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1、六年级: PEPBook8:单元复习课整合教学Past Tense一、教学目标:1。复习一般过去时的意义、动词的过去式、过去的时间和句子结构。2。通过对比,听、说、读、写的训练,发展学生用过去时描写已发生的事情的能力。二、教学重点:动词的过去式、过去时的表达。三、教学难点:一般过去时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句的运用。四、教具准备:老师的PPT 课件、学生课前的知识整理(附课前作业 )五、教学步骤:Teaching procedureTeaching designStep 1. Warm-up1. Let s chant: P41 Where did you go on your holiday?

2、.2. Free talk: Do you like the chant? Can you tell me :What do you do on your holiday? Where didyou go last Sunday?What did you do last weekend ? Did you have a good time?.Step 2. Presentation & Practice.1.T: Today we ll revise the past tense. And喜羊羊 will join us. But灰太狼出来搞破坏, let s see: What will h

3、appen? ( 播放 CAI :灰太狼出来把美羊羊等捉回家了,分别关进了5 笼子里。喜羊羊要闯五关才能打开灰太狼的5 笼子,才能把羊们救出来。)T : Can you help Pleasure Goat(喜羊羊 )?Canyouhelpme?用歌谣创设氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣,并利用Chant 里的句型为下面的过去时的复习做好铺垫。创设故事情景,在教学中渗透德育,同时吸引学生的注意力,让学生抱着勇于挑战 、积极进取、乐于助人的态度积极闯五关 ,达到复习知识、 提高能力的目的 , 同时让复习饶有趣味。喜羊羊和灰太狼的课件激发学生的学习兴趣,调动复习积极性。2 est1: 喜羊羊看到树上有许多

4、苹果,每个苹果上都有一个单词,树下有五个 basket,分别写上了以下的单词:cleaned,lived, studied,stopped ,went. 喜羊羊必第 1页需把苹果正确放入basket 中并归纳动词加ed 的方法才能顺利过关。(树上的苹果:did,visited,ate,had,liked,felt,gave,washed,flew,ran,sang,swam,wrote, tried, took, made, shopped, bought, left,played,第一关:通过帮喜羊羊的saw, danced, got, studied, came, )方式进行,复习过去式加

5、ed 的方法,和全部不规则(过渡语: Congratulation ! You helped Pleasure Goat pass test 1. Now let的s动see词变化。课件游戏的test 2.)方式既能达到复习目的,又让学生复习得有兴趣和积极参与。3. Test 2, 喜羊羊闯第二关: Circle ,在下列的单词中,圈出与过去时搭配的时间。yesterday, this weekend, last weekend, next weekend, now, on Monday, just now,on the weekend,two years ago, this Monday,

6、last Monday, usually, sometimes,every day, in 2009, tomorrow, three days ago(过渡语: Congratulate Pleasure Goat past test 2. What will happen? Letthe test 3.)4. 喜羊羊闯第三关Test 3: Fill in the blanks :第二关:通过帮喜羊羊圈出过去时间的方式进行,复习过去式的时间状语。闯关sgo方式to鼓励学生勇于挑战 ,同时更好地帮助学生理解过去时的时间。A Busy WeekendThe weather _ fine last

7、 Saturday.I _ up very early .I_sports with my father. We _ noodles for breakfast. Then I _some books and _ my homework. In the afternoon, I _my mother_ somehousework. I _ the clothes and _ the flowers. I_ dinner for my family in the evening. On Sunday, I _ hiking withmy friends. I _ a kite. John _ i

8、n the lake. Amy _ a boat. We _many pictures. I _busy but happy on the weekend.5. Are you tired now? Let s sing a chant.And then go to theTest 4.OK? 放音乐,让学生齐chant:六下册 P59 。 chant 内容是:练习设计有阶梯性,由易到难。通过填空的方式,让学生根据之前的两Part的复习,综合地运用,达到综合训练、提高能力的目的。I_helpedmymotherdosome housework.T 问 Ss 为什么这里用do?后 老 师 提 醒

