net consumers consists of the Asia Pac
12、ific region, Europe, and the USA and Canada. The USA and Canada is the region which consumes the most oil (23.4 MB/D), though we can see that it is also the second largest producer region (14 MB/D). The Asia Pacific region is the second largest consumer (20.9 MB/D). Europe is the third largest consu
13、mer (16.1 MB/D) and the smallest producer (6.8 MB/D). From the information above, we can see that oil production and consumption are not even around the world. 1.3.3 练习题(同第一讲)1.4 柱状图把相同属性的柱子顶端连起来,如果其横坐标是数字轴或时间轴,那么按曲线图的方法描述;否则则按饼状图的方法描述。1.4.1 一个柱状图例题1The bar chart shows the sales figures and profits
14、of ABC Electronics in millions of US dollars over the period 1991 to 2000. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. From the bar chart, we can see the sales and profits of ABC Electronics from 1991 to 2000. The sales show a slight rise form 99 million USD to 1
15、12 million USD over the first 4 years. Profits, however, remain stable at 8-9 million USD per year. Then, in 1995, sales and profits jump to 135 million USD and 12 million USD respectively. Curiously, in 1996, sales drop by a million USD, but profits increase by 3 million USD. The following year, sa
16、les rise considerably, to 149 million USD, but profits increase only slightly, to 16 million USD. In 1998 and 1999, sales increase to 152 and 158 million USD, but profits actually fall noticeably to 11 million USD each year. The year 2000 sees profits drop slightly to 154 million, but profits rise a
17、 little to 12 million USD. Overall, we can see that sales show an upward trend. Profits, on the other hand, fluctuate until 1993, then increase until 1997, before droping sharply and remaining relatively stable. 例题2The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from wor
18、k in one European city, in 1950, 1970 and 1990.The bar chart indicates the percentage of travelers using different modes of transport among total travelers in one European city in 1950, 1970 and 1990. There were many significant changes in modes of transport used by city dwellers from 1950 to 1990.
19、The following paragraphs will identify and discuss the trends in the accompanying graph.A very noticeable trend was the steady decrease in transportation by bicycle and on foot. In 1950, more than 50% of people traveled to work on their own. However by 1990, less than 20% of travelers were cycling o
20、r walking to work.During the same period, there was a large increase in the use of automobiles. In 1950, very few people owned a car. By 1970, approximately one out of every four travelers drove to work. This proportion increased again, until 1990, when one in three travelers drove to work. The numb
21、er of people taking the bus increased from 1950 to 1970, and decreased from 1970 to 1990. From 1950 to 1970, buses grew in popularity. But by 1990, traveling by car had become so popular that all other means of transport were less frequently used.The figure also reveals the popularity of transportat
22、ion means from another perspective. In 1950, the foot was the most popular means while the car was the least. In 1970, the bus took the place of the foot, whereas the foot substituted the car. The car finally exceeded other means in 1990, when the bike became the least popular transportation means.
23、如何表示最高级?例题3The chart gives information about post-school qualifications in terms of the different levels of further education reached by men and women in Australia in 1999. We can see immediately that there were substantial differences in the proportion of men and women at different levels. The bigg
24、est gender difference is at the lowest post-school level, where 90% of those who held a skilled vocational diploma were men, compared with only 10% of women. By contrast, more women held undergraduate diplomas (70%) and marginally more women reached degree level (55%). At the higher levels of educat
25、ion, men with postgraduate diplomas clearly outnumbered their female counterparts (70% and 30%, respectively), and also constituted 60% of Maters graduates. Thus we can see that more men than women hold qualifications at the lower and higher levels of education, while more women reach undergraduate
26、diploma level than men. The gender difference is smallest at the level of Bachelors degree. 例题4 The chart below shows the number of men and women in further education in Britain in three periods and whether were studying full-time or part-time.Write a report for a university lecturer describing the
27、information shown below.This bar chart reveals the number of men and women enrolled in full-time or part-time further education in Britain during three periods.The figure indicates that males enrolling in full-time study overwhelmingly outnumbered males in part-time study. However, 1990/91 saw a muc
28、h smaller gap between full-time and part-time education than 1970/71 did. According to the data, the number of males participating in full-time education went up steadily from 100000 in 1970/71 to 200000 in 1990/91, while for part-time education, the number dropped dramatically from 900000 in 1970/7
29、1 to 650000 in 1990/91. Generally speaking, there was a slight decrease in the number of males participating in further education.As for women, the number of full-time education rose massively from 75000 in 1970/71 to 210000 in 1990/91. The number in part-time education shared the same tendency but
30、the absolute number was about 700000-100000 greater than that in full-time education.In conclusion, while 1970/71 witnessed more males in further education, 1990/91 saw more females. In addition, there were more males in full-time education and females in both types of further education in 1990/91 t
31、han 20 years before, whereas the number of males in part-time education declined from 1970/71-1990/ 两个柱状图例题5Write a description of the two charts below which describe the consumption habits of Chinese urban families in 2001.These charts reveal the diverse consumption habits of Chinese urban
32、families in 2001 by showing the percentage of some indicative appliances owned and proposed to be owned by those families, which have been categorized into three groups: those whose monthly income is less than 2000 RMB (Group I), those between 2000-3000RMB (Group II) and those over 3000 RMB (Group I
33、II).According to the data, the most popular appliances already owned were the electronic fan, the electronic iron, the hair drier and the microwave oven with an average ownership percentage of 90%, 75%, 70% and 65%, respectively, among three groups. At the other extreme, the DVD player and the sterilizing equipment were owned by the least families. In addition, the diversities between three groups were also reflected. The overall trend tended to indicate that the wealthier the
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