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1、小学英语五年级第一学期模拟试题1找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。6% ( )1、A. tasty B. sour C. thin D. salty ( )2、A. bedroom B. closet C. kitchen D. bathroom ( )3、A.village B. tree C. flower D. glass ( )4、A. in B. old C. on D. under ( )5、A. curtain B. trash bin C.fresh D. mirror ( )6、A. fish B. tofu C.tomato D.road2选出正确

2、的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。(6%)。( )1.Whos your English teacher? A.Hes tall and strong( )2.Whats he like ? B. Mr Carter( )3.What do we have on Monday ? C. I often do homework( )4.What do you do on Sunday? D.We have Chinese and English ( )5.What do you have for lunch? E. I like apple . They are sweet .( )6.What

3、s your favourite food? F. We have tofu and fish .3读句子,选择最适合的答句。 (10)(1) ( ) What can you do? A. I can make the bed. B. Yes, I can .(2) ( ) Whats he like? A. She is strict but kind. B. He is strong.(3) ( ) Is she young?A. Shes our principal. B. No, shes old.(4) ( ) What do you have on Tuesdays? A. It

4、s Tuesday. B. We have computer, P.E. and math.(5) ( ) Whats your favourite fruit? A. I like mutton very much. B. Grapes. It is very tasty.(6) ( ) What would you like for lunch today? A. Id like some beef and two eggs, please B. I like onions and pork.(7) ( ) What day is it today? A. Thursday B. Birt

5、hday(8) ( ) What do you do on Sundays? A. I have math, English and Chinese. B. I watch TV and read books.(9) ( ) Whos that young lady?A. Shes tall and thin. B. Shes our principal.(10) ( ) Are there any tall buildings in the village? A. No, there arent . B. No, there isnt.4排词成句。(10%)cant no I例:cant n

6、o I No, I cant. mirror is where the big1 ?tall pretty is Miss white and 2 .In there a forest the is park 3 .We Tuesdays English on have 4 .helpful home at Im5 .5看一看,写一写。(8%)1There is an near my bed.2. My favourite day is .3. There are some grass under the .4. I like very much.6阅读短文,判断下列语句的正误。(10%)He

7、llo! My name is Tom. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef, eggplant and tofu. Im very helpful. I can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers. Today is Saturday. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you do on weekends? My home is near a river

8、, there are some mountains behind my house. There is a road in front of my house, you can see two bridges over it .Welcome to my home .( ) 1. Tom likes beef ,eggplant and tofu.( ) 2. Tom can sweep the floor.( ) 3. Tom often water the flowers on Saturdays.( ) 4. There are some mountains in front of T

9、oms house.( ) 5. There are two bridges over the river.7、看一看,读一读,写一写。把名字和对应的人物连线。(10分)1. Jill is playing _ with his sister.2. Mike is _ TV.3. Maria is painting a _.4. Lisa is _ her face in the bathroom.5. _ is _.Jill Maria Bob Lisa Mike8、选择合适的答案,将其序号填在括号里。(5分)( ) 1. They are going _ a field trip. A.

10、toB. onC. in( ) 2. Is your aunt counting insects? _. A. No, she isntB. Yes, he isC. Shes counting insects.( ) 3. Mike is _. A. does an experiment B. doing experiment C. doing an experiment( ) 4. _? Theyre climbing trees. A. What is it doing B. Are they climbing trees C. What are the pandas doing( )

11、5. Who has a birthday in October? _. A. There are three birthdays B. Grandpa C. Its in October9、读短文,填表。(10分)Hello, My name is Nick, my best friend Mary is a girl. Shes twelve years old. But Im eleven. Im younger. My birthday is in September. Which month is her birthday in? Oh, the Womens Day is in i

12、t. We all like winter. We can make a snowman. We all like snow. And we all like school. She likes science best, but my favourite class is art.Look, thats her. Shes swimming in the pool.My friend Name: - Birthday: in - Favourite season: - Favourite class: - What is she doing: -10、在B栏中给A栏找答语,将其序号填在括号里

13、。(5分) A B( ) 1. Whats the date? a. I can pick apples.( ) 2. When is her birthday? b. Wednesday.( ) 3. Why do you like fall? c. Winter.( ) 4. Which season do you like best? d. Iune 9th.( ) 5. What day is it today? e. In February.11、看图,判断对(T)错(F)。(10分)JillAnnLilyMomDad1. The family are having a field

