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1、津南区20112012学年度九年级英语学业水平考试模拟卷(一) 本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷第1页至第7页,第卷第7页至第10页。试卷满分120分。考试时间100分钟。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 祝各位考生考试顺利!第卷(选择题共70分)注意事项:1、答第卷前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号,用黑色墨水的钢笔(签字笔)或圆珠笔填在“答题卡”上;用2B铅笔将考试科目对应的信息点涂黑。2、答案答在试卷上无效。每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目的答案标号的信息点涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号的信息点。一、听力理解(每小题1分,

2、共30分)A. 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。1. A B C2. A B C3. 7+5=12 A75=35 B75=2 C4. A B CB. 在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到供选择的A、B、C三个答语。找出能回答你所听到的那个问句的最佳选项。 5. A. Its a dog.B. Its delicious.C. Its an animal.6. A. Because it was sunny.B. Because it was cloudy.C. Because it was foggy.7. A. It

3、s in Canada.B. Its in Australia.C. Its to the east of Tokyo.8. A. Thank you.B. OK. Here you are.C. Id love to.9. A. Twice. B. Once a year.C. Three years.10. A. Last evening.B. In half an hour.C. At five yesterday.11. A. In a week.B. For a week.C. Since last week.12. A. No problem.B. No, you cant.C.

4、No, you neednt.13. A. Yes, I like listening to music.B. Sorry, Ive never been there.C. No, never.14. A. June.B. July.C. May.C下面你将听到十组对话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。15. What will the woman probably do?A. Look for another seat.B. Keep standing.C. Sit down.16. Will the man buy a ca

5、r?A. Yes, hes planning to buy it.B. Yes, hell buy it on his holiday.C. No, he spent all his money on a vacation.17. Why is the woman moving to a new house?A. She finds a new job.B. The new house is cheaper.C. She needs a quiet place.18. What can we know from the dialogue?A. The woman bought all her

6、clothes in Pairs.B. The woman can make clothes by herself. C. The woman bought one dress in Pairs.19. Who answered the phone?A. Mrs. Green.B. Dr. Smith.C. Mrs. Bush.20. What does the woman suggest?A. The boy should visit his parents.B. The boy should go to see the doctor.C. The boy should write lett

7、ers home more often.21. Why is the girl so unhappy?A. She will have an exam.B. She didnt pass the exam.C. Her friend didnt pass the exam.22. Where will the woman first go after work?A. The cinema.B. The market.C. The restaurant.23. Where does the conversation mostly probably take place?A. At a cloth

8、ing store.B. At a bookshop.C. At a supermarket.24. Where is the mans sister now?A. At home.B. At her office.C. In the hospital.D听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三选项中选出最佳选项。 听下面一段材料,回答第25至第27题。25. Why doesnt the man buy the tickets this evening?A. Because there are no tickets left.B. Because it i

9、s too late to set off.C. Because the weather is too bad.26. Which train will the man take?A. The 8:20 train.B. The 9:15 train.C. The 12:30 train.27. How much does the man play for the tickets in all?A. 70 dollars.B. 60 dollars.C. 50 dollars.听下面一段材料,回答第28至第30题。28.Where does this monologue(独白) probabl

10、y happen?A. At a bus stop.B. In a car.C. In classroom. 29. Who saved the drivers life?A. His best friend.B. The old lady.C. The young woman.30. How many people are there in the story?A. 3. B. 4.C. 5.二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)31. My sister has two skirts. One is yellow,_ is black.A. other B. another C. other

11、s D. the other32. Who is your favourite _?Yao Ming is.A. workerB. teacherC. dancerD. player33. Have you seen the CCTV news on TV?Yes, _ children had a good festival on the _Childrens Day.A. millions of; sixtyB. ten million; sixtyC. millions of; sixtiethD. ten millions; sixtieth34. How are you going

12、to the Summer Palace?Were going there _ bike.A. forB. atC. ofD. by35. The football team played well, but they didnt _the competition. A. score B. do C. succeed D. win36. When _ Jack _to New York? Yesterday.A. does; get B. did; get C. has; got D. had; got37. Tina, Mother says we can have a pet! How a

13、bout a dog?I prefer a cat. It is _ to take care of.A. easyB. easierC. easiestD. the easiest38. Hi, Tony. The milkshake(奶昔) _ good!Im glad you like it.A. sounds B. fallsC. goesD. tastes39. They didnt go to the party _ the rain.A. becauseB. because ofC .asD. because with 40. Would you please _ the TV

14、a little? Jack is doing his homework.Terribly sorry. I will.A. turn downB. turn upC. turn onD. turn off41. Would you please tell me _ next?Think it over. Youll find a good way.A. when to doB. how to doC. what to doD. where to do42. Dont worry. You _ plenty of time to decide.A. will giveB. have given

15、C. will be givenD. are giving43. The panda is a kind of animal _ can be found only in China.A. who B. whose C. which D. where 44. Can you tell me _ ?By doing more speaking.A. how I can improve my EnglishB. which way can I chooseC. how do I deal with my EnglishD. whats wrong with my English 45. Its r

