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1、中英文技术合同范本在签订合作合同的时候,我们应该怎么样拟定英文版本的呢?以下是精心准备的中英文技术合同范本,大家可以参考以下内容哦!技术服务合同中英对照项目名称:基于脂质分子的思普定30纳米颗粒制剂project001-609-558-7055Tel:本合同甲方委托乙方就基于脂质分签订时签订地点:苏州晶奇生物纳米技术有限公司有限公司Sig ningn ame Lip id-based nanop article formulati on of SIP30间:2019-12-25 Signing time : 25/12/2019 locati on : Jin gQi bio-nano tec

2、h no logy .,LTD委托方(甲方):苏州晶奇生物纳米技术有限公司有限公司con sig nor : Jin gQi bio-nano tech no logy .,LTD电话:+86 0512 86860521 Tel : +86 0512 86860521通讯地址:苏州星湖街218号生物纳米园A2-327Adress : Room327,BldA2, NO.218Xinghu Road, BIOBAY,Suzhou,PRC 传真:+86 Fax: +86 托方(乙方):美国引药明创药业科技有限公司Con sig nee:I

3、nnovform Therapeutics, LLC通讯地址:116 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015 USAAdress : 116 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015 USA. 电话:子的思普定30纳米颗粒制剂项目进行专项技术服务,并支付相应的技术服务报酬。双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据中华人民共和国合同法的规定,达成如下协议,并由双方共同恪守。JingQibio-nano tech no logy.,LTDen trustsRutgersUn iversityto do exp erim

4、e ntof Lipi d-basednanop article formulatio n of SI P30 and pay Tech ni cal service remun erati on.Two p arts agree as follows accord ing to the pro visi ons of the con tract law of the Peoples Rep ublic of China , on thebasis of fully exp ress their will.第一条甲方委托乙方进行技术服务的内容如下The content of the tech

5、ni cal service技术服务的内容:基于脂质分子的思普定 30纳米颗粒制剂实验Content: exp erime nt of Lip id-based nanop article formulati on ofSIP30第二条乙方应按下列要求完成技术服务工作comp lete tech ni cal services as required1.技术服务地点:美国引药明创药业科技有限公司Locationof technical service: Innovform Therapeutics,LLC 2. 技术服:8 mon ths务期限:8个月Tech ni cal service p

6、 eriod第三条 为保证乙方有效进行技术服务工作,甲方应当向乙方提供下列工作条件和协作事JINGQI should offer some work ing con diti ons to assure RU could comp lete the job p erfectly1.提供技术资料;P rovide tech ni cal in formatio n 2.提供工作条件;Pro vidework con diti on第四条 甲方向乙方支付技术服务报酬及支付方式为pay forThe way that Jin gQi bio-nano tech no logy.,LTDtech ni

7、 cal services to RU技术术服务费由甲方(一次或分期)支付乙方。JingQibio-nano tech no logy pay for it in a time a)支付乙方$50000美元用于启动项目Innovform will receive $50000 to in itiate the p roject b)进入临床研究,支付乙方$100000$100000 upon first dos ing of each of the p roducts in acli nical trial c)新药获得CFDA比件,支付乙方$201900$201900 upon in sur

8、a nee of the new drug certificate from china food and drug乙方开户银行名称、地址和账号为:Ba nk name, Ba nk Address and account: 开户银行 Bank name: Wachovia Bank, NA地址 Bank Address : 1525 West W.T. Harris BLVD., Charlotte,NC 28288-1151帐号 account : 2020800009690第五条 本合同一式 2 ,具有同等法律效力。Thiscon tract is in 2 cop ies,which

9、own equal force of law.第六条 本合同经双方签字盖章后生效。This con tract shall becomeeffective upon the sig nature and seal of both p arties苏州晶奇生物纳米技术有限公司有限公司 Jin gQibio-nano tech no logy.,LTD By :(Sig nature) 姓名:邵瑞杰 Name Ruijie Shao 职务:CEOTitle :CEO 日期:Date:罗格斯大学Rutgers, The StateUniversityof New Jersey By :签名(Sig

10、nature)姓名:Michael L. Chikindas 教授 Name : Michael L.Chikindas ,Ph.D. 日期:2019-11-01 Date :中国德国专利技术合同范本Con tract No.:Date of Sign ature:P lace of Sig nature:This Con tract is made and en tered into through frie ndlyn egotiatio nby and betwee n Chinaas one party,(here in afterreferred to as“ Clie nt ” )