9、 学 生 注 意第 2页I went on a trip.What did you do ?I went to a park.I went to the zoo.I went on a trip.What did you buy?I went on a trip.What did you see?I saw the mountains.I saw the sea.I went on a trip.Did you have fun?helped 之后帮助做的动作用原形。在学生开始感到有点累时,用一首 chant 来活跃课堂气氛。I bought a jacket.The weather was

10、great.I bought a tie.There was lots of sun.(唱完后 T :有没有发现chant 有两句描写天气非常好的句子?一齐来再唱这两句)6喜羊羊闯第四关Test 4 :T:第四关喜羊羊单人匹马不能完成,需要大家共同合作帮助他完成。Can you help him?节奏感强的 chant 更好地提高学生的学习兴趣, 同时学生在唱中更好地复习和巩固过去时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句, 还通过 chant 的内容拓展天气的描述。Test 4 :1. 同桌的学生分别阅读两篇不同的过去时的文章,并运用特殊疑问句和一般疑问句进行提问交流。(注意方法:每个学生都要读这两篇文章。

11、坐在左边的同桌读A, 就根据 B文章提问题叫同桌回答,如此类推)。2. 同桌提问交流后来个挑战赛:如你是读A 的,你可在时态复习中, 注意运用语言以根据 B 文章提一个问题,任选读B 的学生作答,看他能否过你的挑战?开展交际活动。Passage A :Yesterday was New Year s Day.The weather was very fine.I爱因斯坦曾经说过: “提出一got up at 7:30. After breakfast, I climbed mountains with my个问题往往比解决一个问题friends.We took many pictures.In

12、 the afternoon, I went to the更重要 . ” 提出新的问题,需zoo with my family. We saw elephants ,monkeys tigers,lions and要创造力,想象力和综合知the other animals. The monkeys were very funny.We liked them very识。此环节目的通过信息差,much.And I bought some presents for my family.In the evening,调动学生开口说英语的欲望,I had a big meal at a restaur

13、ant with my family. After dinner,同时复习巩固特殊疑问句和we went to a cinema to see a film. It was so fun.一般疑问句。I had a busy but happy New Year!第 3页先是同桌提问交流,后Passage B:挑战赛。目的是通过竞赛激发Hi My names Mike. I had a lot of fun during the Labour Day.On May 1st,we flew学生大胆开口说的欲望,更好to Beijing . On May 2nd, we visited the G

14、reat Wall . There is a very beautiful park,地复习和巩固句型。so we visited Beihai Park On May 3rd .We visited the Summer Palace on the 4th. Onthe 5th ,We went shopping,Tomorrow is the lastday of the holiday.Wellflyto Canadain the morning.In the afternoon,my brotherand I are going to prepareto go to school.(过

15、渡语: Congratulation! Come on!成功在望了!)7 喜羊羊闯第五关Test 5:闯城堡。T:第五关喜羊羊需要同桌共同合作帮助他完成,用上过去时的问句。( T 与一学生在电视上示范怎样玩,注意跳到哪一格就用过去时的问句问同桌,同桌回答正确之后才能抛髓子走下一步。后学生同桌玩)体现老师的示范作用。在游戏中复习和巩固特殊疑问句和一般疑问句,既达到学生运用句型的目的,又使原本枯燥的时态复习变得生动、有趣。如果说 Test 4的同桌提问交流是比较被动的,这Test 5闯城堡的活动可以说是学生积极、主动的参与,因为玩是学生的天性,学生在玩中学、玩中复习和巩固知识,知识会(过渡语: A

16、ll of you are super! You helped Pleasure Goat pass 5 test.Now lets see更牢固。the story.播放如下课件)课件: 喜羊羊成功闯过五关,进入灰太狼的城堡,救出五个同伴。他们高兴地回第 4页羊村庆祝。并进行思想教育.完满的故事结局,让学生Step 3 作文与拓展:的拼搏有所收获,并进行1.T: The goats are going to their village.They are congratulating.Lookat the思想教育:好人有好报;pictures,what are they doing ? Oh,