16、aining, Daisy. Please _ an umbrella with you.Thanks, Ill return it to you when I _ next week.A. take; comeB. take; will comeC. bring; comeD. bring; will come三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。6th MayDear Dad,Im writing this letter to you because its too difficult to t

17、alk 46 it. I cant stop thinking about my uncle and how he died. In fact, I seriously want to ask you to stop 47 . Ive looked up a lot of information about smoking and Ive found out some disturbing(令人不安的) things.You already know that smoking is bad for your 48 and can cause cancer. Ive found out that

18、 it causes many other illnesses as well. Did you know that over 100,000 people die from smoking every year in Britain? Its the second 49 cause of death in the world. I dont want you to be one of those people.When Mum asks you to smoke outside you think shes just being difficult. Well, its true that

19、she doesnt like the 50 of smoke in the house and on our clothes. Its not very pleasant. However, when you smoke, its also bad for me and Mum. In other 51 , when we breathe in your smoke, its like were smoking ourselves. As a result, we can get diseases as well. Doctors are finding that 52 no-smokers

20、 are falling ill because of the effects of other peoples smoking.I know that it is very difficult to stop smoking 53 you mustnt give in to it. Please see the doctor and ask him for help. We will do 54 we can to help you. You must try to save your own life. You are important to us and we dont want to

21、 lose you. 55 else can I ask to help me with my maths homework or fix my bike? Please dont smoke!Your loving daughter, Kate46. A. to B. with C. about D. for47. A. smoke B. smoking C. smokes D. smoked48. A. eatingB. breathing C. drinking D. sleeping49. A. big B. bigger C. the biggestD. biggest 50. A.

22、 smell B. sound C. taste D. feel51. A. ways B. places C. words D. sides52. A. less and lessB. more and more C. fewer and fewer D. bigger and bigger53. A. becauseB. so C. what D. but54. A. somethingB. anything C. nothing D. everything55. A. WhatB. Where C. Who D. Why 四阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面的短文

23、,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AOn our first evening, the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours. We soon fell asleep.In the middle of the night, there was a strange noise outside. But when I looked out of the tent, there was nothing to see.In the morning, I got up to make breakfas

24、t. The bag of food was open.“Bears,” said Joe. “We should hang the food in a tree tonight.”Later that day we stopped in a beautiful valley by a stream. It was very peaceful, and we fell asleep listening to the sound of water.During the night the bears came back. This time they took the food from the

25、 tree.“How did they do that?” I asked.“Not high enough. Bears can climb trees. They can smell food from a distance. We should pick up the rubbish, too.”The first rule of camping is to keep a clean camp site. You cant leave anything which bears might think is food.“OK, lets tidy the site up, and move

26、 on. Oh, and we should make lots of noise, too. If they know where we are, they may not come any closer,” said Joe.“If you see a bear,” said Joe, “you mustnt move or make any gesture. And above all, you mustnt run. No one can run faster in the forest than a bear.”We went to sleepor we tried to.The n

27、ext day we stopped at midday for something to eat, and while the others were resting, I went for a walk in the forest.Suddenly, I saw a baby bear playing with some sticks and stones. He looked so friendly, and I remember thinking, “If I reach out, I can just touch him.”There was a loud noise behind

28、me.I stood very still. I didnt even turn my head. There was another loud noise, and I still couldnt see what was happening. The baby bear looked up, and ran past me into the woods.I stayed in the same position for five minutes, maybe more. Then slowly I turned round, and on the hillside about 300 me

29、tres away I saw the baby bear and her huge mother. I have never run so fast, back to my friends.For the next 10 days, every time there was a sudden noise, my blood went cold.56. When they went to sleep on the first night, they left the food _.A. in a treeB. on the groundC. in the tentD. by a stream5

30、7. They put the food in the tree to .A. keep it away from the rubbishB. make it easier to open the bagC. stop the bears from smelling itD. stop the bears from seeing it58. You should make lots of noise because bears _.A. can run faster than peopleB. may be afraid of peopleC. may not know where peopl

31、e areD. shouldnt come too close to humans59. The writer tried to go to sleep, but _.A. was worried about the bearsB. wasnt tiredC. wanted to see the bearsD. there was too much noise60. The writers blood went cold because he _.A. thought the mother bear was coming backB. was afraid of noiseC. liked b

32、earsD. felt ill after running so fastBOne day a big stone fell from a hill. The stone stopped in the middle of the road in the village.Some of the strongest men in the village tried to carry the stone away, but no one could move it. They tried to pull it with a rope, but still it did not work.“Well,

33、” they said, “we can not do anything about it. Well have to build another road.”Then a boy, about twelve years old, came up and said, “Excuse me, sir. I think I can help you move the big stone away.”“You?” they shouted. “What are you thinking about? All of us have just tried, and even together we ca

34、nt move it at all. How can you?” the men laughed at the boy.The next morning some of the men came to the road. One of them shouted, “The big stone is gone! Its gone!” More people ran there to see for themselves. It was true.The stone was no longer in the road. It wasnt near the road, either. No one

35、could see it anywhere. “How can that be?” they asked. “Where has it gone!”The boy came out and smiled. “I told you I could move it. I did it last night. You see,” he said, “I dug a deep hole next to the big stone and the stone slowly rolled into the hole by itself. Then I covered it with the earth.