14、trip in the woods. ( )2. Jill is on a house. ( )3. Lily and Ann are playing a ball game. ( )4. Dad is sleeping. ( )5. There are four birds in the tree. ( )12、选词填空。(5分)survey taking together broken bamboo1. The little panda is eating the _.2. Im _ a picture of an ant.3. This is Jack from Daily Report

15、. Im doing a _.4. My computer is _.5. These boys are playing _.13、用动词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. She _ purple. ( like )2. My grandma is _ the dinner in the kitchen. ( cook )3. We often _ to school at eight. ( go )4. Theyre _ dinner. ( have )5. The bear can _ a long time. ( sleep )14、读一读,写一写。(5分)I have a good fr

16、iend. _ is a boy. _ name is Pit. Pit is ten _ old. Pits birthday is _ November 5th . Pits favourite _ is spring. 15 找出不同类的词。(6分)()1.A.thinB.fishC.fun()2.A.whoB.heC.she()3.A.CanadaB.FridayC.Thursday()4.A.freshB.bananaC.grape()5.A.watchB.playC.read()6.A.youngB.tallC.how16 填所缺的词。(12分)1._dayis_?Its_(星期一

17、)2._doyou_onFriday?We_artandmusic.3.What_youlike_dinner?4.Whatshe_?Hesshort.5._hesmart?_heis.6.Shesstrict,_shesverykind.17。连词成句。(10分)1.do,Saturday,I,on,sports.(.)2.it,is,day,today,what,(?)3.favourite,what,your,is,colour,(?)4.your,like,what,brother,is,(?)5.is,tall,he,strong,and(.)18,按要求写句子(10分)1. She

18、skindandsmart.(改为一般疑问句)2. Ilikemutton.(改为否定句)3.Theyresour.(改为一般的疑问句)4.IsyourEnglishteacherfunny?(按实际情况回答)5.Areyouastudent?(按实际情况回答)19 选择(10分)()1.Theporkis_salty.A.toB.twoC.too()2.Whatdoyouhave_breakfast?A.ofB.toC.for()3.Ourprincipalisold,_helooksyoung.A.andB.butC.for()4.Davidis_Canada.A.forB.fromC.o

19、f()5.Who_they?A.isB.areC.am()6.Whatsshe_?Shesthin.A.lookB.doC.like()7.Itsraining.Ihave_stayathome.A.toB.tooC.for()8.Do_havenewteachers?A.youB.yourC.yours()9.Wehave_artteacher.A.aB.theC.an()10.Myfatheriskind_strict.A.areB.andC.to20 连线(16分)haveto教师节mutton猪肉pork 不得不heathy羊肉science 健康的TeachersDay 科学21 阅


21、hin.()3.Shesayoungteacher.()4.Shesverykind.()5.Sheslikesfish,grapesandwatermelons.()6.SheoftenreadsbooksandwatchesTVontheweekend.22、Look, read and write.看一看、读一读、填一填。1. Jack is very s . 2. My uncle is very y and f . 3. What do you do on Saturdays?I often , and .23、Read and write.读一读,写出所写缩写形式的完全形式。1、W

22、hat day is it today? Its _. (Mon.) Tomorrow is _. (Tue.)2、What do you have on _s? (Fri.)3、John likes _s (Wed.)and _s (Sun.).24、Make sentences.连词成句1quiet she is ?_2active very she is ._3. very kind but is she . 4. what is today day it ?_5. is it Thursday ._6. have on Thursdays what you do ? _7. Engli

23、sh on Thursdays we have ._25、Read and choose.选择填空,在题前的括号内填入正确的选项。( )1. What is _ like?He is tall.A.he B.she C.it( )2. _ is your math teacher? Mr. Hu.A.What B.How C.Who( )3. I _ tall and funny.A.is B.am C.are( )4. I have three new teachers,_ science teacher, _ math teacher and _ English teacher. A.aa

24、an B.an aa C.a ana( )5. Is she quiet? _.A. Yes, she isnt. B. No, she is. C. No, she isn t.( )6. What_ is it today?Its Saturday.A.day B.do C.are ( )7. What do you do _ Saturdays?I often play ping-pong.A.on B.in C. at( )8. I like Fridays_ Saturdays. A.and B.with C.on26、Read and tick or cross.读对话,判断句子正误,打“”或打“”。Sally : Whos that young man?Amy: Hes my uncle.Hes our English teacher.Sally: Is he strict?Amy: Yes,he is. But he is very kind.Sally: Is he funny?Amyy: Yes,he is. We all like him very much.1. Amys uncle is an English te


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