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1、同等学力申请硕士学位英语水平模拟试卷二 part ii: vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 for each) section a directions: in this section there are 10 senten _s, each with one word or phrase underlined. choose the one from the four choi _s _rked a, b, c and d that best keeps the meaning of the senten _. then _rk the corr

2、esponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your _chine-scoring answer sheet. 11. people buy insuran _ in order to substitute a s _ll, _rtain, tolerable loss for a large, un _rtain catastrophic one. a. dominate b. input c. exchange d. _nipulate 12. on the _p you can see clearly

3、the layout of the rooms in the constructing building. a. pattern b. design c. outlook d. arrangement 13. now all about the truth has been _nifest to all of us, and what do you still want to say? a. clear b. confusing c. obscure d. vague 14. generally speaking, in warm cli _tes hu _n beings _ture mor

4、e rapidly than in cold cli _te. a. ripen b. age c. grow d. bee 15. did it ever our to you that one day hu _n beings can probably live in another pla? a. arrive to b. take pla _ c. get to d. e to 16. other room _tes are all going to bed and you would be as well advised to do likewise. a. differently

5、b. similarly c. together d. altogether 17. nations all over the world are especially on guard against terrori _ rearing its ugly head again. a. raising b. lowering c. turning d. moving 18. the situation was getting worse, which brought about an anarchy in this city. a. chart b. disorder c. charity d

6、. turbine 19. his new job entails setting up a good sales record in co _etics in this city. a. responds b. tightens c. requires d. testifies 20. the only person who you can never let down is just yourself instead of anybody else. a. drop b. cheat c. lie d. disappoint section b directions: in this se

7、ction there are 10 inplete senten _s. for each senten _ there are four choi _s _rked a, b, c and d. choose the one that best pletes the senten _. then _rk the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your _chine-scoring answer sheet. 21. students of this school are not al

8、lowed to wear other clothes ex _pt the school _. a. dress b. clothes c. uniform d. shirt 22. we must _ that the telegram arrives in time and some one should be sent to meet us at the airport. a. ensure b. entitle c. secure d. insure 23. the doctor told the students that an _ disease was one that cou

9、ld be passed from one person to another. a. effective b. infectious c. equivalent d. inherent 24. it never _ _rtine that his best friends girlfriend would fall in love with him. a. came to b. got to c. ran into d. ourred to 25. on this website you are able to find _ published on all kinds of birds l

10、ife. a. objections b. obstacles c. observations d. oasions 26. there will be a test tomorrow morning. she is busy _ her geography notes for it. a. revising b. preparing c. writing d. collecting 27. little tom was very satisfied with his current part-time job, by which he could earn, _, two dollars p

11、er hour. a. more and more b. more or less c. no more than d. no less than 28. it is believed that _ _ is never created or destroyed, but is only transferred or transformed. a. will b. energy c. vigor d. power 29. the soil of this river valley is particularly _. it is suitable for us to grow any kind

12、 of crop. a. diverse b. mobile c. fertile d. natural 30. usually a per _ntage of your salary is _ by the employer as an insuran _ payment. a. kept off b. kept on c. kept up d. kept back part iii: reading prehension (45 minutes, 25 points, 1 for each) directions: there are five passages in this part.

13、 each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. for each of them there are four choi _s _rked a, b, c and d. choose the best answer and _rk the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your _chine-scoring answer sheet. passage one choosing a travel p

14、anion is at least as un _rtain as choosing _rriage partner. the chan _s of suess are perhaps even less. the initial stages of both journeys are filled with enthusia _s, indulgen _s, and a fairly consistent closing of the eyes to that which _y later bee, if not unaeptable, at the very least unpalatab

15、le. no law of casualty exists to insist that in choosing a travel panion you will lose a friend. but its not unlikely. the odds depend on the length and the rigorousness of the trip. some friendships have strength that will withstand even travel; others, based on happenstan _, are by nature short-li

16、ved and travel merely hastens their dissolution. perhaps i should _ke it clear that in discussing this _tter of travel panions i am confining myself to platonio friendships. inti _te friends _y well be the best panions of all, but entirely different rules of travel prevail. promises and con _ssions,

17、 de _nds and entreaties to and from such panions clearly stem from a recognized emotional base that colors every issue. ill confine myself, then, to panions, _le and fe _le, who are sharing a trip solely for pany. why bother at all with a travel panion? why not travel alone, in single blessedness, u