11、,and(here in afterreferred to as“Consultant ” ), as the other party, concerning the technicalcon sulta ncy service of,un der the followi ng termsand con diti ons:Article 1 Contents of Tech ni cal Con sulta ncy Service1.1 Whereas Clientdesires toobta inthe tech nicalconsultancy service from Consultan

12、t andConsultant has agreedto p erform such services.1.2The Scope of Technical Servicesis defined inAppen dix1.1.3The Time Schedule for the Services is shown inAppen dix2.within1.4 The Manning Schedule is described in Appen dix 3.1.5 Con sulta ntshall compi ete the Servicesmon ths from the Effective

13、Date of this Con tract andfurnish the final technical service report, includingdrawings, designing documents, all kinds of standards and photos, withinmon ths. Con sulta nt shall kee p aware, free of charge,Clie nt of the latest devel opment of similar p rojects and any p rogress madei n order to im

14、p rove the desig ning of the project.Article 2 Both P arties Res pon sibility and Liability2.1 Client shall furnish to Consultant the pertinent data,tech ni cal service rep orts, maps and in formatio n available tohim and shall giveCon sulta ntthe reas on ableassista nee n ecessary for carry ing out

15、 of his duties. P articularly Clie ntshall nomin ate a gen eral rep rese ntativewhoshall be available at reas on able time.2.2 Clie nt shall assist Con sulta nt with the respon sibleauthorities for obtainingvisas, work permits,and other docume nts required by Con sulta nt to en ter the country and t

16、ohave access to the Site of the Project.The above expenses shall be borne by Con sulta nt.2.3 Consultantshall furnish a sufficientnumber of comp ete nt personnel to p erform its obligati on here un der, i nadditionto those personnel specificallylisted in Appendix 3.andAll personnel empio yed by Con

17、sulta nt in carry ing out the workshall be exclusivelyCon sulta ntsrespon sibility,Con sulta nt shall hold Clie nt harmless from any claims of anykind by Consultantspersonnel arisingout of any acts byCon sulta nt or its personnel in conn ecti onwith the work p erformed here un der.2.4Con sulta nt sh

18、all pro vide Clie nt with all the tech nical service rep orts and releva nt docume ntati on within the Scope ofTechnicalServices and within the Time Schedule for thes personnel in hisServices.2.5 Con sulta nt shall assist Clie nt country in obtaining visas and in arranging lodgings. Hotel and board

19、ing expen ses shall be borne by Clie nt. Con sulta nt shall supply Client s personnel with office space and necessary facilities as well as transp ortati on.2.6 Consultant shall be responsible for and shall indemnifyClient and his empioyee in respect of injury to person or damageto property occurri

20、ng in conn ecti on with the services, to theextent that such damage orinjury directlyresults fromn eglige neeof Con sulta ntspersonnelwhileen gaged inactivitiesun der this Con tract.Con sulta ntshallbe liable onlyto the work un der this Con tract.2.7 Any and all liability of Consultantwithrespect to

21、 thisPrice receivedCon tract shall be limited to the Total Con tract by Con sulta nt for his pro fessi on services and shall term in ate upon expiration of the warranty period set forth in Article 7.3.Article 3 P rice and P ayme nt3.1The totalcon tractp rice is(sayonly) in(curren cy). The breakdow n

22、p rices of the above men ti oned totalcon tractp rice are as follows:ininininCon tract P rice for Item 1:(curre ncy);Con tract P rice for Item 2:(curre ncy);Con tract P rice for Item 3:(curre ncy);Con tract P rice for Item 4:(curre ncy).(say(say(say(say3.2 The total con tractp rice shalland tech no

23、logy pro vided by Con sulta nt.shall be firm and fixed and shallonly)only)only)only)include all the serviceThe total con tract p ricenot fluctuate with anyin flati on. The total con tract p rice shall in clude all chargesand expenses incurredby Consultantin performing hisobligations both in his ownc

24、ountry and in the Peoples Republicof China and in cludes the expen ses in curred in sending theTechnical Documentation to Clientsoffice by allkinds offorms.In the eve nt of Force Majeure as defi ned in the Con tract,the total con tract p rice shall be readjusted through frien dlynegotiations between

25、 theparties.If Client requiresservicesnot contemp lated in the Scope of Services, the p arties shallfrien dlydiscuss an ame ndme ntto the totalcon tractp rice. Anysuch amendment shall be in writingcountersignedby both p arties. This docume nt shall the n form in tegral part of theCon tract.In3.3 All

26、 p ayme nts to be made by Clie nt to Con sulta nt underthe pr ese nt Con tract shall be madeby telegra phictran sfer.case of any p ayme nt by Clie nt, the p ayme nt shall be effectedthroughin Chi na tofor the acco unt ofCon sulta nt.In con sideratio n for the services pro vided by Con sulta nt here

