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1、Unit6Do You Like bananas?From( 内容来源 ):Go For It (Grade Seven)Learners(授课对象 ): The students from Class 7, Grade 7Lesson Type(课型 ):Revision目标确定的依据1. 课程标准相关要求课程标准三级要求学生能与教师或同学就熟悉的话题(如学校、家庭生活)交换信息;能利用所给提示(如图片、幻灯片、实物、文字等)简单描述一件事情。能参与简单的角色表演活动,在口语活动中使用正确的语音语调。2. 教材分析本单元的语言目标是“谈论对食物的喜好”,并以like为例,进一步复习实义动词在

2、一般现在时中的用法,是 Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?内容的延伸。Section A 1a2d 是听说课,从超市中的物品名称入手,进行有关水果、蔬菜的爱好的听说练习,主要训练学生对食品名词的听辨能力。Section A 3a3c 是语法训练课,在听说训练的基础上,总结一般现在时态的句型结构特点和名词单复数的分类,然后进行听说训练,加深语法的理解和应用。Section B 1a 1 e 是听说强化课,由一日三餐的图片入手,强化谈论食品的听说能力,深入训练学生对物品的听辨能力。Section B 2aSelf Check是阅读写作课,通过对一篇有关采访的阅读,培养

3、学生对有关日常饮食习惯的阅读能力和写作能能力。3. 学情分析 来源:学生在小学阶段已经积累了许多有关食品的词汇, 学过表达自己的好恶,本单元的话题是谈论自己对食品的好恶,能利用学生已有的知识和生活经验提高他们学习英语的兴趣,积极参与英语实践活动。学生在 Unit1 Do You Have a Soccer Ball? 中学习了助动词 do 引导的一般疑问句, 对含有 have 的一般疑问句的句型结构比较熟悉,通过进一步学习,能顺利总结出一般现在时态的句型结构特点。学生 Unit2 This Is My Sister 中已经学习了简单的名词的复数形式的变化,为区分可数名词与不可数名词,正确使用名

4、词的复数形式,总结出名词单数变复数的变化规则奠定了基础。学习目标1. 正确拼读和运用本单元的单词和词组。2. 能正确使用表示事物的可数名词、 不可数名词,和既可数又不可数的名词, 会运用名词单数变复数的规则。3. 会正确运用含有动词 like 的一般现在时态的肯定句、否定句和一般疑问句及其回答谈论对食品的好恶,使用句型 Let s 提建议。评价任务第 1页Assessment 1对本单元词汇进行正确归类。Assessment 2能正确使用表示事物的可数名词、不可数名词,和既可数又不可数的名词,会运用名词单数变复数的规则。Assessment 3会正确运用含有动词 like 的一般现在时态的肯定

5、句、否定句和一般疑问句及其回答谈论对食品的好恶,使用句型 Lets 提建议。Assessment 4与同伴以角色扮演的形式练习对话(检测发音和一般疑问句的语调 )Assessment 5完成练习。(检测是否掌握简略回答,能够正确运用have 和 do )课前预习Classify the words in Unit 6MealsFood来源 :ZXXK来源 :学* 科* 网others来源 :fruitvegetablesothersN( 名词 )CN( 可数名词 )UN( 不可数名词 )CN &UN(既可数又不可数名词)变法例词1.一般情况apple-pear-boy-名2.以 s, x, c

6、h, sh等结尾的词class-box-watch-dish-词3.以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词family-strawberry-party-变4.词尾是 f 或 fe加-es 之前先变 vknife-leaf-wife-wolf-复5.词尾字母若是 o常用三个加 -eshero-potato-tomato-数6.还有一些不规则男人女人 a 变 eman-woman-孩子加上 -renchild-鱼鹿羊人不用变fish-deer-sheep-people-第 2页Chinese-Japanese-My father likes , but he doesnt like.-he like ric

7、e?1.- Yes, he. Herice.- Does heice-cream?- No, he. He2.-you like apples?- Yes, I. I3.apples.- Do youstrawberries?- No, I. I4.Do youlike ?Yes, I do.No, I don t.I like ice-cream.strawberries.I don t likeDo you/ they like ?Yes, I/ they do.No, I/ don t.I/ they / you /we likeI/ they / you /wedon t likeDo