18、nencumbered and swiftly pursuing ones goal? some of the answers are obvious: a congenial fellow traveler eases the stress and tensions, adds to the delights and rewards and pays half the bills. if the threat of loneliness is frightening, even a grumpy panion will fore _ that, and quite often bring y

19、ou to the point where you devoutly wish you were alone. finding that suitable panion is something of an art and something of a gamble. but the choi _ should be determined by one cardinal rule: both travelers should be going on the trip with the same idea in mind. they should hold in mon a theory of

20、travel. 31. aording to the author, pared with choosing a _rriage partner, choosing a travel panion is _. a. just as difficult as it b. is possibly easier than it c. is perhaps less _rtain than it d. is perhaps less un _rtain than it 32. travel will give us a chan _ to _. a. bee strong and vigorous b

21、. testify our friendship c. see who is our enemy d. lose a friend 33. the travel panion the author refers to is _. a. anybody you meet b. a spiritual friend c. an inti _te friendd. anybody who shares a trip simply for partnership 34. the author thinks that _. a. unlike inti _te friends, travel panio

22、n neednt _ke _ny promises and con _ssions b. travel panions will add to the delights and pays half the bills c. it is possible to fore _ whether two people will get along on the trip d. the advantages of choosing a travel panion are at least as great as those of traveling alone 35. we can infer from

23、 the passage that _. a. a friend in need is a friend indeed b. opposite types of people attract each other c. like-minded people can _ke good travel panions d. even inti _te friends have arguments passage two coincident with con _rns about the aeleration loss of species and habitats has been a growi

24、ng appreciation of the importan _ of biological diversity, the number of species in a particular ecosystem, to the health of the earth and hu _n well-being. much has been written about the diversity of terrestrial organi _s, particularly the ex _ptionally rich life associated with tropical rainfores

25、t habitats. relatively little has been said, however, about diversity of life in the sea even though coral reef systems are parable to rain forests in terms of richness of life. an alien exploring earth would probably give priority to the plas dominant, most distinctive featurethe o _an. hu _ns have

26、 a bias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly examining global issues. seen from far away, it is easy to realize that land _sses oupy only one-third of the earths su _ _. given that two-thirds of the earth su _ _ is water and that _rine life lives at all levels of the o _an, the total

27、three-dimensional living spa _ of the o _an is perhaps 100 times greater than that of land and contains more than 90 per _nt of all life on earth even though the o _an has fewer distinct species. the fact that half of the known species are thought to inhabit the worlds rain forest does not seem surp

28、rising, considering the huge numbers of insects that prise the bulk of the species. one scientist found _ny different species of ants in just one tree from a rain forest. while every species is different from every other species, their geic _keup constrains them to be insects and to share similar ch

29、aracteristics with 750,000 species of insects. if basic, broad categories such as phyla and classes are given more emphasis than differentiating between species, then the greatest diversity of life is unquestionably the sea. nearly every _jor type of plant and ani _l has some representation there. t

30、o appreciate fully the diversity and abundan _ of life in the sea, it helps to think s _ll. every spoonful of o _an water contains life, on the order of 100 to 100,000 bacterial _lls plus assorted microscopic plants and ani _ls, including larvae of organi _s ranging from sponges and corals to starfi

31、sh and clams and much more. 36. what is the _in point of the passage? a. hu _ns are destroying thousands of species. b. there are thousands of insect species. c. the sea is even richer in life than the rain forests. d. coral reefs are similar to rain forests. 37. why does the author pare rain forest

32、s and coral reefs in paragraph 1? a. they are approxi _tely the same size. b. they share _ny similar species. c. most of their inhabitants require water. d. both have _ny different forms of life. 38. the passage suggests that most rain forest species are _. a. insects b. bacteria c. _m _ls d. birds

33、39. the word “assorted” at the end of the passage probably means _. a. mixed b. numerous c. interesting d. aumulated 40. which of the following conclusions is supported by the passage? a. o _an life is highly adaptive. b. more attention needs to be paid to preserving o _an species and habitats. c. o

34、 _an life is pri _rily posed of plants. d. the sea is highly resistant to the da _ge done by pollutants. 41. aording to the passage, the inspectors always visit schools _. a. for the same number of days b. if a brief inspection suggests something is wrong c. if parents have plained about them d. if

35、they hear that the school is doing very well 42. when the teachers at a school are unsatisfactory _. a. the school can prevent the inspectors from seeing them b. the inspectors _ke critical ments c. the inspectors send a report to the head _ster d. the inspectors have power to get rid of them 43. th