27、un der, Clie nt shall effect the p ayme nt to Con sulta nt inaccorda nee with the follow ing manner and p erce ntage:3.3.1perce nt (%) of the total con tractp rice, i.e.(Say:onl y), shall be p aidby Clie nt to Con sulta nt with in)days after theclient has received the followingdocuments providedbyCo

28、n sulta nt and found them in order.A. One (1) originaland two(2) dup licatecopiesofConsultants government approval, ora written statement oftheagency of Consultantscomp ete nt authorities or releva nt country certify ing that such docume nt is not required;B. One (1) originaland one (1) duplicatecop

29、y ofIrrevocable Letter of Guara ntee for adva nee p ayme nt issued byCon sulta ntsBankinfavorofClie ntcoveri ng(Say:onl y), sp ecime n of which is asper Appen dix 4;C. Five (5) copies of pro foma inv oice coveri ng the totalcon tract p rice;D. Five (5) copies of manu ally sig ned commercial inv oice

30、in dicati ng the amount to be p aid;E. Two (2) cop ies of sight draft.The said shall be delivered by Con sulta nt not later tha ndays after the effective date of thep rese ntCon tract.332p erce nt (%) of the Con tract p rice forItem 1, i.e.(Say:only) shall be p aid byClie nt to Con sulta nt with in(

31、_) days after Clie nt hasreceived the follow ing docume nts pro vided by Con sulta nt and found them in order.A. Ten (10) cop ies of tech ni cal service report on Item 1;B. Five (5) cop ies of manu ally sig ned commercial inv oice in dicati ng the amount to be p aid;3.3.3C. Two (2) copies of sight d

32、raft.p erce nt (%) of the Con tract p rice forItem 2, i.e.(Say:only) shall be paid)days after Clientby Clie nt to Con sulta nt with inhas received the followingdocuments provided by Consultant and found them in order.A. Ten (10) cop ies of tech ni cal service report on Item 2;B. Five (5) cop ies of

33、manu ally sig ned commercial inv oice in dicati ng the amount to be p aid;334C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.p erce nt (%) of the Con tract p rice forItem 3, i.e.(Say:only) shall be p aid byClie nt to Con sulta nt with in(_) days after Clie nt hasreceived the follow ing docume nts pro vided by Con

34、sulta nt and found them in order.A. Ten (10) cop ies of tech ni cal service report on Item 3;B. Five (5) cop ies of manu ally sig ned commercial inv oice in dicati ng the amount to be p aid;3.3.5C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.p erce nt (%) of the Con tract p rice forItem 4, i.e.(Say:only) shall be

35、 p aid byClie nt to Con sulta nt with in(_) days after Clie nt hasreceived the follow ing docume nts pro vided by Con sulta nt and found them in order.A. Ten (10) cop ies of tech ni cal service report on Item 4;B. Five (5) cop ies of manu ally sig ned commercial inv oice in dicati ng the amount to b

36、e p aid;336C. Two (2) copies of sight draft.p erce nt (%) of the Total Con tract p rice,i.e.(Say:only) shall be p aid by Clie ntto Consultant within(_) days after Client has receivedthe follow ing docume nts pro vided by Con sulta nt and found them in order.A. Five (5) cop ies of manu ally sig ned c

37、ommercial inv oice in dicati ng the amount to be p aid;B. Two (2) cop ies of sight draft.3.4 In case Con sulta nt is liable for paying to Clie nt the pen alty un der the Con tract, Clie nt shall have the right to deduct it from any said p ayme nt.3.5 The banking charges of both p arties in curred in

38、 China for the executio n of the Con tract shall be borne by Clie nt and those in curred outside China shall be borne by Con sulta nt.Article 4 Delivery Schedule4.1 The deadli ne for the arrival of the Tech ni cal servicerep orts CIFis:mon thsA. Tech ni cal service report on Item 1: after effective

39、ness of the Con tract;B. Tech ni cal service report on Item 2:mon thsafter effective ness of the Con tract;C. Tech nical service rep ort on Item 3:mon thsafter effective ness of the Con tract; andD.Technical service report on Item 4:mon thsaftereffective ness of the Con tract.4.2 Consultant shall in

40、form Client by fax when theTech nical service rep orts are airmailed to Clie nt in dicat ingthe date and nu mber of airway bill. Clie nt shallin formConsultantwhen the Technicalservice reports have beenreceived.4.3 Should any docume nt be miss ing or damaged duri ng thetransp ort,Con sulta nt shall