17、 they are going on a field trip.只要努力,成功离你不远了!T: What is 美羊羊 doing? Who are eating fruits? Is 沸羊羊 watching inseats? Is懒羊羊 sleeping? What about the Bad bad wolf? He could not eat the goats. What ishe doing now?(T 问, Ss抢答;后一齐看图用陈述句讲述图中人物正在做什么。)2 Look at the picture, it s the evening喜羊now羊. is writing a

18、 diary.The diary ismajor about the field trip. Can you help him?1) .Talk about 喜羊羊 s field trip in groups.2). Present it in class.3). Write down the passage:给出提示,并设成两个levels. Level 1: 只完成第二段。 Level 2 :完成整篇文章。提示:Today was a bad day and a good day. The weather . .very fine.But we didn用现在进行时的特殊疑问句和一般疑问

19、句提问,并用陈述句复述,拓展现在进行时,对比运用,更好地巩固两种时态的用法 。 thappy, because my friends were caught by the Bad Wolf.I tried my best to rescue ( 救 )在学生写作之前,让学生them out.第 5页In the afternoon,we .a field trip. Beautiful Goat .a kite. Lazy Goat went .on在小 里 一 喜羊羊the grass. Hot Goat caught .I went .We ate.under a big tree. We

20、 .happy in thes field trip ,和在班上展afternoon.示,更好地引 和帮助后The Bad Bad wolf can t catch us. He in the sea . Ah Ah! 生写作。( 渡 : This is喜羊羊s day. What about your holiday? Where did you go? Whatdidyou do ?Can you tell me, please? )3 Talk about your holiday in groups.( 如有 ,可在 堂完成,若没有 ,此 作 作 。)1)、 The students

21、work in groups to talk about their holiday.2)、 Present it in class.3)、 Write down the passage.Step 4小 : 小 本 所复 的知 , 黑板的板 。后思想教育: 去永不回 的, 做人要向前看! 如果想 将来有个好前途的 , 从 在 起就 努力学 、努力 斗了。六、 Homework :写作 成两个levels ,目的是 不同 次的学生能根据自己的能力完成,不打 后 学生的信心,同 好的学生吃得好、吃得 ! 出提示 , 学生看 写作,减低作文 , 后 生有 趣去完成,同 ,老 出的提示是拓展部分 外知

22、 ,包括部分 的 去式和句型。由写喜羊羊的一天, 成写自己的假期,把英 的学 与生活 系在一起, 学生学以致用,提高学 趣和写作能力。 黑板的重 点,巩固知 点;并思想教育1) Please write something about your holiday,use past tense.2) 你以小 位, 通 上网或 找 籍等方式, 完成以下的 前整理: 一般将来第 6页 的意 、用法, 的形式, 的状 ,特殊疑 句和一般疑 句的句型,和提醒同学 在一般将来 中要注意的地方。( 要注意分配好每一个 的任 )。七、 Board-writing: 板 :PastTenseAdd “ ed” t

23、o the verbs: 去 :句型:+“ed”:visitedyesterdayWhat did you do last night?+“d”: danced.last yearWhere /How/ When/ did go? y i,+ “ed”: studiedtwo days agoWho did with?双写 +“ed”: stoppedjust now special: sing sang,in 2009Did you/he 加 原形 ?(设计目的:标题设计体现故事主题,内容设计分三项:动词加ed的方法、过去时间和句型,特出重点与难点。)附 1:本 的 前作 :学生 前的知 整理一 料整理:1一般 去 的意 、 用法:_2 的形式 (加 ed 的方法 ):要 例子 _3 的状 : _4特殊疑问句:_一般疑 句的句型:_5 提醒同学 在一般 去 中要注意的地方。_第 7页二、完成


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