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1、Today, the main task of the Conference is: fully implement XX XX years working conference, summary of XX years work, analysis of the existing problems and the situation, deploy XX years. The following report to the General Assembly on behalf of my company to do the work, please consider. Report cons

2、ists of three parts. Review the first part of XX years XX XX years production and management company working full shift the center of gravity and further consolidate and deepen the basis of cost control, control, improve the quality of management a critical year. A years to, in XX power annual works

3、hop spirit, and six a breakthrough and cost leading strategy of guidelines Xia, we tightly around full construction five type Enterprise this a Center, pay close attention to the safety, internal control cost, outside extension market, through all employees of common efforts, success achieved II per

4、iod engineering full completed, successfully completed the production business task, the work made has welcome of results and great of progress, company achieved has and good and fast across type development. A, and production business made fruitful results, promoted company career health developmen

5、t 1, and security situation good by control: face full into production Hou huge of safety pressure, through further implementation security responsibility, and strengthened daily management, and security management level get improve, in one fell swoop reverse has early continuous occurred non-stoppe

6、d of passive situation, annual safety situation good by control, not occurred personal, and fire, and major mechanical equipment, and traffic, and career health and pollution accident. General equipment accidents unit 1, 3 times the value of the annual appraisal, non stop 4 times, 8 times the value

7、of the annual appraisal, 1, comparing 07 are 3 times, corporate security control level has made considerable progress. 2, and run maintenance quality steadily improve: run management aspects, through further strengthened personnel skills training, analysis management in the of key link, developed an

8、d perfect work standard and implementation program, makes run management more specification ordered, management quality sharply upgrade, annual 33 times unit Kai stopped no errors, SSR-DS project debugging and four machine maintenance during, large operation and test not appeared any exception, crea

9、ted has 2nd, unit 453 days is nothing more than stopped run, 3rd, unit 350 days is nothing more than stopped run, more items security records; Unit maintenance aspects, after carefully planning, strictly construction, successfully completed has 5.276.10 line full stopped four machine maintenance, an

10、d #1 unit first a, level maintenance, annual the maintenance task, while, all maintenance security, and quality, and progress, and costs full by control, unit ignition, and grid once success, and repair Hou is nothing more than stopped accident, company plans maintenance management level get full up

11、grade, from essentially guarantee has equipment run of health stable. 3, the assets profitability increased significantly: in 2012 the新员工入职培训内容及指导标准为加强新入职员工的管理,使其尽快熟悉公司的各项规章制度、工作流程和工作职责 ,熟练掌握和使用本职工作的设备和办公设施,达到各岗位工作标准,满足公司对人才的要求。人力资源部根据公司的实际情况编制了新员工入职培训内容及指导标准。一、 到职前准备序号内容负责部门/人备注1通知新员工报到相关事宜,致欢迎词。人资

12、部招聘专员2让本部门其他员工知道新员工的到来。用人部门经理3准备好新员工办公场所、办公用品。用人部门经理4准备好给新员工培训的部门内训资料。用人部门经理5为新员工指定一位资深员工作为新员工的导师。用人部门经理6准备好布置给新员工的工作任务。用人部门经理二、报到培训 报到后,由人力资源部负责安排协调相关培训,具体安排如下:序号内容负责部门/人备注1到人力资源部报到,安排食宿、签订合同人资部助理2进行企业文化、人事制度培训人资部培训专员3进行安全培训安全办4到部门报到,经理代表全体部门员工欢迎新员工到来用人部门经理三、部门培训报到后,由用人部门经理安排相关培训,具体安排如下:序号时间内容备注1第一