36、Do you remember what the stone looked like? It looked like a big ball!”61.The big stone was in the road for_.A. only one dayB. only two daysC. three daysD. four days62. The stone was _.A. very bigB. a round one C. a ballD. big and round63. At first the villagers _.A. tried to build another roadB. tr

37、ied to move the stone awayC. asked a twelve-year-old boy to helpD. didnt know where the stone was64.Which of the sentences below is not right?A. Sometimes boys are cleverer than the strong men.B. Some of the people in the village laughed at the boy because they didnt think that the boy could move th

38、e stone away.C. Good ideas are more important than strong bodies.D. The stone in this passage was not a stone but a ball, a very big ball.65. Which do you think is the best title for this passage?A. A Twelve-Year-Old BoyB. A Big Ball-like Stone In The RoadC. How Strong The Boy Is!D. What A Clever Bo

39、y!CThe snow went on falling, and they could see only a few meters in front of them. “We should go back,” said Judy. She was afraid. “But where is the path?”Everything was covered with snow. The sky was grey. “Whats the time?” asked Paul. Judy looked at her watch. “Nearly 5 oclock. It gets dark in an

40、 hour.”“We must start walking, and hope we find the path. I think the snows stopping,” said Paul. But it wasnt stopping. The wind was strong. It blew around then cold and wet. “Just keep going downhill,” said Judy. “We cant go wrong.”Then Paul fell on some rocks. He shouted. “Judy! Ive hurt my leg!”

41、 He couldnt stand up. His leg hurt too much. “Ill have to phone for help,” said Judy. “I hope the mobile phone works up here!”Luckily it did. They phoned the mountain service (服务站). “Dont move!” shouted the man on the phone. “Stay where you are, were sending a team there.”They were not far from the

42、path, so the team found them easily. They were lucky! People often get into trouble when they climb the mountains. You must always tell someone where you are going and take a mobile phone with you. Mountain is a dangerous place to be if things go wrong!66. What was the weather like?A. Sunny and warm

43、.B. Snowy and windy. C. Rainy and windy.D. Windy but warm. 67. What were Judy and Paul doing?A. Falling.B. Stopping.C. Climbing.D. Phoning. 68. Who fell down and got hurt?A. Paul.B. Judy.C. The man in the service.D. A team. 69. Where was the path?A. By a river.B. Downhill.C. At the foot of the hill.

44、D. Near the climbers. 70. Which is the most useful when you are in mountains?A. Stopping now and then.B. Getting in touch with the outside world. C. Using a walking stick.D. Going back when there is no path. 第卷(非选择题共50分)五、完成句子(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。66.They wanted to _ _and help thos

45、e who needed them. 他们想伸出援手帮助那需要帮助的人。67. Come into my office. I want to have _ _ with you. 请到我办公室来,我想要与你说句话。68. _ _ Li Ping always helps his classmates. 事实上,李平一直帮助他的同学们。69.We _ _ too much rubbish. 我们扔掉了太多垃圾。70.We can _ _rice today. 如今我们可以以大米为食。六、补全对话(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据下面对话中的情景,填入适当的语句,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A

46、: Hello, Wang Lin. How beautiful your new bike it!B: 71 .A: Where is it made?B: It is made in Shanghai.A: I also want to buy one. 72 ?B: In Minsheng Department Store. And there are many different colours. 73 ?A: I like green best. 74 ?B: About 150 yuan.A: Mm The price is OK. Well, would you like to

47、go to the shop with me next Sunday?B: 75 .七、英汉互译(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)76. rewrite_77. brave_78. transport_79.guard_80.mission _81. 观众_ 82. 经历_ 83. 安排_ 84. 夫妻_ 85. 毒品_八、综合填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。Round eyes, round head, round ears, round body! What is this a 86 ? He looks lik

48、e a little bear. But he is not a bear. Hes a k 87 . Soft grey fur covers his little fat body. His eyes look like buttons. He h 88 small feet and big ears. And his nose shines like your new black shoes.W 89 do koalas live? Australia is their home. The people of Australia take c 90 of the koalas. They

49、 b 91 places for them to live in. here the little animals are safe. N 92 one can kill them for their beautiful fur. There are many koalas in Australia. The people of Australia love them.When a koala is born, he has no fur. And he is no bigger t 93 your toe. The mother koala has a pocket in the front

50、 of her body. The b 94 koala stays in this warm pocket. There he stays for six months.When the little koala leaves the pocket, he has lots of fur. And he is about as b 95 as your shoe. He climbs to his mothers back. And the mother teaches him to find food.86. _ 87. _ 88. _89. _90. _91. _ 92. _ 93. _94. _95. _九、


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