36、e _in reason why inspectors study teachers qualifications is that _. a. _ny teachers are not officially qualified b. some teachers refuse to teach unpopular subjects c. some teachers are not being employed appropriately d. head _sters often neglect _rtain subjects 44. inspectors remendations on scho

37、ols _. a. are immediately municated in general terms b. are kept secret from the schools con _rned until they are _de public c. frequently e as a shook to head _sters d. take so long to appear that they are not very useful 45. if you were a teacher in a secondary school in britain, you would have be

38、en less likely to re _ive a visit from an inspector last year than if you worked in _. a. a pri _ry school b. a special school c. an independent school d. a further education college passage four international o _an shipping constitutes a highly significant aspect of world economic and political rel

39、ationships. the rapid growth in world trade and the emergen _ of new national entities in the last 30 years have further emphasized the role of international shipping. because of the generally free enviro _ent in which it has operated, the industry is highly mobile and flexiblecharacteristics that,

40、together with technological progress, have facilitated the rapid growth in world trade in re _nt years, however, there have been several technological and institutional developments that are likely to have _jor efforts on the industry. one of the latter is the aggregation of conventions and practi _

41、s known as the law of the sea, which has been discussed in the united nations conferen _ on the law of the sea sin _ 1958. the third unclos began in 1974 and concluded when a treaty was issued on april 30, 1982. the treaty will enter in for _ when 60 nations have ratified it. how soon that will happ

42、en is, of course, not possible to say. what can be said is that a new legal structure governing the o _ans appears to be evolving, with traditional principles giving way to new con _pts. sin _ the enviro _ent in which an industry operates determines its structure and mode of operations, internationa

43、l shipping has been molded by the conventional principles governing the use of the o _ans as highways and will be affected by shifts in the international cli _te and changes in the law of sea. o _an shipping, as we know it today, has developed under the con _pts of “ _ of the seas” and limited terri

44、torial waters with the rights of “inno _nt passage.” clearly, a new law of the sea derived from a reinterpretation of these con _pts will significantly change the atmosphere in which the shipping industry operates and, aordingly, dictate revised policies and practi _s for both industry and public au

45、thorities. mini _lly, ship operations must consider changes in the definitions of what constitutes the high seas. they must consider the corresponding changes in the jurisdiction of shipping lanes and coastal and open waters; plian _ with rules for enviro _ental protection; and vessel traffic contro

46、ls in some areas. 46. aording to the author, international o _an shipping _. a. has benefited a lot from international cultural munication b. is under strict national and international control c. has strict and stable rules d. is playing a _jor role in the growth of world trade 47. conferen _ on the

47、 law of the sea is hosted by _. a. the united nations b. the world bank c. the european mittee d. the world trade organization 48. the 1982 treaty on law of sea will enter into for _ _. a. on april 30, 1982 b. in no time c. after a _rtain number of countries have joined in it d. when it has been aep

48、ted by most countries in the world 49. the author believes that _. a. the conventional principles emphasis the cli _te of the o _ans b. the conventional principles determine the structure of international shipping in the future c. the conv entional principles will be repla _d by the new ones d. the

49、conventional principles are out of date now 50. the most proper title for this passage is _. a. the changing industry of international shipping b. the new law of the sea c. international shipping in thirty years d. new principles governing international shipping passage five entrepreneurs are everyb

50、odys darlings these days. they _y be s _ll, but they are innovative. and innovation, we are assured, is the _in engine of economic growth. for policy _kers everywhere, the task is to get the little critters to nest and breed. give them the conditions they likeplenty of venture capital, tax breaks an

51、d a risk-taking cultureand the sun will shine on all of us, just like in california. along es a _r bhide to _ us most of this is plain wrong. entrepreneurs, he asserts, are not risk-takers at all. nor do most of them innovate, or depend on venture capital. his findings are striking enough. start wit

52、h his assertion that entrepreneurs are not innovators or risk-takers. the vast _jority of new businesses, he points out, start s _ll and stay that way. these are the hairdressing salons, corner shops and landscape gardeners. those are _ture, predictable industries. for just that reason, they are the

53、 least profitable. the suess stories e in areas of high un _rtainty: where _rkets are changing fast because of technology, regulation or fashion. a very large proportion, unsurprisingly, are in puting. but mr bhide insists they are rarely innovative. the people who start high-growth businesses take a humdrum idea, usually from someone else, then change it constantly to fit the _rket. the starting point is much less important than what happens next. nor are they risk-takers. these are typically young people, with no money, expertise or status. they have nothing to lose. risk arrive


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