13、天介绍新员工认识本部门员工,参观工作场所。2部门结构与功能介绍、部门内的特殊规定3新员工工作描述、职责要求4为新员工安排一位资深员工作为新员工的导师。5一周后1、 部门经理与新员工进行非正式谈话,重申工作职责,谈论工作中出现的问题,回答新员工的提问。2、 对新员工一周的表现作出评估,并确定一些短期的绩效目标。3、 设定下次绩效考核的时间。6一个月部门经理与新员工面谈,讨论试用期一个月来的表现。7三个月用人部门经理与人力资源部经理一起讨论新员工表现,是否合适现在岗位,填写试用期考核表,并与新员工就试用期考核表现谈话,告之新员工公司绩效考核要求与体系。四、公司整体培训:(人力资源部负责-不定期)1



16、认识,这个窘困就被消除了。友善地将公司环境介绍给新同事,使他消除对环境的陌生感,可协助其更快地进入状态。5、使新进人员对工作满意最好能在刚开始时就使新进人员对工作表示称心。这并不是说, 故意使新进人员对新工作过分主观,但无论如何要使他对新工作有良好的印象。回忆一些当你自己是新进人员时的经验,回忆你自己最初的印象,记忆那时你是如何的感觉,然后推已及人,以你的感觉为经验,在新进人员参加你单位工作时去鼓励和帮助他们。 6、与新进人员做朋友以诚挚及协助的方式对待新员工,可使其克服许多工作之初的不适应与困难,如此可降低因不适应环境而造成的离职率。7、详细说明公司规章制度新进人员常常因对公司的政策与法规不

17、明了,而造成一些不必要的烦恼及错误,所以明白说明与他有关的公司各种政策及规章。然后,他将知道公司对他的期望是什么,以及他可以对公司贡献些什么。8、以下政策需仔细说明1)给薪方法; 2)升迁政策; 3)安全法规;4)员工福利; 5)人事制度; 6)员工的行为准则。上述政策务必于开始时,即利用机会向新员工加以解释。9、如何解释公司政策对新进人员解释有关公司政策及规章时,必须使他认为对他们是公平的一种态度。假如领导人员对新进人员解释规章,使他们认为规章的存在处处在威胁他们时,那他对他的新工作必不会有好的印象。所有公司的政策及规章都有其制定的理由,主管人员应将这些理由清楚地告诉他们。假如把公司的政策及


19、原则与步骤;(3)仔细介绍安全常识;(4)经过测试,检查人员对“安全”的了解程度。2)有效的安全培训可达到以下目标:(1)新进人员感到他的福利方面,已有肯定的保证;(2)建立善意与合作的基础;(3)可防止在工作上的浪费,以免造成意外事件;(4)人员可免于时间损失,而增加其工作能力;(5)对建立公司信誉极有帮助。11、解释给薪计划 新进人员极欲知道下列问题;(1)何时发放薪金; (2)上、下班时间。五、相关表格1、新员工到岗培训记录表(附表1)2、新员工入职培训反馈表(附表2)3、试用期考核表(附表3)4、转正申请表(附表4)XXXXXXX公司新员工到岗培训记录表部门: 姓名: 职务(工种):

20、入职日期:培训/跟进事宜确定签字/经办人一、欢迎新员工到来、介绍新员工认识本部门员工,安排指定工作指导人,参观工作场所说明:二、部门结构与功能介绍,部门内的特殊规定说明:三、工作描述、职责要求,安排工作任务说明四、介绍相关工作联系部门、联系人说明一周内,部门经理与新员工进行非正式谈话,重申工作职责,谈论工作中出现的问题,回答新员工的问题。对新员工一周的表现作出评估。谈话记录: 对新员工表现评估: 部门经理: 时间:注:以上记录表须新员工到岗一个星期后填写完毕交到人力资源部,以备存档。XXXXXXXX公司新员工入职培训反馈表部门: 姓名: 职务(工种): 入职日期:1、你是否已了解部门的组织架构