8、es he/ she /my father /Tom like ?Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesn tHe/she/ my father /Tom likesHe/she/ my father /Tom likesJeremy Lin, also named Lin Shuhao, is a new star in NBA. He is American Chinese. He often eats a lot, because he does so much exercise.For breakfast, he eats five eggs and a sa

9、ndwich. For lunch , he usually eats a sandwich and some salad, andfor dinner, he eats some chickenand Italian noodles. He also eats a lot of vegetables and drinks eight bottles of water every day. But he doesnhavet hamburgers, because they are nothealthy. His good eating habits help him to play bask

10、etball very well.第 3页NBA健康的for breakfast吃得好play basketball就午餐而言basketball star饮食习惯1.What does Jeremy Lin eat for breakfast?2.Does Jeremy Lin eat sandwich and Italian noodles?3.Does Lin Shuhao eat hamburgers? Why?4.Does Lin Shuhao has a good eating habit?5.Do you like this basketball star? Who is you

11、r favoriate star?Make a report.Accomplish the suvey, then write a passage about your frends and yours likes.NameBallsSportsFoodColors(have)(play/why)(like/dislike/why)(like/wh y)Imy friend写作时请注意:1.and 和 but 在句子中的用法与位置;2.主语是第三人称单数时谓语动词的用法。3.大小写要求规范,字体要求工整。Dear classmates:Good morning.I am. I have,and

12、.ismyfavoriatesport,becauseits.Iliketoeat.ButIdontlikeeating.I like many colors. I like.is my friend.Peer-assessment(同伴互评 )总分HandwrittingSpellingGrammarLogicContentspunctuation20 分(书写 )(拼写 )(语法 )(条理 )(内容 )(标点)教学过程Step Lead-inTask 1Describe the picture using the sentences I have ” ,“ He has, “”She ha

13、s ”Step PresentationTask 2Parctice the conversation with your partner. What s this in English? It s a _. Spell it, please. _.Task 3Looking at the picture, T ask S s“ Do you have,”Ss answer“ Yes, I do” / “ No, I don t ”第 4页Step Listening and SpeakingTask 4One minit ue to finish 1a, then listen and ci

14、rcle the words you hear.Task 5 Practice the conversation with your partner. Then ask and answer questions about the things in the picture above. Do you have a? Yes, I do./No, I dontTask 6Listen and number the things 1-4. Check how do you number the picture.Task 7Listen again. Match the pictures in 2

15、a with the ballsTask 8Ask and answer about the people in 2a Does have a? Yes,/No,Step Role-play the conversationTask 9 Read the dialogue in 2d. Then match the things with the right p laces. Task 10 Listen to the tape and read the conversation like the tape, then role-play it. Task 11 Circle the word

16、 “ lateand”“let”.T explain the two words. 1. late 到“” 是个形容 ,常用 be late 的 构 姆 是 到。 Tom is always late.2.let s是let us 的 写形式,以 let 开 的祈使句,表示向 人提建 ,意思是“ 做吧 ”。let sb. do sth., 其中 sb.可由名 或代 格来充当,其后的 用 原形。 我 一 Let me try. 他猜一猜Let him guess.Step Summary and FeedbackTask 11 Summarise what you have learnt in

17、this class. Do you have a? Yes, I do./No, I dont Does he/she have a_? Yes, /No, Task 12 Do the following exercise.1. Do you have a map? (作肯定回答 )2. Do you have an English dictionary? ( 作否定回答 )3. Does Linda have an eraser? (作肯定回答 )4. Does he have a volleyball? ( 作否定回答 )5. I have a nice ping-pong bat.

18、( 用 she 来代替 I)_ _ a nice ping pong bat.1. 你有一只棒球拍 ?_ you _ a baseball _?2. 埃里克有一个网球 ?_ Eric _ a_ ball?3. 戴 有一个足球和一个排球。Dale _ a _ ball and a _.第 5页4. 我有一个篮球和一只乒乓球拍。I _a _ and a ping pong _.Step Homework1. Preview Grammar Focus, Work on3a,3b 。2. Make up a dialogue to ask your friend Paul if he has a basketball, a soccer ball


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