41、be no tifiedaccord in glyand withintwo (2) weeks the miss ing or damageddocume nt shall be rep lacedby Con sulta nt free of charge.Article 5 Con fide ntiality5.1 All data assembled, devel op ed, comp iled, rep roduced,studied, and prepared in connectionwith thework donehereunder and furnished to Con

42、sultantby Clientshall becon sidered con fide ntialand shall not be divulged toany person,firm or corpo rati onother tha n Clie ntor itsdesig natedrepr ese ntatives.This Clause shall rema in binding onCon sulta nt no twithsta ndingthe term in ati on of the Con tract for any reas on.5.2 Withi n the va

43、lidity p eriod of Con tract, both p arties shall take proper measures to keep the materials or information strictly con fide ntial. The other party shall not disclose or divulge to any third party without prior written consent of one party.5.3 Either party shall be obliged to kee p con fide ntial an

44、y secret in formatio n of the other p arty, which either party and its personnel may obta in or be accessible to in the course of the p erforma nee of Con tract. Either party shall not make use of or disclose such secret information obtained from the other party without p rior writte n p ermissi on

45、issued by the other party.Article 6 Taxes and Duties6.1 All taxes and duties in conn ecti on with and in the executi on of Con tract levied by the Chin ese gover nment onClie nt in accorda nee with the tax laws of PRC shall be borne by Clie nt.6.2 All taxes and duties levied by the Chin ese gover nm

46、enton Consultant, in connection with and in the executionofCon tract,accord ing to Chin ese tax laws and the agreeme nt between the government of PRCand the government of Consultantscountry for the reciprocalavoidanee of double taxation and the p reve nti on of fiscal evasi on with resp ect to taxes

47、 on in come shall be borne by Con sulta nt.Clie nt is legally obliged to withhold, as a withholdi ng age nt, the amount of taxes pro rata each taxable p ayme nt underCon tract and pay them to the releva nt Chin ese tax authorities.After receivi ng the tax recei pts issued by the releva nt Chin ese t

48、ax authorities for the aforesaid withholdi ng taxes, Clie nt shall forward them to Con sulta nt without un due delay.6.3 All taxes and duties arisingoutside PRCin connectionwith and in the executio n of Con tractshall be borne byCon sulta nt.Article 7 Warra nty7.1 Con sulta nt warra nts that he has

49、the exp erie nee andcap abilityto efficie ntly and exp editiouslyp erformthe services in a satisfactory manner and that the services p erformed by him un der this Con tract shall be p erformed by comp ete nt personnel in accorda nee with acce pted sta ndards.7.2 In the eve nt of a failure of Con sul

50、ta nt to pro videClie nt with satisfactory services with in the scope of work described in Appen dix 1 at any time for any reas on withi n thecontrol of the Consultant,Client maynotifyConsultant of suchdissatisfaction.Consultant shall be afforded a period ofdays to correct or remedy the matter. Shou

51、ld Consultantwithinthe time afforded by Client fail to correct or remedy thematterto the satisfacti onof Clie nt,all charges shallceaseforthwith un til such time as Con sulta nt is able to pro videsatisfactory services in accorda nee with the Scope of workdescribed in Appen dix 1.7.3 The Con sulta n

52、ts guarantee liability shall expiremon ths after its con sulta ncy service is fin allyinsp ectedand acce pted by Clie nt, or after final p ayme nt is made.Article 8 Own ershi p of Tech ni cal Service Repo rts8.1 Final vers ion of the tech ni cal service reportsubmittedto Clie ntand allreleva ntdata

53、such as maps,plans andsupportingmaterialcomp iled in p erform ingtheScope ofServices, shall be the property of Client. Such materials shallbe sorted and in dexed by Con sulta nt p rior to tra nsmissi on toClie nt.8.2Consultant shall be permitted to retain copies thereof,pro vided however that such m

54、aterials, in clud ing the materialfurni shed by Clie nt as stated in Article 5 of this Con tract,shall not be used by Con sulta nt for purpo ses not related withthis P roject without the p rior writte n appro val of Clie nt.Article 9 Assig nment9.1 Neither Clie nt nor Con sulta nt shall assig n or s

55、ublettheir rights or obligationshereunder without the prior writtenconsent of the other party.Article 10 Termin ati on10.1 If, due to the responsibilityof Consultant,thetech ni cal service rep orts have not bee n delivered at datesaccord ing to the delivery schedules as st ipu lated in Article4 of the Con tract, Con sulta nt shall be oblige


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