21、及部门功能?是 否2、你是否已清晰了解自己的工作职责及岗位描述?是 否3、 你是否已熟悉公司大楼的情况及工作场所?是 否4、你是否已认识部门里所有的同事?是 否5、你是否觉得部门岗位培训有效果?是 否6、你今后在工作中遇到问题,是否知道如何寻求帮助?是 否7、你是否已接受了足够的部门岗位培训,并保证可以很好地完成任务?是 否8、你是否了解公司的安全管理制度?是 否9、 您认为在岗位培训中,有何改进的地方?10、 在今后的工作中,希望接受哪些方面的培训?注:此表由新员工到职一周后填写,交人力资源部。XXXXXX有限公司试用期员工考核表填表日期: QS/GDHX36210-A部门姓名岗位年龄学历专

22、业试用期工资入 职 日 期试用期满日期毕业年份及学校部门评定评定项及说明评定结果工作质量重视工作流程、工作质量,做出来的成果能达到品质要求良好 足够 应加强 应特别加强工作效率无需督促即能熟练且迅速地完成预定工作量良好 足够 应加强 应特别加强纪律能严格遵守制度及服从主管指挥良好 足够 应加强 应特别加强团队合作能与其它同事合作且注重彼此想法,建立并维持良好关系良好 足够 应加强 应特别加强出勤状况能按公司规定出勤良好 足够 应加强 应特别加强主管意见按期转正 提前转正 延期至 终止试用 其他 签名及日期:经理意见签名及日期:按期转正提前转正延期至终止试用其他 转正后工资:转正后岗位:人力资源

23、部经理意见 签名及日期:按期转正提前转正延期至终止试用其他 转正生效日期:转正后工资:转正后岗位:转正后补贴:副总经理意见签名及日期:总经理意见签名及日期:XXXXXXX有限公司员工转正申请表填表日期: QS/GDHX36212-A姓名部门职位入职日期试用期满日期申请人自评说明:请根据以下标题内容填写。1、考勤情况: 2、工作纪律性情况: 3、工作态度表现情况: 4、完成交办任务的质量与数量:5、工作效率: 6、服从领导调配情况: 7、团队精神: 8、自身优点与缺点:9、总评问题(回答可附页)1、请你谈谈对本岗位的认识,以及至今为止你在本岗位做了些什么工作,自己觉得在本部门中做得怎样? 2、对

24、此岗位你以后有何想法,打算如何开展工作?对现状部门及公司有何期望?company safety and stability control, management effectiveness, total capacity of 11.37 billion kWh for the year, 104% of the completion of the annual budget, an increase of 111%, when the total electricity 10.4 billion-kilowatt, 104% of the completion of the annual

25、budget, an increase of 112%, complete the exported 3.3217 million tons of coal, completion of the annual budget of 103%, an increase of 163%, with a profit of RMB 908 million, Yet to receive 140 million electricity replenishment and forced spending 40 million cases of the coal Regulation Fund, the c

26、ompany successfully completed the budget value of profit, compared to 07, with all four units of operation, further expansion of coal capacity, company assets profitability has been increased significantly. 4, electricity sales plan exceeded: market-oriented, active marketing efforts, and related un

27、its such as State grid Corporation has established good cooperative relations, external market conditions improved significantly. Purchasing and selling contracts in good condition for the year and seize the Hebei region peak net energy gap of opportunity, making full use of network advantages of di

28、rectly modulated and Hang Hau station, active power increased and achieved great progress. Total sales for the year of 10.384 billion, when compared with the original purchase and sale contracts increased by 400 million-kilowatt, sales revenue 100% to adjust the budget increase, cumulative hours 5,2

29、25 hours, above the South Hebei power network average 430 . Culture-building activities, and comprehensively promote the construction pace of creating a culture of XX characteristics, in order to build harmonious XX, enhance the companys cultural soft power has laid a solid foundation. Five, achieve

30、d new breakthroughs in the early, our new development opportunities in 2012, with the first and second phase projects completed and put into use, coal, electricity and one of the advantages of the company show, advanced management concept and good economic and social benefits of the Mountain Community energy be the highlight of Northern Shaanxi ener


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