



1、南 昌 理 工 学 院nanchanginstituteoftechnology教 师 备 课 本系部: 专业: 课程: 大学实用英语(视听说)3 班级: 教师:魏俊 2010 至2011学年度第1 学 期南昌理工学院教务处unit 1 stating that you are out of moneyi. objectives:students are required to be able to1. identify the topic of this unit;2. describe that you are out of money3. make and accept suggesti

2、onsii. importance and difficulties:1. the words and phrases to describe that you are out of money2. language and culture points.iii. teaching methods:1. multi-media2. discussioniv. teaching-steps:1. lead-inask the students to work in pairs, then discuss the following questions and then share your an

3、swers with the whole class.(1)what do you say when you are out of money? (2)what do you do when you are out of money?(3) can you guess whose pockets are empty in the picture?2. basic listening practicelisten to the short dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear.3. listening intas

4、k1: soft answers turn away wrath.listen to the dialog and choose the best answer to each question you hear. listen to the dialog again and answer the questions.task 2:watching and observing: listen to the passage three times. when the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea.

5、when the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. when the passage is read for the third time, check what you have written.task 3: a view of the videolisten to the passage a

6、nd choose the best answer to each question you hear. listen to the passage again and answer the question.4. speaking outdescribing that you are out of money.(1) money is the root of all evil.(2) whether you are rich or poor,its nice to have money.v. language points:1. special: n. 特价品2. water: v. 流口水

7、3. im dead broke. 我一个子也没有4. to tell the truth 老实说。5. cut coners: 节省时间6. bulletin board 布告牌7. student loan: 学生贷款8. apply for申请9. make it 成功10. know the rope 懂得诀窍11 paycheck 支票 薪金12. looking forward to 期待13. get laid off 被解雇14. for the time being 暂时15. awful 糟糕的16 in the red 赤字17. get by 对付过去18. emerg

8、ency 紧急情况19.i guess 我认为20 lay off 失 业21 crush 压垮22 land on ones feet 突然险27. useful expressionsvi homeworkfurther listening.unit 2 making the best of a bad situationi. objectives:students are required to be able to1. identify the topic of this unit;2. learn some useful expressions about making the be

9、st of hard times3. express that how to help a person keep his chin upii. importance and difficulties:1. the words and phrases to express encouragement2. language and culture points.iii. teaching methods:1. multi-media2. discussioniv. teaching-steps:1. lead-inask the students to work in pairs, then d

10、iscuss the following questions and then share your answers with the whole class.(1) is it normal these days that life is full of frustration?(2) what kind of things frustrate you in daily life?(3) do you know what to say in english when you know someone is in a bad situation and feeling frustrations

11、?2. basic listening practicelisten to the short dialogs and choose the best answer to each question you hear.3. listening in task1: dictationlisten to the sentences and fill the best answer to each question you hear. listen to the sentences again and answer the questions.task 2: listen to the passag

12、e three times. when the passage is read for the first time, listen for the general idea. when the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blank with the exact words you hear. write down either the exact words you hear or the main points in your own words. when the passage is read for the th

13、ird time, check what you have written.task 3:tntensive listeninglisten to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear. listen to the passage again and answer the question.4. speaking outexpressing how to make the best of hard times.v. language points:1. atm 自动取款机2. happen to 恰好3

14、. balance 余额4. up to 忙于5. moonlight 兼职6 how come 怎么会 7 hands on 亲身实践8 frustrating 令人沮丧的9 candidate 候选人10 fierce 激烈的11 take it in stride 泰然处之12 failure 失败13 come through 成功14 persist 坚持15. prospect 前途 前景16. have what it takes 具备必要条件17 make a sale做生意18 get cold feet 感到害怕19 make good 成功20 exaggerate 夸张

15、21 strike out 失败22 figure out 断定23 stand a chance 又希望24 break into 成功打入25 i have a lot going for me 我有很多有利条件26 get ahead 获得成功27. useful expressions(1) there is no point in crazing over spilled milk(2) that is the way the cookie crumbles(3) when life hands you lemons, make lemonade(4) when god closes

16、 a door, he opens a window.vi homeworkfurther listening“”“”at the end, xiao bian gives you a passage. minand once said, people who learn to learn are very happy people. in every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. as a professional clerical and teaching position, i understand the importance of continuous learning, life is diligent, nothing can be gained, only continuous learning can achieve better self. only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can emplo


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